Source code for jscatter.graceplot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A high-level Python interface to the Grace plotting package `XmGrace <>`_

- One line command plotting: plot of numpy arrays and dataArrays without predefining Data or Symbol objects.
- symbol, line and error are defined by list arguments as line=[1,0.5,3]
- Older functionality still works and can be used for more sophisticated output.

 - `XmGrace <>`_
 - `Deutschsprachiges Benutzerhandbuch und FAQ <>`_

Example ::

 import jscatter as js
 data=js.dL(js.examples.datapath+'/iqt_1hho.dat')               #read data from test directory into dataList
 # open plot with fixed size of 2x3 inch or 2*300x3*300 pixel
 p[1].plot(data[1:8:2],sy=[-1,1,-1],li=-1, legend='Q=$q')
  # make axes, legend, title, and subtitle to get nice plot
 p[0].xaxis(min=0.0,max=150,label='fouriertime t / ns ',charsize=1.50)
 p[1].xaxis(min=0.9,max=150,scale='log',label='fouriertime t / ns ',charsize=1.50)
 p[0].title(r'An example for the intermediate scattering function in \n Neutron Spinecho Spectroscopy',size=1)
 p[0].title('This is GraceGraph 1',size=2)
 p[1].title('This is GraceGraph 2',size=2)
 p[0].subtitle('colors of lines are sync to symbol color')
 # add a text
 p[1].text(r'Here we place a text just as demo\n at the last point of this dataset',x=1.2,y=0.3,charsize=1)
 #'testdata.agr') #as grace file
 #'/Graceexample.jpg',format='jpeg',size=[2,1.33]) #as jpg file

some examples using **GracePlot**

:ref:`Smoothed Xray <How to smooth Xray data and make an inset in the plot>` ;

|pic1| |pic2| |pic3|

.. |pic1| image:: ../../examples/images/Graceexample.jpg
     :width: 30 %
     :alt: Graceexample

.. |pic2| image:: ../../examples/smooth_xraydata.png
    :width: 30 %
    :alt: smooth_xraydata

.. |pic3| image:: ../../examples/images/multilamellarVesicles.jpg
     :width: 30 %
     :alt: multilamellarVesicles

Originally, this code of GracePlot started out from:
Nathaniel Gray <>, updated by Marcus H. Mendenhall, MHM ,John Kitchin, Marus Mendenhall
- original source -> 2014 and
  according to that site: License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
- Consequently this file is still under GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
- 2019 changed some things to be only python 3 compatible

Ralf Biehl JCNS1 & ICS1 Forschungszentrum Juelich 2014-2019


original documentation starts here ->
The intended purpose of GracePlot is to allow easy programmatic and interactive
command line plotting with convenience functions for the most common commands.
The Grace UI (or the grace_np module) can be used if more advanced
functionality needs to be accessed.

The data model in Grace, (mirrored in GracePlot) goes like this:  Each grace
session is like virtual sheet of paper called a Plot.  Each Plot can have
multiple Graphs, which are sets of axes (use GracePlot.multi() to get multiple
axes in GracePlot).  Each Graph has multiple data Sets.  Data Sets are added to
graphs with the plot and histoPlot functions in GracePlot.

The biggest difference in use of my module over Nathaniel Gray's is that I have
abstracted nearly everything into objects. You can only plot a data object, which
contains all the information about symbols and lines for itself. This is also how
future support of other graph types will be builtin, for example error bars and xyz
etc... Currently, only 2d plots are directly implemented.
a typical session might look like::
    from graceplot import *
    p = GracePlot() # A grace session opens
    p.title('Funding: Ministry of Silly Walks')
    p.ylabel('Funding (Pounds\S10\N)')
    p.xlimit(0, 6)  # Set limits of x-axis


    from dataArray.graceplot import *
    p = GracePlot() # A grace session opens
    p.title('Funding: Ministry of Silly Walks')
    p.ylabel('Funding (Pounds\S10\N)')
    p.xlimit(0, 6)  # Set limits of x-axis

The best place to find documentation is in the docstrings for each function/class. In general,
default values are used by xmgrace unless you set them to something else. I have done some things like
if you set the fill color of a symbol, then it automatically sets the fill pattern to solid, unless you set it
to something else.

I have basically taken the output of xmgrace and reverse engineered everything in the
Gui and agr files to figure out all these details. The documentation for grace is not that
complete, and has been that way a long time.

An important thing to realize about GracePlot is that it only has a one-way
communications channel with the Grace session.  This means that if you make
changes to your plot interactively (such as changing the number/layout of
graphs) then GracePlot will have NO KNOWLEDGE of the changes.  This should not
often be an issue, since the only state that GracePlot saves is the number and
layout of graphs, the number of Sets that each graph has, and the hold state
for each graph.
Originally, this code started out from:

__version__ = "0.5.1"
__author__ = "Nathaniel Gray <>"
__date__ = "September 16, 2001"

Slightly updated by Marcus H. Mendenhall, Vanderbilt University, to allow some class overrides,
 including the underlying grace_np
Further updated November 8, 2008 by MHM to correctly handle line styles & symbol styles in
multi-graph environments.  All styles used to go to G0.

__author__ = "John Kitchin" (no longer active)

Maintenance of this project was taken over by Marus Mendenhall in April, 2009.

The GracePlot instance no longer depends on any grace_np process as of April 1, 2009.
 Instead, it communicates via subprocess.Popen.
This renders the package incompatible with python < 2.4.


import numpy as np
import os
import subprocess
import time
import threading
import weakref
import numbers

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import queue as Queue

def _translate(data):
    return data.encode(encoding="latin-1")

from .dataarray import dataArray as dA
from .dataarray import dataList as dL
from . import _platformname

if _platformname[0] != 'Windows':
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        # here we only test if grace is installed
        p = subprocess.Popen(('command -v xmgrace',), bufsize=0, shell=True,
                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        GraceIsInstalled = p.communicate()[0].strip()
        GraceIsInstalled = False
        # here we only test if gracebat is installed
        p = subprocess.Popen(('command -v gracebat',), bufsize=0, shell=True,
                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        GracebatIsInstalled = p.communicate()[0].strip()
        GracebatIsInstalled = False
    GraceIsInstalled = False
    GracebatIsInstalled = False

