1. Beginners Guide / Help

Analysis of data consists of several steps that can be done with Jscatter :

  • Reading of measured data

  • Define a model

  • Fit your model (test if it describes data)

  • Save results !!!

These are described in the following.

Some places to start with Python/Numpy/SciPy :

  • Basic data types, Containers (Lists, Dictionaries, Sets, Tuples), Functions, Classes

  • Numpy, Arrays, indexing, Datatypes, Array math, Broadcasting

How to use, get help and command expansion

Jscatter works in a terminal/shell (open it) as basis without a graphical user interface (GUI).

For convenience we use Ipython (colors highlighting, history, …), start it typing “ipython” in a terminal.

Optionally Jscatter can also be run in an environment like Jupyter-lab (see Jupyter Notebook). Give it a try using a live demo in a Jupyter Notebook at Binder to test Jscatter.

In a shell some simple things help the user.

  • The Python docstring of a function can be retrieved by help(command)

  • The ‘TAB’ can be used to expand a command or get the list of possible methods/attributes

  • Just typing the name of an object returns a short representation e.g. the content of a dataarray.

  • js.showDoc() opens the documentation in a web browser.

import jscatter as js
i5 = js.dL(js.examples.datapath + '/iqt_1hho.dat')

# try with some data from below

# command completion by *TAB*
i5.a    # write this and press 2x *TAB* to get *append, aslist, attr*

# show string representation


1.1. What are dataArray/dataList

dataArray is a container for matrix like data like a spreadsheet. Additional to the entries in the spreadsheet we have attributes describing metadata like the temperature of the measurement related to the spreadsheet data accessible as data.temperature.

Additional columns like X,Y, error Y can be accessed like data.X or data.Y . This tells plot and fit commands which data to use. See dataArray how to change used columns.

dataList is a container for a list of dataArrays with variable size e.g. for repeated measurements as e.g a temperature scan or a set of measurements for simultaneous fitting.

In most cases these data are read from a file, as it was stored from a measurement/instrument.

See dataArray and dataList how to create and use both. In short:

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

x=np.r_[0.1:10:0.5]                                    # creates a 1dim numpy array
array = np.c_[x, x**2, 0.5*np.random.randn(len(x))].T  # creates an array with columns as first index
data = js.dA(array)                                    # creates dataArray from above array
data.temperature = 273.15                              # adds attribut temperature
data.Y = np.log(data.Y) / data.X * data.temperature    # manipulate content

data1 = js.dL()                                        # empty dataList
for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:                                  # add several dataArrays
   # internal a dataArray is created as above and appended to dataList
   data1.append(np.c_[x, x**2+i, 1.234*np.sin(i*3.141*x)].T)

dataArray/dataList have additional methods to treat the contained data. This might be simple mathematical operations like add a value to a column or summing, averaging, adding another array of data as inherited from numpy arrays or methods for fitting and interpolation.

1.2. First basic examples

This shows the basic reading and fitting of some data as a starting point.

Details of all commands are explained later or in respective chapters.

Open a Ipython shell or Jupyter notebook and paste line by line (or block if indented). A code block has a symbol for copy in the upper right corner to copy. In Ipython use the magic word paste to paste the previous copied block.

1.2.1. A parabolic fit

A simple example without additional stuff as a skeleton. Additional possibilities are shown later.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# load data into a dataArray

# Look at some attributes that were stored in the read data
data.attr            # shows a list of attributes as below
data.temperature     # contains the temperature found in the file
data.comment         # contains a comment

# define model like a mathematical function y = f(q,a,b,c)
# test this using e.g parabola(data.X,1,2,3)
def parabola(q,a,b,c):
   # q values as numpy array (a list of values), the model returns an array (the y values)
   y = (q-a)**2+b*q+c
   return y

# fit the data defining free parameters, fixed parameters and map model names to data names.
# (map data 'X' values (array) to model 'q' parameter.)
data.fit( model=parabola ,freepar={'a':2,'b':4}, fixpar={'c':-20}, mapNames={'q':'X'})

