12. Examples

These examples show how to use Jscatter. Use showExampleList to get a full list or look in showExampleList(). A general introduction is in Beginners Guide / Help

Most functions descriptions contain an Example sections with more specific examples.

Examples are mainly based on XmGrace for plotting as this is more convenient for interactive inspection of data and used for most of the shown plots.

Matplotlib can be used by setting usempl=True in runExample and showExample (automatically set if Grace is not present). With matplotlib the plots are not optimized but still show the possibilities.


Show an updated list of all examples.

showExample([example, usempl])

Opens example in default editor.

runExample(example[, usempl])

Run example by number or name.

runAll([start, end])

Run all examples ( Maybe needs a bit of time ) .

Try Jscatter Demo in a Jupyter Notebook at Binder .

12.1. In a nutshell

Daily use example to show how short it can be. A key point is that each dataArray has a ‘q’ which is used in the fit model.

Comments are shown in next examples.

# in nutshell without fine tuning of plots

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# read data with 16 intermediate scattering functions from NSE measurement of protein diffusion
i5 = js.dL(js.examples.datapath + '/iqt_1hho.dat')

# manipulate data
for dat in i5:
    dat.X = dat.X /1.  # conversion from ps to ns
    dat.q *= 1  # conversion to 1/nm if needed

# define model as simple diffusion with elastic background
diffusion = lambda A, D, t, elastic, wavevector=0: A * np.exp(-wavevector ** 2 * D * t) + elastic

# make ErrPlot to see progress of intermediate steps with residuals (updated all 2 seconds)
i5.makeErrPlot(title='diffusion model residual plot', legpos=[0.2, 0.8])

# fit it
i5.fit(model=diffusion,  # the fit function
       freepar={'D': [0.2, 0.25], 'A': 1},  # freepar with start values; [..] indicate independent fit parameter
       fixpar={'elastic': 0.0},  # fixed parameters, single values indicates common fit parameter
       mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'},  # map names of the model to names of data attributes
       condition=lambda a: (a.X > 0.01) & (a.Y > 0.01))  # a condition to include only specific values

# save fit result with errors and covariance matrix

# plot it together with lastfit result
p = js.grace()
p.plot(i5, symbol=[-1, 0.4, -1], legend='Q=$q')  # plot as alternating symbols and colors with size 0.4
p.plot(i5.lastfit, symbol=0, line=[1, 1, -1])  # plot a line with alternating colors

# plot result with error bars
p1 = js.grace(2, 2)  # plot with a defined size
p1.plot(i5.lastfit.wavevector, i5.lastfit.D, i5.lastfit.D_err, symbol=[2, 1, 1, ''], legend='average effective D')
p1.save('Diffusioncoefficients.agr')  # save as XmGrace plot
Picture about diffusion fit with residuals Picture about diffusion fit diffusion fit result

12.2. Build models

12.2.1. How to build simple models

# How to build simple models
# which are actually not so simple....

import numpy as np
import jscatter as js

# Build models in one line using lambda
# directly calc the values and return only Y values
diffusion = lambda A, D, t, wavevector, elastic=0: A * np.exp(-wavevector ** 2 * D * t) + elastic

# use a model from the libraries
# here Teubner-Strey adding background and power law
# this returns as above only Y values
tbpower = lambda q, B, xi, dd, A, beta, bgr: js.ff.teubnerStrey(q=q, xi=xi, d=dd).Y * B + A * q ** beta + bgr

# The same as above in a function definition
# This should be the preferred way
def diffusion2(A, D, t, elastic, wavevector=0):
    Y = A * np.exp(-wavevector ** 2 * D * t) + elastic
    return Y

# returning dataArray allows additional attributes to be included in the result
# this returns a dataArray with X, Y values and attributes
# and is how Jscatter model return data
def diffusion3(A, D, t, wavevector, elastic=0):
    Y = A * np.exp(-wavevector ** 2 * D * t) + elastic
    result = js.dA(np.c_[t, Y].T)
    result.diffusioncoefficient = D
    result.wavevector = wavevector
    result.columnname = 'time;Iqt'
    return result

# supplement an existing model
def tbpower2(q, B, xi, dd, A, beta, bgr):
    """Model Teubner Strey  + power law and background"""
    # save different contributions for later analysis
    tb = js.ff.teubnerStrey(q=q, xi=xi, d=dd)
    pl = A * q ** beta  # power law
    tb = tb.addZeroColumns(2)
    tb[-2] = pl  # save power law in new last column
    tb[-1] = tb.Y  # save Teubner-Strey in last column
    tb.Y = B * tb.Y + pl + bgr  # put full model to Y values (usually tb[1])
    # save the additional parameters ; xi and d already included in teubnerStrey
    tb.A = A
    tb.bgr = bgr
    tb.beta = beta
    tb.columnname = 'q;Iq,IqTb,Iqpower'
    return tb

# How to add a numpy like docstring see in the example "How to build a complex model".

12.2.2. How to build a more complex model

# How to build a complex model

import jscatter as js

resol2m = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile('SANS', detDist=2000, collDist=2000., wavelength=0.7, wavespread=0.10,
                                    collAperture=30, sampleAperture=6, dpixelWidth=10, dringwidth=1)

# build a complex model of different components inclusive smearing
# @js.sas.smear does the smearing of the model in the following line

def particlesWithInteraction(q, Ra, Rb, molarity, bgr, contrast=1, detDist=None, collDist=None, beta=True):
    Particles with interaction and ellipsoid form factor as a model for e.g. dense protein solutions.

    Document your model if needed for later use that you know what you did and why.
    Or make it short without all the nasty documentation for testing.
    The example neglects the protein exact shape and non constant scattering length density.
    Proteins are more potato shaped  and nearly never like a ellipsoid or sphere.
    So this model is only valid at low Q as an approximation.

    q : float
    Ra,Rb : float
    molarity : float
        Concentration in mol/l
    contrast : float
        Contrast between ellipsoid and solvent.
    bgr : float
        Background e.g. incoherent scattering
    detDist,collDist : float, None
        detector distance and collimation length for SANS and SAXS.
        If any is None no smearing is used.
        Both need not to be used in the model function.
    beta : bool
        True include asymmetry factor beta of
        M. Kotlarchyk and S.-H. Chen, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 2461 (1983).


    **The return value can be a dataArray OR only Y values**. Both is working for fitting.

    **About smearing during a fit with mixed SANS and or SAXS**:

    Data to fit should have attributes with smear parameters as detDist and more .
    For SAXS we set detDist=None (bypass smearing ==no smearing) or we set parameters for SAXS smearing.
    For SANS  we set some reasonable values as 2000 (mm) or 20000 (mm) for detDist and collDist.
    Missing parameters are used from beamProfile as given in the decorator.

    # We need to multiply form factor and structure factor and add an additional background.
    # formfactor of ellipsoid returns dataArray with beta at last column.
    ff = js.ff.ellipsoid(q, Ra, Rb, SLD=contrast)
    V = ff.EllipsoidVolume
    # the structure factor returns also dataArray
    # we need to supply a radius calculated from Ra Rb, this is an assumption of effective radius for the interaction.
    R = (Ra * Rb * Rb) ** (1 / 3.)
    # the volume fraction is concentration * volume
    # the units have to be converted as V is usually nm**3 and concentration is mol/l
    sf = js.sf.PercusYevick(q, R, molarity=molarity)
    if beta:
        # beta is asymmetry factor according to M. Kotlarchyk and S.-H. Chen, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 2461 (1983).
        # correction to apply for the structure factor
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        sf.Y = 1 + ff._beta * (sf.Y - 1)
    # molarity (mol/l) with conversion to number/nm**3 result is in cm**-1
    ff.Y = molarity * 6.023e23 / (1000 * 1e7 ** 2) * ff.Y * sf.Y + bgr
    # add parameters for later use; ellipsoid parameters are already included in ff
    # if data are saved these are included in the file as documentation
    # or can be used for further calculations e.g. if volume fraction is needed (V*molarity)
    ff.R = R
    ff.bgr = bgr
    ff.Volume = V
    ff.molarity = molarity

    return ff

p = js.grace()
q = js.loglist(0.1, 5, 300)
for i, m in enumerate([0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 3, 4], 1):
    data = particlesWithInteraction(q, Ra=3, Rb=4, molarity=m * 1e-3, bgr=0, contrast=1, detDist=2000, collDist=2000)
    p.plot(data, sy=[i, 0.3, i], le='c= $molarity M')
    p.plot(data.X, data[2], sy=0, li=[1, 1, i], le='c= {0:} M unsmeared'.format(data.molarity))

p.legend(x=3, y=5e8, charsize=0.7)
p.yaxis(min=100, max=1e9, scale='l', label=r'I(Q) / cm\S-1', tick=[10, 9])
p.xaxis(scale='n', label=r'Q / nm\S-1')
p.title('Ellipsoidal particles with interaction')
p.subtitle('Ra=3, Rb=4 and PercusYevick structure factor')
# Hint for fitting SANS data or other parameter dependent fit:
# For a combined fit of several collimation distances each dataset should contain an attribute data.collimation.
# This is automatically used in the fit, if there is not explicit fit parameter with this name.

if 1:
Image of interacting particles scattering

12.3. Fitting 1D, 2D 3D …

12.3.1. 1D fits with attributes

Some Sinusoidal fits with different kinds to use dataArray attributes. We use dataArray for fitting.

# Basic fit examples with synthetic data. Usually data are loaded from a file.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

sinus = lambda x, A, a, B: A * np.sin(a * x) + B  # define model

# Fit sine to simulated data
x = np.r_[0:10:0.1]
data = js.dA(np.c_[x, np.sin(x) + 0.2 * np.random.randn(len(x)), x * 0 + 0.2].T)  # simulate data with error
data.fit(sinus, {'A': 1.2, 'a': 1.2, 'B': 0}, {}, {'x': 'X'})  # fit data
data.showlastErrPlot()  # show fit
data.errPlotTitle('Fit Sine')

# Fit sine to simulated data using an attribute in data with same name
data = js.dA(np.c_[x, 1.234 * np.sin(x) + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)), x * 0 + 0.1].T)  # create data
data.A = 1.234  # add attribute
data.makeErrPlot()  # makes errorPlot prior to fit
data.fit(sinus, {'a': 1.2, 'B': 0}, {}, {'x': 'X'})  # fit using .A
data.errPlotTitle('Fit Sine with attribute')

# Fit sine to simulated data using an attribute in data with different name and fixed B
data = js.dA(np.c_[x, 1.234 * np.sin(x) + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)), x * 0 + 0.1].T)  # create data
data.dd = 1.234  # add attribute
data.fit(sinus, {'a': 1.2, }, {'B': 0}, {'x': 'X', 'A': 'dd'})  # fit data
data.showlastErrPlot()  # show fit
data.errPlotTitle('Fit Sine with attribute and fixed B')


12.3.2. 2D fit with attributes

A 2D fit using an attribute B stored in the dataArray of a dataList as second dimension. We use dataList for fitting. This might be extended to several attributes allowing multidimensional fitting. See also Simple diffusion fit of not so simple diffusion case

# Fit sine to simulated dataList using an attribute in data with different name
# and fixed B from data.
# first one common parameter then as parameter list
# create data
data = js.dL()
ef = 0.1  # increase this to increase error bars of final result
for ff in [0.001, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6]:
    data.append(js.dA(np.c_[x, (1.234 + ff) * np.sin(x + ff) + ef * ff * np.random.randn(len(x)), x * 0 + ef * ff].T))
    data[-1].B = 0.2 * ff / 2  # add attributes

# fit with a single parameter for all data, obviously wrong result
data.fit(lambda x, A, a, B, p: A * np.sin(a * x + p) + B, {'a': 1.2, 'p': 0, 'A': 1.2}, {}, {'x': 'X'})
data.showlastErrPlot()  # show fit
data.errPlotTitle('Fit Sine with attribute and common fit parameter')

# now allowing multiple p,A,B as indicated by the list starting value
data.fit(lambda x, A, a, B, p: A * np.sin(a * x + p) + B, {'a': 1.2, 'p': [0], 'B': [0, 0.1], 'A': [1]}, {}, {'x': 'X'})
data.errPlotTitle('Fit Sine with attribute and non common fit parameter')

# plot p against A , just as demonstration
p = js.grace()
p.plot(data.A, data.p, data.p_err, sy=[1, 0.3, 1])

12.3.3. 2D fitting using .X, .Z, .W

Unlike the previous we use here data with two dimensions in .X,.Z coordinates (optional .W for 3D). We use dataArray for fitting. Additional one could use again attributes to increase dimesion. This mainly depends on the data.

Another example is shown in Fitting the 2D scattering of a lattice.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# 2D fit data with an X,Z grid data and Y values (For 3D we would use X,Z,W )
# For 2D fit we calc Y values from X,Z coordinates (only for scalar Y data).
# For fitting we need data with X,Z,Y columns indicated .

#  We create synthetic 2D data with X,Z axes and Y values as Y=f(X,Z)
# This is ONE way to make a grid. For fitting it can be unordered, non-gridded X,Z data
x, z = np.mgrid[-5:5:0.25, -5:5:0.25]
xyz = js.dA(np.c_[x.flatten(), z.flatten(), 0.3 * np.sin(x * z / np.pi).flatten() + 0.01 * np.random.randn(
    len(x.flatten())), 0.01 * np.ones_like(x).flatten()].T)
# set columns where to find X,Z coordinates and Y values and eY errors )
xyz.setColumnIndex(ix=0, iz=1, iy=2, iey=3)

# define model
def ff(x, z, a, b):
    return a * np.sin(b * x * z)

xyz.fit(model=ff, freepar={'a': 1, 'b': 1 / 3.}, fixpar={}, mapNames={'x': 'X', 'z': 'Z'})

# show in 2D plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_title('2D Sinusoidal fit')
# plot data as points
ax.scatter(xyz.X, xyz.Z, xyz.Y)
# plot fit as contour lines
ax.tricontour(xyz.lastfit.X, xyz.lastfit.Z, xyz.lastfit.Y, cmap=cm.coolwarm, antialiased=False)

12.3.4. Simple diffusion fit of not so simple diffusion case

Here the long part with description from the first example.

This is the diffusion of a protein in solution. This is NOT constant as for Einstein diffusion.

These simulated data are similar to data measured by Neutron Spinecho Spectroscopy, which measures on the length scale of the protein and therefore also rotational diffusion contributes to the signal. At low wavevectors additional the influence of the structure factor leads to an upturn, which is neglected in the simulated data. To include the correction \(D_T(q)=D_{T0} H(q)/S(q)\) look at hydrodynamicFunct().

For details see this tutorial review Biehl et al. Softmatter 7,1299 (2011)

A key point for a simultaneous combined fit is that each dataArray has an individual ‘q’ which is used in the fit model as ‘wavevector’.

# import jscatter and numpy
import numpy as np
import jscatter as js

# read the data (16 dataArrays) with attributes as q, Dtrans .... into dataList
i5 = js.dL(js.examples.datapath + '/iqt_1hho.dat')

# define a model for the fit
diffusion = lambda A, D, t, wavevector, e=0: A*np.exp(-wavevector**2*D*t) + e

# do the fit
# single valued start parameters are the same for all 16 dataArrays
# list start parameters [...] indicate independent fitting for dataArrays
# the command line shows progress and the final result, which is found in i5.lastfit
i5.fit(model=diffusion,                         # the fit function
       freepar={'D': [0.08], 'A': 0.98},        # free start parameters
       fixpar={'e': 0.0},                       # fixed parameters
       mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'})  # map names from model to data

# open plot with results and residuals

# open a plot with fixed size and plot data and fit result
p = js.grace(1.2, 0.8)
# plot the data with Q values in legend as symbols
p.plot(i5, symbol=[-1, 0.4, -1], legend='Q=$q')
# plot fit results in lastfit as lines without symbol or legend
p.plot(i5.lastfit, symbol=0, line=[1, 1, -1])
# extend to longer times by changing a model parameter (points)
p.plot(i5.modelValues(t=np.r_[10:120:5]), symbol=0, line=[2, 1, -1])

# pretty up if needed
p.yaxis(min=0.02, max=1.1, scale='log', charsize=1.5, label='I(Q,t)/I(Q,0)')
p.xaxis(min=0, max=130, charsize=1.5, label='t / ns')
p.legend(x=110, y=0.9, charsize=1)
p.title('I(Q,t) as measured by Neutron Spinecho Spectroscopy', size=1.3)
p.text('for diffusion a single exp. decay', x=60, y=0.35, rot=360 - 20, color=4)
p.text(r'f(t)=A*e\S-Q\S2\N\SDt', x=100, y=0.025, rot=0, charsize=1.5)

if 1:  # optional; save in different formats

Picture about diffusion fit

# This is the basis of the simulated data above
D = js.dA(js.examples.datapath + '/1hho.Dq')

# Plot the result in an additional plot
p1 = js.grace(1, 1)  # plot with a defined size
p1.plot(i5.q, i5.D, i5.D_err, symbol=[2, 1, 1, ''], legend='average effective D')
p1.plot(D.X, D.Y * 1000., sy=0, li=1, legend='diffusion coefficient 1hho')
# pretty up if needed
p1.title('diffusion constant of a dilute protein in solution', size=1.5)
p1.subtitle('the increase is due to rotational diffusion on top of translational diffusion at Q=0', size=1)
p1.xaxis(min=0, max=3, charsize=1.5, label=r'Q / nm\S-1')  # xaxis numbers in size 1.5
p1.yaxis(min=0.05, max=0.15, charsize=1.5, label=r'D\seff\N / nm\S2\N/ns')
p1.legend(x=1, y=0.14)

if 1:
diffusion fit result

12.3.5. A long example for diffusion and how to analyze step by step

This is a long example to show possibilities.

A main feature of the fit is that we can change from a constant fit parameters to a parameter dependent one by simply changing A to [A].