# Use headless mode as general option
_headless = False

[docs] def on_off(flag): """convert a bool into an xmgrace on/off string""" if flag and flag != 'off': return 'on' else: return 'off'
# shortcut to set presentation type settypes = [None, 'xy', 'xydy', 'xydx', 'xydxdy', 'xydxdx', 'xydydy', 'xydxdxdydy', 'bar', 'xyz', 'xyboxplot'] # shortcuts for colors
[docs] class createColorTable: # def __init__(self): for i, name in enumerate(['white', 'black', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'brown', 'grey', 'violet', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'orange', 'indigo', 'maroon', 'turquoise', 'green4']): setattr(self, name, i) gray = self.grey @property def len(self): n = len(self.names) return n @property def names(self): return [k for k in self.__dict__ if k[0] != '_'] @property def list(self): return sorted([(getattr(self, name), name) for name in self.names])
[docs] def assign(self, idx, rgb, name): if name == 'len': raise Warning('Dont use len as color name') if idx < self.len: setattr(self, name, idx) else: setattr(self, name, self.len)
colors = createColorTable() # shortcuts for symbols # noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
[docs] class symbols: (none, circle, square, diamond, triangle_up, triangle_left, triangle_down, triangle_right, plus, cross, star, character) = np.arange(12)
# shortcuts for linestyle # noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
[docs] class lines: none, solid, dotted, dashed, long_dashed, dot_dashed = np.arange(6)
# shortcuts for fill patterns # noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
[docs] class fills: none = 0 solid = 1 opaque = 8
# string justification left = 0 center = 2 right = 1 place = {'n': 'normal', 'b': 'both', 'o': 'opposite'} # frame types # noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
[docs] class frames: closed = 0 halfopen = 1 breaktop = 2 breakbottom = 3 breakleft = 4 breakright = 5
[docs] def inheritDocstringFrom(cls): def docstringInheritDecorator(fn): if isinstance(fn.__doc__, str): attach = fn.__doc__ + '\n' else: attach = '' if fn.__name__ in cls.__dict__: fn.__doc__ = attach + getattr(cls, fn.__name__).__doc__ return fn return docstringInheritDecorator
[docs] class Disconnected(Exception): """Thrown when xmgrace unexpectedly disconnects from the pipe. This exception is thrown on an EPIPE error, which indicates that xmgrace has stopped reading the pipe that is used to communicate with it. This could be because it has been closed (e.g., by clicking on the exit button), crashed, or sent an exit command.""" pass
def _sender(queue, pipe, redraw_interval, auto_redraw): """a thread to send data from a queue, so talking to grace doesn't tie up the main flow, and to manage redraws""" # note that this is not a class method, to reduce some possible reference loops. last_redraw_time = -1 timeout = None sent_commands = False redraw_soon = False redraw_now = False Empty = Queue.Empty while 1: try: now = time.time() if sent_commands and (redraw_now or (redraw_soon and now > (last_redraw_time + 0.9 * redraw_interval))): # nothing to do, but we sent stuff before, so redraw pipe.write("redraw\n".encode(encoding="utf-8")) pipe.flush() sent_commands = False last_redraw_time = now redraw_soon = False redraw_now = False data = queue.get(True, timeout) if data is None: # sentinel for a flush pipe.flush() elif data == -1: # all done, quit break elif data == -2: # forced redraw redraw_now = True elif data == -3: # redraw soon redraw_soon = True else: pipe.write(_translate(data)) sent_commands = True timeout = redraw_interval except Empty: if auto_redraw and sent_commands: # we timed out, but data had been sent without being drawn, so draw it now redraw_now = True else: # go all the way to sleep if we didn't get any data on the last pass and no redraws may be pending timeout = None continue except IOError: # IOError happens when grace dies, and will get recognized in the main thread... just quit here break lastsymbol = [0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1] lastline = [0, 0, 0, 0] lasterror = [0, 0, 0, 0] # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyIncorrectDocstring,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs] class GraceGraph: """ class for handling GraceGraph Parameters ---------- gID : integer Graph ID xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax : float default 0.15,0.95,0.15,0.88 position of edges in plot in relative view coordinates """ def __init__(self, grace, gID, xmin=0.15, xmax=0.95, ymin=0.15, ymax=0.9): self._hold = 0 # Set _hold=1 to add datasets to a graph self._grace = weakref.ref(grace) self.nSets = 0 self.gID = gID self.datasets = [] self.world_xmin = 10000000000000. self.world_xmax = -10000000000000. self.world_ymin = 10000000000000. self.world_ymax = -10000000000000. # symbol and linestyles self.lastline = lastline[:] # -> Symbol(symbol=1,size=0.5,color=1,fillcolor=None,fillpattern=None,linewidth=2) self.lastsymbol = lastsymbol[:] self.lasterror = lasterror[:] self.datasets = [] self.SetView(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, aspect_scaled=True)
[docs] def grace(self): s = self._grace() # dereference the weak ref if s is None: raise Disconnected("GraceGraph detached from main GracePlot!") else: return s
[docs] def autoscale(self, axis=None): """ autoscales axes axis : 'x','y',None None, scale all axes, otherwise if it is 'x' or 'y' scale that axis """ suffix = "" if axis is not None: suffix = axis + "axes" s = self._grace() # dereference the weak ref if s.curr_graph.nSets > 0: s.write("with g%d; autoscale %s" % (self.gID, suffix))
[docs] def redraw(self, *args, **kwargs): """ redraw Graph pass through to our GraceGraph instance """ self.grace().redraw(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def hold(self, onoff=None): """ Turn on/off overplotting for this graph. Call as hold() to toggle, hold(1) to turn on, or hold(0) to turn off. Returns the previous hold setting. """ lastVal = self._hold if onoff is None: self._hold = not self._hold return lastVal if onoff not in [0, 1]: raise RuntimeError("Valid arguments to hold() are 0 or 1.") self._hold = onoff return lastVal
[docs] def title(self, title=None, font=None, size=None, color=None): """ Sets the graph title. Parameters ---------- title : string Title string font Font of title size : float Size of title color : integer Color of title """ send = self.grace()._send if title is not None: send('with g%d; title "%s"' % (self.gID, title)) if font is not None: send('title font %d' % font) if size is not None: send('title size %f' % size) if color is not None: send('title color %d' % color)
[docs] def subtitle(self, subtitle=None, font=None, size=None, color=None): """ Sets the graph subtitle see title """ send = self.grace()._send if subtitle is not None: send('with g%d; subtitle "%s"' % (self.gID, subtitle)) if font is not None: send('subtitle font %d' % font) if size is not None: send('subtitle size %f' % size) if color is not None: send('subtitle color %d' % color)
[docs] def gen_axis(self, axis_prefix, ax_min=None, ax_max=None, scale=None, invert=None, formula=None, offset=None, label=None, ticklabel=None, charsize=None, size=None, tick=None, bar=None, autotick=True): """ Format of axis Parameters ---------- axis_prefix : {'x','y'} determines axis ax_min,ax_max : float min and max of axis scale : {'normal', 'logarithmic', or 'reciprocal' or respectivly 'n','l','r'} sets type of axis label : string, list or Label object Label of the axis; see Label object. - string: this is the label string. - list = [label string, charsize, place, color, location] - place : 'normal','both','opposite' - location : [parallel, perpendicular] offset from axis center. defauls [0,0.08] invert : {True,False} invert axis formula : grace equation formula for ticklabel calculation eg. for rescaling. $t is label -> scaling as `"$t*1e5"` charsize,size : float determines character size, default 1 offset : list of float determines the position of the normal and opposite axis position autotick : bool autoticking tick : Tick object or list, False, True list of [major tick distance , minorticks number, majorsize, minorsize, position] - position as one of 'normal','both','opposite' (first letter is enough) - False, True switch Ticks on and off see Tick for more ticklabel : float, list, tickLabel object With [format,precision,charsize,placeon] or a shortcut - format: 'decimal','exponential','general','power','scientific' - precision : integer - charsize : float - placeon : 'normal','both','opposite' Shortcuts: - 'on', 'off',1,0: switch ticklabel on/off - float: used as charsize - one of format strings: change format ('power','scientific' with precision=0') bar : 'on','off',list or bar object list=[onoff,color,linestyle,linewidth] See bar object. 'on'/'off' switch on or off. """ if size is not None and charsize is None: # just to allow size charsize = size axname = axis_prefix + "axis" axname2 = axis_prefix + "axes" ticklabelsize = None # collect all commands into a list and then send them, # to make sure it is atomic with respect to the 'with gn' statement commands = ["with g%d" % self.gID] if scale is not None: if scale[0] in ('l', 'L'): scale = 'logarithmic' if self.nSets == 0: ax_min = 0.1 if ax_min is None else ax_min ax_max = 10 if ax_max is None else ax_max if ax_min is not None and ax_min < 0: ax_min = None if ax_max is not None and ax_max < 0: ax_max = None if tick is None: tick = [10, 9] elif scale[0] in ('r', 'R'): scale = 'reciprocal' else: scale = 'normal' if ax_min is not None: commands.append('world %smin %g' % (axis_prefix, ax_min)) if ax_max is not None: commands.append('world %smax %g' % (axis_prefix, ax_max)) if label is not None: if type(label) is str: label = Label(label, charsize=charsize) # shortcut for simple string labels elif isinstance(label, (list, set)): label += [None] * 5 label = Label(string=label[0], charsize=label[1], place=label[2], color=label[3], location=label[4]) if charsize is not None: charsize = label.charsize if ticklabel is None and is not None: ticklabel = [None, None, None if label.charsize is None else label.charsize * 0.8,] commands += label.output(axname) if charsize is not None: ticklabelsize = charsize - 0.25 if isinstance(ticklabel, numbers.Number): commands += TickLabel(charsize=ticklabel).output(axname) ticklabelsize = ticklabel elif isinstance(ticklabel, str): prec = None if ticklabel in ['power', 'scientific', 'exponential']: prec = 0 commands += TickLabel(format=ticklabel, prec=prec).output(axname) elif isinstance(ticklabel, list): ticklabel += [None] * 4 commands += TickLabel(format=ticklabel[0], prec=ticklabel[1], charsize=ticklabel[2], placeon=ticklabel[3]).output(axname) ticklabelsize = ticklabel[2] elif isinstance(ticklabel, TickLabel): commands += tick.output(axname) ticklabelsize = TickLabel.charsize elif ticklabel in (False, True, 'on', 'off'): commands += TickLabel(onoff=ticklabel).output(axname) if isinstance(tick, list): tick += [None] * 5 if tick[4] is not None and tick[4][0] in ('n', 'b', 'o'): placeon = place[tick[4][0]] else: placeon = None commands += Tick(major=tick[0], minorticks=tick[1], majorsize=tick[2], minorsize=tick[3], placeon=placeon).output(axname) elif isinstance(tick, Tick): commands += tick.output(axname) elif tick in (False, True, 'on', 'off'): commands += Tick(onoff=tick).output(axname) commands += TickLabel(onoff=tick, charsize=ticklabelsize).output(axname) elif autotick: commands += TickLabel(charsize=ticklabelsize).output(axname) commands.append('autoticks') if scale is not None: commands.append('%s scale %s' % (axname2, scale)) if invert is not None: commands.append('%s invert %s' % (axname2, invert)) if offset is not None: if isinstance(offset, numbers.Number): offset = [offset, 0.] commands.append('%s offset %g, %g' % (axname, offset[0], offset[1])) if bar in ('off', 'on', True, False): commands += Bar(onoff=bar).output(axname) elif isinstance(bar, list): bar += [None] * 4 commands += Bar(onoff=bar[0], color=bar[1], linestyle=bar[2], linewidth=bar[3]).output(axname) elif isinstance(bar, Bar): commands += bar.output(axname) if formula is not None: commands.append('%s ticklabel formula "%s"' % (axname, formula)) self.grace().send_commands(*tuple(commands)) if scale == 'logarithmic' and (ax_min is None or ax_max is None): self.autoscale(axis_prefix)