# map additionally the 'temperature' in the data for parameter 'c'.
# using parameter 'temperature' instead of 'c' in the model will do an automatic mapping.
data.fit( model=parabola ,freepar={'a':2,'b':4}, fixpar={}, mapNames={'q':'X','c':'temperature'})

# make nice plot with data and fit
p.plot(data.lastfit,line=1,symbol=0)       # add result in lastfit
p.title('Noisy parabola')

# save errplot with residuals and parameters
Basic Example Basic Example

1.2.2. A bit more complex data

Here we introduce more possibilities and concepts how to treat the data and introduce models.

  • Use a model from the libraries or change it to your needs.

  • Fit with a condition

  • Simulate fit result with changed parameters.

  • Use a vectorized quadrature to include the distribution of a parameter.

  • Access the fit result

The used data relate to small angle scattering of spherical particles in solvent with a polydispersity in radius.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# load data

# plot data
p.plot(data,le='my data')
p.yaxis(scale='l',label='I(Q) / cm\S-1',size=1.5)
p.xaxis(min=0.1,max=4,scale='l',label='Q / nm\S-1',size=1.5)
p.title('Measurement of spheres')

# use Guinier model from module formfactor (shortcut ff) as first size estimate in limited range q<1/Rg
# fit it (with start values) and show result
                       condition=lambda a:a.X<1/7)

# show fit result (The ErrPlot is reused in next fits)

# compare to full dataset in above plot
# modelValues recalcs fit result with optional changed parameters (here larger q range)
p.plot( data.modelValues(q=np.r_[0.1:1:0.02]), line=[1,3,2], symbol=0, legend='fit Guinier')
p.legend(x=0.8,y=1e6)          # update legend with position

# define monodisperse sphere model adding amplitude and background
# jscatter models return dataArray with X, Y and more attributes
# you may return just an array
def sphere(q,R,A,bgr):
   return result

# use sphere model (keywords as *freepar* can be dropped if order of keywords is preserved)

p.plot(data.modelValues(q=data.X), li=[1,3,3], sy=0, le='fit sphere')

# define better sphere model with polydisperse radius
# here we reuse the returned dataArray (which includes attributes) and add bgr attribute.
def psphere(q,R,A,bgr,dR):
   # dR is radius width of a Gaussian centered at R (see doc of pDA)
   result.Y = A * result.Y + bgr
   result.bgr = bgr
   return result

# use the polydisperse sphere model

p.plot(data.modelValues(q=np.r_[0.1:4:0.04]), li=[1,3,4], sy=0, le='fit polydisperse sphere')
# p.save('myevaluation.agr')
# p.save('myevaluation.png')

# look at result with parameters with errors
data.lastfit          # model data
data.lastfit.R        # fit parameter
data.lastfit.R_err    # fit parameter 1-sigma error

# save the fit result including the fit parameters, errors and covariance matrix
Basic Example

1.3. Reading ASCII files

A common problem is how to read ASCII files with data as the format is often not very intuitive designed. Often there is additional metadata before or after a matrix like block or in the filename.

Jscatter uses a simple concept to classify lines :

  • 2 numbers at the beginning of a line are data (matrix like data block).

  • a name followed by a number (and more) is an attribute with name and content.

  • everything else is comment (but can later be converted to an attribute).

  • The filename is always stored in attribute .name

A new dataArray is created if, while reading a file, a data block with an attribute block (preceded or appended) is found or a keyword indicates it (see dataList).

Even complex ASCII files can be read with a few changes given as options to fit into this concept. New attributes can be generated from content of the comments if not detected automatically. This can be done during reading using some simple options in dataArray/dataList creation:

  • dataArray (js.dA) reads one dataset from a file.