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# load example data and show them in a nice plot as
i5 = js.dL(js.examples.datapath + '/iqt_1hho.dat')

# make a fixed size plot with the data
p = js.grace(1.5, 1)
p.plot(i5, symbol=[-1, 0.4, -1], legend='Q=$q')
p.yaxis(0.01, 1.1, scale='log', charsize=1.5, label='I(Q,t)/I(Q,0)')
p.title('Intermediate scattering function', size=2)
p.xaxis(charsize=1.5, label='t / ns')

# defining model to use in fit
# simple diffusion
diffusion = lambda A, D, t, wavevector, elastic=0: A * np.exp(-wavevector ** 2 * D * t) + elastic
# or if you want to include in a library with description
# see examples in formel and formfactor

# in the data we have X as coordinate for time so we have to map the name
# same for the wavevector which is usually 'q' in these data
# the wavevector is available in the data for all i as i5[i].q
# or as a list as i5.q
# so test these

# analyzing the data
# to see the results we open an errorplot with Y-log scale
# '----------------------------------------'
# ' a first try model which is bad because of fixed high elastic fraction'
       freepar={'D': 0.1, 'A': 1},
       fixpar={'elastic': 0.5},
       mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'})
# '--------------------------------------'
# ' Now we try it with constant D and a worse A as starting parameters'
       freepar={'D': 0.1, 'A': 18},
       fixpar={'elastic': 0.0},
       mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'})
print(i5.lastfit.D, i5.lastfit.D_err)
print(i5.lastfit.A, i5.lastfit.A_err)
# A is close to 1 (as it should be here) but the fits don't look good
# '--------------------------------------'
# ' A free amplitude dependent on wavevector might improve '
       freepar={'D': 0.1, 'A': [1]},
       fixpar={'elastic': 0.0},
       mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'})
# and a second plot to see the results of A
pr = js.grace()
pr.plot(i5.lastfit.wavevector, i5.lastfit.A, i5.lastfit.A_err, legend='A')
# The fit is ok only the chi^2 is to high in this case of simulated data
# '--------------------------------------'
# ' now with free diffusion coefficient dependent on wavevector; is this the best solution?'
       freepar={'D': [0.1], 'A': [1]},
       fixpar={'elastic': 0.0},
       mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'})

pr.clear()  # removes the old stuff
pr.plot(i5.lastfit.wavevector, i5.lastfit.D, i5.lastfit.D_err, legend='D')
pr.plot(i5.lastfit.wavevector, i5.lastfit.A, i5.lastfit.A_err, legend='A')
# Ahh
# Now the amplitude is nearly constant and the diffusion is changing
# the fit is ok
# '--------------------------------------'
# ' now with changing diffusion and constant amplitude '
       freepar={'D': [0.1], 'A': 1},
       fixpar={'elastic': 0.0},
       mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'})
pr.clear()  # removes the old stuff
pr.plot(i5.lastfit.wavevector, i5.lastfit.D, i5.lastfit.D_err, legend='D')

# Booth fits are very good, but the last has less parameter.
# From simulation i know it should be equal to 1 for all amplitudes :-))))).

12.3.6. Fitting a multiShellcylinder in various ways

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# Can we trust a fit?

# simulate some data with noise
# in reality read some data
x = js.loglist(0.1, 7, 1000)
R1 = 2
R2 = 2
L = 20
# this is a three shell cylinder with the outer as a kind of "hydration layer"
simcyl = js.ff.multiShellCylinder(x, L, [R1, R2, 0.5], [4e-4, 2e-4, 6.5e-4], solventSLD=6e-4)

p = js.grace()
p.plot(simcyl, li=1, sy=0)
# noinspection PyArgumentList
simcyl.Y += np.random.randn(len(simcyl.Y)) * simcyl.Y[simcyl.X > 4].mean()
simcyl = simcyl.addColumn(1, simcyl.Y[simcyl.X > 4].mean())
p.plot(simcyl, li=0, sy=1)
p.yaxis(min=2e-7, max=0.1, scale='l')

# create a model to fit
# We use the model of a double cylinder with background (The intention is to use a wrong but close model).

def dcylinder(q, L, R1, R2, b1, b2, bgr):
    # assume D2O for the solvent
    result = js.ff.multiShellCylinder(q, L, [R1, R2], [b1 * 1e-4, b2 * 1e-4], solventSLD=6.335e-4)
    result.Y += bgr
    return result

           freepar={'L': 20, 'R1': 1, 'R2': 2, 'b1': 2, 'b2': 3},
           fixpar={'bgr': 0},
           mapNames={'q': 'X'})

# There are still systematic deviations in the residuals due to the missing layer
# but the result is very promising
# So can we trust such a fit :-)
# The outer 0.5 nm layer modifies the layer thicknesses and scattering length density.
# Here prior knowledge about the system might help.

def dcylinder3(q, L, R1, R2, R3, b1, b2, b3, bgr):
    # assume D2O for the solvent
    result = js.ff.multiShellCylinder(q, L, [R1, R2, R3], [b1 * 1e-4, b2 * 1e-4, b3 * 1e-4], solventSLD=6.335e-4)
    result.Y += bgr
    return result

    # The fit will need quite long and fails as it runs in a wrong direction.
               freepar={'L': 20, 'R1': 1, 'R2': 2, 'R3': 2, 'b1': 2, 'b2': 3, 'b3': 0},
               fixpar={'bgr': 0},
               mapNames={'q': 'X'}, max_nfev=3000)
    # this try : except is only to make the script run as it is

# Try the fit with a better guess for the starting parameters.
# Prior knowledge by a good idea what is fitted helps to get a good result and
# prevents from running in a wrong minimum of the fit.

           freepar={'L': 20, 'R1': 2, 'R2': 2, 'R3': 0.5, 'b1': 4, 'b2': 2, 'b3': 6.5},
           fixpar={'bgr': 0}, ftol=1e-5,
           mapNames={'q': 'X'}, condition=lambda a: a.X < 4)

# Finally look at the errors.
# Was the first the better model with less parameters as we cannot get all back due to the noise in the "measurement"?

12.3.7. Fitting the 2D scattering of a lattice

This example shows how to fit a 2D scattering pattern as e.g. measured by small angle scattering.

As a first step one should fit radial averaged data to limit the lattice constants to reasonable ranges and deduce reasonable values for background and other parameters.

Because of the topology of the problem with a large plateau and small minima most fit algorithm (using a gradient) will fail. One has to take care that the first estimate of the starting parameters (see above) is already close to a very good guess or one may use a method to find a global minimum as differential_evolution or brute force scanning. This requires some time.

In the following we limit the model to a few parameters. One needs basically to include more as e.g. the orientation of the crystal in 3D and more parameters influencing the measurement. Prior knowledge about the experiment as e.g. a preferred orientation during a shear experiment is helpful information.

Another possibility is to normalize the data e.g. to peak maximum=1 with high q data also fixed.

As a good practice it is useful to first fit 1D data to fix some parameters and add e.g. orientation in a second step with 2D fitting.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# load a image with hexagonal peaks (synthetic data)
image = js.sas.sasImage(js.examples.datapath + '/2Dhex.tiff')
image.setPlaneCenter([51, 51])
# transform to dataarray with X,Z as wavevectors
# The fit algorithm works also with masked areas
hexa = image.asdataArray(0)

def latticemodel(qx, qz, R, ds, rmsd, hklmax, bgr, I0, qx0=0, qz0=0):
    # a hexagonal grid with background, domain size and Debye Waller-factor (rmsd)
    # 3D wavevector
    qxyz = np.c_[qx + qx0, qz - qz0, np.zeros_like(qx)]
    # define lattice
    grid = js.sf.hcpLattice(R, [3, 3, 3])
    # here one may rotate the crystal
    # calc scattering
    lattice = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxyz, grid, domainsize=ds, rmsd=rmsd, hklmax=hklmax)
    # add I0 and background
    lattice.Y = I0 * lattice.Y + bgr
    return lattice

# Because of the high plateau in the chi2 landscape
# we first need to use a algorithm finding a global minimum
# this needs some time and maybe a good choice of starting parameters
if 0:
    # Please do this if you want to wait
    hexa.fit(latticemodel, {'R': 3, 'ds': 10, 'rmsd': 0.3, 'bgr': 16, 'I0': 90},
             {'hklmax': 5, }, {'qx': 'X', 'qz': 'Z'}, method='differential_evolution')
    fig = js.mpl.surface(hexa.X, hexa.Z, hexa.Y, image.shape)
    fig = js.mpl.surface(hexa.lastfit.X, hexa.lastfit.Z, hexa.lastfit.Y, image.shape)

# We use as starting parameters the result of the previous fit
# Now we use LevenbergMarquardt algorithm to polish the result
hexa.fit(latticemodel, {'R': 3.02, 'ds': 8.3, 'rmsd': 0.27, 'bgr': 19, 'I0': 95, 'qx0': 0, 'qz0': 0},
         {'hklmax': 4, }, {'qx': 'X', 'qz': 'Z'}, diff_step=0.01)

fig = js.mpl.showlastErrPlot2D(hexa, shape=image.shape, transpose=1)

fig2 = js.mpl.surface(hexa.lastfit.X, hexa.lastfit.Z, hexa.lastfit.Y, image.shape)
fig2.suptitle('fit result')
Ewald2 Ewald2

12.3.8. Using cloudscattering as fit model

At the end a complex shaped object: A cube decorated with spheres of different scattering length.

# Using cloudScattering as fit model.
# We have to define a model that parametrize the building of the cloud that we get a fit parameter.
# As example we use two overlapping spheres. The model can be used to fit some data.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

#: test if distance from point on X axis
isInside = lambda x, A, R: ((x - np.r_[A, 0, 0]) ** 2).sum(axis=1) ** 0.5 < R

#: model
def dumbbell(q, A, R1, R2, b1, b2, bgr=0, dx=0.3, relError=100):
    # A sphere distance
    # R1, R2 radii
    # b1,b2  scattering length
    # bgr background
    # dx grid distance not a fit parameter!!
    mR = max(R1, R2)
    # xyz coordinates
    grid = np.mgrid[-A / 2 - mR:A / 2 + mR:dx, -mR:mR:dx, -mR:mR:dx].reshape(3, -1).T
    insidegrid = grid[isInside(grid, -A / 2., R1) | isInside(grid, A / 2., R2)]
    # add blength column
    insidegrid = np.c_[insidegrid, insidegrid[:, 0] * 0]
    # set the corresponding blength; the order is important as here b2 overwrites b1
    insidegrid[isInside(insidegrid[:, :3], -A / 2., R1), 3] = b1
    insidegrid[isInside(insidegrid[:, :3], A / 2., R2), 3] = b2
    # and maybe a mix ; this depends on your model
    insidegrid[isInside(insidegrid[:, :3], -A / 2., R1) & isInside(insidegrid[:, :3], A / 2., R2), 3] = (b2 + b1) / 2.
    # calc the scattering
    result = js.ff.cloudScattering(q, insidegrid, relError=relError)
    result.Y += bgr
    # add attributes for later usage
    result.A = A
    result.R1 = R1
    result.R2 = R2
    result.dx = dx
    result.bgr = bgr
    result.b1 = b1
    result.b2 = b2
    result.insidegrid = insidegrid
    return result

# test it
q = np.r_[0.01:10:0.02]
data = dumbbell(q, 4, 2, 2, 0.5, 1.5)
# Fit your data like this (I know that b1 abd b2 are wrong).
# It may be a good idea to use not the highest resolution in the beginning because of speed.
# If you have a good set of starting parameters you can decrease dx.
data2 = data.prune(number=200)
data2.setlimit(A=[0, None, 0])
          freepar={'A': 3},
          fixpar={'R1': 2, 'R2': 2, 'dx': 0.3, 'b1': 0.5, 'b2': 1.5, 'bgr': 0},
          mapNames={'q': 'X'})

# An example to demonstrate how to build a complex shaped object with a simple cubic lattice
# Methods are defined in lattice objects.
# A cube with the corners decorated by spheres

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

grid = js.sf.scLattice(0.2, 2 * 15, b=[0])
v1 = np.r_[4, 0, 0]
v2 = np.r_[0, 4, 0]
v3 = np.r_[0, 0, 4]
grid.inParallelepiped(v1, v2, v3, b=1)
grid.inSphere(1, center=[0, 0, 0], b=2)
grid.inSphere(1, center=v1, b=3)
grid.inSphere(1, center=v2, b=4)
grid.inSphere(1, center=v3, b=5)
grid.inSphere(1, center=v1 + v2, b=6)
grid.inSphere(1, center=v2 + v3, b=7)
grid.inSphere(1, center=v3 + v1, b=8)
grid.inSphere(1, center=v3 + v2 + v1, b=9)
fig = grid.show()

12.3.9. Bayesian inference for fitting

method=’bayes’ uses Bayesian inference for modeling and the MCMC algorithms for sampling (we use emcee). Requires a larger amount of function evaluations but returns errors from Bayesian statistical analysis and allows inclusion of prior knowledge about parameters and restrictions.

The example shows how some knowledge about parameters A and d that can be used for the prior. We assume here that the amplitude A is distributed around 1 within a Gaussian distribution and D around 0.09.

The evaluation might take somewhat longer for bayes (here 100s on my desktop).

import numpy as np
import jscatter as js
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import corner

# data to fit
# We use each a subset to speed up the example
i5 = js.dL(js.examples.datapath+'/iqt_1hho.dat')[[3, 5]]

# model
def diffusion(A, D, t, elastic, wavevector=0):
    return A*np.exp(-wavevector**2*D*t) + elastic

# define ln_prior that describes knowledge about the data
# the prior is complemented by the limits
# without prior only the limits are used (uninformative prior)
# so the prior is optional if you know something about the parameters
def ln_prior(A, D):
    # assuming a normalised Gaussian distribution around the mean of A and D
    # the log of the Gaussian is the log_prior
    # the parameters are arrays for all elements of the dataList or a float for common parameters
    # the 't' is not included as it describes the .X values, 'elastic' is not used.
    Asig = 0.01  # just a guess for the example
    Dsig = 0.02  # just a guess for the example
    lp = -0.5*(np.sum((A-1)**2/Asig**2)) + np.log(2*np.pi*Asig**2*len(A))
    lp += -0.5*(np.sum((D-0.09)**2/Dsig**2)) + np.log(2*np.pi*Dsig**2*len(D))
    return lp

i5.setlimit(D=[0.05, 1], A=[0.5, 1.5])

# do Bayesian analysis with the prior
i5.fit(model=diffusion, freepar={'D': [0.2], 'A': 0.98}, fixpar={'elastic': 0.0},
      mapNames={'t': 'X', 'wavevector': 'q'}, condition=lambda a: a.X<90,
       method='bayes', tolerance=20, bayesnsteps=1000, ln_prior=ln_prior)


# get sampler chain and examine results removing burn in time 2*tau
tau = i5.getBayesSampler().get_autocorr_time(tol=20)
flat_samples = i5.getBayesSampler().get_chain(discard=int(2*tau.max()), thin=1, flat=True)
labels = i5.getBayesSampler().parlabels

fig = corner.corner(flat_samples, labels=labels, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True, title_fmt='.3f')
# fig.savefig(js.examples.imagepath+'/bayescorner_withprior.jpg')

12.4. Analyses SAS data

12.4.1. How to smooth Xray data and make an inset in the plot

SAS data often have a large number of points at higher Q. The best way to get reasonable statistics there is to reduce the number of points by averaging in intervals (see .prune). Spline gives trust less results.

These are real data from X33 beamline, EMBL Hamburg.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline

# load data
ao50 = js.dA(js.examples.datapath + '/a0_336.dat')
ao50.conc = 50
ao10 = js.dA(js.examples.datapath + '/a0_338.dat')
ao10.conc = 2

p = js.grace(1.5, 1)

p.plot(ao50.X, ao50.Y, symbol=[1, 0.2, 9], legend='50 mg/ml')
p.plot(ao10.X, ao10.Y, line=0, symbol=[1, 0.05, 2], legend='2mg/ml')
p.xaxis(0, 6, label=r'Q / nm\S-1')
p.yaxis(0.05, 200, scale='logarithmic', label='I(Q) / a.u.')
p.title('smoothed X-ray data')
p.subtitle('inset is the extracted structure factor at low Q')

# smoothing with a spline
# determine the knots of the spline 
# less points than data points
t = np.r_[ao10.X[1]:ao10.X[-2]:30j]
# calculate the spline
f = LSQUnivariateSpline(ao10.X, ao10.Y, t)
# calculate the new y values of the spline at the x points
ys = f(ao10.X)
p.plot(ao10.X, ys, symbol=[1, 0.2, 5, 5], legend='2 mg/ml spline ')
p.plot(t, f(t), line=0, symbol=[1, 0.2, 2, 1], legend='knot of spline')

# other idea: use lower number of points with averages in intervals
# this makes 100 intervals with average X and Y values and errors if wanted. Check prune how to use it!
# this is the best solution and additionally creates good error estimate!!!
p.plot(ao10.prune(number=100), line=0, symbol=[1, 0.5, 4], legend='2mg/ml averaged')
p.legend(x=1, y=100, charsize=1.2)
p.xaxis(0, 6)
p.yaxis(0.05, 200, scale='logarithmic')

# make a smaller plot inside for the structure factor
p[1].SetView(0.6, 0.4, 0.9, 0.8)
p[1].plot(ao50.X, ao50.Y / ao10.Y, symbol=[1, 0.2, 1, ''], legend='structure factor')
p[1].yaxis(0.5, 1.3, label='S(Q)')
p[1].xaxis(0, 2, label=r'Q / nm\S-1')
p[1].legend(x=0.5, y=0.8)


12.4.2. Analyse SAS data

In small angle scattering a typical situation is that you want to measure a formfactor (particle shape) or structure factor (particle interaction). For this a concentration series is measured and we need to extrapolate to zero concentration to get the formfactor. Afterwards we can divide the measurement by the formfactor to get the structure factor. So we have three key parts :

  • Correction for transmission, dark and empty cell scattering to get instrument independent datasets.

  • Extrapolating concentration scaled data to get the formfactor.

  • Divide by formfactor to get structure factor


Brulet at al [1] describe the data correction for SANS, which is in principle also valid for SAXS, if incoherent contributions are neglected.

The difference is, that SAXS has typical transmission around ~0.3 for 1mm water sample in quartz cell due to absorption, while in SANS typical values are around ~0.9 for D2O. Larger volume fractions in the sample play a more important rule for SANS as hydrogenated ingredients reduce the transmission significantly, while in SAXS still the water and the cell (quartz) dominate.

One finds for a sample inside of a container with thicknesses (\(z\)) for sample, buffer (solvent), empty cell and empty beam measurement (omitting the overall q dependence):

\[I_s = \frac{1}{z_S}\big((\frac{I_S-I_{dark}}{T_S}-I_{b}T_S\big) -\big(\frac{I_{EC}-I_{dark}}{T_{EC}}-I_{b}T_{EC})\big) - \frac{1}{z_B}\big((\frac{I_B-I_{dark}}{T_B}-I_{b}T_B\big) -\big(\frac{I_{EC}-I_{dark}}{T_{EC}}-I_{b}T_{EC})\big)\]
  • \(I_s\) is the interesting species

  • \(I_S\) is the sample of species in solvent (buffer)

  • \(I_B\) is the pure solvent (describing a constant background)

  • \(I_{dark}\) is the dark current measurement. For Pilatus detectors equal zero.

  • \(I_b\) is the empty beam measurement

  • \(I_{EC}\) is the empty cell measurement

  • \(z_x\) corresponding sample thickness

  • \(T_x\) corresponding transmission

The recurring pattern \(\big((\frac{I-I_{dark}}{T}-I_{b}T\big)\) shows that the the beam tail (border of primary beam not absorbed by the beam stop) is attenuated by the corresponding sample.

For equal sample thickness \(z\) the empty beam is included in subtraction of \(I_B\) :

\[I_s = \frac{1}{z} \big((\frac{I_S-I_{dark}}{T_S}-I_{b}T_S) - (\frac{I_B-I_{dark}}{T_B}-I_{b}T_B)\big)\]
  • The simple case

    If the transmissions are nearly equal as for e.g. protein samples with low concentration (\(T_S \approx T_B\)) we only need to subtract the transmission and dark current corrected buffer measurement from the sample.

    \[I_s = \frac{1}{z} \big((\frac{I_S-I_{dark}}{T_S}) - (\frac{I_B-I_{dark}}{T_B}\big)\]
  • Higher accuracy for large volume fractions

    For larger volume fractions \(\Phi\) the transmission might be different and we have to take into account that only \(1-\Phi\) of solvent contributes to \(I_S\). We may incorporate this in the sense of an optical density changing the effective thickness \(\frac{1}{z_B}\rightarrow\frac{1-\Phi}{z_B}\) resulting in different thicknesses \(z_S \neq z_B\)

Extrapolation and dividing

We assume that the above correction was correctly applied and we have a transmission corrected sample and buffer (background) measurement. This is what you typically get from SANS instruments as e.g KWS1-3 from MLZ Garching or D11-D33 at ILL, Grenoble.