[docs] def xaxis(self, min=None, max=None, **kwargs): if min is not None: self.world_xmin = min if max is not None: self.world_xmax = max self.gen_axis('x', ax_min=min, ax_max=max, **kwargs)
xaxis.__doc__ = gen_axis.__doc__
[docs] def yaxis(self, min=None, max=None, **kwargs): if min is not None: self.world_ymin = min if max is not None: self.world_ymax = max self.gen_axis('y', ax_min=min, ax_max=max, **kwargs)
yaxis.__doc__ = gen_axis.__doc__
[docs] def xlimit(self, lower=None, upper=None): """Convenience function to set the lower and/or upper bounds of the x-axis.""" self.xaxis(min=lower, max=upper)
[docs] def ylimit(self, lower=None, upper=None): """Convenience function to set the lower and/or upper bounds of the y-axis.""" self.yaxis(min=lower, max=upper)
[docs] def xlabel(self, label, charsize=None): """Convenience function to set the xaxis label charsize detemines charsize, default 1 """ self.gen_axis('x', label=label, charsize=charsize, autotick=False)
[docs] def ylabel(self, label, charsize=None): """Convenience function to set the yaxis label""" self.gen_axis('y', label=label, charsize=charsize, autotick=False)
[docs] def kill(self): """Kill the plot""" send = self.grace()._send send('kill g%d' % self.gID) send('g%d on' % self.gID) self.grace().redraw() self.nSets = 0 self._hold = 0 self.datasets = []
[docs] def clear(self, slice=slice(None), hold=0): """ Clear plot Parameters ---------- slice : slice Selects elements to delete. If ommited clear all. e.g. last for elements slice=slice(-4) don't use slice extensivly as it could mess up. hold : bool, default 0 Set/reset to hold lines. """ send = self.grace()._send ll = np.arange(self.nSets)[slice] for i in ll[::-1]: # noinspection PyBroadException try: send('kill g%d.s%d' % (self.gID, i)) self.nSets -= 1 del self.datasets[i] except: pass self.grace().redraw() self._hold = hold self.nSets = 0 self.datasets = [] self.resetlast()
[docs] def resetlast(self): """ Resets last used symbols and lines. lastline=[1,0,0] lastsymbol=[1,0.5,1,0] lasterror=[0,0,0,0] """ self.lastline = lastline[:] self.lastsymbol = lastsymbol[:] self.lasterror = lasterror[:]
[docs] def legend(self, strings=None, x=None, y=None, boxcolor=None, boxpattern=None, boxlinewidth=None, boxlinestyle=None, boxfillcolor=None, boxfillpattern=None, font=None, charsize=None, color=None, length=None, vgap=None, hgap=None, invert=None, world_coords=True, offset=0, onoff=True, position=None): """ Place the legend in the plot or update it. Parameters ---------- strings : list of strings,string, default=None List of legend strings or one string. If None then self.legend_strings is used. self.legend_strings is build from legend attribute in plot offset : int, default 0 Which legend string to change if strings is single string >0 with offset shifted =<0 starting from last reverse order default 0 names last legend x,y: float Position of the upper left corner of the box in data coordinates boxcolor : int Color of the legend box lines boxpattern : integer Pattern of the legend box lines boxlinewidth : float Thickness of the line boxlinestyle,boxfillcolor,boxfillpattern : integer As name says font : int Is the font used in the legend charsize : float Size of the characters length : int Length of the box must be an integer vgap : int Vertical space between entries, can be a float hgap : float Horizontal spacing in the box can be a float invert : bool, (True,False) Order of entries, either in the order they are entered, or the opposite onoff : bool Show legend or not position : 'll', 'ur', 'ul', 'lr' Legend position shortcut. Shortcuts for lower left, upper right, upper left, lower right. """ # collect all commands associated with the 'with' statement to assure atomicity commands = ['with g%d; legend %s' % (self.gID, 'on' if onoff else 'off')] if position is not None and (position in ['ll', 'ur', 'ul', 'lr'] or isinstance(position, (list, tuple))): world_coords = False if position == 'll': x, y = self.grace().aspect_scale(0.2, 0.2) elif position == 'lr': x, y = self.grace().aspect_scale(0.8, 0.2) elif position == 'ul': x, y = self.grace().aspect_scale(0.2, 0.9) elif position == 'ur': x, y = self.grace().aspect_scale(0.8, 0.9) elif isinstance(position, (list, tuple)): x, y = self.grace().aspect_scale(position[0] % 1, position[1] % 1) if world_coords and x is not None and y is not None: commands.append('legend loctype world') else: commands.append('legend loctype view') if x is None: x, _ = self.grace().aspect_scale(0.75, 0.0) if y is None: _, y = self.grace().aspect_scale(0., 0.8) # if only single string was given for a single legend if isinstance(strings, str): strings = [strings] if strings is None: strings = self.legend_strings # enable reverse legend setting to enable setting of last plotted data legend with possible offset for i in range(len(strings)): legendstring = strings[i][:4050] if offset >= 0: commands.append('g%d.s%d legend "' % (self.gID, i + offset) + legendstring + '"') elif offset < 0: print('g%d.s%d legend "' % (self.gID, self.nSets + offset + i) + legendstring + '"') commands.append('g%d.s%d legend "' % (self.gID, self.nSets + offset + i) + legendstring + '"') if x is not None and y is not None: commands.append('legend %g, %g' % (x, y)) if boxcolor is not None: commands.append('legend box color %d' % boxcolor) if boxpattern is not None: commands.append('legend box pattern %d' % boxpattern) if boxlinewidth is not None: commands.append('legend box linewidth %f' % boxlinewidth) if boxlinestyle is not None: commands.append('legend box linestyle %d' % boxlinestyle) if boxfillcolor is not None: commands.append('legend box fill color %d' % boxfillcolor) if boxfillpattern is not None: commands.append('legend box fill pattern %d' % boxfillpattern) if font is not None: commands.append('legend font %d' % font) if charsize is not None: commands.append('legend char size %f' % charsize) if color is not None: commands.append('legend color %d' % color) if length is not None: commands.append('legend length %d' % length) if vgap is not None: commands.append('legend vgap %d' % vgap) if hgap is not None: commands.append('legend hgap %d' % hgap) if invert: commands.append('legend invert %s' % invert) self.grace().send_commands(*tuple(commands)) self.grace().redraw()
[docs] def frame(self, type=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None, color=None, pattern=None, backgroundcolor=None, backgroundpattern=None): """ Set frame type of graph Parameters ---------- type : [0,1,2,3,4,5] => closed,halfopen,breaktop,breakbottom,breakleft,breakright Boxtype linestyle : int Linestyle; see plot linewidth : float linewidth; see plot color : int; see plot Color pattern : int Pattern backgroundcolor : int Color backgroundpattern : int Pattern Notes ----- For the different types except of close the axis bar and tick marks need to be removed """ send = self.grace()._send if type is not None: send('frame type %s' % type) if linestyle is not None: send('frame linestyle %d' % linestyle) if linewidth is not None: send('frame linewidth %d' % linewidth) if color is not None: send('frame color %d' % color) if backgroundcolor is not None: send('frame background color %d' % backgroundcolor) if backgroundpattern is not None: send('frame background pattern %d' % backgroundpattern) if pattern is not None: send('frame pattern %s' % pattern)
[docs] def plot(self, *datasets, **kwargs): """ Plot data in xmgrace e.g. p.plot(data,legend='description',symbol=[1,0.5,4],line=[1,2,2],errorbar=[0]) Parameters ---------- datasets : dataArray, dataList,numpy array, lists of them Several of (comma separated) nonkeyword arguments or as list. If dimension of datasets is one a new Data object is created and plotted see Notes below for error plots. symbol,sy : int, list of float or Symbol object - [symbol,size,color,fillcolor,fillpattern,linewidth] as [1,1,1,-1,2]; - single integer to chose symbol e.g.symbol=3; symbol=0 switches off - negative increments from last, non integer repeat last - symbol => 0-11 = ◦,☐,♢,▵,◁,▽,▷,+,×,☆,(11 is char) - size => size, a number e.g.0.5 - color => int 0-16 = white,black,red,green,blue,ligth green,brown, darkgrey,violet,orange,magenta,grey - fillcolor=None set color and adds fillpattern=1, non-integer syncs to symbol color - fillpattern=None 0 empty, 1 full, ....test it - linewidth 0.1-10 width of line for open symbols. line,li : int, list of float or Line object - [linestyle,linewidth,color] as [1,1,'']; - negative increments;non integer as '' repeats last - single integer to chose line line=1; line=0 switches of - linestyle int 1 normal, 2 dotted, 3 dashed, 4 long dashed, 5 dot-dashed - linewidth float goes from 0 to 6 in increasing thickness - color see symbol color, non-integer syncs to symbol color errorbar,er : int or list of float or Errorbar object - [color,size,linewidth,riserlinewidth] as [1,1,1,1]; no increment, no repeat - color int see symbol color, non-integer syncs to symbol color - size float default 1.0 ; smaller is 0.5 - linewidth float default 1.0 - riserlinewidth float default 1.0 legend,le : string - determines legend for all datasets - string replacement: attr name prepended by '$' (eg. '$par') is replaced by value str(par1.flatten()[0]) if possible. $(par) for not unique names comment: string - string determines comment for all datasets - for dataArray: list of attribute values is set as comment to ckeck use dataArray.resumeAttrTxt() autoscale : bool default True, False internal_autoscale : bool default True, False 10% border redraw : bool redraw Examples -------- :: tX =np.r_[0:10] tY=np.sin(tX) data=np.c_[tX,tY,tY*0.05].T p=s.grace() # open plot # plot single column data tX,tY,teY p.plot(tX,tY,legend='all 1D data',symbol=3,line=1,errorbar=[0]) #plot Data with arrray or dataList p.plot(data,legend='description',symbol=[1,0.5,4],line=[1,2,2],errorbar=[0]) p.yaxis(label='whatever / m') # change y label p.legend() # show legends Notes ----- Plot types determined by dimension of dataset - 1: dataset is type Data instances See Data class for possibilities and original documentation. - 2: dataset is numpy array; simplified version Use slices like data_in_numpyarray[[0,3,2],:] to select columns to plot - len(array)= 2 XY - len(array)= 3 XYDY - len(array)= 4 XYDXDY - 3: dataset is dataArray ; simplified version - attributes X,Y,eY,eX determine plot type if they exist. So set these before plot by dataset.setColumnIndex(3,4,7) - default is 0,1,2 for X,Y,eY, No eX - Slicing works too as for arrays. For more complex plots use original Data class in 1. Old style plotting needs creation of GracePlot.Data objects like :: d1=Data(x=x,y=y,symbol=GracePlot.Symbol(symbol=circle,fillcolor=red),line=GracePlot.Line(type=none)) or in short abreviation: d1=Data(x=x,y=y,symbol=[-1,2,3,4],line=[1,2,3]) #plotted sets can be accessed by p[0].datasets as a list of Data objects """ send = self.grace()._send autoscale = True