    # create single dataArray from file
    dat=js.dA('singledatafilename.dat')            # take dataset in file
    dat=js.dA('multidatafilename.dat',index=2)     # take dataset index=3 in file (indices start with 0)
  • dataList (js.dL) reads all datasets from one/multiple files (may differ in shape)

    # create dataList
    data=js.dL('../data/latest_0001.dat')          # read all dataset in file
    data=js.dL('../data/latest_0001.dat',index=2)  # select only the second dataset in the file
    data.append(dat)                               # append single dataArray read from above

    Read all, filter later Create dataList from multiple files (uses glob patterns)

    data=js.dL('../data/latest*.dat')              # reads all '.dat' files starting with 'latest' in data folder.
    # filter according to attributes or name
    data2=data.filter(lambda a:a.name.startswith('latest_conc2') & (a.Temp>100))
    data3=data[1:-1:3]                             # drop first and last and use only each 3rd
    # same with glob (using name patterns as ?,*) treating
    import glob
    data=js.dL()  # empty dataList
    for filename in glob.glob('../data/latest*.dat'):
       data.append(filename)                       # you may add options
    # add attributes e.g. from filename or comments
    for dat in data:
       dat.Temp=float(dat.name.split('_')[2])     # extract attribute from name (which is always the filename read from)
       dat.pressure=dat.comment[1].split()[1]     # if second comment line contains 'pressure 1000 mbar'

Options to use:

  • replace={‘old’:’new’,’,’:’.’} ==> replace char and strings in text lines before interpretation

  • skiplines=lambda words: any(w in words for w in [‘’,’ ‘,’NAN’,’*’]) ==> skip complete bad lines

  • takeline='ATOM' ==> select specific lines

  • ignore='#' ==> skip lines starting with this character

  • usecols=[1,2,5] ==> select specific columns

  • lines2parameter=[2,3,4] ==> use these data lines as comment and not as data. E.g. for header lines of numbers.

See dataArray() for all options and how to use them.

  • If there is more information in comments or filename this can be extracted by using the comment lines.
    • data.getfromcomment('nameatfirstcolumn') ==> extract a list of words in this line

    • data.name ==> filename, see below examples.

  • Set columns for X,.Y,.Z,.W and respective errors by data.setColumnIndex(ix=2,iy=4,iey=None) to pick the columns that are for interest. See Manipulating dataArray/dataList

How to extract information from comment lines

# lines as 'pressure 1013 14' are used automatically to set an attribute as .pressure
# if data.name is a string as 'adh_Temp273_conc02.dat' extract Temp and conc like
# if same line is in comment use
# or use data.getfromComment(...)

Some examples and how to read them

filename: data1_273K_10mM.dat (e.g. Instrument JNSE@MLZ, Garching)

this is just a comment or description of the data
temp     293
pressure 1013 14
detectorsetting up
name     temp1bsa
0.854979E-01  0.178301E+03  0.383044E+02
0.882382E-01  0.156139E+03  0.135279E+02
0.909785E-01  0.150313E+03  0.110681E+02
0.937188E-01  0.147430E+03  0.954762E+01
0.964591E-01  0.141615E+03  0.846613E+01
0.991995E-01  0.141024E+03  0.750891E+01
0.101940E+00  0.135792E+03  0.685011E+01
0.104680E+00  0.140996E+03  0.607993E+01

Read by

data.getfromComment('detectorsetting')           # creates attribute detectorsetting with string value 'up' found in comments
data.Temp=float(data.name.split('_')[1][:-1])    # extracts the temperature from filename
data.conc=float(data.name.split('_')[2][:-2])    # same for concentration
data.pressure[0]                                 # use pressure value 1013 # this was created automatically
data.Temp                                        # use temperature value   # this was created explicit