The key part is dataff=datas.extrapolate(molarity=0)[0] to extrapolate to zero molarity.

# Analyse SAS data by extrapolating the form factor followed by structure factor determination

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# generate some synthetic data just for this demonstration
# import the model described in example_buildComplexModel
# it describes ellipsoids with PercusYevick structure factor
from jscatter.examples import particlesWithInteraction as PWI

NN = 100
q = js.loglist(0.1, 5, NN)
data = js.dL()
bgr = js.dA(np.c_[q, 0.2 + np.random.randn(NN) * 1e-3, [1e-3] * NN].T)  # background
for m in [0.02, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6]:
    pwi = PWI(q, Ra=3, Rb=4, molarity=m * 1e-3, bgr=0, contrast=6e-4)
    pwi = pwi.addColumn(1, np.random.randn(NN) * 1e-3)
    pwi.Y = pwi.Y + bgr.Y

# With measured data the above is just reading data and background
# with an attribute molarity or concentration.
# This might look like this
if 0:
    data = js.dL()
    bgr = js.dA('backgroundmeasurement.dat')
    for name in ['data_conc01.dat', 'data_conc02.dat', 'data_conc05.dat', 'data_conc08.dat']:
        data[-1].molarity = float(name.split('.')[0][-2:])

p = js.grace(2, 0.8)
p.multi(1, 4)
p[0].plot(data, sy=[-1, 0.3, -1], le='c= $molarity M')
p[0].yaxis(min=1e-4, max=1e2, scale='l', label=r'I(Q) / cm\S-1', tick=[10, 9], charsize=1, ticklabel=['power', 0, 1])
p[0].xaxis(scale='l', label=r'Q / nm\S-1', min=1e-1, max=1e1, charsize=1)
p[0].text(r'original data\nlike from measurement', y=50, x=1)
p[0].legend(x=0.12, y=0.003)

# Using the synthetic data we extract again the form factor and structure factor
# subtract background and scale data by concentration or volume fraction
datas = data.copy()
for dat in datas:
    dat.Y = (dat.Y - bgr.Y) / dat.molarity
    dat.eY = (dat.eY + bgr.eY) / dat.molarity  # errors increase
p[1].plot(datas, sy=[-1, 0.3, -1], le='c= $molarity M')
p[1].yaxis(min=1, max=1e5, scale='l', tick=[10, 9], charsize=1, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p[1].xaxis(scale='l', label=r'Q / nm\S-1', min=1e-1, max=1e1, charsize=1)
p[1].text(r'bgr subtracted and\n conc. scaled', y=5e4, x=0.8)

# extrapolate to zero concentration to get the  form factor
# dataff=datas.extrapolate(molarity=0,func=lambda y:-1/y,invfunc=lambda y:-1/y)
dataff = datas.extrapolate(molarity=0)[0]
# as error *estimate* we may use the mean of the errors which is not absolutely correct
dataff = dataff.addColumn(1, datas.eY.array.mean(axis=0))
p[2].plot(datas[0], li=[1, 2, 4], sy=0, le='low molarity')
p[2].plot(dataff, sy=[1, 0.5, 1, 1], le='extrapolated')
p[2].yaxis(min=1, max=1e5, scale='l', tick=[10, 9], charsize=1, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p[2].xaxis(scale='l', label=r'Q / nm\S-1', min=1e-1, max=1e1, charsize=1)
p[2].legend(x=0.13, y=200)
p[2].text(r'extrapolated formfactor \ncompared to lowest conc.', y=5e4, x=0.7)

# calc the structure factor by dividing by the form factor
sf = datas.copy()
for dat in sf:
    dat.Y = dat.Y / dataff.Y
    dat.eY = (dat.eY ** 2 / dataff.Y ** 2 + dataff.eY ** 2 * (dat.Y / dataff.Y ** 2) ** 2) ** 0.5
    dat.volfrac = dat.Volume * dat.molarity
p[3].plot(sf, sy=[-1, 0.3, -1], le=r'\xF\f{}= $volfrac')
p[3].yaxis(min=0, max=2, scale='n', label=['S(Q)', 1, 'opposite'], charsize=1, ticklabel=['General', 0, 1, 'opposite'])
p[3].xaxis(scale='n', label=r'Q / nm\S-1', min=1e-1, max=2, charsize=1)
p[3].text('structure factor', y=1.5, x=1)
p[3].legend(x=0.8, y=0.5)

# remember so safe the form factor and structurefactor
# sf.save('uniquenamestructurefactor.dat')
# dataff.save('uniquenameformfactor.dat')

# save the figures
p.save('SAS_sf_extraction.png', size=(2500/300, 1000/300), dpi=300)

12.4.3. How to fit SANS data including the resolution for different detector distances

First this example shows the influence of smearing, then how to do a fit including

smearing a la Pedersen. The next example can do the same.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# prepare profiles SANS for typical 2m and 8m measurement
# smear calls resFunc with the respective parameters; smear also works with line collimation SAXS if needed
resol8m = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile('SANS', collDist=8000., collAperture=10, detDist=8000., sampleAperture=10,
                                    wavelength=0.5, wavespread=0.2, dpixelWidth=10, dringwidth=1)

# demonstration smearing effects

# define model and use @smear to wrap it with the smearing function

def ellipsoid(q, a, b, bgr, detDist=2000, collDist=2000.):
    elli = js.ff.ellipsoid(q, a, b)
    elli.Y = elli.Y + bgr
    return elli

# generate some smeared data, or load them from measurement
a, b = 2, 3
obj = js.dL()
obj.append(ellipsoid(np.r_[0.01:1:0.01], a, b, 2, detDist=8000, collDist=8000.))
obj.append(ellipsoid(np.r_[0.5:5:0.05], a, b, 2, detDist=2000, collDist=2000.))

# here we compare the difference between the 2 profiles using for both the full q range
obj2 = js.dL()
obj2.append(ellipsoid(np.r_[0.01:5:0.02], a, b, 2, detDist=8000, collDist=8000.))
obj2.append(ellipsoid(np.r_[0.01:5:0.02], a, b, 2, detDist=2000, collDist=2000.))

# plot it
p = js.grace()
ellip = js.ff.ellipsoid(np.r_[0.01:5:0.01], a, b)
ellip.Y += 2
p.plot(ellip, sy=[1, 0.3, 1], legend='unsmeared ellipsoid')
p.yaxis(label='Intensity / a.u.', scale='l', min=1, max=1e4)
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='n')
p.plot(obj, legend='smeared $rf_detDist')
p.plot(obj2[0], li=[1, 1, 4], sy=0, legend='8m smeared full range')
p.plot(obj2[1], li=[3, 1, 4], sy=0, legend='2m smeared full range')
p.legend(x=2.5, y=8000)
p.title('SANS smearing of ellipsoid')

# now we use the simulated data to fit this to a model
# the data need attributes detDist and collDist to use correct parameters in smearing
# here we add these from above in rf_detDist (set in smear)
# for experimental data this needs to be added to the loaded data
obj[0].detDist = obj[0].rf_detDist
obj[0].collDist = obj[0].rf_collDist
obj[1].detDist = obj[1].rf_detDist
obj[1].collDist = obj[1].rf_collDist

def smearedellipsoid(q, A, a, b, bgr, detDist=2000, collDist=2000.):
    The model may use all needed parameters for smearing.
    ff = js.ff.ellipsoid(q, a, b)  # calc model
    ff.Y = ff.Y * A + bgr  # multiply amplitude factor and add bgr
    return ff

# fit it , here no errors
obj.makeErrPlot(yscale='l', fitlinecolor=[1, 2, 5])
obj.fit(smearedellipsoid, {'A': 1, 'a': 2.5, 'b': 3.5, 'bgr': 0}, {}, {'q': 'X'})
# show the unsmeared model
p = js.grace()
for oo in obj:
    p.plot(oo, sy=[-1, 0.5, -1], le='lastfit smeared')
    p.plot(oo.X, oo[2], li=[3, 2, 4], sy=0, legend='lastfit unsmeared')
Picture about SANS smearing

12.4.4. Fitting multiple smeared data together

In the following example all smearing types may be mixed and can be fitted together. For details and more examples on smearing see jscatter.sas.smear()

This examples shows SAXS/SANS smearing with different collimation.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# prepare beamprofiles according to measurement setup
# SAXS with small resolution
fbeam = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile(0.01)
# low and high Q SANS
Sbeam4m = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile('SANS', detDist=4000, wavelength=0.4, wavespread=0.1)
Sbeam20m = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile('SANS', detDist=20000, wavelength=0.4, wavespread=0.1)

# define smeared model with beamProfile as parameter
def smearedsphere(q, R, bgr, contrast=1, beamProfile=None):
    sp = js.ff.sphere(q=q, radius=R, contrast=contrast)
    sp.Y = sp.Y + bgr
    return sp

# read data with 3 measurements
smeared = js.dL(js.examples.datapath+'/smearedSASdata.dat')

# add corresponding smearing to the datasets
# that the model can see in attribute beamprofile how to smear
smeared[0].beamProfile = fbeam
smeared[1].beamProfile = Sbeam4m
smeared[2].beamProfile = Sbeam20m

if 0:
    # For scattering data it is sometimes advantageous
    # to use a log weight in fit using the error weight
    for temp in smeared:
        temp.eY = temp.eY *np.log(temp.Y)

# fit it
smeared.makeErrPlot(yscale='l', fitlinecolor=[1, 2, 5], title='Multi smeared model fit')
smeared.fit(smearedsphere, {'R': 12, 'bgr': 0.1, 'contrast': 1e-2}, {}, {'q': 'X'})
# smeared.errplot.save(js.examples.imagepath+'/smearedfitexample.png')

Picture about smearing/desmearing

12.4.5. Smearing and desmearing of SAX and SANS data

Here we examine the effect of instrumental smearing for SAX (Kratky Camera, line! ) and SANS and how we can use the Lake algorithm for desmearing.

The conclusion is that because of the increased noise it is in most cases more effective to fit smeared models than to desmear data and fit these. The additional advantage is that at the edges (eg detector limits) we can desmear a model correctly while we need assumptions for the data (e.g. low Q Guinier behavior, high Q as constant) which are sometimes difficult to justify.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# Here we examine the effect of instrumental smearing for SAX (Kratky Camera, line! ) and SANS
# and how we can use the Lake algorithm for desmearing.

# some data
q = np.r_[0.01:7:0.01]
# obj = js.ff.sphere(q,5)
data = js.ff.ellipsoid(q, 2, 3)
# add background
data.Y += 2
# load data for beam width profile
empty = js.dA(js.examples.datapath + '/buffer_averaged_corrected_despiked.pdh', usecols=[0, 1],
              lines2parameter=[2, 3, 4])
# read beam length profile measurement for a slit (Kratky Camera)
beam = js.dA(js.examples.datapath + '/BeamProfile.pdh', usecols=[0, 1], lines2parameter=[2, 3, 4])

# fit beam width for line collimation with semitransparent beam stop
bwidth = js.sas.getBeamWidth(empty, 'auto')

# prepare measured beamprofile from beam measurement
mbeam = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile(beam, a=2, b=1, bxw=bwidth, dIW=1.)
# prepare profile with trapezoidal shape using explicit given parameters (using parameters from above to have equal)
tbeam = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile('trapez', a=mbeam.a, b=mbeam.b, bxw=bwidth, dIW=1)
# prepare profile SANS a la Pedersen in point collimation. This can be used for SAXS with smaller apertures too!
Sbeam = js.sas.prepareBeamProfile('SANS', detDist=2000, wavelength=0.4, wavespread=0.15)

if 0:
    p = js.sas.plotBeamProfile(mbeam)
    p = js.sas.plotBeamProfile(mbeam, p)

# smear
datasm = js.sas.smear(unsmeared=data, beamProfile=mbeam)
datast = js.sas.smear(unsmeared=data, beamProfile=tbeam)
datasS = js.sas.smear(unsmeared=data, beamProfile=Sbeam)
# add noise
datasm.Y += np.random.normal(0, 0.5, len(datasm.X))
datast.Y += np.random.normal(0, 0.5, len(datast.X))
datasS.Y += np.random.normal(0, 0.5, len(datasS.X))

# desmear again
ws = 11
NI = -15
dsm = js.sas.desmear(datasm, mbeam, NIterations=NI, windowsize=ws)
dst = js.sas.desmear(datast, tbeam, NIterations=NI, windowsize=ws)
dsS = js.sas.desmear(datasS, Sbeam, NIterations=NI, windowsize=ws)

# compare
p = js.grace(2, 1.4)
p.plot(data, sy=[1, 0.3, 3], le='original ellipsoid')
p.plot(dst, sy=0, li=[1, 2, 1], le='desmeared SAX line collimation')
p.plot(dsS, sy=0, li=[1, 2, 2], le='desmeared SANS')
p.plot(datasm, li=[3, 2, 1], sy=0, le='smeared SAX line collimation')
p.plot(datasS, li=[3, 2, 4], sy=0, le='smeared SANS')
p.yaxis(max=1e4, min=0.1, scale='l', label='Intensity / a.u.', size=1.7)
p.xaxis(label=r'q / nm\S-1', size=1.7)
p.legend(x=3, y=5500, charsize=1.7)
p.title('Smeared ellipsoid and desmearing by Lake algorithm')

# The conclusion is to better fit smeared models than to desmear and fit unsmeared models.
Picture about smearing/desmearing

12.4.6. Simultaneous fit SANS data of a partly matched sample measured at 3 contrast conditions

In this example we ignore smearing (Add it if needed).

We have a sample like a micelles of a diblock copolymer with a shorter hydrophobic and a longer hydrophilic part. The hydrophobic part will make a core with hydrophilic extended Gaussian coils into the solvent.

To separate core and coils 3 contrast were measured in H2O, a H2O/D2O mixture with SLD 3e-4 and D2O.

As a reasonable high concentration was used we observe in the core contrast (black points) already a structure factor as a maximum at around 0.3 /nm. The minimum around 1 /nm defines the core radius in ths contrast that we fix. This structure factor we need to include.

We do a simultaneous fit of all together using the coreGaussiancoronna model. To add structure factor and background we write our own model.

import jscatter as js

# read data measured at 3 contrast conditions:
i5 = js.dL(js.examples.datapath + '/gauscoronna.dat')
# add solvent contrast to data from preparation, will be used as fixed parameter per dataArray
i5[0].solventSLD = -0.56e-4    # H2O contrast (nearly its actually lower, but this is just an example)
i5[1].solventSLD = 3e-4        # some H2O/D2O mixture
i5[2].solventSLD = 6.3e-4      # D2O
i5.setlimit(bgr=[0, 0.00001], RPY=[0, 20])

# define sphereGaussianCorona with background
def coreCoilCoronna(q, R, Rg, Ncoil, coilequR, coilSLD, sphereSLD, solventSLD, RPY,eta,bgr):
    res = js.ff.sphereGaussianCorona(q, R=R, Rg=Rg, Ncoil=Ncoil, coilequR=coilequR,
                                     coilSLD=coilSLD, sphereSLD=sphereSLD, solventSLD=solventSLD)
    res.Y =res.Y * js.sf.PercusYevick(q, RPY, eta=eta).Y + bgr
    return res

# make ErrPlot to see progress of intermediate steps with residuals (updated all 2 seconds)
i5.makeErrPlot(title='simultaneous fit contrast matching', xscale='log', yscale='log', legpos=[0.12, 0.5])

# fit it
# the minimum in core contrast can be used to pretetermine "R":4
# Method 'Nelder-Mead' searchs more for a solution,direct use of 'lm' fails
i5.fit(model=coreCoilCoronna,  # the fit function
       freepar={ 'Rg': 3, 'Ncoil': 8, 'coilequR': 2, 'coilSLD': 3e-4, 'sphereSLD': 3e-4, 'bgr': 0,
       fixpar={'R': 4},
       mapNames={'q': 'X', }, method='Nelder-Mead', maxfev=20000)

# use a 'lm' to polish the result and get errors using the last fit result as start
# here this really improves the fit

# i5.errplot.save(js.examples.imagepath+'/multicontrastfit.png', size=(1.5, 1.5))

A simultaneous contrast fit

12.4.7. Multilamellar Vesicles

Here we look at the various effects appearing for vesicles and how they change the scattering.

import jscatter as js

Q = js.loglist(0.001, 5, 500)  # np.r_[0.01:5:0.01]

ffmV = js.ff.multilamellarVesicles
save = 0

# correlation peak sharpness depends on disorder
dR = 20
nG = 200
p = js.grace(1, 1)
for dd in [0.1, 6, 10]:
    p.plot(ffmV(Q=Q, R=100, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=10, dN=0, phi=0.2, nGauss=nG),
           le='displace= %g ' % dd)

p.legend(x=0.3, y=10)
p.title('Scattering of multilamellar vesicle')
p.subtitle('lamella N=10, layerd 0 nm, dR=20, R=100')
p.yaxis(label='S(Q)', scale='l', min=1e-7, max=1e2, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='l', min=1e-3, max=5, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p.text('Guinier range', x=0.005, y=10)
p.text(r'Correlation peaks\nsharpness decreases with disorder', x=0.02, y=0.00001)
if save: p.save('multilamellar1.png')

# Correlation peak position depends on average layer distance
dd = 0
dR = 20
nG = 200
p = js.grace(1, 1)
for N in [1, 3, 10, 30, 100]:
    p.plot(ffmV(Q=Q, R=100, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=N, dN=0, phi=0.2, nGauss=nG), le='N= %g ' % N)

p.legend(x=0.3, y=10)
p.title('Scattering of multilamellar vesicle')
p.subtitle('shellnumber N, layers 0 nm, dR=20, R=100')
p.yaxis(label='S(Q)', scale='l', min=1e-7, max=1e2, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='l', min=1e-3, max=5, ticklabel=['power', 0])

p.text('Guinier range', x=0.005, y=40)
p.text(r'Correlation peaks\n at 2\xp\f{}N/R', x=0.2, y=0.01)
if save: p.save('multilamellar2.png')

# including the shell formfactor with fluctuations of layer thickness
dd = 2
dR = 20
nG = 200
p = js.grace(1, 1)
# multi lamellar structure factor
mV = ffmV(Q=Q, R=100, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=10, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=6, layerSLD=1e-4, nGauss=nG)
for i, ds in enumerate([0.001, 0.1, 0.6, 1.2], 1):
    # calc layer fomfactor
    lf = js.formel.pDA(js.ff.multilayer, ds, 'layerd', q=Q, layerd=6, layerSLD=1e-4)
    p.plot(mV.X, mV._Sq * lf.Y / lf.Y[0], sy=[i, 0.3, i], le='ds= %g ' % ds)
    p.plot(mV.X, lf.Y, sy=0, li=[3, 3, i])
    p.plot(mV.X, mV._Sq, sy=0, li=[2, 3, i])

p.legend(x=0.003, y=1)
p.title('Scattering of multilamellar vesicle')
p.subtitle('shellnumber N=10, layers 6 nm, dR=20, R=100')
p.yaxis(label='S(Q)', scale='l', min=1e-12, max=1e2, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='l', min=2e-3, max=5, ticklabel=['power', 0])

p.text('Guinier range', x=0.005, y=10)
p.text(r'Correlation peak\n at 2\xp\f{}N/R', x=0.4, y=5e-3)
p.text('Shell form factor', x=0.03, y=1e-6)
p.text(r'Shell structure factor', x=0.02, y=2e-5)
p[0].line(0.08, 1e-5, 2, 1e-5, 2, arrow=2)
if save: p.save('multilamellar3.png')

# Comparing multilamellar and unilamellar vesicle
dd = 2
dR = 5
nG = 100
ds = 0.2
N = 4
p = js.grace(1, 1)
for i, R in enumerate([40, 50, 60], 1):
    mV = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=N, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=6, ds=ds, layerSLD=1e-4, nGauss=nG)
    p.plot(mV, sy=[i, 0.3, i], le='R= %g ' % R)
    p.plot(mV.X, mV[-2] * 0.01, sy=0, li=[1, 1, i])
# is same for all
p.plot(mV.X, mV[-1], sy=0, li=[1, 1, 1])

# comparison double sphere
mV = ffmV(Q=Q, R=50., displace=0, dR=5, N=1, dN=0, phi=1, layerd=6, ds=ds, layerSLD=1e-4, nGauss=100)
p.plot(mV, sy=0, li=[1, 2, 4], le='unilamellar R=50 nm')
mV = ffmV(Q=Q, R=60., displace=0, dR=5, N=1, dN=0, phi=1, layerd=6, ds=ds, layerSLD=1e-4, nGauss=100)
p.plot(mV, sy=0, li=[3, 2, 4], le='unilamellar R=60 nm')

p.legend(x=0.3, y=2e3)
p.title('Comparing multilamellar and unilamellar vesicle')
p.subtitle(f'R={R} nm, N={N}, layers={6} nm, dR={dR}, ds={ds}')
p.yaxis(label='S(Q)', scale='l', min=1e-10, max=1e4, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='l', min=1e-2, max=5, ticklabel=['power', 0])

p.text('Guinier range', x=0.02, y=1000)
p.text(r'Correlation peaks\n at 2\xp\f{}N/R', x=0.8, y=0.1)
p[0].line(0.8, 4e-2, 0.6, 4e-2, 2, arrow=2)
p.text('Shell form factor', x=1.3, y=0.3e-2, rot=335)
# p[0].line(0.2,4e-5,0.8,4e-5,2,arrow=2)
p.text(r'Shell structure factor\n x0.01', x=0.011, y=0.1, rot=0)
p.text('Shell form factor ', x=0.02, y=2e-6, rot=0)
if save: p.save('multilamellar4.png')

The first image shows how a multilamellar vesicles changes the shape of the membrane correlation peak with increasing dislocations of the centers.

