Source code for jscatter.smallanglescattering

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# written by Ralf Biehl at the Forschungszentrum Jülich ,
# Jülich Center for Neutron Science 1 and Institute of Complex Systems 1
#    Jscatter is a program to read, analyse and plot data
#    Copyright (C) 2015-2024  Ralf Biehl
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module allows **smearing/desmearing** of SAXS/SANS data and
provides the **sasImage** class to read and analyse 2D detector images from SAXS cameras.

* **Smearing** is for line collimation as in Kratky SAXS cameras and for point collimation as SAXS/SANS data.
  For point collimation the resolution smearing a la Pedersen is realised.
  This can also be used for SAXS instruments in pinhole geometry collimation with smaller pinholes and distances.
  **Smearing as decorator of model allows simultaneous fit of smeared data from SANS/SAXS at different collimations.**

* **Desmearing** uses the Lake algorithm as an iterative procedure to desmear measured data.
  We follow here the improvements according to Vad using a convergence criterion and smoothing.

* 2D SAXS data can be read into **sasImage** to do typical tasks as transmission correction, masking,
  beamcenter location, 2D background subtraction, radial average (also for sectors).

* Transmission correction and background correction are explained in :ref:`Analyse SAS data`

* As **references** the waterXray scattering and a AgBe reference spectrum are available.

* For form factors and structure factors see the respective modules. Conversion of sasImage to
  dataArray allows 2D fit of scattering patterns (see :ref:`Fitting the 2D scattering of a lattice`)


import copy
import fnmatch
import numbers
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import functools
import inspect
import xml.etree.ElementTree

import math
import numpy as np
import scipy

from scipy import interpolate, special, constants
from scipy.integrate import simps as integrate
import scipy.signal

from .graceplot import GracePlot as grace
from .dataarray import zeros
from .dataarray import dataArray as dA
from .dataarray import dataList as dL
from .formel import voigt, waterdensity, watercompressibility, loglist, smooth
from .data import Elements, felectron

from .sasimagelib import *

_beamProfType = {0: 'no', 1: 'sig', 2: 'trap'}

def _gauss(x, A, mean, sigma, bgr):
    """Normalized gaussian function. """
    return A * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mean) ** 2 / sigma ** 2) / sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) + bgr