NSE measurement from IN15 at ILL Grenoble

ftime          E_SUM           EERR_SUM        EQ_0.0596       EERRQ_0.0596    EQ_0.0662       EERRQ_0.0662    EQ_0.0728       EERRQ_0.0728    EQ_0.0793       EERRQ_0.0793    EQ_0.0859       EERRQ_0.0859
Amplitude       -1.0000e+00      0.0000e+00      3.3149e+00      1.9984e-03      3.4203e+00      2.0375e-03      3.2560e+00      1.9803e-03      2.7188e+00      1.8161e-03      1.8634e+00      1.5032e-03
Polarisation    -1.0000e+00      0.0000e+00      2.3719e+00      4.4403e-03      2.3723e+00      4.6673e-03      2.1675e+00      4.6726e-03      1.7156e+00      4.4392e-03      1.1127e+00      3.7890e-03
 0.0000e+00      1.0000e+00      1.0318e-03      1.0000e+00      1.9261e-03      1.0000e+00      2.0252e-03      1.0000e+00      2.2186e-03      1.0000e+00      2.6615e-03      1.0000e+00      3.4992e-03
 2.2428e-01      9.7447e-01      3.4201e-03      9.7363e-01      6.3708e-03      9.7026e-01      6.6990e-03      9.8392e-01      7.3605e-03      9.8819e-01      8.8623e-03      9.5632e-01      1.1831e-02
 2.9474e-01      9.8425e-01      3.3694e-03      9.9020e-01      6.1962e-03      9.7785e-01      6.5809e-03      9.9125e-01      7.2723e-03      9.8005e-01      8.8698e-03      9.9022e-01      1.1909e-02
 3.6520e-01      9.7910e-01      3.3071e-03      9.8269e-01      6.0875e-03      9.8190e-01      6.4363e-03      9.7275e-01      7.1155e-03      9.8566e-01      8.7117e-03      9.7766e-01      1.1829e-02
 5.0612e-01      9.7927e-01      3.2226e-03      9.7898e-01      5.9112e-03      9.7517e-01      6.2379e-03      9.8108e-01      6.9563e-03      9.8669e-01      8.5569e-03      9.8611e-01      1.1557e-02

Read by

# column 1,2 are averages over following columns. First line contains q values
data=js.dL()   # empty dataList
temp=js.dA('017112345.txt')         # read all then sort later
for i in [3,5,7,9]:

aspirin.pdb: Atomic coordinates for aspirin (AIN from Protein Data Bank, PDB ):

Remarks blabla
Remarks in pdb files are sometimes more than 100 lines
ATOM      1  O1  AIN A   1       1.731   0.062  -2.912  1.00 10.00           O
ATOM      2  C7  AIN A   1       1.411   0.021  -1.604  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM      3  O2  AIN A   1       2.289   0.006  -0.764  1.00 10.00           O
ATOM      4  C3  AIN A   1      -0.003  -0.006  -1.191  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM      5  C4  AIN A   1      -1.016   0.010  -2.153  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM      6  C5  AIN A   1      -2.337  -0.015  -1.761  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM      7  C6  AIN A   1      -2.666  -0.063  -0.416  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM      8  C1  AIN A   1      -1.675  -0.085   0.544  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM      9  C2  AIN A   1      -0.340  -0.060   0.168  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM     10  O3  AIN A   1       0.634  -0.083   1.111  1.00 10.00           O
ATOM     11  C8  AIN A   1       0.314   0.035   2.410  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM     12  O4  AIN A   1      -0.824   0.277   2.732  1.00 10.00           O
ATOM     13  C9  AIN A   1       1.376  -0.134   3.466  1.00 10.00           C
ATOM     14  HO1 AIN A   1       2.659   0.080  -3.183  1.00 10.00           H
ATOM     15  H4  AIN A   1      -0.765   0.047  -3.203  1.00 10.00           H
ATOM     16  H5  AIN A   1      -3.119   0.001  -2.505  1.00 10.00           H
ATOM     17  H6  AIN A   1      -3.704  -0.082  -0.117  1.00 10.00           H
ATOM     18  H1  AIN A   1      -1.939  -0.123   1.591  1.00 10.00           H
ATOM     19  H91 AIN A   1       0.931  -0.004   4.453  1.00 10.00           H
ATOM     20  H92 AIN A   1       1.807  -1.133   3.391  1.00 10.00           H
ATOM     21  H93 AIN A   1       2.158   0.610   3.318  1.00 10.00           H
CONECT    1    2   14 may appear at the end
HETATOM lines may appear at the end