Picture multilamellar1

Larger number of lamella shifts the correlation peak to higher Q.

Picture multilamellar2

The shell formfactor determines the high Q minima. This allows to access the structure of e.g. bilayers.

Picture multilamellar3

Multilamellar and unilamellar can be distinguished with the aid of the appearing correlation peaks. See below.

Picture multilamellar4

A more realistic example for DPPC

We use a simplified model with 3 box layers and approximate thickness and scattering length densities. Kučerka uses a multi Gaussian profile.

# Values for layer thickness can be found in
# Structure of lipid bilayers
# John F. Nagle et al. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1469, 159–195. (2000)

# scattering length densities of DPPC for SAXS and SANS can be found in
#  Kučerka et al. Biophysical Journal. 95,2356 (2008)
#  https://doi.org/10.1529/biophysj.108.132662

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

ffmV = js.ff.multilamellarVesicles
save = 0

Q = js.loglist(0.01, 7, 500)
dd = 1.5
dR = 5
nG = 100
ds = 0.05  # variation of hydrocarbon layer thickness
R = 50
sd = [0.75, 2.8, 0.75]
N = 2

p = js.grace(1.4,1)
p.title('Multilamellar/unilamellar vesicle for SAXS/SANS')
sld = np.r_[420, 290, 420] * js.formel.felectron  # unit e/nm³*fe
sSLD = 335 * js.formel.felectron  # H2O unit e/nm³*fe
saxm = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=N, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=ds, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=nG)
p.plot(saxm, sy=0, li=[1, 1, 1], le='multilamellar')
saxu = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=0, dR=dR, N=1, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=ds, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=100)
p.plot(saxu, sy=0, li=[3, 2, 1], le='unilamellar')
saxu0 = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=0, dR=dR, N=1, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=0, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=100)
p.plot(saxu0, sy=0, li=[2, 0.3, 1], le='unilamellar ds=0')
p.text('SAXS', x=0.015, y=0.2, charsize=1.5,color=1)

sld=[4e-4, -.5e-4, 4e-4]  # unit 1/nm²
sSLD = 6.335e-4  # D2O
sanm = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=N, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=ds, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=nG)
p.plot(sanm, sy=0, li=[1, 1, 2], le='multilamellar')
sanu = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=0, dR=dR, N=1, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=ds, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=100)
p.plot(sanu, sy=0, li=[3, 2, 2], le='unilamellar')
sanu = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=0, dR=dR, N=1, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=0, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=100)
p.plot(sanu, sy=0, li=[2, 0.3, 2], le='unilamellar ds=0')
p.text('SANS', x=0.015, y=50, charsize=1.5,color=2)

p.legend(x=0.8, y=950, boxcolor=0, boxfillpattern=0)
p.subtitle('R=%.2g nm, N=%.1g, layerd=%s nm, dR=%.1g, ds=%.2g' % (R, N, sd, dR, ds))

p.yaxis(label='S(Q)', scale='l', min=2e-6, max=2e3, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='l', min=1e-2, max=9, ticklabel=['power', 0])
p.text(r'Correlation peaks\n at 2\xp\f{}N/R', x=0.25, y=0.05, charsize=1.,color=1)
p.text('Guinier range', x=0.03, y=900, charsize=1.)
p.text('Shell form factor ds=0', x=0.2, y=0.2e-4)
p[0].line(0.3, 1e-5, 1.3, 1e-5, 2, arrow=2)
if save: p.save('multilamellar5.png')

Picture multilamellar5

Multilamellar SAXS example for DPPC

The first minima with following increase is a result of the near matching condition for bilayers in SAXS. Additionally we observe characteristic peaks/shoulders in the first increase/top as a result of multilamellar interference. See for comparison Kučerka et al. Langmuir 23, 1292 (2007) https://doi.org/10.1021/la062455t .

We use again the simplified model with 3 box layers and approximate thickness from above

# Values for layer thickness can be found in
# Structure of lipid bilayers
# John F. Nagle et al.Biochim Biophys Acta. 1469, 159–195. (2000)

# scattering length densities of DPPC for SAXS and SANS can be found in
#  Kučerka et al. Biophysical Journal. 95,2356 (2008)
#  https://doi.org/10.1529/biophysj.108.132662

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

ffmV = js.ff.multilamellarVesicles
save = 0

Q = js.loglist(0.01, 7, 500)
dd = 1.5
dR = 5
nG = 100
ds = 0.05  # variation of hydrocarbon layer thickness
R = 50
sd = [0.75, 2.8, 0.75]
N = 2

p = js.grace(1.4,1)
p.title('Multilamellar/unilamellar vesicle for SAXS/SANS')

sld = np.r_[420, 290, 420] * js.formel.felectron  # unit e/nm³*fe
sSLD = 335 * js.formel.felectron  # H2O unit e/nm³*fe
saxu = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=0, dR=dR, N=1, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=ds, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=100)
saxu0 = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=0, dR=dR, N=1, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=0, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=100)

p.plot(saxu, sy=0, li=[1, 3, 3], le='unilamellar')
p.plot(saxu0, sy=0, li=[2, 0.3, 1], le='unilamellar ds=0')
N=2; dN=0; dR=5
saxm = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=N, dN=0, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=ds, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=nG)
p.plot(saxm, sy=0, li=[1, 1, 1], le=f'multilamellar N={N} dN={dN} dR={dR}')
N=3; dN=1; dR=6
saxm = ffmV(Q=Q, R=R, displace=dd, dR=dR, N=N, dN=dN, phi=0.2, layerd=sd, ds=ds, layerSLD=sld, solventSLD=sSLD, nGauss=nG)
p.plot(saxm, sy=0, li=[1, 3, 4], le=f'multilamellar N={N} dN={dN} dR={dR}')

p.legend(x=3, y=0.004, boxcolor=0, boxfillpattern=0)
p.subtitle('R=%.2g nm, layers=%s nm, dR=%.1g, ds=%.2g' % (R, sd, dR, ds))
p.yaxis(label='S(Q)', scale='n', min=0.0, max=5e-3)
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='n', min=0, max=6)
p.text(r'correlation peaks\n at 2\xp\f{}N/R', x=2, y=0.003, charsize=1., color=1)
p[0].line(0.77,0.0023,2,2.7e-3, 3,1,1,1,2,2)
p[0].line(1.2,0.0042,2,3.3e-3, 3,1,1,1,2,2)
p.text(r'minima due to matching', x=0.3, y=0.002, charsize=1.3, rot=90)

if save: p.save('multilamellar5SAXS.png')

Picture multilamellar5SAXS

12.4.8. 2D oriented scattering

Formfactors of oriented particles or particle complexes

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# Examples for scattering of 2D scattering of some spheres oriented in space relative to incoming beam
# incoming beam along Y
# detector plane X,Z
# For latter possibility to fit 2D data we have Y=f(X,Z)

# two points
rod0 = np.zeros([2, 3])
rod0[:, 1] = np.r_[0, np.pi]
qxz = np.mgrid[-6:6:50j, -6:6:50j].reshape(2, -1).T
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxz, rod0, mosaicity=[10,0,0], nCone=10, rms=0)
fig = js.mpl.surface(ffe.X, ffe.Z, ffe.Y)
fig.axes[0].set_title('cos**2 for Z and slow decay for X')
# noise in positions
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxz, rod0, mosaicity=[10,0,0], nCone=100, rms=0.1)
fig = js.mpl.surface(ffe.X, ffe.Z, ffe.Y)
fig.axes[0].set_title('cos**2 for Y and slow decay for X with position noise')
# two points along z result in symmetric pattern around zero
# asymmetry is due to small nCone and reflects the used Fibonacci lattice
rod0 = np.zeros([2, 3])
rod0[:, 2] = np.r_[0, np.pi]
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxz, rod0, mosaicity=[45,0,0], nCone=10, rms=0.05)
fig2 = js.mpl.surface(ffe.X, ffe.Z, ffe.Y)
fig2.axes[0].set_title('symmetric around zero')
# 5 spheres in line with small position distortion
rod0 = np.zeros([5, 3])
rod0[:, 1] = np.r_[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * 3
qxz = np.mgrid[-6:6:50j, -6:6:50j].reshape(2, -1).T
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxz, rod0, formfactoramp='sphere', V=4 / 3. * np.pi * 2 ** 3, mosaicity=[20,0,0],
                                    nCone=30, rms=0.02)
fig4 = js.mpl.surface(ffe.X, ffe.Z, np.log10(ffe.Y), colorMap='gnuplot')
fig4.axes[0].set_title('5 spheres with R=2 along Z with noise (rms=0.02)')
# 5 core shell particles in line with small position distortion (Gaussian)
rod0 = np.zeros([5, 3])
rod0[:, 1] = np.r_[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * 3
qxz = np.mgrid[-6:6:50j, -6:6:50j].reshape(2, -1).T
# only as demo : extract q from qxz
qxzy = np.c_[qxz, np.zeros_like(qxz[:, 0])]
qrpt = js.formel.xyz2rphitheta(qxzy)
q = np.unique(sorted(qrpt[:, 0]))
# or use interpolation
q = js.loglist(0.01, 7, 100)
# explicitly given isotropic form factor amplitude
cs = js.ff.sphereCoreShell(q=q, Rc=1, Rs=2, bc=0.1, bs=1, solventSLD=0)[[0, 2]]
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxz, rod0, formfactoramp=cs, mosaicity=[20,0,0], nCone=100, rms=0.05)
fig4 = js.mpl.surface(ffe.X, ffe.Z, np.log10(ffe.Y), colorMap='gnuplot')
fig4.axes[0].set_title('5 core shell particles with R=2 along Z with noise (rms=0.05)')

# Extracting 1D data
# 1. average angular region (similar to experimental detector data)
# 2. direct calculation
# Here with higher resolution to see the additional peaks due to alignment.
# 1:
rod0 = np.zeros([5, 3])
rod0[:, 1] = np.r_[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * 3
qxz = np.mgrid[-4:4:150j, -4:4:150j].reshape(2, -1).T
# only as demo : extract q from qxz
qxzy = np.c_[qxz, np.zeros_like(qxz[:, 0])]
qrpt = js.formel.xyz2rphitheta(qxzy)
q = np.unique(sorted(qrpt[:, 0]))
# or use interpolation
q = js.loglist(0.01, 7, 100)
cs = js.ff.sphereCoreShell(q=q, Rc=1, Rs=2, bc=0.1, bs=1, solventSLD=0)[[0, 2]]
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxz, rod0, formfactoramp=cs, mosaicity=[20,0,0], nCone=100, rms=0.05)
fig4 = js.mpl.surface(ffe.X, ffe.Z, np.log10(ffe.Y), colorMap='gnuplot')
fig4.axes[0].set_title('5 core shell particles with R=2 along Z with noise (rms=0.05)')
# transform X,Z to spherical coordinates
qphi = js.formel.xyz2rphitheta([ffe.X, ffe.Z, abs(ffe.X * 0)], transpose=True)[:, :2]
# add qphi or use later rp[1] for selection
ffb = ffe.addColumn(2, qphi.T)
# select a portion of the phi angles
phi = np.pi / 2
dphi = 0.2
ffn = ffb[:, (ffb[-1] < phi + dphi) & (ffb[-1] > phi - dphi)]
ffn.isort(-2)  # sort along radial q
p = js.grace()
p.plot(ffn[-2], ffn.Y, le='oriented spheres form factor')
# compare to coreshell formfactor scaled
p.plot(cs.X, cs.Y ** 2 / cs.Y[0] ** 2 * 25, li=1, le='coreshell form factor')
p.yaxis(label='F(Q,phi=90°+-11°)', scale='log')
p.title('5 aligned core shell particle with additional interferences', size=1.)
p.subtitle(' due to sphere alignment dependent on observation angle')

# 2: direct way with 2D q in xz plane
rod0 = np.zeros([5, 3])
rod0[:, 1] = np.r_[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * 3
x = np.r_[0.0:6:0.05]
qxzy = np.c_[x, x * 0, x * 0]
for alpha in np.r_[0:91:30]:
    R = js.formel.rotationMatrix(np.r_[0, 0, 1], np.deg2rad(alpha))  # rotate around Z axis
    qa = np.dot(R, qxzy.T).T[:, :2]
    ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qa, rod0, formfactoramp=cs, mosaicity=[20,0,0], nCone=100, rms=0.05)
    p.plot(x, ffe.Y, li=[1, 2, -1], sy=0, le='alpha=%g' % alpha)
p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1')
2D scattering coreshell 2D scattering

Oriented crystal structure factors in 2D

# Comparison of different domain sizes dependent on direction of scattering ::

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# make xy grid in q space
R = 8  # maximum
N = 50  # number of points
qxy = np.mgrid[-R:R:N * 1j, -R:R:N * 1j].reshape(2, -1).T
# add z=0 component
qxyz = np.c_[qxy, np.zeros(N ** 2)]
# create sc lattice which includes reciprocal lattice vectors and methods to get peak positions
sclattice = js.lattice.scLattice(2.1, 5)
sclattice.rotatehkl2Vector([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
# define crystal size in directions
ds = [[20, 1, 0, 0], [5, 0, 1, 0], [5, 0, 0, 1]]
# We orient to 100 direction perpendicular to center of qxy plane
ffs = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxyz, sclattice, domainsize=ds, rmsd=0.1, hklmax=2)
fig = js.mpl.surface(qxyz[:, 0], qxyz[:, 1], ffs[3].array)
fig.axes[0].set_title('symmetric peaks: thinner direction perpendicular to scattering plane')
# We orient to 010 direction perpendicular to center of qxy plane
sclattice.rotatehkl2Vector([0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1])
ffs = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxyz, sclattice, domainsize=ds, rmsd=0.1, hklmax=2)
fig2 = js.mpl.surface(qxyz[:, 0], qxyz[:, 1], ffs[3].array)
fig2.axes[0].set_title('asymmetric peaks: thin direction is parallel to scattering plane')

# rhombic lattice simple and body centered

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# make xy grid in q space
R = 8  # maximum
N = 50  # number of points
qxy = np.mgrid[-R:R:N * 1j, -R:R:N * 1j].reshape(2, -1).T
# add z=0 component
qxyz = np.c_[qxy, np.zeros(N ** 2)]
# create rhombic  bc lattice which includes reciprocal lattice vectors and methods to get peak positions
rblattice = js.lattice.rhombicLattice([[2, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 1]], size=[5, 5, 5],
                                      unitCellAtoms=[[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
# We orient to 100 direction perpendicular to xy plane
rblattice.rotatehkl2Vector([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])

# define crystal size in directions
ds = [[20, 1, 0, 0], [5, 0, 1, 0], [5, 0, 0, 1]]
ffs = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxyz, rblattice, domainsize=ds, rmsd=0.1, hklmax=2)
fig = js.mpl.surface(ffs.X, ffs.Z, ffs[3].array)
fig.axes[0].set_title('rhombic body centered lattice')
# same without body centered atom
tlattice = js.lattice.rhombicLattice([[2, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 1]], size=[5, 5, 5])
tlattice.rotatehkl2Vector([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
ffs = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxyz, tlattice, domainsize=ds, rmsd=0.1, hklmax=2)
fig2 = js.mpl.surface(ffs.X, ffs.Z, ffs[3].array)
fig2.axes[0].set_title('rhombic lattice')

# Rotation of 10 degrees along [1,1,1] axis. It looks spiky because of low number of points in xy plane ::

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# make xy grid in q space
R = 8  # maximum
N = 800  # number of points
qxy = np.mgrid[-R:R:N * 1j, -R:R:N * 1j].reshape(2, -1).T
# add z=0 component
qxyz = np.c_[qxy, np.zeros(N ** 2)]  # as position vectors
# create sc lattice which includes reciprocal lattice vectors and methods to get peak positions
sclattice = js.lattice.scLattice(2.1, 5)
# We orient to 111 direction perpendicular to xy plane
sclattice.rotatehkl2Vector([1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1])
# this needs crystal rotation by 15 degrees to be aligned to xy plane after rotation to 111 direction
# The crystals rotates by 10 degrees around 111 to broaden peaks.
ds = 15
fpi = np.pi / 180.
ffs = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxyz, sclattice, rotation=[1, 1, 1, 10 * fpi],
                                           domainsize=ds, rmsd=0.1, hklmax=2, nGauss=23)
fig = js.mpl.surface(ffs.X, ffs.Z, ffs[3].array)
fig.axes[0].set_title('10 degree rotation around 111 direction')
2D scattering coreshell 2D scattering