internal_autoscale = False redraw = True if 'autoscale' in kwargs: autoscale = kwargs['autoscale'] if 'internal_autoscale' in kwargs: internal_autoscale = kwargs['internal_autoscale'] if 'redraw' in kwargs: redraw = kwargs['redraw'] # concat datasets's if np.all([hasattr(dset, '_isdataList') or (hasattr(dset, '_isdataArray') and np.ndim(dset) > 1) for dset in datasets]): datasets = dL(datasets) if np.all([np.ndim(dset) == 1 for dset in datasets]): shape0 = [np.shape(dset)[0] for dset in datasets] if shape0.count(shape0[0]) == len(shape0): datasets = [np.asanyarray(datasets)] if len(datasets) > 1: self.hold(1) # don't revert if multiple dataset are plotted for dataset in datasets: if 'debug' in kwargs: print(kwargs) if 'legend' in kwargs: legend = kwargs['legend'] elif 'le' in kwargs: legend = kwargs['le'] else: legend = '' if 'comment' in kwargs: comment = kwargs['comment'] else: comment = None if 'symbol' in kwargs or 'sy' in kwargs: if 'symbol' in kwargs: keyword = 'symbol' else: keyword = 'sy' if isinstance(kwargs[keyword], Symbol): symbol = kwargs[keyword] else: symbol = Symbol(symbol=1, size=0.5, color=1, fillcolor=None, fillpattern=None, linewidth=2) if isinstance(kwargs[keyword], numbers.Number): kwargs[keyword] = [kwargs[keyword], '', kwargs[keyword]] if isinstance(kwargs[keyword], str): kwargs[keyword] = [kwargs[keyword]] * 5 keys = ['symbol', 'size', 'color', 'fillcolor', 'fillpattern', 'linewidth'] if 'debug' in kwargs: print(keyword, kwargs[keyword]) for key, i, l in zip(keys, kwargs[keyword], range(len(keys))): if key == 'fillcolor' and not isinstance(i, numbers.Integral): i = max(1, self.lastsymbol[2]) if isinstance(i, numbers.Number): if i >= 0: self.lastsymbol[l] = i % self._grace().symbolmax[l] setattr(symbol, key, self.lastsymbol[l]) if key == 'fillcolor': # a default for given color setattr(symbol, 'fillpattern', 1) else: self.lastsymbol[l] = (self.lastsymbol[l] + abs(i) - 1) % self._grace().symbolmax[l] + 1 setattr(symbol, key, self.lastsymbol[l]) else: setattr(symbol, key, self.lastsymbol[l]) else: self.lastsymbol[0] = (self.lastsymbol[0]) % self._grace().symbolmax[0] + 1 self.lastsymbol[2] = (self.lastsymbol[2]) % self._grace().symbolmax[2] + 1 symbol = Symbol(symbol=self.lastsymbol[0], size=0.5, color=self.lastsymbol[2], fillcolor=self.lastsymbol[2], fillpattern=1) if 'line' in kwargs or 'li' in kwargs: if 'line' in kwargs: keyword = 'line' else: keyword = 'li' if isinstance(kwargs[keyword], Line): line = kwargs[keyword] else: # type=None,linestyle=None,linewidth=None,color=1 line = Line(type=1, color=1) if isinstance(kwargs[keyword], numbers.Number): if kwargs[keyword] == 0: # no line kwargs[keyword] = [0, 0.5, 1] # a default line but not visible else: kwargs[keyword] = [1, 0.5, kwargs[keyword]] # default kwargs[keyword] determines color elif isinstance(kwargs[keyword], str): kwargs[keyword] = [kwargs[keyword]] * 4 elif isinstance(kwargs[keyword], (tuple, list)): kwargs[keyword] = list(kwargs[keyword]) keys = ['type', 'linestyle', 'linewidth', 'color'] # type is always 1 for key, i, l in zip(keys, [1] + kwargs[keyword], range(len(keys))): if isinstance(i, numbers.Number): if i >= 0: self.lastline[l] = i % self._grace().linemax[l] else: # increment for negative self.lastline[l] = (self.lastline[l] + abs(i) - 1) % self._grace().linemax[l] + 1 # sync for non integer with symbol color if key == 'color' and not isinstance(kwargs[keyword][2], numbers.Integral): self.lastline[l] = self.lastsymbol[2] # avoid zero as white color if key == 'color' and self.lastline[l] == 0: self.lastline[l] = 1 setattr(line, key, self.lastline[l]) else: line = Line(type=0, color=self.lastsymbol[2]) if 'errorbar' in kwargs or 'er' in kwargs: if 'errorbar' in kwargs: keyword = 'errorbar' else: keyword = 'er' if isinstance(kwargs[keyword], Errorbar): errorbar = kwargs[keyword] else: errorbar = Errorbar(True, None, color=self.lastsymbol[2], size=0.5) if not kwargs[keyword]: errorbar = Errorbar(False, None, color=self.lastsymbol[2], size=0.5) elif isinstance(kwargs[keyword], numbers.Number): if kwargs[keyword] == 0: errorbar = Errorbar(False, None, color=self.lastsymbol[2], size=0.5) kwargs[keyword] = [''] else: errorbar = Errorbar(True, None, color=kwargs[keyword], size=0.5) elif isinstance(kwargs[keyword], (tuple, list)): keys = ['color', 'size', 'linewidth', 'riserlinewidth'] for key, i in zip(keys, kwargs[keyword]): if isinstance(i, numbers.Number): setattr(errorbar, key, i) else: # avoid color of 0 errorbar = Errorbar(True, None, color=(self.lastsymbol[2] if self.lastsymbol[2] else self.lastline[3]), size=0.5) # now the datasets if isinstance(dataset, Data): data = dataset elif hasattr(dataset, '_isdataArray'): if 'debug' in kwargs: print('is _isdataArray') if hasattr(dataset, 'symbol'): symbol = Symbol(None, *dataset.symbol) if hasattr(dataset, 'line'): line = Line(1, *dataset.line) if hasattr(dataset, 'errorbar'): errorbar = Errorbar(True, None, *dataset.errorbar) if legend == '': if hasattr(dataset, 'legend'): legend = dataset.legend if '$' in legend: # replace $parname in legend for par in dataset.attr: if '$' + par in legend or '$(' + par + ')' in legend: # noinspection PyBroadException try: vall = np.array(getattr(dataset, par)).flatten()[0] if isinstance(vall, numbers.Number): val = '%.4g' % vall else: val = str(vall) if '$(' + par + ')' in legend: legend = legend.replace('$(' + par + ')', val) else: legend = legend.replace('$' + par, val) except: pass if comment is None: if hasattr(dataset, 'comment'): comment = ''.join(dataset.resumeAttrTxt(maxlength=512).split()) if hasattr(dataset, 'Y') and (not hasattr(dataset, 'eY') or dataset.eY is None): if 'debug' in kwargs: print(' no eY or eX values') data = Data(dataset.X, dataset.Y, symbol=symbol, line=line, legend=legend, comment=comment) elif hasattr(dataset, 'Y') and hasattr(dataset, 'eY') and ( not hasattr(dataset, 'eX') or dataset.eX is None): if 'debug' in kwargs: print(' no eX but eY values') data = DataXYDY(dataset.X, dataset.Y, dataset.eY, symbol=symbol, line=line, errorbar=errorbar, legend=legend, comment=comment) elif hasattr(dataset, 'Y') and hasattr(dataset, 'eY') and hasattr(dataset, 'eX'): if 'debug' in kwargs: print(' eX and eY values') data = DataXYDXDY(dataset.X, dataset.Y, dataset.eX, dataset.eY, symbol=symbol, line=line, errorbar=errorbar, legend=legend, comment=comment) else: raise Exception( 'values not specified ix=%s, iy=%s, iey=%s' % (dataset._ix, dataset._iy, dataset._iey,)) elif isinstance(dataset, np.ndarray): if 'debug' in kwargs: print('is np.ndarray') if len(dataset) == 2: data = Data(dataset[0], dataset[1], legend=legend, comment=comment, symbol=symbol, line=line) elif len(dataset) == 3: data = DataXYDY(dataset[0], dataset[1], dataset[2], legend=legend, comment=comment, symbol=symbol, line=line, errorbar=errorbar) elif len(dataset) == 4: data = DataXYDXDY(dataset[0], dataset[1], dataset[2], dataset[3], legend=legend, comment=comment, symbol=symbol, line=line, errorbar=errorbar) elif len(dataset) > 4: data = DataXYDY(dataset[0], dataset[1], dataset[2], legend=legend, comment=comment, symbol=symbol, line=line, errorbar=errorbar) else: print('1 dim data; we need y values!?') return else: print('dont know how to plot this with shape', np.shape(dataset)) return send("\n".join(data.output(self, self.nSets))) self.datasets.append(data) self.nSets += 1 self.legend_strings = [d.legend for d in self.datasets] if internal_autoscale: # Do these for every type of dataset # these lines are necessary so the variables get set. # it is my own version of autoscaling, it adds 10% # to the borders percent = 0.10 self.world_xmax = self.world_xmax + percent * (self.world_xmax - self.world_xmin) self.world_xmin = self.world_xmin - percent * (self.world_xmax - self.world_xmin) self.world_ymax = self.world_ymax + percent * (self.world_ymax - self.world_ymin) self.world_ymin = self.world_ymin - percent * (self.world_ymax - self.world_ymin) self.xaxis(min=self.world_xmin, max=self.world_xmax) self.yaxis(min=self.world_ymin, max=self.world_ymax) self.autotick() elif autoscale: self.autoscale() if redraw: self.grace().redraw()
[docs] def update_data(self, set_index, new_x=None, new_y=None, new_dylist=None): """Efficiently update the data for a given data set. set length, etc. must not change!""" if new_dylist is None: new_dylist = [] if new_y is None: new_y = [] if new_x is None: new_x = [] outlist = self.datasets[set_index].output_differences(self, set_index, new_x=new_x, new_y=new_y, new_dylist=new_dylist) if outlist: self.grace()._send('\n'.join(outlist))
[docs] def shiftbyfactor(self, xy=None, factor=None, repeat=None, scale='lin', xfactors=None, yfactors=None): """ Shift data consecutively by factors Consecutively multiply by 2 as 2,4,6,8.... or with power laws. Parameters ---------- xy : 'xy' Selector for x or y axis or both factor : float Shift factor repeat : float default=number of sets in plot Repeat number of times the factor 3 -> 2,4,6,2,4,6... for factor=2 xfactors : array or list Factors as list, overrides factor and repeat yfactors : array or list Factors as list,overrides factor and repeat dylist is also shifted scale : 'log', other If 'log' a factor**i is used for logarithmic scale all other factor*i is used Notes ----- List is :: factor*np.tile(np.r_[1:repeat+1],nSets) lin scale factor**np.tile(np.r_[1:repeat+1],nSets) log scale Create factors manually e.g. by :: np.tile([1,2,3],3) --> array([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]) 1.1**np.tile([1,1,2],3) --> array([1.1, 1.1, 1.21, 1.1, 1.1, 1.21, 1.1, 1.1, 1.21]) #for an inverse shifting 2*np.tile(np.r_[10:1:-1],3)--> array([20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4]) """ nSets = self.nSets if repeat is None: repeat = nSets if xy is None: xy = '' if xfactors is not None: xfactors = np.r_[xfactors, np.ones(len(self.datasets))] elif 'x' in xy and factor is not None: if scale == 'log': xfactors = factor ** np.tile(np.r_[1:repeat + 1], nSets) else: xfactors = factor * np.tile(np.r_[1:repeat + 1], nSets) if yfactors is not None: yfactors = np.r_[yfactors, np.ones(len(self.datasets))] elif 'y' in xy and factor is not None: if scale == 'log': yfactors = factor ** np.tile(np.r_[1:repeat + 1], nSets) else: yfactors = factor * np.tile(np.r_[1:repeat + 1], nSets) for i in range(len(self.datasets)): dataset_type_name = self.datasets[i].dataset_type_name if xfactors is not None: newx = self.datasets[i].x * xfactors[i] else: newx = None if yfactors is not None: newy = self.datasets[i].y * yfactors[i] else: newy = None new_dylist = self.datasets[i].dylist[:] if dataset_type_name[:2] == 'xy': datasettype = dataset_type_name.split('d') for j, dt in enumerate(datasettype[1:]): if dt == 'y': if yfactors is None: yfactors = np.ones(len(self.datasets)) new_dylist[j - 1] = self.datasets[i].dylist[j] * yfactors[i] elif dt == 'x': if xfactors is None: xfactors = np.ones(len(self.datasets)) new_dylist[j - 1] = self.datasets[i].dylist[j] * xfactors[i] else: new_dylist = None continue self.update_data(i, newx, newy, new_dylist)
[docs] def autotick(self): self.grace()._send('with g%d; autoticks' % self.gID)