Read by (several methods):

# 1.
# take 'ATOM' lines, but only column 6-8 as x,y,z coordinates.
# 2.
# replace 'ATOM' string by number and set XYZ for convenience
# 3.
# only the Oxygen atoms
js.dA(js.examples.datapath+'/AIN_ideal.pdb',takeline=lambda w:(w[0]=='ATOM') & (w[2][0]=='O'),replace={'ATOM':'0'},usecols=[6,7,8])
# 4.
# using regular expressions we can decode the atom specifier into a scattering length
import re
rHO=re.compile('HO\d') # 14 is HO1
rH=re.compile('H\d+')  # represents something like 'H11' or 'H1' see regular expressions
# replace atom specifier by number and use it as last column
# 5.
# read only atoms and use it to retrieve atom data from js.formel.Elements
al=[js.formel.Elements[a[0].lower()] for a in atoms]


# this is just a comment or description of the data
# temp     ;    293
# pressure ; 1013 14  bar
# name     ; temp1bsa
0,854979E-01  0,178301E+03  0,383044E+02
0,882382E-01  0,156139E+03  0,135279E+02
0,909785E-01  *             0,110681E+02
0,937188E-01  0,147430E+03  0,954762E+01
0,964591E-01  0,141615E+03  0,846613E+01
nan           nan           0

Read by

# ignore is by default '#', so switch it of
# skip lines with non numbers in data
# replace some char by others or remove by replacing with empty string ''.
js.dA('data2.txt',replace={'#':'',';':'',',':'.'},skiplines=[‘*’,'nan'],ignore='' )

pdh format used in some SAXS instruments (first real data point is line 4):

      2057         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
  0.000000E+00   3.053389E+02   0.000000E+00   1.000000E+00   1.541800E-01
  0.000000E+00   1.332462E+00   0.000000E+00   0.000000E+00   0.000000E+00
-1.069281E-01   2.277691E+03   1.168599E+00
-1.037351E-01   2.239132E+03   1.275602E+00
-1.005422E-01   2.239534E+03   1.068182E+00
-9.734922E-02   2.219594E+03   1.102175E+00

Read by:

# this saves the prepended lines in attribute line_2,...
# next just ignores the first lines (and last 50) and uses every second line,

Read csv data by (comma separated list)

js.dA('data2.txt',replace={',':' '})
# If tabs separate the columns
js.dA('data2.txt',replace={',':' ','\t':' '})

Get a list of files in a folder with specific names

import glob
files=glob.glob('latest*.dat')     # files starting with 'latest' and ending '.dat'
files=glob.glob('latest???.dat')     # files starting with 'latest' and ending '.dat' and 3 char in between

1.4. Creating from numpy arrays

This demonstrates how to create dataArrays form calculated data with error:

x=np.r_[0:10:0.5]                 # a list of values
D,A,q=0.45,0.99,1.2               # parameters
data=js.dA(np.vstack([x,  np.exp(-q**2*D*x)+np.random.rand(len(x))*0.05,  x*0+0.05]))

# alternative (diffusion with noise and error )
f=lambda xx,DD,qq,e:np.exp(-qq**2*DD*xx)+np.random.rand(len(x))*e

1.5. Manipulating dataArray/dataList

Changing values uses the same syntax as in numpy arrays with all available methods and additional .X,.Y…

  • The columns used for .X,.Y,.Z,.W and respective errors can be changed by .setColumnIndex(ix=2,iy=4,iey=None) . Later .Y is used during fits as dependent variable.