[docs] def readpdh(pdhFileName): """ Opens and reads a SAXS data file in the .pdh (Primary Data Handling) format. If data contain X values <0 it is assumed that the primary beam is included as for SAXSpace instruments. Use to subtract dark counts and do transmission correction. Parameters ---------- pdhFileName : string File name Returns ------- dataArray Notes ----- Alternatively the files can be read ignoring the information in the header (it is stored in the comments) :: data=dA(pdhFileName,lines2parameter=[2,3,4]) **PDH format** used in the PCG SAXS software suite developed by the Glatter group at the University of Graz, Austria. This format is described in the appendix of the PCG manual (below from version 4.05.12 page 159). In the PDH format, lines 1-5 contain header information, followed by the SAXS data. :: line 1: format A80 -> description line 2: format 16(A4,1X) -> description in 16x4 character groups (1X = space separated) line 3: format 8(I9,1X) -> 8 integers (1X = space separated) line 4: format 5(E14.6,1X) -> 5 float (1X = space separated) line 5: format 5(E14.6,1X -> 5 float(1X = space separated) line 6+ format 3(E14.6,1X) - SAXS data x,y,error (1X = space separated) with: - line 3 field 0 : number of points - line 4 field 4 : normalization constant (default 1, never zero!!) Anything else can have different meanings. The SAXSpace and SAXSess (AntonPaar) format add: - line 4 field 2 : detector distance in mm - line 4 field 5 : wavelength - line 5 field 2 : detector slit length (equivalent to width of integration area) in q units Additional xml parameter as in the SAXSPACE format appended can be extracted to attributes by addXMLParameter. Mainly this is "Exposure" time. Example data for SAXSpace :: <emptyline> SAXS BOX 2057 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000000E+00 3.052516E+02 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 1.541800E-01 0.000000E+00 1.332843E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 -1.033335E-01 2.241656E+03 1.024389E+00 -1.001430E-01 2.199972E+03 1.052537E+00 ... """ pdhs = dL() for pdhname in glob.glob(pdhFileName): data = dA(pdhname, lines2parameter=[2, 3, 4]) if np.isnan(data.eY.min()) or np.all(data.eY == -1): data.setColumnIndex(iey=None) # forth line if data.line_3[4] != 0: data.wavelength = data.line_3[4] if data.line_3[1] != 0: data.detDist = data.line_3[1] # detector slit length (equivalent to width of integration area if data.line_4[1] != 0: data.dIW = data.line_4[3] pdhs.append(data) if len(pdhs) == 1: return pdhs[0] else: return pdhs
# smearing Functions #################################################################### def _wBLength(beam): """ Weight at beam length y due to detector integration width. The relevant integration width is detected automatically from beamProfile. Parameters ---------- beam : beamProfile Beam profile with attributes, see prepareBeamProfile Returns ------- Weight at Beam Length position y after integration over detector integration width dIW as array [y,weight] """ dIW = beam.dIW if beam.a == 0 and dIW == 0: return None if beam.beamProfType[0] == 'm': # a measured beam profile stored in beam y = np.r_[0:3 * abs(beam.X).max():100j] # estimate if dIW == 0: weight = beam.interp(y) else: interval = (beam.X[:, None] > y - dIW / 2) & (beam.X[:, None] < y + dIW / 2) weight = np.trapz(np.repeat(beam.Y[:, None], interval.shape[1], axis=1) * (interval * 1), interval, axis=0) elif beam.beamProfType[0] == 't': # a trapezoidal profile y = np.r_[0:3 * abs(beam.X).max():100j] # estimate if dIW == 0: weight = beam.interp(y) else: def _integral(yy): # define trapez respecting integration boundaries ymi = yy - dIW / 2. # integration boundaries yma = yy + dIW / 2. X = beam.X.copy() Y = beam.Y.copy() ibmi = np.searchsorted(X, ymi) - 1 # index position in beam ibma = np.searchsorted(X, yma) if ibmi >= len(X) or ibma == 0: return 0. X[X < ymi] = ymi # set the boundary x value Y[X < ymi] = 0. # values outside are zero Y[ibmi] = beam.interp(ymi) # set boundary y value as interpolated value at boundary X[X > yma] = yma # same for other side Y[X > yma] = 0. if ibma < len(Y): Y[ibma] = beam.interp(yma) w = np.trapz(Y, X) # integrate return w weight = [_integral(yy) for yy in y] else: raise TypeError('No beam profile given.') # normalize normweight = weight / integrate(weight, y) # return only the nonzero values return np.c_[y[normweight > 1e-5], normweight[normweight > 1e-5]].T def _wBWidth(beam): """ weighting beam width from +-2.5*sigma for Gaussian The integral is 0.99958 """ if isinstance(beam.bxw, numbers.Number): if beam.bxw == 0: return None # normalized Gaussian sigma = beam.bxw / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2.0)) # sigma from hwhm # points with maximum width 2.5*sigma x = np.r_[-2.5 * sigma:2.5 * sigma:21j] return np.c_[x, _gauss(x, 1, 0, sigma, 0)].T elif hasattr(beam.bxw, '_isdataArray'): # experimental data interpolated x = np.r_[beam.bxw.X[0]:beam.bxw.X[-1]:27j] return