[docs] def text(self, string=None, x=None, y=None, color=None, rot=0, font=None, just=None, charsize=None, world_coords=True): """ Writes text to graph at specified position. Parameters ---------- string : string Text to print x,y: float Coordinates are the cartesian coordinates of x,y axis color : int Color rot : float Rotation angle font : int Font as defined in default xmgrace plot just Justification charsize : float Charsize world_coords : bool World coordinates or viewport coordinates Notes ----- Try in Gui for values. """ send = self.grace()._send send('with string') send('string on') if world_coords: send('string loctype world') else: send('string loctype view') if world_coords: send('string g%d' % self.gID) if x is not None and y is not None: send('string %g, %g' % (x, y)) if color is not None: send('string color %d' % color) if rot is not None: send('string rot %f' % rot) if font is not None: send('string font %d' % font) if just is not None: send('string just %d' % just) if charsize is not None: send('string char size %f' % charsize) if string is not None: send('string def "%s"' % string)
[docs] def line(self, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, linewidth=None, linestyle=None, color=None, arrow=None, arrowtype=None, arrowlength=None, arrowlayout=None, world_coords=True): """ Draws line/arrow in plot. Parameters ---------- x1,y1,x2,y2 : float Start and end point. Coordinates are the cartesian cooridinates for a single graph. linewidth : float Width linestyle : int Style color : int Color arrow : int Tells where the arrowhead is and is 0,1,2, or 3 for none, start, end, both ends arrowtype : int Is for line (0), filled (1), or opaque (2), and only have an effect if the arrowlayout is not (1,1) arrowlayout : [int,int] Must be a list of 2 numbers, arrowlayout=(1,1) the first number relates to d/L and the second is I/L the meaning of which is unclear, but they affect the arrow shape. """ send = self.grace()._send send('with line') send('line on') if world_coords: send('line loctype world') else: send('line loctype view') if world_coords: send('line g%d' % self.gID) if None not in [x1, x2, y1, y2]: send('line %g, %g, %g,%g' % (x1, y1, x2, y2)) if linewidth is not None: send('line linewidth %f' % linewidth) if linestyle is not None: send('line linestyle %d' % linestyle) if color is not None: send('line color %d' % color) if arrow is not None: send('line arrow %d' % arrow) if arrowtype is not None: send('line arrow type %d' % arrowtype) if arrowlength is not None: send('line arrow length %f' % arrowlength) if arrowlayout is not None: send('line arrow layout %f,%f' % arrowlayout) send('line def')
[docs] def SetView(self, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, aspect_scaled=True): """ this sets the viewport coords so they are available later for translating string and line coords. Parameters ---------- xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax : float view range aspect_scaled : bool aspect """ send = self.grace()._send if aspect_scaled: xmin, ymin = self.grace().aspect_scale(xmin, ymin) xmax, ymax = self.grace().aspect_scale(xmax, ymax) self.view_xmin = xmin self.view_xmax = xmax self.view_ymin = ymin self.view_ymax = ymax send("g%d on; with g%d" % (self.gID, self.gID)) if self.view_xmin is not None: send('view xmin %f' % xmin) if self.view_xmax is not None: send('view xmax %f' % xmax) if self.view_ymin is not None: send('view ymin %f' % ymin) if self.view_ymax is not None: send('view ymax %f' % ymax)
# some equivalent commands # this generates the same interface for grace as in mplot # unfortunately matplotlib uses same method names with small char at beginning Plot = plot Title = title Subtitle = subtitle Yaxis = yaxis Xaxis = xaxis Clear = clear Legend = legend Autoscale = autoscale
# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs] class GracePlot: """ A GracePlot with page layout may contain multiple graceGraph`s inside. """ #: resolution of the plot resolution = 300 # create a subclass with this set to "gracebat", e.g. if you want no GUI grace_command = "xmgrace" # create a subclass with these arguments modified if you don't like them command_args = ('-nosafe', '-noask') # headless mode for working on a cluster without display headless = _headless def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, auto_redraw=True, redraw_interval=0.1, headless=False, size=None): """ Open a Figure that will contain several graceGraph. Default resolution is 300 dpi Parameters ---------- width : float Page width in inch, pixel width = width*resolution = width*300 height : float Page height in inch, pixel height = height*resolution = height*300 auto_redraw : bool Redraw redraw_interval : float Time between redraw. headless : bool Use plot in nonGui mode (headless). Save Plot using save method and inspect later. Returns ------- GracePlot : GracePlot instance Notes ----- default resolution is 300 dpi Create a GracePlot object, which manages an external grace instance. The instance may have multiple GraceGraph objects within it. Commands which are specific to a graph (such as plotting data) are sent to the graph object. Commanbds which are global (such as redraw control) are sent to the GracePlot object. width*resolution=width in pixels, same for height. Resolution is set to 300 by default, so width is roughly inches on an 300 dpi monitor. By changing the class default resolution, you can change the units of width & height. If auto_redraw is True, the graph will automatically hold off redrawing until data stops being sent for a time of redraw_interval (seconds). To force an immediate redraw, call GracePlot.redraw(force=True). Calling GracePlot.redraw() without an argument schedules a redraw at the next quiet interval. This mechanism greatly reduces thrashing of grace windows by repeated un-needed redraws. To force a redraw on the next cycle of the redrawing thread, call GracePlot.redraw(soon=True). This will cause a redraw even if there is still data flowing, but not in a hurry. The GracePlot class does all its data transmission through a thread, so usually there should be no significant time during which the calling thread is blocked. This should improve real-time performance. """ self.debug = False if not (width or height) and size: width, height = size self.pagewidth = width self.pageheight = height args = self.command_args if headless: self.headless = True else: self.headless = np.copy(_headless) if self.headless: if GracebatIsInstalled: self.grace_command = "gracebat" args += ('-noprint', '-nosafe', '-noask',) else: raise OSError("Gracebat is not installed! --> Broken or incomplete xmgrace installation!") self.aspect = 1. if width is not None and height is not None: args += ('-fixed', str(self.resolution * width), str(self.resolution * height),) self.aspect = float(width) / height elif not self.headless: # headless mode with gracebat does not know about -free args += ('-free',) args += '-dpipe', '0' # the -pipe method freezes grace until EOF, -dpipe works right if _platformname[0] != 'Windows': try: self.grace = subprocess.Popen((self.grace_command,) + args, bufsize=65536, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True, shell=False) except (OSError, ValueError): raise OSError('XmGrace is not found on standard path!') else: # print("Grace is not available for Windows system!") raise OSError("Grace is not available for Windows system!") # start up a thread to send data, so main thread does not block waiting to draw self.auto_redraw = auto_redraw self._transmit_queue = Queue.Queue(50) transmitter = threading.Thread(target=_sender, args=(self._transmit_queue, self.grace.stdin, redraw_interval, auto_redraw)) transmitter.daemon=True transmitter.start() self._transmitter = transmitter self.g = [] self.new_graph() self.rows = 1 self.cols = 1 self.curr_graph = self.g[0] # a private color table self.colors = createColorTable() # ['symbol','size','color','fillcolor','fillpattern','linewidth'] self.symbolmax = [10, 10, self.colors.len, self.colors.len, 31, 10] # ['type', 'linestyle', 'linewidth', 'color'] self.linemax = [4, 8, 20, self.colors.len] def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the plot """ if self.is_open() and self._transmitter.is_alive(): self.redraw(force=True) self._transmit_queue.put(-1) # flag to tell thread to quit self._transmitter.join()
[docs] def is_open(self): """ Return True if the pipe is not known to have been closed. """ # self._transmit_queue.put("\n") try: return self.grace.poll() is None except AttributeError: # in case already __init__ was not creating .grace e.g. if gracebat is not installed return False
def _send(self, cmd): """send a command to grace, and do not flush the pipe""" if not self.is_open(): # grace has melted down! raise Disconnected("Grace process has been terminated") cmd = cmd.strip() if cmd: if self.debug: print(cmd) self._transmit_queue.put(cmd + "\n") def _flush(self): self._transmit_queue.put(None) # sentinel for a flush
[docs] def focus(self, graph_index=None, grace_graph=None): """ Direct commands sent to the GracePlot to the appropriate GraceGraph. Mostly for backwards compatibility. It is preferable to send the commands directly to the plot:: p[2].plot(....) """ if grace_graph is not None: self.curr_graph = grace_graph elif graph_index is not None and 0 <= graph_index < len(self.g): self.curr_graph = self.g[graph_index] else: raise Exception("no valid graph to focus")
[docs] def new_graph(self, **kwargs): """ Add a new graph to plot. Parameters ---------- xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax : float; default 0.15,0.95,0.15,0.88 Position of edges in plot in relative view coordinates """ g2 = GraceGraph(self, len(self.g), **kwargs) self.g.append(g2) self.focus(grace_graph=g2) return g2
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for sending the command directly to the appropriate graceGraph object see below """ self.curr_graph.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def SetView(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command directly to the appropriate graceGraph object see below""" self.curr_graph.SetView(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def shiftbyfactor(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command directly to the appropriate graceGraph object see below""" self.curr_graph.shiftbyfactor(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def legend(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph """ self.curr_graph.legend(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def clear(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.clear(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def hold(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.hold(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def title(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.title(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def subtitle(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.subtitle(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def xaxis(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph """ self.curr_graph.xaxis(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def yaxis(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph """ self.curr_graph.yaxis(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def xlabel(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.xlabel(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def ylabel(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.ylabel(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def xlimit(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.xlimit(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def ylimit(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for sending the command to current graceGraph see below """ self.curr_graph.ylimit(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def resetlast(self): self.curr_graph.resetlast()
[docs] @inheritDocstringFrom(GraceGraph) def text(self, *args, **kwargs): self.curr_graph.text(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, command): """Make a graceSession look like a file, and flush after send""" self._send(command) self._flush()