  • Default ix,iy,iey = 0,1,2 as one expects this

  • When writing data the attribute line XYeYeX 0 1 2 - - - - - is used to save the column indices in sequence as given in protectedNames() -> X, Y, eY, eX, Z, eZ, W, eW. When reading the file this attribut information is used to recover the column indices. If the line is missing the default 0 1 2 is used.

dataList elements should be changed individually as dataArray (this can be done in loops)

for ii in i7:
   ii.X/=10          # change scale
   ii.Y/=ii.conc     # normalising by concentration
# all the same to multiply .X by 2
i1[0]=i1[0]*2        # most clear writing
# multiply each second Y value by 2 (using advanced numpy indexing)
# now more strange: each second gets the value from following *2+1
# unlimited possibilities to manipulate data :-)
i1[1,::2]=i1[1,1::2]*2+1 + i1[2,1::2]

# making a Kratky plot
# or

1.6. Indexing dataArray/dataList and reducing

Basic Slicing and Indexing/Advanced Indexing/Slicing works as described at numpy indexing .

This means accessing parts of the dataArray/dataList by indexing with integers, boolean masks or arrays to extract/manipulate a subset of the data.

[A,B,C] in the following describes A dataList, B dataArray columns and C values in columns.

The start:end:step notation is used. With missing value start equals 0, end the last and step 1.

# remove first 2 and last 2 datapoints in all dataArrays
# remove first column and use 1,2,3 columns in all dataArrays
# use each second element in dataList and remove last 2 datapoints in all dataArrays
# You can loop over the dataArrays
for dat in i5:
# select a subset by explicit list

Reducing data to a lower number of values can be done by above fancy indexing (loosing data) or using data.prune (see dataList )

prune reduces e.g by 2000 points by averaging in intervals to get 100 points.

# mean values in interval [0.1,4] with 100 points distributed on logscale
i7_2=i7.prune(lower=0.1,upper=4,number=100,kind='log') #type='mean' is default

dataList can be filtered to use a subset e.g. with restricted attribute values as .q>1 or temp>300 .

i6=i5.filter(lambda a:a.q<2)
i6=i5.filter(lambda a:a.q in [1,2,3,4,5])
i6=i5.filter(temp=300)         # automatically sorted for these attributes

This demonstrates how to filter data values according to some rule.

D,A,q=0.45,0.99,1.2               # parameters
rand=np.random.randn(len(x))      # the noise on the signal
data=js.dA(np.vstack([x,np.exp(-q**2*D*x)+rand*0.05,x*0+0.05,rand])) # generate data with noise
# select like this
newdata=data[:,data[3]>0]         # take only positive noise in column 3
newdata=data[:,data.X>2]          # X>2
newdata=data[:,data.Y<0.9]        # Y<0.9

1.7. Fitting experimental data

We need:

  • Data need to be read and prepared.

  • Data may be a single dataset (usually in a dataArray) or several of these (in a dataList) like multiple measurements with same or changing parameters (e.g. wavevectors). Coordinates are in .X and values in .Y

  • 2D data (e.g. a detector image with 2 dimensions) need to be transformed to coordinates .X, .Z with values in .Y. This also gives pixels coordinates in an image a physical interpretation as e.g. wavevectors. See examples 2D fitting and Fitting the 2D scattering of a lattice

  • Attributes need to be extracted from read data (from comments or filename or from a list). In the below example the temperature is stored in the data as attribute.

  • A model, which can be defined in different ways. See below or in How to build simple models for different ways.

    Lists as parameters are NOT allowed as list are used to discriminate between common parameters (a single float) and individual fit parameters (a list of float for each) in dataList.

  • Fit algorithm We use mainly methods from scipy.optimize that are incorporated in the .fit method of dataArray/dataList. Additional emcee for Baysian fits is used. The intention is to have the same interface for different fit methods to switch easily still allowing fine tuning if needed.

    Most important .fit algorithms are (see fit() for examples and differences) :

  • method=’lm’ (default) is what you usually expect by “fitting” including error bars (and a covariance matrix for experts….). It is a wrapper around MINPACK’s lmdif and lmder, which is a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Errors are 1-sigma errors as they are calculated from the covariance matrix and not directly depend on the errors of the .eY. Still the relative weight of values according to .eY is relevant. Here a numerical approximation for the gradient is used to determine the next step. methods ‘trf’ and ‘dogbox’ are variants with bounds.