Ewald Sphere of simple cubic lattice

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
from matplotlib import cm

phi, theta = np.meshgrid(np.r_[0:np.pi:45j], np.r_[0:2 * np.pi:90j])

# The Cartesian coordinates of the sphere
q = 3
x = q * (np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) + 1)
y = q * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)
z = q * np.cos(phi)
qxzy = np.asarray([x, y, z]).reshape(3, -1).T

sclattice = js.lattice.scLattice(2.1, 5)
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxzy, sclattice.XYZ, mosaicity=[5,0,0], nCone=20, rms=0.02)

# log scale for colors
ffey = np.log(ffe.Y)
fmax, fmin = ffey.max(), ffey.min()
ffeY = (np.reshape(ffey, x.shape) - fmin) / (fmax - fmin)

# Set the aspect ratio to 1 so our sphere looks spherical
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=pyplot.figaspect(1.))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.seismic(ffeY))

# Turn off the axis planes

# ------------------------------------

phi, theta = np.meshgrid(np.r_[0:np.pi:90j], np.r_[0:1 * np.pi:90j])
# The Cartesian coordinates of the unit sphere
q = 8
x = q * (np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) + 1)
y = q * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)
z = q * np.cos(phi)
qxzy = np.asarray([x, y, z]).reshape(3, -1).T

# Set the aspect ratio to 1 so our sphere looks spherical
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=pyplot.figaspect(1.))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# create lattice and show it scaled
sclattice = js.lattice.scLattice(2.1, 1)
sclattice.rotatehkl2Vector([1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1])
gg = ax.scatter(sclattice.X / 3 + q, sclattice.Y / 3, sclattice.Z / 3, c='k', alpha=0.9)

ds = 15
fpi = np.pi / 180.
ffs = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxzy, sclattice, rotation=None, domainsize=ds, rmsd=0.1, hklmax=2, nGauss=23)
# show scattering in log scale on Ewald sphere
ffsy = np.log(ffs.Y)
fmax, fmin = ffsy.max(), ffsy.min()
ffsY = (np.reshape(ffsy, x.shape) - fmin) / (fmax - fmin)

ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.hsv(ffsY), alpha=0.4)
ax.plot([q, 2 * q], [0, 0], [0, 0], color='k')

#  ad flat detector xy plane
xzw = np.mgrid[-8:8:80j, -8:8:80j]
qxzw = np.stack([np.zeros_like(xzw[0]), xzw[0], xzw[1]], axis=0)

ff2 = js.sf.orientedLatticeStructureFactor(qxzw.reshape(3, -1).T, sclattice, rotation=None, domainsize=ds, rmsd=0.1,
                                           hklmax=2, nGauss=23)
ffs2 = np.log(ff2.Y)
fmax, fmin = ffs2.max(), ffs2.min()
ff2Y = (np.reshape(ffs2, xzw[0].shape) - fmin) / (fmax - fmin)
ax.plot_surface(qxzw[0], qxzw[1], qxzw[2], rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.gist_ncar(ff2Y), alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('x axis')
ax.set_ylabel('y axis')
ax.set_zlabel('z axis')

fig.suptitle('Scattering plane and Ewald sphere of lattice \nmatplotlib is limited in 3D')
# matplotlib is not real 3D rendering
# maybe use later something else
Ewald2 Ewald2

12.4.9. A nano cube build of different lattices

Here we build a nano cube from different crystal structures.

We can observe the cube formfactor and at larger Q the crystal peaks broadened by the small size. The scattering is explicitly calculated from the grids by ff.cloudScattering. Smoothing with a Gaussian considers experimental broadening (and smooth the result:-).

relError is set to higher value to speed it up. For precise calculation decrease it. For the pictures it was 0.02, this takes about 26 s on 6 core CPU for last bcc example with about 10000 atoms and 900 Q values.

Model with explicit atom positions in small grid

The peaks at large Q are Bragg peaks. Due to the small size extinction rules are not fulfilled completely, which is best visible at first peak positions where we still observe forbidden peaks for bcc and fcc. All Bragg peaks are shown in the second example. The formfactor shows reduced amplitudes due to Debye-Waller factor (rms) and the number of grid atoms. The analytical solution has infinite high density of atoms and a sharp interface.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

q = np.r_[js.loglist(0.01, 3, 200), 3:40:800j]
unitcelllength = 1.5
N = 8
rms = 0.05
relError = 20  # 0.02 for picture below

# make grids and calc scattering
scgrid = js.sf.scLattice(unitcelllength, N)
sc = js.ff.cloudScattering(q, scgrid.points, relError=relError, rms=rms)
bccgrid = js.sf.bccLattice(unitcelllength, N)
bcc = js.ff.cloudScattering(q, bccgrid.points, relError=relError, rms=rms)
fccgrid = js.sf.fccLattice(unitcelllength, N)
fcc = js.ff.cloudScattering(q, fccgrid.points, relError=relError, rms=rms)
# plot  data
p = js.grace(1.5, 1)
# smooth with Gaussian to include instrument resolution
p.plot(sc.X, js.formel.smooth(sc, 10, window='gaussian'), legend='sc')
p.plot(bcc.X, js.formel.smooth(bcc, 10, window='gaussian'), legend='bcc')
p.plot(fcc.X, js.formel.smooth(fcc, 10, window='gaussian'), legend='fcc')
# diffusive scattering
# while cloudScattering is normalized to one (without normalization ~ N**2),
# diffusive is proportional to scattering of single atoms (incoherent ~ N)
q = q = js.loglist(1, 35, 100)
p.plot(q, (1 - np.exp(-q * q * rms ** 2)) / scgrid.numberOfAtoms(), li=[3, 2, 1], sy=0, le='sc diffusive')
p.plot(q, (1 - np.exp(-q * q * rms ** 2)) / bccgrid.numberOfAtoms(), li=[3, 2, 2], sy=0, le='bcc diffusive')
p.plot(q, (1 - np.exp(-q * q * rms ** 2)) / fccgrid.numberOfAtoms(), li=[3, 2, 3], sy=0, le='fcc diffusive')
# cuboid formfactor for small Q
q = js.loglist(0.01, 2, 300)
cube = js.ff.cuboid(q, unitcelllength * (2 * N + 1))
p.plot(cube.X, js.formel.smooth(cube, 10, window='gaussian') / cube.Y[0], sy=0, li=1, le='cube form factor')
p.title('Comparison sc, bcc, fcc lattice for a nano cube')
p.yaxis(scale='l', label='I(Q)', max=1, min=5e-7)
p.xaxis(scale='l', label=r'Q / A\S-1', max=50, min=0.01)
p.legend(x=0.02, y=0.001, charsize=1.5)
p.text('cube formfactor', x=0.02, y=0.05, charsize=1.4)
p.text('Bragg peaks', x=4, y=0.05, charsize=1.4)
p.text('diffusive scattering', x=4, y=1e-6, charsize=1.4)


Analytical model assuming crystal lattice with limited size

This shows the Bragg peaks of crystal structures with broadening due to limited size.

The low Q scattering from the chrystal shape is not covered well as only the asymptotic behaviour is governed.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

q = np.r_[js.loglist(0.5, 3, 50), 3:80:1200j]
unitcelllength = 1.5
N = 8
a = 1.5  # unit cell length
domainsize = a * (2 * N + 1)
rms = 0.05
p = js.grace(1.5, 1)
p.title('structure factor for sc, bcc and fcc 3D lattice')
p.subtitle('with diffusive scattering,asymmetry factor beta=1')

scgrid = js.sf.scLattice(unitcelllength, N)
sc = js.sf.latticeStructureFactor(q, lattice=scgrid, rmsd=rms, domainsize=domainsize)
p.plot(sc, li=[1, 3, 1], sy=0, le='sc')
p.plot(sc.X, 1 - sc[-3], li=[3, 2, 1], sy=0)  # diffusive scattering

bccgrid = js.sf.bccLattice(unitcelllength, N)
bcc = js.sf.latticeStructureFactor(q, lattice=bccgrid, rmsd=rms, domainsize=domainsize)
p.plot(bcc, li=[1, 3, 2], sy=0, le='bcc')
p.plot(bcc.X, 1 - bcc[-3], li=[3, 2, 2], sy=0)

fccgrid = js.sf.fccLattice(unitcelllength, N)
fcc = js.sf.latticeStructureFactor(q, lattice=fccgrid, rmsd=rms, domainsize=domainsize)
p.plot(fcc, li=[1, 3, 3], sy=0, le='fcc')
p.plot(fcc.X, 1 - fcc[-3], li=[3, 2, 3], sy=0)

p.text(r"broken lines \nshow diffusive scattering", x=10, y=0.1)
p.yaxis(label='S(q)', scale='l', max=50, min=0.05)
p.xaxis(label=r'q / A\S-1', scale='l', max=50, min=0.5)
p.legend(x=1, y=30, charsize=1.5)

A direct comparison between both models for bcc cube

Differences are due to incomplete extinction of peaks and due to explicit dependence on the edges (incomplete elementary cells)

relError=0.02 samples until the error is smaller 0.02 for a q point with pseudorandom numbers. The same can be done with relError=400 on a fixed Fibonacci lattice. Both need longer for the computation.

The 1/q² power law at low q for the analytic model results from integration over infinite, d=3 dimensional q space. For a real nanoparticle or crystal domain the size (~ integration volume ) is finite resulting in the typical formfactor behaviour with a plateau for lowest q, a Guinier range determined by Rg and a Porod region at higher q dependent on the fractal structure.

formfactor behaviour with a plateau for lowest q, a Guinier range determined by Rg
and a Porod region at higher q dependent on the fractal structure.  


import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

q = np.r_[js.loglist(0.1, 3, 100), 3:40:800j]
unitcelllength = 1.5
N = 8
rms = 0.05
relError = 20  # 0.02 for the picture below
domainsize = unitcelllength * (2 * N + 1)

bccgrid = js.sf.bccLattice(unitcelllength, N)
bcc = js.ff.cloudScattering(q, bccgrid.points, relError=relError, rms=rms)
p = js.grace(1.5, 1)
p.plot(bcc.X, js.formel.smooth(bcc, 10, window='gaussian') * bccgrid.numberOfAtoms(), legend='bcc explicit')

q = np.r_[js.loglist(0.1, 3, 200), 3:40:1600j]
sc = js.sf.latticeStructureFactor(q, lattice=bccgrid, rmsd=rms, domainsize=domainsize)
p.plot(sc, li=[1, 3, 4], sy=0, le='bcc analytic')
p.yaxis(scale='l', label='I(Q)', max=20000, min=0.05)
p.xaxis(scale='l', label=r'Q / A\S-1', max=50, min=0.1)
p.legend(x=0.5, y=1000, charsize=1.5)
p.title('Comparison explicit and implicit model for a crystal cube')
p.text('cube formfactor', x=0.11, y=1, charsize=1.4)
p.text('bcc Bragg peaks', x=4, y=100, charsize=1.4)
p.text('diffusive scattering', x=10, y=0.1, charsize=1.4)

12.4.10. Linear Pearls with connecting coils

The example uses cloudscattering to build a line of spheres. Between the spheres are Gaussian coils to represent chains connecting the spheres. The model linearPearls() is very similar build but uses a simpler build of the linear chain.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

q = js.loglist(0.01, 5, 300)

# create array containing formfactors
# columns will be [q, sphere, gaussian chain]
ffs = js.ff.sphere(q[::2], 3)
ffg = js.ff.gaussianChain(q[::2], 0.1)
ff = ffs.addColumn(1, ffg.Y)

# line of points
scl = js.sf.scLattice(8, [2, 0, 0])
# alternating sphere [1] anf gaussian coils [2]
grid1 = np.c_[scl.points, np.r_[[1] * 5]]
grid1[::2, -1] = 2

# grid points have default b=1
# we change gaussians to fa
p = js.grace()
for i, fa in enumerate([0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1], 1):
    grid1[::2, -2] = fa
    fq = js.ff.cloudScattering(q, grid1, relError=0, formfactoramp=ff)
    p.plot(fq, sy=[1, 0.4, i], le='gaussian coils fa={0:.2f}'.format(fa))

p.yaxis(scale='l', label='I(Q)')
p.xaxis(scale='l', label=r'Q / nm\S-1')
p.title('connected linear pearls')
p.subtitle('increasing mass in gaussians')
p.legend(x=0.02, y=0.1)
p.save('connected_linearPearls.png', size=(3, 3), dpi=150)

# same with orientation in 2D
grid1[::2, -2] = 0.1
qxzw = np.mgrid[-6:6:50j, -6:6:50j].reshape(2, -1).T
ffe = js.ff.orientedCloudScattering(qxzw, grid1, mosaicity=[5,0,0], nCone=10, rms=0)
fig = js.mpl.surface(ffe.X, ffe.Z, ffe.Y)
fig.axes[0].set_title(r'cos**2 for Z and slow decay for X due to 5 degree cone')

12.5. Dynamic models

Some dynamic models related to bio are shown in Biomacromolecules (bio).

12.5.1. A comparison of different dynamic models in frequency domain

Compare different kinds of diffusion in restricted geometry by the HWHM from the spectra.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# make a plot of the spectrum
w = np.r_[-100:100:1]
ql = np.r_[1:15:.5]
p = js.grace()
p.title('Inelastic neutron scattering ')
p.subtitle('diffusion in a sphere')
iqw = js.dL([js.dynamic.diffusionInSphere_w(w=w, q=q, D=0.14, R=0.2) for q in ql])
p.yaxis(scale='l', label='I(q,w) / a.u.', min=1e-6, max=1, )
p.xaxis(scale='n', label=r'w / ns\S-1', min=-100, max=100, )

# Parameters
ql = np.r_[0.5:15.:0.2]
D = 0.1
R = 0.5  # diffusion coefficient and radius
w = np.r_[-100:100:0.1]
u0 = R / 4.33 ** 0.5
t0 = R ** 2 / 4.33 / D  # corresponding values for Gaussian restriction, see Volino et al.

# In the following we calc the spectra and then extract the FWHM to plot it

# calc spectra
iqwD = js.dL([js.dynamic.transDiff_w(w=w, q=q, D=D) for q in ql[5:]])
iqwDD = js.dL([js.dynamic.time2frequencyFF(js.dynamic.simpleDiffusion, 'elastic', w=w, q=q, D=D) for q in ql])
iqwS = js.dL([js.dynamic.diffusionInSphere_w(w=w, q=q, D=D, R=R) for q in ql])
iqwG3 = js.dL([js.dynamic.diffusionHarmonicPotential_w(w=w, q=q, rmsd=u0, tau=t0, ndim=3) for q in ql])
iqwG2 = js.dL([js.dynamic.diffusionHarmonicPotential_w(w=w, q=q, rmsd=u0, tau=t0, ndim=2) for q in ql])
iqwG11 = js.dL([js.dynamic.t2fFF(js.dynamic.diffusionHarmonicPotential, 'elastic', w=np.r_[-100:100:0.01], q=q, rmsd=u0,
                                 tau=t0, ndim=1) for q in ql])
iqwG22 = js.dL([js.dynamic.t2fFF(js.dynamic.diffusionHarmonicPotential, 'elastic', w=np.r_[-100:100:0.01], q=q, rmsd=u0,
                                 tau=t0, ndim=2) for q in ql])
iqwG33 = js.dL([js.dynamic.t2fFF(js.dynamic.diffusionHarmonicPotential, 'elastic', w=np.r_[-100:100:0.01], q=q, rmsd=u0,
                                 tau=t0, ndim=3) for q in ql])
# iqwCH3=js.dL([js.dynamic.t2fFF(js.dynamic.methylRotation,'elastic',w=np.r_[-100:100:0.1],q=q ) for q in ql])

# plot HWHM  in a scaled plot
p1 = js.grace(1.5, 1.5)
p1.title('Inelastic neutron scattering models')
p1.subtitle('Comparison of HWHM for different types of diffusion')
p1.plot([0.1, 60], [4.33296] * 2, li=[1, 1, 1], sy=0)
p1.plot((R * iqwD.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwD], sy=[1, 0.5, 1],
p1.plot((R * iqwS.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwS], sy=[2, 0.5, 3],
        le='in sphere')
p1.plot((R * iqwG3.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwG3], sy=[3, 0.5, 4],
        le='harmonic 3D')
p1.plot((R * iqwG2.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwG2], sy=[4, 0.5, 7],
        le='harmonic 2D')
p1.plot((R * iqwDD.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwDD], sy=0,
        li=[1, 2, 7], le='free fft')
p1.plot((R * iqwG11.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat, gap=0.04)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwG11],
        sy=0, li=[1, 2, 1], le='harmonic 1D fft')
p1.plot((R * iqwG22.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat, gap=0.04)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwG22],
        sy=0, li=[2, 2, 1], le='harmonic 2D fft')
p1.plot((R * iqwG33.wavevector.array) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat, gap=0.04)[0] / (D / R ** 2) for dat in iqwG33],
        sy=0, li=[3, 2, 1], le='harmonic 3D fft')
# 1DGauss as given in the reference (see help for this function) seems to have a mistake
# Use the t2fFF from time domain
# p1.plot((0.12*iqwCH3.wavevector.array)**2,[js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat,gap=0.04)[0]/(D/0.12**2) for dat in iqwCH3],
#                                                                             sy=0,li=[1,2,4], le='1D harmonic')

# jump diffusion
r0 = .5
t0 = r0 ** 2 / 2 / D
w = np.r_[-100:100:0.02]
iqwJ = js.dL([js.dynamic.jumpDiff_w(w=w, q=q, r0=r0, t0=t0) for q in ql])
ii = 54
p1.plot((r0 * iqwJ.wavevector.array[:ii]) ** 2, [js.dynamic.getHWHM(dat)[0] / (D / r0 ** 2) for dat in iqwJ[:ii]])
p1.text(r'jump diffusion', x=8, y=1.4, rot=0, charsize=1.25)
p1.plot((R * iqwG33.wavevector.array) ** 2, (R * iqwG33.wavevector.array) ** 2, sy=0, li=[3, 2, 1])
p1.yaxis(min=0.3, max=100, scale='l', label='HWHM/(D/R**2)')
p1.xaxis(min=0.3, max=140, scale='l', label=r'(q*R)\S2')
p1.legend(x=0.35, y=80, charsize=1.25)
# The finite Q resolution results in  js.dynamic.getHWHM (linear interpolation to find [max/2])
# in an offset for very narrow spectra
p1.text(r'free diffusion', x=8, y=10, rot=45, color=2, charsize=1.25)
p1.text(r'free ', x=70, y=65, rot=0, color=1, charsize=1.25)
p1.text(r'3D ', x=70, y=45, rot=0, color=4, charsize=1.25)
p1.text(r'sphere', x=70, y=35, rot=0, color=3, charsize=1.25)
p1.text(r'2D ', x=70, y=15, rot=0, color=7, charsize=1.25)
p1.text(r'1D ', x=70, y=7, rot=0, color=2, charsize=1.25)
p1.save('DynamicModels.png', size=(3, 3), dpi=150)
Picture about diffusion fit

12.5.2. Protein incoherent scattering in frequency domain

We look at a protein in solution that shows translational and rotational diffusion with atoms local restricted in a harmonic potential.

This is what is expected for the incoherent scattering of a protein (e.g. at 50mg/ml concentration). The contribution of methyl rotation is missing.