np.c_[x, beam.bxw.interp(x)].T def _smear(q, data): """ Calculates smeared intensity for q array for line-collimated SAXS (Kratky camera). Defining a cubic spline representing the unsmeared scattering curve, Integrates all of the contributions to the observed scattering intensity at a nominal q-value Parameters ---------- q : array Wavevectors data : dataset Here the beam parameters a,b,dIW are taken from data.beamProfile. Notes ----- Contributions of scattering of other q-values are determined by the beam geometry and the detector slit width. """ tckUnsm = data.tckUnsm # spline coefficients of data q = np.atleast_1d(q) # guarantee a ndarray # get weighting functions as arrays wx = _wBWidth(data.beamProfile) wy = _wBLength(data.beamProfile) # for qxy>q.max() the spline delivers wrong extrapolated results, so we use there a mean average from the largest q # generate mean value for qxy > q.max as last 10 values qmaxmean = interpolate.splev(q[-10:], tckUnsm, der=0).mean() if wx is None: if wy is None: # there is no smearing! Just return interpolated value valq = interpolate.splev(q, tckUnsm, der=0) else: # smear only y qy = np.sqrt((q[:, None] ** 2) + wy[0] ** 2) val = interpolate.splev(qy.flatten(), tckUnsm, der=0).reshape(qy.shape) val[qy > q.max()] = qmaxmean valwy = val * wy[1][None, :] valq = integrate(valwy, wy[0], axis=-1) else: # smear x if wy is None: # only x qx = q[:, None] + wx[0] val = interpolate.splev(qx.flatten(), tckUnsm, der=0).reshape(qx.shape) val[qx > q.max()] = qmaxmean valwx = val * wx[1][:, None] valq = integrate(valwx, wx[0], axis=-1) else: # smear over both x and y qxy = np.sqrt(((q[:, None] + wx[0]) ** 2)[:, :, None] + wy[0] ** 2) val = interpolate.splev(qxy.flatten(), tckUnsm, der=0).reshape(qxy.shape) val[qxy > q.max()] = qmaxmean valwxwy = val * wx[1][:, None] * wy[1][None, None, :] valwx = integrate(valwxwy, wy[0], axis=-1) valq = integrate(valwx, wx[0], axis=-1) return valq
[docs] def smear(unsmeared=None, *, beamProfile=None, **smkwargs): r""" Smearing model/data for point collimation SANS/SAXS or line-collimated SAXS (Kratky camera) allowing simultaneous SAXS/SANS fitting. The beamProfile parameter has to be given as keyword argument ``beamProfile=mybeam``. Smearing at detector edges involves evaluation of the model at extrapolated q values. * For model functions smear is used as decorator ``@smear`` and the q range is automatically extended. * Simultaneous fitting of SAXS/SANS (inclusive multiple detector distances) the data need corresponding ``.beamProfile`` as attribute. During fitting ``.beamprofile`` is used for smearing of the model. See Notes for usage. * For explicit given data extrapolation at each edge needs to be chosen according to the observed behaviour at the edge (eg power law at low q or constant at high q). See prepareBeamProfile for the options. Call only with keyword arguments. See Notes for details. Parameters ---------- unsmeared : function or dataArray Model function or explicit data to be smeared. **The scattering vector in the model function should have name starting with one of 'qQ'.** If used as a decorator the function is inserted automatically by the @smear syntax and should not be given. If any smearing related parameter is None as *detDist=None* smearing is bypassed. **The unit of Q must be 1/nm** beamProfile : beamProfile or 'trap', 'SANS', 'explicit', dataArray Beamprofile that determines smearing as prepared from prepareBeamProfile. **Always use as keyword argument** If no beamProfile is given input and smkwargs are used in prepareBeamProfile to define beamprofile. Measured Profile is also treated by prepareBeamProfile. **For explicit profile the width unit must be 1/nm.** smkwargs : See prepareBeamProfile for kwargs. Returns ------- dataArray : - for line collimation: smeared data - other: dataArray with columns [q, smeared data, original data, half width smearing function] and additional attributes as defined in the respective beamProfiles and smeared model. Notes ----- **Smearing a model function as decorator** (like @smear ) for fitting. Decorators modify functions. Here the model is smeared according to the provided beamprofile extending the q range at edges. **The model scattering vector must have a name starting with one of "qQ".