  • method=’Nelder-MeadNelder-Mead (downhill simplex method) algorithm is a direct search method based on function comparison and sometimes converges when gradient methods fail (or stuck in local minima). However, the Nelder–Mead technique is a heuristic search method that can converge to non-stationary point. It returns no error and is slower than ‘leastsquare’. Nelder-Mead is able to fit data with integer parameters where a gradient method fails.

  • method=’differential_evolutionDifferential_evolution is a global optimization method using iterative improving candidate solutions. In general it needs a large number of function calls but may find a global minimum.

  • method=’bayes’ uses Bayesian inference for modeling and the MCMC algorithms for sampling. See emcee for a detailed description of the algorithm. Requires a larger amount of function evaluations but returns errors from Bayesian statistical analysis.

  • method=’BFGSBroyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) algorithm. Also a gradient method like ‘lm’. Not as fast as ‘lm’ but gives also error bars.

  • method=’CG’, ….. and other from scipy.optimize.minimize. These are slower converging than ‘lm’ and most give no error bars. Some require an explicit gradient function ore more. They are more for advanced users if someone really knows why using it in special cases.


Save results !!!

Save the fit result !!! I regularly have to ask PhD students “What are the errors ?” and they repeat all their work again. Fit results without errors are often meaningless.

  • Resulting model Y, parameters with errors are in .lastfit; use data.lastfit.save(‘result.dat’)

  • errPlot can be saved by data.savelastErrPlot(‘errplot.agr’) or as ‘.jpg’.

If the fit finishes it tells if there was success or if it failed. For error messages the final parameters are no valid fit results!!! Please always check this.

Example A typical example of several datasets from a SAXS measurement (real data of a polymer in solution).

The first model can still be improved to include the chain stiffness within the wormlikeChain model. In a Kratky plot (YX² vs. X) the characteristic high Q increase is observed. One may limit the Q range to lower Q where the chain stiffness is not visible.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# read data
# merge equal Temperatures each measured with two detector distances

# define model
# q will get the X values from your data as numpy ndarray.
def gCpower(q,I0,Rg,A,beta,bgr):
    """Model Gaussian chain  + power law and background"""
    # add power law and background
    # add attributes for later documentation, these are additional content of lastfit (see below)
    gc.comment=['gaussianChain with power law and bgr','a second comment']
    return gc

data.makeErrPlot(yscale='l',xscale='l')    # additional errorplot with intermediate output
data.setlimit(bgr=[0,1])                   # upper and lower soft limit

# here we use individual parameter ([]) for all except a common beta ( no [] )
# please try removing the [] and play with it :-)
# mapNames tells that q is *.X* (maps model names to data names )
# condition limits the range to fit (may also contain something like (a.Y>0))
         condition =lambda a:(a.X>0.05) & (a.X<4))

# or in short form without condition

# inspect a resulting parameter and error and plot it
p.plot(data.Tempmean,data.lastfit.Rg,data.lastfit.Rg_err,le='radius of gyration')
# as result dataArray

# save the fit result including parameters, errors and covariance matrix
# and your model description
data.savelastErrPlot('errplot.agr')  # to save errplot

In the above example one may fix a parameter. Move it (here ‘bgr’) to the fixpar dict (bgr is automatically extended to correct length).

         fixpar={'bgr':[0.001, 0.0008, 0.0009],'beta':-4},
         condition =lambda a:(a.X>0.05) & (a.X<4))

You may want to fit dataArray in a dataList individually. Do it in a loop.

# from the above
for dat in data:
        condition =lambda a:(a.X>0.05) & (a.X<4))

# each dataArray has its own .lastfit, .errPlot and so on
# for saving with individual names
for dat in data:
   dat.lastfit.save('fitresult_Temp%2g.dat' %(dat.Tempmean))

Simulate using the fit result

To simulate how a certain parameter influences the result we may simulate changes in the best fit parameters to observe how model values are changing.

To simulate we may use .modelValues to get an explicit result or use .showlastErrPlot to observe the changes in an errPlot. We just add the new parameter when using these functions. Without parameters we get the original values.