For details see :

Fast internal dynamics in alcohol dehydrogenase, The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 075101 (2015), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4928512

Here we use a reading of a PDB structure with only CA atoms for a simple model. This can be improved using the bio module accessing positions and selecting hydrogen atoms or adding coherent scattering.

First we look at the separate contributions :

# A model for protein incoherent scattering
# neglecting coherent and maybe some other contributions

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np
import urllib
from jscatter.dynamic import convolve as conv
from jscatter.dynamic import transDiff_w
from jscatter.dynamic import rotDiffusion_w
from jscatter.dynamic import diffusionHarmonicPotential_w

# get pdb structure file with 3rn3 atom coordinates and filter for CA positions in A
# this results in C-alpha representation of protein Ribonuclease A.
url = 'https://files.rcsb.org/download/3RN3.pdb'
pdbtxt = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf8')
CA = [line[31:55].split() for line in pdbtxt.split('\n') if line[13:16].rstrip() == 'CA' and line[:4] == 'ATOM']
# conversion to nm and center of mass
ca = np.array(CA, float) / 10.
cloud = ca - ca.mean(axis=0)
Dtrans = 0.086  # nm**2/ns  for 3rn3 in D2O at 20°C
Drot = 0.0163  # 1/ns
natoms = cloud.shape[0]

# A list of wavevectors and frequencies and a resolution.
# If bgr is zero we have to add it later after the convolution with resolution as constant instrument background.
# As resolution a single q independent (unrealistic) Gaussian is used.
ql = np.r_[0.1, 0.5, 1, 2:15.:2, 20, 30, 40]
w = np.r_[-100:100:0.1]
start = {'s0': 0.5, 'm0': 0, 'a0': 1, 'bgr': 0.00}
resolution = lambda w: js.dynamic.resolution_w(w=w, **start)
res = resolution(w)

# translational diffusion
p = js.grace(3, 0.75)
p.multi(1, 4)
p[0].title(' ' * 50 + 'Inelastic neutron scattering for protein Ribonuclease A', size=2)
iqwRtr = js.dL([conv(transDiff_w(w, q=q, D=Dtrans), res, normB=True) for q in ql])
p[0].plot(iqwRtr, le='$wavevector')
iqwRt = js.dL([transDiff_w(w, q=q, D=Dtrans) for q in ql])
p[0].plot(iqwRt, li=1, sy=0)
p[0].yaxis(min=1e-8, max=1e3, scale='l', ticklabel=['power', 0, 1], label=[r'I(Q,\xw\f{})', 1.5])
p[0].xaxis(min=-149, max=99, label=r'\xw\f{} / 1/ns', charsize=1)
p[0].legend(charsize=1, x=-140, y=1)
p[0].text(r'translational diffusion, one atom', y=80, x=-130, charsize=1.5)
p[0].text(r'Q / nm\S-1', y=2, x=-140, charsize=1.5)

# rotational diffusion
iqwRrr = js.dL([conv(rotDiffusion_w(w, q=q, cloud=cloud, Dr=Drot), res, normB=True) for q in ql])
p[1].plot(iqwRrr, le='$wavevector')
iqwRr = js.dL([rotDiffusion_w(w, q=q, cloud=cloud, Dr=Drot) for q in ql])
p[1].plot(iqwRr, li=1, sy=0)
p[1].yaxis(min=1e-8, max=1e3, scale='l', ticklabel=['power', 0, 1, 'normal'])
p[1].xaxis(min=-149, max=99, label=r'\xw\f{} / 1/ns', charsize=1)
# p[1].legend()
p[1].text(r'rotational diffusion full cloud', y=50, x=-130, charsize=1.5)

# restricted diffusion in a harmonic local potential
# rmsd defines the size of the harmonic potential
iqwRgr = js.dL([conv(diffusionHarmonicPotential_w(w, q=q, tau=0.15, rmsd=0.3), res, normB=True) for q in ql])
p[2].plot(iqwRgr, le='$wavevector')
iqwRg = js.dL([diffusionHarmonicPotential_w(w, q=q, tau=0.15, rmsd=0.3) for q in ql])
p[2].plot(iqwRg, li=1, sy=0)
p[2].yaxis(min=1e-8, max=1e3, scale='l', ticklabel=['power', 0, 1], label='')
p[2].xaxis(min=-149, max=99, label=r'\xw\f{} / 1/ns', charsize=1)
# p[2].legend()
p[2].text(r'restricted diffusion one atom \n(harmonic)', y=50, x=-130, charsize=1.5)

# amplitudes at w=0 and w=10
p[3].title('amplitudes w=[0, 10]')
p[3].subtitle(r'\xw\f{}>10 restricted diffusion > translational diffusion')
ww = 10
wi = np.abs(w - ww).argmin()
p[3].plot(iqwRtr.wavevector, iqwRtr.Y.array.max(axis=1) * natoms, sy=[1, 0.3, 1], li=[1, 2, 1], le='trans + res')
p[3].plot(iqwRt.wavevector, iqwRt.Y.array.max(axis=1)* natoms, sy=[1, 0.3, 1], li=[2, 2, 1], le='trans ')
p[3].plot(iqwRt.wavevector, iqwRt.Y.array[:, wi]* natoms, sy=[2, 0.3, 1], li=[3, 3, 1], le='trans w=%.2g' % ww)
p[3].plot(iqwRrr.wavevector, iqwRrr.Y.array.max(axis=1), sy=[1, 0.3, 2], li=[1, 2, 2], le='rot + res')
p[3].plot(iqwRr.wavevector, iqwRr.Y.array.max(axis=1), sy=[1, 0.3, 2], li=[2, 2, 2], le='rot')
p[3].plot(iqwRr.wavevector, iqwRr.Y.array[:, wi], sy=[2, 0.3, 2], li=[3, 3, 2], le='rot w=%.2g' % ww)
p[3].plot(iqwRgr.wavevector, iqwRgr.Y.array.max(axis=1)* natoms, sy=[1, 0.3, 3], li=[1, 2, 3], le='restricted + res')
p[3].plot(iqwRg.wavevector, iqwRg.Y.array.max(axis=1)* natoms, sy=[8, 0.3, 3], li=[2, 2, 3], le='restricted')
p[3].plot(iqwRg.wavevector, iqwRg.Y.array[:, wi]* natoms, sy=[3, 0.3, 3], li=[3, 3, 3], le='restricted w=%.2g' % ww)

p[3].yaxis(min=1e-4, max=5e4, scale='l', ticklabel=['power', 0, 1, 'opposite'],
           label=[r'I(Q,\xw\f{}=[0,10])', 1, 'opposite'])
p[3].xaxis(min=0.1, max=50, scale='l', label=r'Q / nm\S-1', charsize=1)
p[3].legend(charsize=0.9, x=2.8, y=0.057)

p[3].text(r'translation', y=8e-1, x=15, rot=331, charsize=1.3, color=1)
p[3].text(r'rotation', y=6e1, x=15, rot=331, charsize=1.3, color=2)
p[3].text(r'harmonic', y=1e-1, x=15, rot=331, charsize=1.3, color=3)
p[3].text(r'\xw\f{}=10', y=1e-2, x=0.2, rot=30, charsize=1.5, color=1)
p[3].line(0.17, 5e-2, 0.17, 8e-3, 5, arrow=2, color=1)

p[3].text(r'resolution', y=2212, x=0.5, rot=0, charsize=1.5, color=4)

p[3].line(0.5, 100, 0.5, 25, 5, arrow=2, color=4)
p[3].line(0.5, 1500, 0.5, 300, 5, arrow=2, color=4)

p.save('inelasticNeutronScattering.png', size=(6, 1.5), dpi=400)

Blue arrows indicate the effect of instrument resolution at low Q. While rotation is always dominating, at \(\omega=10\) restricted diffusion (harmonic) is stronger than translational diffusion in midrange Q.

Picture about diffusion fit

Now we add the above components to a combined model.

exR defines a radius from the center of mass that discriminates between fixed hydrogen inside and hydrogen with additional restricted diffusion outside (close to the protein surface).

start = {'s0': 0.5, 'm0': 0, 'a0': 1, 'bgr': 0.00}
resolution = lambda w: js.dynamic.resolution_w(w=w, **start)

def transrotsurfModel(w, q, Dt, Dr, exR, tau, rmsd):
    A model for trans/rot diffusion with a partial local restricted diffusion at the protein surface.

    See Fast internal dynamics in alcohol dehydrogenase The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 075101 (2015);

    w   frequencies
    q   wavevector
    Dt  translational diffusion
    Dr  rotational diffusion
    exR outside this radius additional restricted diffusion with t0 u0
    tau  correlation time
    rmsd  Root mean square displacement Ds=u0**2/t0


    natoms = cloud.shape[0]
    trans = transDiff_w(w, q, Dt)
    trans.Y = trans.Y * natoms  # natoms contribute
    rot = rotDiffusion_w(w, q, cloud, Dr)  # already includes natoms
    fsurf = ((cloud ** 2).sum(axis=1) ** 0.5 > exR).sum()  # fraction of natoms close to surface
    loc = diffusionHarmonicPotential_w(w, q, tau, rmsd)
    # only fsurf atoms at surface contributes to local restricted diffusion, others elastic
    loc.Y = js.dynamic.elastic_w(w).Y * (natoms - fsurf) + fsurf * loc.Y
    final = conv(trans, rot)
    final = conv(final, loc)
    final.setattr(rot, 'rot_')
    final.setattr(loc, 'loc_')
    res = resolution(w)
    finalres = conv(final, res, normB=True)
    # finalres.Y+=0.0073
    finalres.q = q
    finalres.fsurf = fsurf
    return finalres

ql = np.r_[0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 20]
p = js.grace(1, 1)
p.title('Protein incoherent scattering')
p.subtitle('Ribonuclease A')
iqwR = js.dL([transrotsurfModel(w, q=q, Dt=Dtrans, Dr=Drot, exR=0, tau=0.15, rmsd=0.3) for q in ql])
p.plot(iqwR[0], sy=0, li=[1, 2, 1], le='exR=0')
p.plot(iqwR[1:], sy=0, li=[1, 2, 1])
iqwR = js.dL([transrotsurfModel(w, q=q, Dt=Dtrans, Dr=Drot, exR=1, tau=0.15, rmsd=0.3) for q in ql])
p.plot(iqwR[0], sy=0, li=[1, 2, 2], le='exR=1')
p.plot(iqwR[1:], sy=0, li=[1, 2, 2])
iqwR = js.dL([transrotsurfModel(w, q=q, Dt=Dtrans, Dr=Drot, exR=1.4, tau=0.15, rmsd=0.3) for q in ql])
p.plot(iqwR[0], sy=0, li=[3, 3, 3], le='exR=1.4')
p.plot(iqwR[1:], sy=0, li=[3, 3, 3])
p.yaxis(min=1e0, max=2e5, label=r'I(q,\xw\f{})', scale='l', ticklabel=['power', 0, 1])
p.xaxis(min=0.1, max=100, label=r'\xw\f{} / ns\S-1', scale='l')
p.legend(x=0.2, y=1e1)

p[0].line(1, 5e2, 1, 5e1, 2, arrow=1)
p.text('resolution', x=0.9, y=7e1, rot=90)
p.text(r'q=2 nm\S-1', x=0.2, y=1e5, rot=0)
p.text(r'q=20 nm\S-1', x=0.2, y=8e2, rot=0)
p.text(r'q=3 nm\S-1', x=2, y=5e4, rot=0)
p.text(r'q=0.1 nm\S-1', x=2.2, y=1.5e2, rot=0)

p[0].line(0.17, 9e4, 0.17, 1e3, 2, arrow=2)
p[0].line(2, 1.5e2, 2, 4e4, 2, arrow=2)
p.text(r'Variation \nfixed/harmonic protons', x=1.2, y=4.44, rot=0)
p[0].line(7, 5.3, 12, 55, arrow=2)

p.save('Ribonuclease_inelasticNeutronScattering.png', size=(4, 4), dpi=150)

We observe that the elastic intensity first increases with Q and decreases again for \(Q>2 nm^{-1}\).

Variation of the fraction of hydrogen that show restricted diffusion is observable for midrange Q.

Picture about diffusion fit

12.5.3. Hydrodynamic function

import numpy as np
import jscatter as js

# Hydrodynamic function and structure factor of hard spheres
# The hydrodynamic function describes how diffusion of spheres in concentrated suspension
# is changed due to hydrodynamic interactions.
# The diffusion is changed according to D(Q)=D0*H(Q)/S(Q)
# with the hydrodynamic function H(Q), structure factor S(Q)
# and Einstein diffusion of sphere D0

# some  wavevectors
q = np.r_[0:5:0.03]

p = js.grace(2, 1.5)
p.multi(1, 2)
p[0].title('Hydrodynamic function H(Q)')
p[0].subtitle('concentration dependence')
Rh = 2.2
for ii, mol in enumerate(np.r_[0.1:20:5]):
    H = js.sf.hydrodynamicFunct(q, Rh, molarity=0.001 * mol, )
    p[0].plot(H, sy=[1, 0.3, ii + 1], legend='H(Q) c=%.2g mM' % mol)
    p[0].plot(H.X, H[3], sy=0, li=[1, 2, ii + 1], legend='structure factor')

p[0].legend(x=2, y=2.4)
p[0].yaxis(min=0., max=2.5, label='S(Q); H(Q)')
p[0].xaxis(min=0., max=5., label=r'Q / nm\S-1')

# hydrodynamic function and structure factor of charged spheres
p[1].title('Hydrodynamic function H(Q)')
p[1].subtitle('screening length dependence')
for ii, scl in enumerate(np.r_[0.1:30:6]):
    H = js.sf.hydrodynamicFunct(q, Rh, molarity=0.0005, structureFactor=js.sf.RMSA,
                                structureFactorArgs={'R': Rh * 2, 'scl': scl, 'gamma': 5}, )
    p[1].plot(H, sy=[1, 0.3, ii + 1], legend='H(Q) scl=%.2g nm' % scl)
    p[1].plot(H.X, H[3], sy=0, li=[1, 2, ii + 1], legend='structure factor')

p[1].legend(x=2, y=2.4)
p[1].yaxis(min=0., max=2.5, label='S(Q); H(Q)')
p[1].xaxis(min=0., max=5., label=r'Q / nm\S-1')

p[0].text(r'high Q shows \nreduction in D\sself', x=3, y=0.22)
p[1].text(r'low Q shows reduction \ndue to stronger interaction', x=0.5, y=0.25)

Picture HydrodynamicFunction

12.6. Biomacromolecules (bio)

Examples using the biomacromolecule module (bio) for protein and DNA scattering.

12.6.1. Load PDB structure and calc scattering

Load pdb protein structure from the PDB data bank by ID to scatteringUniverse. The pdb file is corrected and hydrogen is added automatically. The protein structure including H is saved to 3rn3_h.pdb.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

uni = js.bio.scatteringUniverse('3rn3')
uni.qlist = js.loglist(0.1, 5, 100)
# calc scattering both here in D2O
S = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(uni.select_atoms('protein'))
S = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(uni.select_atoms('protein'))

p = js.grace()
p.title('N scattering solvent matching')
p.yaxis(scale='l', label=r'I(Q) / nm\S2\N/particle')
p.xaxis(scale='l', label='Q / nm\S-1')

for x in np.r_[0:0.5:0.1]:
    uni.setSolvent([f'{x:.2f}d2o1',f'{1-x:.2f}h2o1' ])
    Sn = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(uni.select_atoms('protein'))
    p.plot(Sn, le=f'{x:.2f} D2O')

# p.save(js.examples.imagepath+'/biosolventmatching.jpg', size=(2, 2))
universe formfactor

12.6.2. Protein scattering and effective diffusion

Protein scattering for different molecular weight proteins at 10 g/l concentration.

We assume here rigid protein structures without internal fluctuations. The diffusion corresponds accordingly to the rigid body diffusion of a protein.

See Exploring internal protein dynamics by neutron spin echo spectroscopy for details.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as constants

adh = js.bio.fetch_pdb('4w6z.pdb1')
# the 2 dimers in are in model 1 and 2 and need to be merged into one.
adhmerged = js.bio.mergePDBModel(adh)

p = js.grace(1.4, 1)
p.multi(1, 2)

for cc, pdb in enumerate(['3rn3', '3pgk', adhmerged], 1):
    # create universe; M and Z are for wrong named Mg and Zn  in the pdb files
    uni = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(pdb, vdwradii={'M': 1.73, 'Z': 1.7})

    # SANS scattering intensity with conversion to 10g/l mass concentration and 1/cm units
    uni.qlist = np.r_[0.01, 0.1:3:0.03, 3:10:0.1]
    protein = uni.select_atoms('protein')
    Iq = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(protein)
    # molarity for 1g/l concentration
    mol = 1/protein.masses.sum()  # molarity 1g/l
    c = 10 * constants.N_A*mol/1000*1e-14  # conversion from 1/nm² per particle to 1/cm for 10g/l concentration
    # coherent contribution
    p[0].plot(Iq.X, Iq.Y * c, sy=0, li=[1, 3, cc], le=pdb)
    # incoherent contribution
    p[0].plot(Iq.X, Iq._P_inc * c, sy=0, li=[3, 2, cc], le='')

    # effective diffusion as seen by NSE in the initial slope of a rigid protein
    D_hr = js.bio.hullRad(uni)
    Dt = D_hr['Dt'] * 1e2  # conversion to nm²/ps
    Dr = D_hr['Dr'] * 1e-12  # conversion to 1/ps
    uni.qlist = np.r_[0.01, 0.1:6:0.06]
    Dq = js.bio.diffusionTRUnivTensor(uni.residues, DTT=Dt, DRR=Dr)
    p[1].plot(Dq.X, Dq.Y/Dq.DTTtrace, sy=[-1, 0.6, cc, cc], le=pdb)
    p[1].plot(Dq.X, Dq._Dinc_eff/Dq.DTTtrace, sy=0, li=[1, 3, cc], le=pdb)

p[0].plot([0, 10], [0.06]*2, sy=0, li=[2, 3, 1], le='')
p[0].xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='log', min=0.1, max=10)
p[0].yaxis(label=r'I(Q) / 1/cm', scale='log', min=1e-4, max=3)
p[1].xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', scale='log', min=0.1, max=6)
p[1].yaxis(label=['D(Q)/D(0)', 1.5, 'opposite'], min=0.98, max=1.4)
p[0].legend(x=1, y=2)
p[0].title('neutron scattering intensity')
p[1].title('scaled effective diffusion')
p[1].subtitle('transl. diffusion at q=0, increase due to rot. diffusion')
p[1].text(r'D\sincoh', x=0.1, y=1.28, charsize=1.5)
p[1].text(r'D\scoh', x=0.3, y=1.04, charsize=1.5)
p[0].text('incoherent', x=3.7, y=0.003, charsize=1.3)
p[0].text(r'D\s2\NO background', x=1.7, y=0.038, charsize=1.3)
# p.save('bio_protein_formfactor+Diffusion.png')

The coherent scattering reflects the shape of the protein at low Q (SANS region) while for \(Q>3 nm^{-1}\) the internal structure is visible (typical backscattering or TOF instruments). For \(Q>>3 nm^{-1}\) the coherent contribution levels between 10-20% of the incoherent scattering for all proteins. The incoherent is slightly dependent on protein amino acid composition but the coherent/incoherent ratio is independent on concentration. The relative D2O background depends on protein concentration.