[docs] def multi(self, rows, cols, offset=0.13, hgap=0.1, vgap=0.15): """ Create a grid of graphs with the given number of <rows> and <cols> Arrange existing graphs (or add extra if needed) to form an nrows by ncols matrix, leaving offset at each page edge with hgap and vgap relative horizontal and vertical spacings Parameters ---------- rows,cols : integer Number of graphs offset : float Offset from edges hgap,vgap : float Horizontal, vertical gap between plots Notes ----- Overmuch graphs are deleted """ self.rows = rows self.cols = cols if rows * cols > len(self.g): nPlots = len(self.g) for i in range(nPlots, (rows * cols - nPlots) + 1): self.new_graph() # Should we trim the last graphs if we now have *fewer* than before? # I say yes. elif rows * cols < len(self.g): del self.g[rows * cols:] self._send('ARRANGE( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )' % (rows, cols, offset, hgap, vgap)) self._flush() self.redraw() self.focus(0) self.updateall()
[docs] def stacked(self, number, hshift, vshift, frame=None, yaxis='off', yaxisnumber=0, frametype=0, framepattern=1, ): """ Creates a stacked chart with shifted graphs in the frame Already exsiting graphs are reused, fineadjustement needs to be done by hand. Parameters ---------- number : int Number of graphs hshift : float Horizontal shift in viewport coords vshift : float Vertikal shift in viewport coords yaxis : 'normal','opposite','both',default 'off' Where to place the yaxis framepattern : int Frame pattern type; 1 is No frame frame : [float,float,float,float], default [0.15,0.15,0.9,0.9] Frame size in viewport coordinates [0..1] yaxisnumber : int Framenumber where to place yaxis frametype : int Frametype 0=closed,1=halfopen,2,3,4,5= break at top,bottom,left,right framepattern 0= None, 1=full,.....and so on Examples -------- :: p.stacked(10,hshift=0.02,vshift=0.01,yaxis='off') p.stacked(10,hshift=-0.015,vshift=-0.01,yaxis='off') :: #create a stacked chart of 10 plots # each shifted by hshift,vshift #the yaxis is switched off for all except the first x=np.r_[0:5:100j] p=js.grace() p.stacked(10,hshift=0.02,vshift=0.01,yaxis='off') #plot some Gaussians for i in np.arange(10):p[i].plot(x,(i+1)*np.exp(-((x-2)*3)**2),li=[1,2,i+1],sy=0) #choose the same yscale for the data but no ticks for the later plots p.g[0].yaxis(min=0,max=10) for pp in p.g[1:]:pp.yaxis(min=0,max=10,tick=False) #adjusting the scale and the size of the xaxis ticks for pp in p:pp.xaxis(tick=[1,1,0.3,0.1]) p[0].yaxis(tick=[1,1,0.3,0.1]) """ if frame is None: frame = [0.15, 0.15, 0.9, 0.9] if yaxis == 'off': yaxis = 'normal' yaxisonoff = False framepattern = 0 else: yaxisonoff = True framexmin = frame[0] framexmax = frame[2] frameymin = frame[1] frameymax = frame[3] framedx = framexmax - framexmin - abs(hshift * number) framedy = frameymax - frameymin - abs(vshift * number) if vshift < 0: frameymin += abs(vshift * number) if hshift < 0: framexmin += abs(hshift * number) for i in range(0, number): # reuse existing graphs otherwise new_graph if len(self.g) <= i: self.new_graph(xmin=framexmin + hshift * i, xmax=framexmin + hshift * i + framedx, ymin=frameymin + vshift * i, ymax=frameymin + vshift * i + framedy) else: self[i].SetView(xmin=framexmin + hshift * i, xmax=framexmin + hshift * i + framedx, ymin=frameymin + vshift * i, ymax=frameymin + vshift * i + framedy) self[i].frame(type=frametype, pattern=framepattern) self[i].yaxis(tick=Tick(placeon=yaxis, TickLabel=TickLabel(onoff='off'), onoff=yaxisonoff), bar=Bar(onoff=yaxisonoff)) self[i].xaxis(tick=Tick(placeon='normal', TickLabel=TickLabel(onoff='off'))) # now set one graph to have an yaxis self.updateall() self[yaxisnumber].frame(type=frametype, pattern=framepattern) self[yaxisnumber].yaxis(tick=Tick(placeon=yaxis, TickLabel=TickLabel(onoff='on', placeon=yaxis), onoff='on'), bar=Bar(onoff='on')) self[yaxisnumber].xaxis(tick=Tick(placeon='normal', TickLabel=TickLabel(onoff='on', placeon=yaxis), onoff='on'), bar=Bar(onoff='on')) self.updateall()
[docs] def updateall(self): """ Update the GUI (graph and set selectors etc) to reflect the current project state """ self._send('UPDATEALL\n')
[docs] def send_commands(self, *commands): """Send a list of commands, and then flush Parameters ---------- commands : list of strings """ self._send("\n".join(commands)) self._flush()
[docs] def exit(self): """Nuke the grace session. """ self.write("exit") self.close()
[docs] def redraw(self, force=False, soon=False): """Refresh the plot""" # print 'redraw' if soon: # cause timer to redraw on its next automatic cycle, whether graph is busy or not self._transmit_queue.put(-3) elif not self.auto_redraw or force: self._transmit_queue.put(-2) while self.is_open() and self._transmit_queue.qsize(): time.sleep(0.25) # make sure on a forced redraw that the queue is flushed
[docs] def save(self, filename, size=(3.4, 2.4), dpi=300, format=None): """ Save the current plot. Parameters ---------- filename : string If filename has extension this is used instead of format. size : (float, float) Size in inch. For PRL and other papers: Figures should be planned for the column width (8.4 cm or 3 3/8 = 3.4 in.) with 600 dpi: - 150 dpi (ok in Powerpoint as png ) - 300 dpi (default) for fast printing - 600 dpi (paper ready quality e.g. as eps, jpg or png) svg or pdf are vector graphics and scale their resolution. dpi : in Resolution in dots per inch (2.54 cm) format : string x11, postscript, eps, pdf, mif, svg, pnm, jpeg, png, metafile format : Default is Grace '.agr' file 'agr', 'eps', 'jpeg', 'metafile', 'mif', 'pdf', 'png', 'pnm', 'postscript', 'svg', 'x11' Notes ----- Not all drivers are created equal. For caveats that apply to some of these formats see the Grace documentation. """ _devs = {'agr': '.agr', 'eps': '.eps', 'jpeg': '.jpeg', 'jpg': '.jpeg', 'metafile': '', 'mif': '', 'pdf': '.pdf', 'png': '.png', 'pnm': '.pnm', 'ps': '.ps', 'svg': '.svg', 'x11': ''} if format is None: format = 'agr' fileext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if fileext != '': format = fileext[1:] try: ext = _devs[format.lower()] except KeyError: print('Unknown format. Known formats are\n%s' % _devs.keys()) return if fileext == '': filename = filename + ext if (size[0] > 30) or (size[1] > 30): size = (3.4, 2.4) raise UserWarning('Size is in inch not in pixel! We use defaults.') if ext == '.agr': self.write('saveall "%s"' % filename) else: com = ['PAGE RESIZE %i,%i' % (int(size[0]*dpi), int(size[1]*dpi)), 'device "%s" dpi %3i' % (ext[1:].upper(), dpi), 'hardcopy device "%s"' % (ext[1:].upper()), 'print to "%s"' % filename, 'print'] self.send_commands(*com)
[docs] def resize(self, xdim, ydim): """ Change the page dimensions (in pixel)for plots with fixed size. Parameters ---------- xdim, ydim : int dimension in pixel """ if self.pagewidth is not None: self.write('page size %s %s' % (xdim, ydim)) else: raise Exception('This is only working for non free plots! Use p[0].SetView free floating plots ')
def __getitem__(self, item): """Access a specific graph. Can use either p[num] or p[row, col].""" if type(item) == int: return self.g[item] elif type(item) == tuple and len(item) <= 2: if item[0] >= self.rows or item[1] >= self.cols: raise IndexError('graph index out of range') return self.g[item[0] * self.cols + item[1]] else: raise TypeError('graph index must be integer or two integers')
[docs] def load_parameter_file(self, param_file_name): """load a grace *.par file""" self.write('getp "%s"' % param_file_name)
[docs] def assign_color(self, idx, rgb, name): """ Assign color to an index including new colors. Parameters ---------- idx : int (0..16..) Index of color. rgb : set of integer (0..255) RGB color as (0,0,0) name : string New name of color. Notes ----- If used indices are changed the corresponding elements using this are changed too. This means changing index 1 (usually black) used for the axes changes axes color. More can be used. Examples -------- Set color 4 to (0, 0, 255) as blue :: assign_color(4, (0,0,255), 'blue') Append a list of new colors and use them in plot :: x=np.r_[1:10] p=js.grace() p.colors.list # shows actual color list NN=40 clist=np.c_[np.r_[1:NN+1],np.r_[255:0:NN*1j].round(),np.r_[255:0:NN*1j].round(),np.r_[0:255:NN*1j].round()] for i,r,g,b in clist: p.assign_color(i+15,(r,g,b),'test%.2g' %i) for i in np.r_[1:p.colors.len]: p.plot(x,x+i,sy=[1,0.7,p.colors.len-i],li=[1,5,i]) reassign colors :: clist=np.c_[np.r_[1:NN+1],np.r_[0:255:NN*1j].round(),np.r_[255:0:NN*1j].round(),np.r_[0:255:NN*1j].round()] for i,r,g,b in clist: p.assign_color(i+15,(r,g,b),'test%.2g' %i) reassign colors grey scale:: clist=np.c_[np.r_[1:NN+1],np.r_[0:255:NN*1j].round(),np.r_[0:255:NN*1j].round(),np.r_[0:255:NN*1j].round()] for i,r,g,b in clist: p.assign_color(i+15,(r,g,b),'test%.2g' %i) """ r, g, b = rgb # new colors are appended as len+1 if idx is to big self.colors.assign(idx, rgb, name) # use the idx assigned in colors self.write('map color %d to (%d, %d, %d), "%s"' % (getattr(self.colors, name), r, g, b, name)) self.linemax[3] = self.colors.len self.symbolmax[2] = self.colors.len self.symbolmax[3] = self.colors.len self.updateall()
[docs] def aspect_scale(self, x, y): """scale view coordinates to that (1,1) fills view, roughly""" if x is not None: x *= max(self.aspect, 1.0) if y is not None: y = y /min(self.aspect, 1.0) return x, y
# some equivalent commands # this generates the same interface for grace as in mplot # unfortunately matplotlib uses same method names with small char at beginning Clear = clear Exit = exit Save = save Multi = multi
[docs] class Data: """ Simplest base class for all GracePlot data objects. """ dataset_type_name = 'xy' # override this if the x values requires special formatting (unix seconds require explicit high precision, e.g.) # but mostly the python default str() which is automatically invoked by %s works pretty well x_format_string = "%s" # override this if the y values require special formatting y_format_string = "%s" def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, symbol=None, line=None, legend='', comment=None, errorbar=None, pairs=None, dylist=None, **kwargs): if dylist is None: dylist = [] if pairs is not None: # noinspection PyBroadException try: # can these be sliced like a numpy array? x = pairs[:, 0] y = pairs[:, 1] except: x, y = map(None, *tuple(pairs)) # unzip zipped data pairs self.x = np.array(x) self.y = np.array(y) self.symbol = symbol self.line = line self.legend = legend self.comment = comment self.dylist = np.copy(dylist) self.errorbar = errorbar
[docs] def output(self, graceGraph, count): """ No checking is done to make sure the datasets are consistent with each other, same number of x and y etc... Support of None values is only in the xy graph. """ gID = graceGraph.gID x = self.x y = self.y # I had to implement this myself, because of the way that python treats None # apparently, None is less than everything. strlist = [] strlist += ['g%d.s%d on' % (gID, count)] strlist += ['g%d.s%d type %s' % (gID, count, self.dataset_type_name)] strlist += ['with g%d' % (gID,)] strlist += ['s%d point %s, %s' % (count, self.x_format_string % xi, self.y_format_string % yi) for (xi, yi) in zip(x, y) if xi is not None and yi is not None] # now, go through all the extra dx and dy values available and output them. strlist += ['s%d.y%d[%d]=%g' % (count, dyidx + 1, idx, yy) for (dyidx, dy) in enumerate(self.dylist) for (idx, yy) in enumerate(dy)] if self.symbol is not None: strlist += self.symbol.output('s%d' % count) if self.line is not None: strlist += self.line.output('s%d' % count) if self.errorbar is not None: strlist += self.errorbar.output('s%d' % count) if self.comment is not None: strlist += ['g%d.s%d comment "' % (gID, count) + self.comment + '"'] return strlist