# after a fit we may use it like this

1.8. Why Fits may fail

If your fit fails it is most not an error of the fit algorithm even if it sticks somewhere. Read the message at the end of the fit it gives a hint what happened.

  • If your fit results in a not converging solution or maximum steps reached then its not a valid fit result. Decrease tolerance (‘ftol’, ‘gtol’, ‘tol’), increase ‘max_nfev’ or reduce number of parameter to get a valid result. Try more reasonable start parameters.

  • Your model may have dependent parameters. Then the gradient cannot be evaluated (and the covariance matrix cannot be calculated). Think of it as a valley with a flat ground. Then you have a line as minimum but you ask for a point. Try a method without gradient.

  • Your starting parameters are way of and within the first try the algorithm finds no improvement as the steps are quite small. This may happen if you have a dominating function of high power and bad starting parameters. Choose better ones or diff_step=0.01 which increases the first steps.

  • You may run into a local minimum which also depends on the noise in your data. Try :

    • different start parameters

    • For ‘lm’ e.g increase step width e.g. diff_step=0.01 (like jumping over the noise/local mininma) and with the solution as new start parameters decrease diff_step.

    • Use a more robust method like ‘Nelder-Mead’

    • or a global optimization method.

  • Play with the starting parameters and get an idea how parameters influence your function. This helps to get an idea what goes wrong.

And finally :

  • You have chosen the wrong model ( not correlated to your measurement), units are wrong by orders of magnitude, missing contributions, ….. So read the docs of the models and maybe choose a better one.

1.9. Plot experimental data and fit result

# plot data
p.plot(data,legend='measured data')
p.xaxis(min=0.07,max=4,scale='l',label='Q / nm\S-1')
p.yaxis(scale='l',label='I(Q) / a.u.')
# plot the result of the fit
p.plot(data.lastfit,symbol=0,line=[1,1,4],legend='fit Rg=$radiusOfGyration I0=$I0')

# Tempmean because of previous mergeAttribut; otherwise data.Temp
p1.xaxis(label='Temperature / C')
p1.yaxis(label='Rg / nm')

1.10. Save data and fit results

Jscatter saves files in a ASCII format including attributes that can be reread including the attributes (See first example above and dataArray help). In this way no information is lost.

# later read them again
data=js.dA('filename.dat')  # retrieves all attributes

If needed, the raw numpy array can be saved (see numpy.savetxt). All attribute information is lost.


Save fit results by saving the .lastfit attribute (it is in general NOT automatically saved with the above)


1.11. Additional stuff

Creating grids as list of points in 3D [Nx3] e.g. for 2D scattering images or for integration

# inspect the later grids by

N=10  # number of points
d=0.1 # distance between grid points

# traditional numpy way
# create 2D lattice and append 3rd dimension (2N+1 points in each direction)
qxy=np.mgrid[-d:d:N*1j, -d:d:N*1j].reshape(2,-1).T

# 2D using 3D lattice
qxyz=js.sf.sqLattice(d,[N,N]).XYZ     # 2D lattice from square lattice
qxyz=js.sf.scLattice(d,[N,N,0]).XYZ   # 3D lattice Z collapsed
qxyz=js.sf.hexLattice(d,[N,N,0]).XYZ  # 3D lattice hexagonal Z collapsed

# quasi 2D, collapsed dimension but multiple atoms in unit cell
# cube grid with second point in unit cell (2.5D if second point has Z dimension)

# 3D grid

# grid of pseudorandom points
qxyz=js.formel.randomPointsInCube(100, dim=3)  # 3D
qxyz=np.c_[js.formel.randomPointsInCube(N**2,dim=2),np.zeros(N**2)]  # 2D plane in 3D
qxyz=js.formel.rphitheta2xyz(points[points[:,1]>0])  # select half sphere

# rotate if needed
rotaxis=[0,0,1]       # rotation around y axis
R=js.formel.rotationMatrix(rotaxis,np.deg2rad(120))    # 120° rotation matrix