Above \(Q>>10 nm^{-1}\) the usage of Babinets principle may be questionable and a different calculation method is needed.

\(D_{coh}/D_0\) reflects the shape and size of the protein like the I(Q) does. The incoherent diffusion equals the coherent at larger Q and \(D_{inc}/D_0\) depends slightly on shape. Dependent on the used instrument coherent and incoherent diffusion have to be mixed according to the coherent and incoherent contributions to I(Q). E.g for NSE there is a Q where coherent and incoherent (adds negative) compensate and no signal remains. Often for incoherent measurements only incoherent is taken into account.


12.6.3. Normal mode relaxation as seen by NSE measuring the intermediate scattering function

Alcohol dehydrogenase (yeast) example for normal mode analysis in time domain (NSE)

See Direct Observation of Correlated Interdomain Motion in Alcohol Dehydrogenase for corresponding measurements that show the dynamics.

In this example we consecutively
  • Examine the protein

  • Create normal modes

  • Calc effective diffusion

  • Calc the dynamic mode formfactor from normal modes

  • Show how the intermediate scattering function (ISF) looks with diffusion and internal normal mode relaxation

  • Finally, we build from this a model that can be used for fitting including H(Q)/S(Q) correction.

# create universe with protein inside that adds hydrogen
#  - load PDB structure
#  - repair structure e.g. missing atoms 
#  - add hydrogen using pdb2pqr, saving this to 3cln_h.pdb
#  - adds scattering amplitudes, volume determination

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

adh = js.bio.fetch_pdb('4w6z.pdb1')
# the 2 dimers in are in model 1 and 2 and need to be merged into one.
adhmerged = js.bio.mergePDBModel(adh)
u = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(adhmerged)
u.atoms.deuteration = 0
protein = u.select_atoms("protein")
S0 = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(protein, cubesize=0.5, getVolume='once')

# ## Create normal modes based on residues
nm = js.bio.vibNM(protein.residues)

# ## Calc effective diffusion with trans/rot contributions
# - determine $D_{trans}$ and $D_{rot}$ using HULLRAD
# - calc Deff
D_hr = js.bio.hullRad(u)
Dt = D_hr['Dt'] * 1e2  # conversion to nm²/ps
Dr = D_hr['Dr'] * 1e-12  # conversion to 1/ps
u.qlist = np.r_[0.01, 0.1:3:0.2]
Deff = js.bio.diffusionTRUnivTensor(u.residues, DTT=Dt, DRR=Dr, cubesize=0.5)

p.Plot(Deff.X, Deff.Y*1e5, li=1, le='rigid ADH protein')
p.Xaxis(label='$Q / nm^{-1}$')
p.Yaxis(label='$D_{eff} /A^2/ns$')

# ### Normal mode relaxation in small displacement approximation
Ph678 = js.dL()
for NN in [6,7,8]:
   Ph = js.bio.intScatFuncPMode(nm, NN, output=0, qlist=Deff.X)

# ## effective diffusion Deff in initial slope (compare to cumulant fit)
rate = 1/30000 # 1/ps
for Ph in Ph678:
   d = Deff.interp(Ph.X) + rate * a**2 * Ph._Pn / (Ph._Fq+a**2*Ph._Pn) / Ph.X**2
   p.Plot(Ph.X,1e5*d ,li='', le=f'rigid ADH + mode {Ph.modeNumber}  rmsd={Ph.kTrmsd*a:.2f} A')

p.Title('Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) effective diffusion \nwith additional normal mode relaxations')
# p.savefig(js.examples.imagepath+'/ADHNM_Deff.jpg', dpi=100)

# Assume a common relaxation on top of diffusion
# that we add to  Deff
u.qlist = np.r_[0.2:2:0.2]    # [1/nm]
u.tlist = np.r_[1, 10:1e5:50]  # [ps]
Iqt = js.bio.intScatFuncYlm(u.residues,Dtrans=Dt,Drot=Dr,cubesize=1,getVolume='once')

# ### dynamic mode formfactor P() and relaxation in small displacement approximation with amplitude A(Q)
sumP = Ph678.Y.array.sum(axis=0)
def Aq(a):
    # NM mode formfactor amplitude sum
    aq = a**2*sumP / (Ph678[0]._Fq + a**2*sumP)
    return js.dA(np.c_[Ph678[0].X, aq].T)

p2.Yaxis(min=0.01, max=1, label='I(Q,t)/I(Q,0)')
p2.Xaxis(min=0, max=100000, label='t / ps')

Iqt2 = Iqt.copy()
l=1/10000  # 1/ps
Aqa = Aq(a)
for i, qt in enumerate(Iqt2):
    diff = qt.Y *(1-Aqa.interp(qt.q))
    qt.Y = qt.Y *((1-Aqa.interp(qt.q)) + Aqa.interp(qt.q)*np.exp(-l*qt.X))
    p2.Plot(qt.X, qt.Y * 0.8**i,sy=0,li=[3,2,i+1],le=f'{qt.q:.1f}')
    p2.Plot(qt.X, diff* 0.8**i,sy=0,li=[1,2,i+1])
p2.Xaxis(min=0.1,max=100000,label='t / ps')
p2.Title('Intermediate scattering function with/without NM relaxation')
p2.Subtitle('scaled for visibility')
# p2.savefig(js.examples.imagepath+'/ADHNM_Iqt.jpg', dpi=100)

if 0 :
    # look at A(Q)
    Aqa = Aq(a)
    p1.Plot(Aqa, sy=0, li=1)
    p1.Yaxis(min=0, max=0.8)

The ISF shows in the initial slope the combined Deff and relaxes for longer times > 30ns to the rigid protein Deff.

How strong the change is depends on the mode amplitudes and the relaxation times of the modes.

ADHNM_Deff.jpg ADHNM_Iqt.jpg

For the model we use the ISF of multiple modes (see intScatFuncPMode()) and the Rayleigh expansion for diffusing rigid proteins/particles (intScatFuncYlm()) :

Translational and rotational diffusion are corrected for direct interparticle interactions described by the structure factor \(S(Q)\) and hydrodynamic interactions within the hydrodynamic function \(H(Q)\) as \(D_t(Q) = D_{t,0} H(Q)/S(Q)\) and \(D_r = D_{r.0}H_r\).

The intermediate scattering function \(F(Q)\) assuming dynamic decoupling with translational/rotational and domain motions is

\[F(Q,t) = F_{t,r}(Q,t) * F_a(Q,t)\]
  • trans/rot diffusion contribution

    \[F_{t,r}(Q,t) = e^{-D_{t}Q^2t}\sum_l S_l(Q)e^{-l(l+1)D_{r}t}\]
  • normal mode contributions

    \[\begin{split}F_a(Q,t) &= \frac{F(Q) + \sum_{\alpha} e^{-\lambda_{\alpha} t} P_{\alpha}(Q)}{[F(Q) + \\ \sum_{\alpha} P_{\alpha}(Q)]} &= (1-A(Q)) + A(Q) e^{-\lambda t}\end{split}\]

    with with common relaxation rate \(\lambda\) and \(A(Q) = \frac{\sum_{\alpha} P_{\alpha}(Q)}{[F(Q) + \sum_{\alpha} P_{\alpha}(Q)]}\)

    We can also use the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck like relaxation intScatFuncOU() for \(F_a(Q,t)\) that allows description within internal friction in the protein. The above description corresponds to a small displacement approximation of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.

Finally NSE data can be read including Q values like IN15 or JNSE. Typically we measure 10-15 different Q values between \(0.025-0.2 nm^{-1}\). The read dataList should contain for each dataArray an attribute q with the scattering vector. For demonstration we just use simulated data here

# A fit model to fit Iqt from NSE measurements
# Include H(Q) and S(Q)
# and repeat what we need from part 1

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# create universe
adh = js.bio.fetch_pdb('4w6z.pdb1')
adhmerged = js.bio.mergePDBModel(adh)
u = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(adhmerged)
u.qlist = js.loglist(0.1, 5, 100)
u.atoms.deuteration = 0
protein = u.select_atoms('protein')
S0 = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(protein, cubesize=0.5, getVolume='once')

# structure factor Sq and hydrodynamic function Hq
# This should be determined from SAXS/SANS measurements at same concentration like NSE
# and maybe fit including concentration dependence
mol = 0.0003
def Sqbeta(q, R, molarity):
    # this function should be used for structure factor fitting of experimental data
    # as it contains the shape correction from Kotlarchyk and S.-H. Chen, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 2461 (1983)
    # structure factor without correction
    Sq = js.sf.PercusYevick(q=q, R=R, molarity=molarity)  # about 50mg/ml protein like experimental data
    # factor beta from formfactor calculation
    beta = S0.interp(q, col='beta')
    # correct Sq for beta
    Sq.Y = 1 + beta * (Sq.Y-1)
    return Sq

# Hq can be determined by fitting Rh or be determined by other measurements
# We assume here larger hydrodynamic interaction
# The Kotlarchyk correction from above is included by using Sqbeta
Hq = js.sf.hydrodynamicFunct(S0.X, Rh=R*1.1, molarity=mol,
                             structureFactorArgs={'R': R}, )

# look at the  D_t = D_0 H(Q)/S(Q) correction for translational diffusion
p3 = js.mplot()
p3.plot(Hq.X, Hq.Y/Hq._sf,le='H(Q)/S(Q)')
p3.Yaxis(label='S(Q), H(Q), H(Q)/S(Q)')
p3.Xaxis(min=0.,max=4,label='$Q / nm^-1$')
p3.Title('structure factor and hydrodynamic function\n for translational diffusion')
p3.Text('$H(Q=\infty)/S(Q=\infty)$ can be estimated \nfrom viscosity measurements \nor PFG-NMR.',x=2,y=0.8)
p3.Text('$H(Q=0)/S(Q=0)$ can be measured by DLS.',x=0.8,y=0.95)
# p3.savefig(js.examples.imagepath+'/ADHNM_SqHq.jpg', dpi=100)

D_hr = js.bio.hullRad(u)
Dt = D_hr['Dt'] * 1e2  # conversion to nm²/ps
Dr = D_hr['Dr'] * 1e-12  # conversion to 1/ps
# u.qlist = np.r_[0.01, 0.1:3:0.2]
Deff = js.bio.diffusionTRUnivTensor(u.residues, DTT=Dt, DRR=Dr, cubesize=0.5)

# make normal modes and calc A(Q)
ca = u.residues
nm = js.bio.vibNM(ca)
Ph678 = js.dL()
for NN in [6,7,8]:
   Ph = js.bio.intScatFuncPMode(nm, NN, output=0, qlist=Deff.X)
sumP = Ph678.Y.array.sum(axis=0)

def Aq(a):
    aq = a**2*sumP / (Ph678[0]._Fq + a**2*sumP)
    A = js.dA(np.c_[Ph678[0].X, aq].T)
    A.rmsdNM = a * Ph678.kTrmsdNM.array.sum()
    return A

# this is the model for a fit
def transRotModes(t, q, Dt, Dr, Rhf=1, R=4, a=1000, l=10, mol=0.0003):
    # trans rot diffusion including H(Q)/S(Q)
    # default values for R, mol are determined from preparation or experiments

    Sq = Sqbeta(q=q, R=R, molarity=mol)
    # assume a factor between the interaction radius R and hydrodynamic radius Rh
    Hq = js.sf.hydrodynamicFunct(q, Rh=R*Rhf, molarity=mol, structureFactor=Sqbeta,
                                structureFactorArgs={'R': R}, )

    Dth = Dt * Hq.interp(q) / Sq.interp(q)
    # assume Hr =1-(1-DsoverD0)/3 for rotational diffusion
    Drh = Dr*(1-(1-Hq.DsoverD0)/3)
    Iqt = js.bio.intScatFuncYlm(u.residues, qlist=np.r_[q],tlist=t, Dtrans=Dth, Drot=Drh, cubesize=1)[0]
    # add Pmode relaxation
    Aqa = Aq(a)
    diff = Iqt.Y *(1-Aqa.interp(q))
    Iqt.Y = Iqt.Y *((1-Aqa.interp(q)) + Aqa.interp(q)*np.exp(-1/(l*1000)*Iqt.X))
    Iqt2 = Iqt.addColumn(1,diff)
    # for later reference in lastfit save parameters
    Iqt2.Dt = Dt
    Iqt2.Dr = Dr
    Iqt2.H0= Hq.DsoverD0
    Iqt2.R = R
    Iqt2.Rh = R * Rhf
    Iqt2.rmsdNM = Aqa.rmsdNM

    return Iqt2

# simulate data
tlist = np.r_[1, 10:1e5:50]
sim = js.dL()
for q in np.r_[0.25,0.5,0.9,1.2,2]:
    sim.append(transRotModes(t=tlist, q=q, Dt=Dt, Dr=Dr,a=1000,l=10))

for c, si in enumerate(sim,1):
    p4.plot(si,sy=0,li=[1,2,c],le=f'$Q={si.q} nm^{-1}$')
    p4.plot(si.X,si[2], sy=0, li=[3,2,c ])
p4.Xaxis(min=0.1,max=100000,label='t / ps')
p4.Title('Intermediate scattering function')
p4.Subtitle(f'rmsd = {si.rmsdNM:.2f} nm')
# p4.savefig(js.examples.imagepath+'/ADHNM_IQTsim.jpg', dpi=100)

if 0:
    # A fit to exp. NSE data might be done like this (using sim as measured data)
    # fixpar are determined from other experiments (e.g. Dt0 extrapolating DLS to zero conc.)
    # or Dr0 from calculation from structure (using HULLRAD or HYDROPRO), mol from sample preparation
    Dt0 = 4.83e-05   #  nm²/ps
    Dr0 = 1.64e-06  #  1/ps
                freepar={'Rhf':1, 'a':1000, 'l':10},
                fixpar={'Dt':Dt0, 'Dr':Dr0,'R':4, 'mol':0.0003 },

ADHNM_Deff.jpg ADHNM_Iqtsim.jpg

12.6.4. Load trajectory from MD simulation

A scatteringUniverse with a complete trajectory from MD simulation is created. The PSF needs atomic types to be guessed from names to identify atoms in the used format. You may need to install MDAnalysisTests to get the files.( python -m pip install MDAnalysisTests)

It might be necessary to transform the box that the protein is not crossing boundaries of the universe box.

from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import PSF, DCD
import jscatter as js
import numpy as np
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.topology.guessers import guess_types

upsf1 = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(PSF, DCD, assignTypes={'from_names':1})

upsf1.qlist = js.loglist(0.1, 5, 100)

Sqtraj = js.dL()

# select protein and not the solvent if this is present
protein = upsf1.select_atoms('protein')

if 0:
    # only if needed to avoid crossing boundaries
    # add a transform that puts the protein into the center of the box and wrap the solvent into the new box
    # for details see  MDAnalysis Trajectory transformations
    protein = upsf1.select_atoms('protein')
    not_protein = upsf1.select_atoms('not protein')
    transforms = [trans.unwrap(protein),
                  trans.center_in_box(protein, wrap=True),
                  trans.wrap(not_protein, compound='fragments')]

# now loop over trajectory
for ts in upsf1.trajectory[2::13]:
    Sq = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(protein)
    Sq.time = upsf1.trajectory.time

# show
p = js.grace()
p.title('N scattering along ADK trajectory')
p.subtitle(r'change in R\sg\N; no change of SES volume')
p.yaxis(scale='l',label=r'I(Q) / nm\S2\N/particle')
p.xaxis(scale='l',label='Q / nm\S-1')
p.plot(Sqtraj,le=r't= $time ps; R\sg\N=$RgInt nm; V\sSES\N=$SESVolume nm\S3')
# p.save(js.examples.imagepath+'/uniformfactorstraj.jpg', size=(2, 2))


12.6.5. Compare different resolution options for coarse graining

PDB structures without explicit solvent for small angle scattering.

The example shows the validity of residue coarse graining up to around 3/nm. With coarse graining in cubes (cubesize) the approximation seems best. This might be useful to speed up computations that take long (e.g. ISF at low Q)

There is basically no difference between precalculated and averaged residue formfactors and explicit calculated residue formfactors for each residue (uni.explicitResidueFormFactorAmpl = True) The explicit ones include better deuteration of specific atoms.

Cα models loose some precision in volume respectively in forward scattering. C-alpha models need a .calphaCoarseGrainRadius = 0.342 nm because of the missing atoms. In addition, the mean residue position is not the C-alpha position. We use 0.342 nm as a good average to get same forward scattering over a bunch of proteins (see example_bio_proteinCoarseGrainRadius.py).

import jscatter as js

# first get and create the biological unit ('.pdb1') of alcohol dehydrogenase (tetramer, 144 kDa)
adh = js.bio.fetch_pdb('4w6z.pdb1')
# the 2 dimers in are in model 1 and 2 and need to be merged into one.
adhmerged = js.bio.mergePDBModel(adh)

# Ribonuclease A and Phosphoglycerate kinase are monomers and can be used without modifications.
# 3pgk has a Mg atom that is misinterpreted (as M), to use it we add this
vdwradii = {'M': js.data.vdwradii['Mg'] * 10}  # in A

p = js.grace(1, 1.4)
p.multi(3, 2, vgap=0, hgap=0)
for c, pdbid in enumerate(['3rn3', '3pgk', adhmerged]):
    # load from pdb id, scatteringUniverse adds hydrogens automatically
    uni = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(pdbid, vdwradii=vdwradii)
    uni.qlist = js.loglist(0.1, 9.9, 200)
    u = uni.select_atoms("protein")
    ur = u.residues

    S = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(u)
    Sx = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(u)

    # use an averaging in cubes filled with the atoms, cubesize approximates residue size
    Scu = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(u, cubesize=0.6)
    Sxcu = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(u, cubesize=0.6)

    # use now the precalculated formfactors on residue level coarse graining
    uni.explicitResidueFormFactorAmpl = False  # default
    Sr = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(ur)
    Sxr = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(ur)

    # calc residue formfactors explicit (not precalculated)
    # useful for changes of residue deuteration or backbone N-H exchange of IDP
    uni.explicitResidueFormFactorAmpl = True
    Ser = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(ur)
    Sxer = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(ur)