[docs] def output_differences(self, graceGraph, count, new_x, new_y, new_dylist): """output strings to modify already created datasets, issuing results only for changed items""" gID = graceGraph.gID x = self.x y = self.y strlist = ['with g%d.s%d' % (gID, count)] if np.array(new_x).tolist(): strlist += ['x[%d]=%s' % (idx, self.x_format_string % new_x[idx]) for idx in range(len(x)) if x[idx] != new_x[idx]] self.x = np.copy(new_x) # make a copy! if np.array(new_y).tolist(): strlist += ['y[%d]=%s' % (idx, self.y_format_string % new_y[idx]) for idx in range(len(y)) if y[idx] != new_y[idx]] self.y = np.copy(new_y) # make a copy! # now, go through all the extra dx and dy values available and output them. if np.array(new_dylist).tolist(): strlist += ['y%d[%d]=%g' % (dyidx + 1, idx, dyl[idx]) for (dyidx, (olddyl, dyl)) in enumerate(zip(self.dylist, new_dylist)) for idx in range(len(dyl)) if olddyl[idx] != dyl[idx]] self.dylist = [np.copy(e) for e in new_dylist] # make copies! if len(strlist) == 1: return [] # if nothing changed, all we have is the 'with' statement, return empty else: return strlist
[docs] class DataXYDY(Data): """A data set with symmetrical error bars in the 'y' direction""" dataset_type_name = 'xydy' def __init__(self, x, y, dy, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[dy], **kwargs)
[docs] class DataXYDX(Data): """A data set with symmetrical error bars in the 'x' direction""" dataset_type_name = 'xydx' def __init__(self, x, y, dx, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[dx], **kwargs)
[docs] class DataXYDYDY(Data): """A data set with asymmetrical error bars in the 'y' direction""" dataset_type_name = 'xydydy' def __init__(self, x, y, dy_down, dy_up, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[dy_up, dy_down], **kwargs)
[docs] class DataXYDXDX(Data): """A data set with asymmetrical error bars in the 'x' direction""" dataset_type_name = 'xydxdx' def __init__(self, x, y, dx_left, dx_right, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[dx_right, dx_left], **kwargs)
[docs] class DataXYDXDY(Data): """A data set with symmetrical error bars in the 'x' and 'y' direction""" dataset_type_name = 'xydxdy' def __init__(self, x, y, dx, dy, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[dx, dy], **kwargs)
[docs] class DataXYDXDXDYDY(Data): """A data set with asymmetrical error bars in the 'x' and 'y' direction""" dataset_type_name = 'xydxdxdydy' def __init__(self, x, y, dx_left, dx_right, dy_down, dy_up, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[dx_right, dx_left, dy_up, dy_down], **kwargs)
[docs] class DataXYBoxWhisker(Data): """A data set with a box for an asymmetrical inner error in the 'y' direction and an error bar (whisker) for the asymmetrical outer error bound. The symbol properties set the color (etc.) of the box. The errorbar properties set the color (etc.) of the whisker""" dataset_type_name = 'xyboxplot' def __init__(self, x, y, whisker_down, box_down, whisker_up, box_up, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[box_down, box_up, whisker_down, whisker_up], **kwargs)
[docs] class DataBar(Data): dataset_type_name = 'bar'
[docs] class DataXYZ(Data): dataset_type_name = 'xyz' def __init__(self, x, y, z, **kwargs): Data.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, dylist=[z], **kwargs)
[docs] class Symbol: r""" Symbol object Parameters ---------- type : None,'xy','xydy','xydxdy',....,'bar' ==> 0, 1, 2, 3, ..... 0 None is automatic determination inside grace symbol : (0..11) 0 None, 1 circle, 2 square, 3 diamond, 4 triangle up, 5 triangle left, 6 triangle down, 7 triangle right, 8 +, 9 x, 10 *, 11 character, size : float Self explanatory, 0.5 is 50 in the GUI pattern : int 0-24 The pattern of the outline of the symbol, usually it will be 1 linewidth : float thickness of the outline of the symbol linestyle : int 0 None, 1 solid, 2 points, 3 broken line fillcolor : int color the symbol is filled with, by default it is the same as the outline color. fillpattern : int, 0..24 pattern of the fill, 1 is solid, 0 is None, there are about 24 choices as dotted, dashed, squared. """ def __init__(self, type=None, symbol=None, size=None,, pattern=None, linewidth=None, linestyle=None, filltype=None, fillrule=None, fillcolor=None, fillpattern=None, char=None, charfont=None, skip=None, annotation=None, errorbar=None): if isinstance(type, numbers.Integral): self.type = settypes[type] else: self.type = type self.symbol = symbol self.size = size self.color = color self.pattern = pattern self.linewidth = linewidth self.linestyle = linestyle self.filltype = filltype self.fillrule = fillrule self.fillcolor = fillcolor self.fillpattern = fillpattern self.char = char self.charfont = charfont self.skip = skip self.annotation = annotation self.errorbar = errorbar
[docs] def output(self, dataset): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = [] if self.type is not None: list.append(dataset + " type %s" % self.type) if self.symbol is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol %d" % self.symbol) if self.size is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol size %f" % self.size) if self.color is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol color %d" % self.color) if self.pattern is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol pattern %d" % self.pattern) if self.filltype is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol fill type %d" % self.filltype) if self.fillrule is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol fill rule %d" % self.fillrule) if self.fillcolor is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol fill color %d" % self.fillcolor) list.append(dataset + " symbol fill pattern 1") if self.fillpattern is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol fill pattern %d" % self.fillpattern) if self.linewidth is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol linewidth %d" % self.linewidth) if self.linestyle is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol linestyle %d" % self.linestyle) if self.char is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol char %d" % self.char) if self.charfont is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol char font %d" % self.charfont) if self.skip is not None: list.append(dataset + " symbol skip %d" % self.skip) if self.annotation is not None: list = list + self.annotation.output(dataset) if self.errorbar is not None: list = list + self.errorbar.output(dataset) return list
[docs] class Line: """ Line objekt Parameters ---------- type: int 0 None; 1 straigth; 2 left_stairs; 3 right_stairs; 4 Segments; 5 3-Segments linestyle : int 1 is normal; 2 is dotted; 3 is dashed; 4 is long dashed; 5 is dot-dashed linewidth : float goes from 0 to 6 in increasing thickness color : int color pattern : int fill pattern 1 is solid, 0 is None, there are about 24 choices as dotted, dashed, squared. baseline : int show baseline baselinetype : int 0 Zero; 1 set min: 2 set max; 3 graph min: 4 graph max; 5 set average dropline : 0,1 drop line to baseline """ def __init__(self, type=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None, color=None, pattern=None, baselinetype=None, baseline=None, dropline=None): self.type = type self.linestyle = linestyle self.linewidth = linewidth self.color = color self.pattern = pattern self.baseline = baseline self.baselinetype = baselinetype self.dropline = dropline
[docs] def output(self, dataset): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = [] if self.type is not None: list.append(dataset + " line type %s" % self.type) if self.linestyle is not None: list.append(dataset + " line linestyle %s" % self.linestyle) if self.linewidth is not None: list.append(dataset + " line linewidth %s" % self.linewidth) if self.color is not None: list.append(dataset + " line color %s" % self.color) if self.pattern is not None: list.append(dataset + " line pattern %s" % self.pattern) if self.baseline is not None: list.append(dataset + " baseline %s" % self.baseline) if self.baselinetype is not None: list.append(dataset + " baseline type %d" % self.baselinetype) if self.dropline is not None: list.append(dataset + " dropline %s" % self.dropline) return list
[docs] class Label: """ Used for labels of the x-axis and y-axis """ def __init__(self, string=None, layout=None, place=None, charsize=None, font=None, color=None, axis=None, location=None): self.axis = axis self.label = string self.layout = layout = place self.charsize = charsize self.font = font self.color = color self.location = location
[docs] def output(self, axis): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = [] if self.label is not None: list.append(axis + ' label "%s"' % self.label) if self.layout is not None: list.append(axis + ' label layout %s' % self.layout) if self.location is not None: list.append(axis + ' label place spec') list.append(axis + ' label place %f, %f' % (self.location[0], self.location[1])) if self.charsize is not None: list.append(axis + ' label char size %f' % self.charsize) if self.font is not None: list.append(axis + ' label font %d' % self.font) if self.color is not None: list.append(axis + ' label color %d' % self.color) if is not None: list.append(axis + ' label place %s' % return list
[docs] class Bar: """ this class controls the x and y bars in the frame apparently usually it is off onoff is 'on' or 'off' the rest are like everything else """ def __init__(self, axis=None, onoff=True, color=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None): self.axis = axis self.onoff = on_off(onoff) self.color = color self.linestyle = linestyle self.linewidth = linewidth
[docs] def output(self, axis): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = [axis + ' bar %s' % self.onoff] if self.color is not None: list.append(axis + ' bar color %d' % self.color) if self.linestyle is not None: list.append(axis + ' bar linestyle %d' % self.linestyle) if self.linewidth is not None: list.append(axis + ' bar linewidth %f' % self.linewidth) return list
[docs] class Tick: """ Controls appearence of ticks on an axis. Parameters ---------- onoff : is either 'on' or 'off' major : is the space between ticks? minorticks : is the number of minorticks between major ticks? inout : determines if they point 'in' or 'out' or 'both' majorsize : determines how long the major ticks are majorlinewidth : is how thick the major ticks are majorlinestyle : is controls the linestle of the ticks and major gridlines majorgrid : turns the major grid lines 'on' or 'off' minorcolor : is the color of the minor tick lines minorlinewidth : minorlinestyle : controls the linestle of the ticks and minor gridlines minorgrid : turns the minor gridlines on minorsize : is the lengthe of the minor gridlines placeon : is it is usually set to 'both','normal','opposite' type : is ? it is usually set to 'auto' default : is ? a number """ def __init__(self, axis=None, onoff=True, major=None, minorticks=None, inout=None, majorsize=None, majorcolor=None, majorlinewidth=None, majorlinestyle=None, majorgrid=None, minorcolor=None, minorlinewidth=None, minorlinestyle=None, minorgrid=None, minorsize=None, placeon=None, type=None, default=None, TickLabel=None): self.onoff = on_off(onoff) self.major = major self.minorticks = minorticks self.inout = inout self.majorsize = majorsize self.majorcolor = majorcolor self.majorlinewidth = majorlinewidth self.majorlinestyle = majorlinestyle self.majorgrid = majorgrid self.minorcolor = minorcolor self.minorlinewidth = minorlinewidth self.minorlinestyle = minorlinestyle self.minorgrid = minorgrid self.minorsize = minorsize self.placeon = placeon self.type = type self.default = default self.TickLabel = TickLabel