    # create a C-alpha pdb file and then the Ca-only universe for calculation
    ca = uni.select_atoms('name CA')
    # addHydrogen=False prevents addition of 4H per C atom
    unica = js.bio.scatteringUniverse('pdb_ca.pdb', addHydrogen=False)
    # To use precalculated residue formfactors explicit... should be False
    unica.explicitResidueFormFactorAmpl = False
    unica.qlist = js.loglist(0.1, 10, 200)
    uca = unica.residues
    Sca = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(uca, getVolume='now')
    Sxca = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(uca)

    p[2 * c].plot(S, li=[1, 2, 1], sy=0, le='atomic')
    p[2 * c].plot(Scu, li=[1, 2, 5], sy=0, le='atomic in cubes')
    p[2 * c].plot(Sr, li=[1, 2, 2], sy=0, le='res pre')
    p[2 * c].plot(Ser, li=[3, 2, 3], sy=0, le='res ex')
    p[2 * c].plot(Sca, li=[1, 2, 4], sy=0, le='Ca model')
    p[2 * c].legend(x=1, y=8e-3, charsize=0.8)
    p[2 * c].text(x=0.15, y=1e-7, charsize=1, string=pdbid)

    p[2 * c + 1].plot(Sx, li=[1, 2, 1], sy=0, le='atomic')
    p[2 * c + 1].plot(Sxcu, li=[1, 2, 5], sy=0, le='atomic in cubes')
    p[2 * c + 1].plot(Sxr, li=[1, 2, 2], sy=0, le='res pre')
    p[2 * c + 1].plot(Sxer, li=[3, 2, 3], sy=0, le='res ex')
    p[2 * c + 1].plot(Sxca, li=[1, 2, 4], sy=0, le='Ca model')
    p[2 * c + 1].legend(x=1, y=8e-3, charsize=0.8)
    p[2 * c + 1].text(x=0.15, y=1e-7, charsize=1, string=pdbid)

    p[2 * c].xaxis(label='', ticklabel=False, scale='log', min=1e-1, max=9.9)
    p[2 * c + 1].xaxis(label='', ticklabel=False, scale='log', min=1e-1, max=9.9)
    p[2 * c].yaxis(label='F(Q)', ticklabel='power', scale='log', min=3e-8, max=8e-3)
    p[2 * c + 1].yaxis(ticklabel=False, scale='log', min=3e-8, max=8e-3)

p[2 * c].xaxis(label='Q / nm\S-1', ticklabel=True, scale='log', min=1e-1, max=9.9)
p[2 * c + 1].xaxis(label='Q / nm\S-1', ticklabel=True, scale='log', min=1e-1, max=9.9)
p[0].subtitle('neutron scattering')
p[1].subtitle('Xray scattering')
p[0].title(' ' * 30 + 'Comparison of formfactors with different resolution')
# p.save(js.examples.imagepath+'/uniformfactors.jpg', size=(700/300, 1000/300))


12.6.6. Selective partial deuteration

Partial deuteration of protein complexes is a promising tool for examination of protein structure function relationship. E.g. see an interesting example about the complex in the cyanobacterial circadian clock system Sugiyama et al, Nature Communications Biology (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-022-03143-z

Here we see how to selectively deuterate domains or specific aminoacids and how scattering is influenced. The deuteration is considered in all bio methods.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as constants

# create universe
mab = js.bio.scatteringUniverse('1igt')

mab.qlist = np.r_[0.01, 0.1:4:0.03]
# use explicit residue formfactors for EACH residue
mab.explicitResidueFormFactorAmpl = True

# use a atom selection
lightchains = mab.select_atoms('segid A C')  # light chains

mab.atoms.deuteration = 0  # default protonated
I_protonated = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(mab.atoms)

lightchains.atoms.deuteration = 1
I_lightdeuterated = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(mab.atoms)

mab.atoms.deuteration = 0
# select fc domain
mab.select_atoms('segid B D and resid 240-700').deuteration = 1
I_fcdeuterated = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(mab.atoms)

mab.atoms.deuteration = 0
# select 3 residue
mab.select_atoms('resname ALA ARG ASN ').deuteration = 1
I_someAA = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(mab.atoms)

I_someresidue = js.bio.nscatIntUniv(mab.residues)

p = js.grace()
p[0].plot(I_protonated, sy=0, li=[1, 3, 1], le='full protonated')
p[0].plot(I_lightdeuterated, sy=0, li=[1, 3, 2], le='light chain deuterated')
p[0].plot(I_fcdeuterated, sy=0, li=[1, 3, 3], le='fc domain deuterated')
p[0].plot(I_someAA, sy=0, li=[1, 3, 4], le='ALA ARG ASN deuterated')
p[0].plot(I_someresidue, sy=0, li=[3, 3, 5], le='ALA ARG ASN deuterated coarse grain')

p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1', min=0, max=4)
p.yaxis(label=r'I(Q) / 1/cm', scale='log', min=1e-6, max=0.01)
p.legend(x=1, y=0.008)
p.title('selective protein deuteration')

# p.save('bio_protein_partialmatching.png')


12.6.7. A protein normal mode animation

Creating a trajectory from normal modes and show I(Q) together with the configuration.

The calculation can also be done along a MD simulation in .trajectory .

MDAnalysis allows a bunch of trajectory manipulations like center of mass removal or rotations.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np
import tempfile
import os
import pymol2
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

def savepng(u, fname):
    """Save png image from pymol"""
    p1 = pymol2.PyMOL()
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
        name = os.path.splitext(u.filename)[0] + '.pdb'
        tfile = os.path.join(tdir, name)
        p1.cmd.rotate('x', 90, 'all')
        p1.cmd.color('red', 'ss h')
        p1.cmd.color('yellow', 'ss s')
        p1.cmd.color('blue', 'ss l+')
        p1.cmd.png(fname, width=600, height=600, dpi=-1, ray=1)

uni=js.bio.scatteringUniverse(js.examples.datapath+'/arg61.pdb', addHydrogen=False)

u = uni.select_atoms("protein and name CA")
# create normal modes
nm = js.bio.vibNM(u)
# make a trajectory similar to a MD simulation
moving = nm.animate([6,7,8,9], scale=120)
moving.qlist = js.loglist(0.1, 5, 100)

p = js.mplot(16, 8)
# loop over trajectory timesteps
for i, ts in enumerate(moving.trajectory):
    # calc th scattering and plot it
    Sq = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(moving.atoms, refreshVolume=False)
    p.Multi(1, 2)
    p[0].Plot(Sq, li=[1,2,1], sy=0)
    p[0].Yaxis(label='F(Q) / nm²', scale='log', min=3e-7, max=6e-4)
    p[0].Xaxis(label=r'$Q / nm^{-1}$')
    name = f'test_{i:.0f}.png'
    savepng(moving, name)
    img = mpimg.imread(name)
    # p.savefig(name, transparent=True, dpi=100)


# In Ipython use ImageMagic to generate animated gif
# %system convert -delay 10 -loop 0  -dispose Background test*.png mode_animation.gif


12.6.8. Protein density determination

We compare measured protein density data with the density calculated by Jscatter to check the SESVolume accuracy in the module jscatter.bio .

Respective references are given in js.examples.datapath+'/proteinSpecificVolumes.txt'

import os.path
import jscatter as js
import numpy as np

# Comparison of the calculated protein density with several references

# read partial specific volumes
with open(js.examples.datapath+'/proteinSpecificVolumes.txt') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

universes = []
for line in lines:
    words = line.split()
    if len(words)==0 or words[0].startswith('#'):
    author = words[3]
    if os.path.exists(words[1]+'_h.pdb'):
        uni = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(words[1]+'_h.pdb', addHydrogen=False)
        uni = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(words[1])
    uni.densityPaper= 1/float(words[2])
    uni.qlist = js.loglist(0.1, 4, 40)
    uni.solvent = ['0D2O1', '1H2O1']
    uni.pdb = words[1]
    uni.author = author

Slist = js.dL()
for uni in universes:
    uni.probe_radius = 0.13
    u = uni.select_atoms("protein")
    S = js.bio.scatIntUniv(u, mode='xray')
    S.densityPaper = uni.densityPaper
    S.author = uni.author

p.plot(Slist.mass.array/1000., Slist.massdensity, sy=[1, 0.5, 1, 1], le='Jscatter')
for c, author in enumerate(Slist.author.unique, 2):
    Sl = Slist.filter(author=author)
    p.plot(Sl.mass.array/1000., Sl.densityPaper.array, sy=[c, 0.5, c], le=author)
dev = Slist.massdensity/Slist.densityPaper.array
p.xaxis(min=3, max=600, label=r'molecular weight / kDa', charsize=1.5, scale='log')
p.yaxis(label=r'density / g/cm\S3\N', charsize=1.5)
p.subtitle(f'deviation  {dev.mean():.3f}+-{dev.std():.3f}')
p.title(r'Comparing Jscatter protein density with references ')
p.legend(x=100, y=1.45)
# p.save('proteinDensityTest.png')

protein Density

12.6.9. Cα coarse grain radius

We calculate an appropriate Size of residues dummy atoms for Cα atom models to get a reasonable protein scattering intensity.

This test determines the best calphaCoarseGrainRadius to result in
best approximated forward scattering I0 of the selected proteins.

The best result is for calphaCoarseGrainRadius = 0.362

Dependent on the protein structure slightly different values might be better.
But anyway bead models and Cα models are always a rough approximation.

import jscatter as js
import numpy as np
import os

with open(js.examples.datapath + '/proteinSpecificVolumes.txt') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

vdw = {'CO': 0.15, 'Z': js.data.vdwradii['Zn'] * 10, 'M': js.data.vdwradii['Mg'] * 10}

Slist = js.dL()
for line in lines:
    words = line.split()
    if len(words)==0 or words[0].startswith('#'):
    if len(Slist)>0 and words[1] in Slist.proteinID:
    if os.path.exists(words[1]+'_h.pdb'):
        uni = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(words[1]+'_h.pdb', addHydrogen=False)
        uni = js.bio.scatteringUniverse(words[1])
    u = uni.select_atoms("protein")
    S = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(u)
    ca = uni.select_atoms('name CA')
    unica = js.bio.scatteringUniverse('uniCA.pdb', addHydrogen=False)
    uca = unica.residues
    pr = np.r_[0.3:0.4:0.01]
    for r in pr:
        print(words[1], r)
        unica.calphaCoarseGrainRadius = r
        Sca = js.bio.xscatIntUniv(uca)
        Sca.relVolume = Sca.SESVolume / S.SESVolume
        Sca.relI0 = Sca.I0 / S.I0
        Sca.atomVolume = S.SESVolume
        Sca.proteinID = words[1]
        Sca.pr = r

p2 = js.grace()
p2.multi(1, 2)
xx = []
for id in Slist.proteinID.unique:
    sl = Slist.filter(proteinID=id)
    rV = js.dA(np.c_[sl.pr, sl.relI0].T)
    rV.fit(lambda x, b, x0: (b * (x - x0) + 1) ** 2, {'b': 11, 'x0': 0.35}, {}, {'x': 'X'})
    p2[0].plot(rV, le=f'{rV.x0:.3f}')
    p2[0].plot(rV.lastfit, li=[1,0.3,11])
    p2[1].plot([sl[0].mass], [rV.x0])
xx = np.array(xx)
p2[0].plot([0.1, 0.4], [1] * 2, sy=0, li=1)
p2[0].xaxis(label='Ca radius / nm', min=0.28, max=0.45)
p2[0].yaxis(label='relative intensity')
p2[1].xaxis(scale='log', label='mass / Da')
p2[1].yaxis(label=['best Ca radius / nm',1,'opposite'],ticklabel= ['general',2,1,'opposite'])
p2[1].subtitle(f'best Ca CG radius = {np.mean(xx):.3f} +- {np.std(xx):.3f} ')
p2[0].title('                            Determination of best Ca coarse grain radius')
# p2.save('proteinCacoarsegrainRadius.png')

# Conclusion CA model with vdWradius 0.342 is appropriate


12.7. Other stuff

12.7.1. Sedimentation of two particle sizes and resulting scattering: a Simulation

# The question is how long do I need to centrifuge to get rid of
# the larger aggregates and not just guess somewhat.

import numpy as np
import jscatter as js

t1 = np.r_[100:2e3:11j]  # time in seconds

# open plot()
p = js.grace(1.5, 1.5)
p[0].SetView(0.15, 0.12, 0.9, 0.85)
# calculate sedimentation profile for two different particles
# data correspond to Fresco 21 with dual rotor
# default is solvent='h2o',temp=293
Rh1 = 2  # nm
Rh2 = 40  # nm
g = 21000.  # g # RZB number
omega = g * 246 / 21000
profiles1 = js.formel.sedimentationProfile(t=t1, Rh=Rh1, c0=0.05, omega=omega, rm=48, rb=85)
profiles2 = js.formel.sedimentationProfile(t=t1, Rh=Rh2, c0=0.05, omega=omega, rm=48, rb=85)

# plot it
p.plot(profiles1, li=-1, sy=0, legend='%s nm -> t=$time s' % Rh1)
p.plot(profiles2, li=[2, 2, -1], sy=0, legend='%s nm-> t=$time s' % Rh2)

# label the plot with some explanations
p.title(r'sedimentation of %s nm species and %s nm species \nafter t seconds centrifugation ' % (Rh1, Rh2), size=1)
p.subtitle(r'rotor speed %s rps=%sg, r\smeniscus\N=48mm, r\sbottom\N=85mm' % (omega, g))
p.yaxis(max=0.2, min=0, label='concentration')
p.xaxis(label='position in cell / mm')
p.legend(x=40, y=0.2, charsize=0.5)
p.text(r'%s nm particles \nnearly not sedimented \nin sedimentation time of %s nm' % (Rh1, Rh2), 44, 0.07)
p.text(r'%snm sediment\nquite fast' % Rh2, 73, 0.105)
p[0].line(80, 0.1, 84, 0.08, 5, arrow=2)
Picture about diffusion fit

# corresponding small angle scattering for the above
# centrifugation is done to remove the large fraction
# how long do you need to centrifuge and how does it look without centrifugation?
# scattering for a 2 nm particle and 40 nm particle with same intensity in DLS
# with DLS you can see easily the aggregates

p = js.grace()
# equal intensity  of both species in DLS as in SANS
p.plot(js.formel.scatteringFromSizeDistribution(js.loglist(1e-2, 4, 100), [[Rh1, Rh2], [1, 1]], func=js.ff.beaucage))
# larger has 10% of smaller species intensity
p.plot(js.formel.scatteringFromSizeDistribution(js.loglist(1e-2, 4, 100), [[Rh1, Rh2], [1, 0.1]], func=js.ff.beaucage))
# larger species particles
p.plot(js.formel.scatteringFromSizeDistribution(js.loglist(1e-2, 4, 100), [[Rh1, Rh2], [1, 0]], func=js.ff.beaucage))

p.xaxis(min=0.01, max=5, scale='l', label=r'Q / nm\S-1')
p.yaxis(min=0, max=2, label='I(Q)')
p.title('How does %.2g nm aggregates influence SANS scattering' % Rh2, size=1)
p.subtitle('Beaucage form factor with d=3 for spherical particles')
p.text('Here Rg is determined', x=0.2, y=1)
p.text(r'10%% intensity as\n %.2g nm in DLS' % Rh1, x=0.011, y=1.2)
p.text(r'same intensity as\n %.2g nm in DLS' % Rh1, x=0.02, y=1.9)
p.text('no big aggregates', x=0.011, y=0.9)


12.7.2. Create a stacked chart of some curves

import numpy as np
import jscatter as js

# create a stacked chart of 10 plots

# create some data
mean = 5
x = np.r_[mean - 3 * 3:mean + 3 * 3:200j]
data = js.dL()  # empty dataList
for sigma in np.r_[3:0.3:10j]:
    temp = js.dA(np.c_[x, np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mean) ** 2 / sigma ** 2) / sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)].T)
    temp.sigma = sigma

p = js.grace()
# each shifted by hshift,vshift
# the yaxis is switched off for all except the first
p.stacked(10, hshift=0.02, vshift=0.01, yaxis='off')
# plot some Gaussians in each graph
for i, dat in enumerate(data):
    p[i].plot(dat, li=[1, 2, i + 1], sy=0, legend='sigma=$sigma')
# choose the same yscale for the data but no ticks for the later plots
# adjusting the scale and the size of the xaxis ticks

p[0].yaxis(min=0, max=1, tick=[0.2, 5, 0.3, 0.1])
p[0].xaxis(min=min(x), max=max(x), tick=[1, 1, 0.3, 0.1])
for pp in p.g[1:]:
    pp.yaxis(min=0, max=1, tick=False)
    pp.xaxis(min=min(x), max=max(x), tick=[1, 1, 0.3, 0.1])

# This plot is shown below; no fine tuning
if 1:
    p.save('stackedGaussians', format='jpeg')

# change the stacking to improve plot (or not)
p.stacked(10, hshift=-0.015, vshift=-0.01, yaxis='off')
# create a plot with exponential decaying function but shifted consecutively by factors of 2
x = js.loglist(0.01, 5, 100)
p = js.grace()
for i in np.r_[1:10]:
    p.plot(x, np.exp(-i ** 2 * x ** 2))

p.shiftbyfactor(xfactors=2 * np.r_[10:1:-1], yfactors=2 * np.r_[10:1:-1])
Picture about diffusion fit

Some examples to show how to use Jscatter.

Functions show the code or run the examples in example directory.

jscatter.examples.runAll(start=None, end=None)[source]

Run all examples ( Maybe needs a bit of time ) .

Example and saved files go to JscatterExamples/example_name in the current working directory.


First and last example to run

jscatter.examples.runExample(example, usempl=False)[source]

Run example by number or name.

Example and saved files go to JscatterExamples/example_name in the current working directory.

example: string,int

Filename or number of the example to run

usemplbool, default False

For using mpl set to True


import jscatter as js js.examples.runExample(‘daily_use’)

jscatter.examples.showExample(example='.', usempl=False)[source]

Opens example in default editor.

examplestring, int

Filename or number. If ‘.’ the folder with the examples is opened.

usemplbool, default False

For using mpl set to True. Then mpl examples are shown.


Show an updated list of all examples.

Currently, availible examples

    0  example_2DFitting.py 
1  example_2DFitting_CrystalPeaks.py 
2  example_2D_orientedScattering.py 
3  example_2D_structurefactors.py 
4  example_CONTIN.py 
5  example_EwaldSphere.py 
6  example_HydrodynamicFunction.py 
7  example_MultipleContrastFit.py 
8  example_SANSsmearing.py 
9  example_SASdesmearing.py 
10  example_Sedimentation.py 
11  example_SinusoidalFitting.py 
12  example_StructureFactors.py 
13  example_TeubnerStrey.py 
14  example_Zimm.py 
15  example_analyseSASData.py 
16  example_bio_comparecoarsegraining.py 
17  example_bio_loadPDB.py 
18  example_bio_loadTrajectory.py 
19  example_bio_makeNManimation.py 
20  example_bio_partialdeuteratedprotein.py 
21  example_bio_proteinCoarseGrainRadius.py 
22  example_bio_proteinNormalModesScattering.py 
23  example_bio_proteinNormalModesScattering_2.py 
24  example_bio_proteinVolume.py 
25  example_bio_proteinformfactoranddiffusion.py 
26  example_bio_trajectoryAnalysis.py 
27  example_buildComplexModel.py 
28  example_buildsimpleModels.py 
29  example_cloudscattering.py 
30  example_comparisonLattices.py 
31  example_connected_linearPearls.py 
32  example_daily_use.py 
33  example_dynamics.py 
34  example_fit_bayes.py 
35  example_fit_diffusion.py 
36  example_fit_multicylinder.py 
37  example_fitwithsmearing.py 
38  example_grace0_newsimplestyle.py 
39  example_grace1.py 
40  example_grace2.py 
41  example_grace3.py 
42  example_grace_stackeddata.py 
43  example_hexagonalLatticeofCylinders1.py 
44  example_hexagonalLatticeofCylinders2.py 
45  example_inelasticNeutronScattering.py 
46  example_makeJ.py 
47  example_membraneStack.py 
48  example_multilamellarVesicle.py 
49  example_multilamellarVesicleSAXS.py 
50  example_multilamellarVesiclereal.py 
51  example_orientedCloudCube.py 
52  example_simple_diffusion.py 
53  example_smooth_xraydata.py