[docs] def output(self, axis): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = [axis + ' tick %s' % self.onoff] if self.major is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick major %g' % self.major) if self.minorticks is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick minor ticks %d' % self.minorticks) if self.inout is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick %s' % self.inout) if self.majorsize is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick major size %f' % self.majorsize) if self.majorcolor is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick major color %d' % self.majorcolor) if self.majorlinewidth is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick major linewidth %f' % self.majorlinewidth) if self.majorlinestyle is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick major linestyle %d' % self.majorlinestyle) if self.majorgrid is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick major grid %s' % self.majorgrid) if self.minorcolor is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick minor color %d' % self.minorcolor) if self.minorlinewidth is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick minor linewidth %f' % self.minorlinewidth) if self.minorlinestyle is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick minor linestyle %d' % self.minorlinestyle) if self.minorgrid is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick minor grid %s' % self.minorgrid) if self.minorsize is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick minor size %f' % self.minorsize) if self.placeon is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick place %s' % self.placeon) if self.type is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick spec type %s' % self.type) if self.default is not None: list.append(axis + ' tick default %s' % self.default) if self.TickLabel is not None: for i in self.TickLabel.output(axis): list.append(i) return list
[docs] class TickLabel: """ Ticklabels Parameters ---------- onoff : 'on','off' type 'auto' prec format :string ,'general' is default decimal,exponential,general,power,scientific append : string added to the end of the label prepend : string added to the beginning of the label angle : float degrees? of rotation placeon : 'normal','both','opposite' where to place labels skip : int which skips some labels somehow stagger : is an integer that staggers the labels somehow op : 'bottom' for x-axis, 'left' for y-axis sign : 'normal' starttype : string 'auto' start : float don;t know what it does stoptype : string 'auto' stop : float purpose? charsize : float for character size font : integer for the font color : integer for the color Returns ------- TickLabel object """ def __init__(self, axis=None, onoff=True, type=None, prec=None, format=None, append=None, prepend=None, angle=None, placeon=None, skip=None, stagger=None, op=None, sign=None, starttype=None, start=None, stoptype=None, stop=None, charsize=None, font=None, color=None): fformat = ('decimal', 'exponential', 'general', 'power', 'scientific') self.onoff = on_off(onoff) self.type = type self.prec = prec if isinstance(format, numbers.Integral): format = fformat[format] self.format = format self.append = append self.prepend = prepend self.angle = angle self.placeon = placeon self.skip = skip self.stagger = stagger = op self.sign = sign self.starttype = starttype self.start = start self.stoptype = stoptype self.op = op self.stop = stop self.charsize = charsize self.font = font self.color = color
[docs] def output(self, axis): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = [axis + ' ticklabel %s' % self.onoff] if self.type is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel type %s' % self.type) if self.prec is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel prec %d' % self.prec) if self.format is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel format %s' % self.format) if self.append is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel append "%s"' % self.append) if self.prepend is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel prepend "%s"' % self.prepend) if self.angle is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel angle %d' % self.angle) if self.placeon is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel place %s' % self.placeon) if self.skip is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel skip %d' % self.skip) if self.stagger is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel stagger %d' % self.stagger) if self.op is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel op %s' % self.op) if self.sign is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel sign %s' % self.sign) if self.starttype is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel start type %s' % self.starttype) if self.start is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel start %f' % self.start) if self.stoptype is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel stop type %s' % self.stoptype) if self.stop is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel stop %f' % self.stop) if self.charsize is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel char size %f' % self.charsize) if self.font is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel font %d' % self.font) if self.color is not None: list.append(axis + ' ticklabel color %d' % self.color) return list
[docs] class Annotation: """ controls annotation Parameters ---------- onoff : 'on' or 'off' type : int charsize : float font : int color : int rot : float format : int prec : int prepend : int append : int offset : int """ def __init__(self, onoff=True, type=None, charsize=None, font=None, color=None, rot=None, format=None, prec=None, prepend=None, append=None, offset=None): self.onoff = on_off(onoff) self.type = type self.charsize = charsize self.font = font self.color = color self.rot = rot self.format = format self.prec = prec self.prepend = prepend self.append = append self.offset = offset
[docs] def output(self, dataset): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = [dataset + ' avalue %s' % self.onoff] if self.type is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue type %d' % self.type) if self.charsize is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue char size %f' % self.charsize) if self.font is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue font %d' % self.font) if self.color is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue color %d' % self.color) if self.rot is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue rot %d' % self.rot) if self.format is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue format %s' % self.format) if self.prec is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue prec %d' % self.prec) if self.prepend is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue prepend "%s"' % self.prepend) if self.append is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue append "%s"' % self.append) if self.offset is not None: list.append(dataset + ' avalue offset %f , %f' % self.offset) return list
[docs] class Errorbar: """ class for errorbars Parameters ---------- onoff : True False,'on','off', default on turns the error bars on or off place : 'normal', 'opposite', 'both' default 'both' color : int color integer pattern : int linewidth : float linestyle : int riserlinewidth : float risers are the lines from the symbol to the end riserlinestyle : int riserclip : 'on','off' set to on or off, determines if an arrow is drawn for error bars offscale risercliplength : float """ def __init__(self, onoff=True, place=None, color=None, pattern=None, size=None, linewidth=None, linestyle=None, riserlinewidth=None, riserlinestyle=None, riserclip=None, risercliplength=None): self.onoff = on_off(onoff) = place self.color = color self.pattern = pattern self.size = size self.linewidth = linewidth self.linestyle = linestyle self.riserlinewidth = riserlinewidth self.riserlinestyle = riserlinestyle self.riserclip = riserclip self.risercliplength = risercliplength
[docs] def output(self, symbol): """ list output to sent to grace """ list = ['%s errorbar %s' % (symbol, self.onoff)] if is not None: list.append('%s errorbar place %s' % (symbol, if self.color is not None: list.append('%s errorbar color %d' % (symbol, self.color)) if self.pattern is not None: list.append('%s errorbar pattern %d' % (symbol, self.pattern)) if self.size is not None: list.append('%s errorbar size %f' % (symbol, self.size)) if self.linewidth is not None: list.append('%s errorbar linewidth %f' % (symbol, self.linewidth)) if self.linestyle is not None: list.append('%s errorbar linestyle %d' % (symbol, self.linestyle)) if self.riserlinewidth is not None: list.append('%s errorbar riser linewidth %f' % (symbol, self.riserlinewidth)) if self.riserlinestyle is not None: list.append('%s errorbar riser linestyle %d' % (symbol, self.riserlinestyle)) if self.riserclip is not None: list.append('%s errorbar riser clip %s' % (symbol, self.riserclip)) if self.risercliplength is not None: list.append('%s errorbar riser clip length %f' % (symbol, self.risercliplength)) return list
[docs] def test(): import math a = GracePlot(width=2, height=1.5, auto_redraw=True) a.debug = False xvals = np.arange(100) yvals = np.sin(xvals) y2vals = np.cos(xvals * 0.5) a.assign_color(colors.yellow, (128, 128, 0), "yellow-green") a.assign_color(20, (64, 64, 0), "dark yellow-green") g = a[0] g.SetView(ymin=0.5, ymax=0.9) g.plot(Data(x=xvals, y=yvals, line=Line(type=lines.none), symbol=Symbol(, color=colors.green4), errorbar=Errorbar(color=colors.green4), legend='hello'), DataXYDY(x=xvals, y=[0.8 * math.cos(xx * 0.3 + 10) for xx in xvals], dy=[yy / 10 for yy in y2vals], line=Line(linestyle=lines.dotted, linewidth=3), legend='goodbye'), DataXYDX(x=xvals, y=[0.9 * math.cos(xx * 0.4 + 2.63) for xx in xvals], dx=[0.5] * len(y2vals), legend='42'), DataXYDXDY(x=xvals, y=[0.6 * math.cos(xx * 0.7 + 2.63) for xx in xvals], dx=[0.3] * len(y2vals), dy=[yy / 20 for yy in y2vals]), DataXYDXDXDYDY(x=xvals, y=[0.6 * yy for yy in yvals], dx_left=[0.25] * len(y2vals), dx_right=[0.5] * len(y2vals), dy_down=[yy / 20 for yy in y2vals], dy_up=[yy / 40 for yy in y2vals], legend='abracadabra' ), DataXYBoxWhisker(x=xvals, y=[y / 2 for y in y2vals], whisker_down=[yy / 2 - 0.1 for yy in y2vals], whisker_up=[yy / 2 + 0.05 for yy in y2vals], box_down=[yy / 2 - abs(yy / 20) for yy in y2vals], box_up=[yy / 2 + abs(yy / 40) for yy in y2vals], line=Line(, linestyle=lines.dashed, linewidth=3), symbol=Symbol(, errorbar=Errorbar(, legend='foo' ) ) g.title("Unbelievably ugly plot!") g.legend() xvals = np.r_[1024] y1vals = len(xvals) * [0] y2vals = len(xvals) * [0] g = a.new_graph(ymin=0.1, ymax=0.45) g.plot(DataXYDY(xvals, y1vals, y1vals), Data(xvals, y2vals)) g.xaxis(0, 1024) g.yaxis(scale='logarithmic', min=0.5, max=1000, tick=Tick(major=10, minorticks=9)) g.xlabel(Label("channel", charsize=2)) g.ylabel(Label("counts", charsize=2)) # a.debug=True import random for i in range(1000): for j in range(10): chan = int(math.floor(random.gauss(500, 50))) if 0 <= chan < len(y1vals): y1vals[chan] += 1 chan = int(math.floor(random.gauss(200, 10))) if 0 <= chan < len(y2vals): y2vals[chan] += 1 g.update_data(0, new_y=y1vals, new_dylist=[[math.sqrt(y) for y in y1vals]]) g.update_data(1, new_y=y2vals) time.sleep(0.02) a.redraw(soon=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': test()