** Units for Q is 1/nm. * Beamprofile parameters as *detDist* are updated for smearing during the function call. This allows that during fitting also beamprofile parameters can be fitted. Setting any of the beamprofile parameters to *None* bypasses smearing (e.g. for SAXS or simulation). Use as : :: # define resolution resol2m ='SANS', detDist=2000,collDist=2000.,wavelength=0.4,wavespread=0.10, collAperture=10, sampleAperture=6, dpixelWidth=10, dringwidth=1) # decorate model to automatically smear it (dont use `unsmeared` argument as it is added automatically) def smearedSphere(q,R,bgr,detDist=3000,collDist=2000.,c=1): sp = js.ff.sphere(q=q,radius=R,contrast=c) sp.Y=sp.Y+bgr return sp # for fitting with attribute detDist and collDist in fitted data for different detector distances sp=smearedSphere(q=q,R=13,detDist=8000,collDist=8000.) The above decorator is equivalent to the following. Use `smearedSphere` as smeared model function. :: def sphere(q,R,bgr,detDist=3000,collDist=2000.,contrast=1): sp = js.ff.sphere(q,R,contrast) sp.Y=sp.Y+bgr return sp,beamProfile=resol2m) * To **fit SAXS and SANS data together** (also with changing beamprofile parameters as collimation) use the parameter beamProfile in the model. If calling the smeared model with a valid beamProfile this is used instead of the one defined in @smear One may remind that also pinhole SAXS has a smearing even if it is small. Ask your instrument responsible for reasonable values or do a measurement of the primary beam. This allows fitting with different profiles if the corresponding data contain .beamProfile as attribute. See :ref:`Fitting multiple smeared data together`. :: fbeam = fbeam2 = # define smeared model with beamProfile as parameter def sphere(q,R,bgr,contrast=1, beamProfile=None): sp = js.ff.sphere(q=q,radius=R,contrast=contrast) sp.Y=sp.Y+bgr return sp # call as sphere(q=q,R=13,bgr=0,beamProfile=fbeam2) # to fit data add corresponding beamProfile attribute to each dataArray in a dataList dll[0].beamProfile=fbeam dll[1].beamProfile=fbeam2,.....) * Using **merged data** (multiple detector distances in one set of data with overlap) is possible with 'explicit' beamProfile if (in particular in the overlap region): - no *q* value is used twice - for each value a resolution width exists - The resolution width is given in same units as *q*. Only this guarantees that always the correct width is used (depending on detector distance). Usually this is fulfilled if you prepare the beamProfile with data containing the width as last column like merged SANS data. **Smear explicit data** Explicit data show artifacts due to smearing at the edges if extrapolation is done wrong. The default is a constant value from the edge which is good for a low q plateau or a high q flat background. For the above model smearing this is not important as the q range is automatically extended. For desmearing e.g. of multi detector distance SANS data this is important if detector edges are within a non constant region. :: import jscatter as js #define beamprofile resol8m ='SANS', detDist=8000,collDist=8000.,wavelength=0.4,wavespread=0.10, collAperture=15, sampleAperture=5, dpixelWidth=10, dringwidth=1,) resol8m2 ='SANS', detDist=8000,collDist=8000.,wavelength=0.4,wavespread=0.10, collAperture=15, sampleAperture=5, dpixelWidth=10, dringwidth=1, extrapolfunc=['guinier',None]) # create some data q=js.loglist(0.01,1,300) sp=js.ff.sphere(q,radius=13) # smear data,beamProfile=resol8m) # smear in a limited range, default is extrapolation with constant edge value[:,sp.X>0.2],beamProfile=resol8m) # guinier like extrapolation[:,sp.X>0.2],beamProfile=resol8m2) # plot it p=js.grace(1,1) p.plot(sp) p.plot(spsmeared,li=[1,3,1],sy=0) p.plot(spsmeared2,li=[1,3,2],sy=0,le='low edge underestimate') p.plot(spsmeared2ex,li=[1,3,3],sy=0,le='low edge improved') p.yaxis(scale='log',min=10000,max=1e8) p.legend(x=0.2,y=1e5) p.new_graph(xmin=0.5,xmax=0.9,ymin=0.55,ymax=0.9) xs=(spsmeared.X>0.18) & (spsmeared.X<0.25) p[1].plot(spsmeared[:,xs],li=[1,3,1],sy=0) xs=(spsmeared2.X>0.18) & (spsmeared2.X<0.25) p[1].plot(spsmeared2[:,xs],li=[1,3,2],sy=0) p[1].plot(spsmeared2ex[:,xs],li=[1,3,3],sy=0) p[1].yaxis(scale='log',min=8e6,max=2e7) p[0].title('Examine smearing at edge') - If *unsmeared* has attributes a, b, dIW, bxw, detDist these are used for the beamProfile, if not given in function call. - If wavelength is missing in data a default of 0.155418 nm for Xray :math:`K_{\alpha}` line is assumed. For SANS 0.5 nm. - During smearing for Kratky camera an integration over the beam width and beam length are performed. In this integration :math:`q_{w,l}= ((q+q_{w})^2)+q_{l}^2)^{1/2}` is used with :math:`q_{w}` along the beam width and :math:`q_{l}` along the beam length. in regions :math:`q_{w,l} > max(q_{data})` we estimate the measured scattering intensity by the mean of the last 10 points of the measured spectra to allow for a maximum in :math:`q` range. The strictly valid q range can be estimated by calculating :math:`q_{x,y} < max(q)` with 2 times the used beam width and beam length. As the smearing for larger :math:`q` has no real effect the estimate might be still ok. Examples -------- For more examples see :ref:`How to build a more complex model`, :ref:`How to fit SANS data including the resolution for different detector distances` and :ref:`Smearing and desmearing of SAX and SANS data`. :: import jscatter as js q=js.loglist(0.01,4,300) def sphere(q,R,bgr,contrast=1): sp = js.ff.sphere(q,R,contrast) sp.Y=sp.Y+bgr return sp # # prepare different beamprofiles # measured Kratky camera BeamProfile.pdh for line collimation beam ='/BeamProfile.pdh') mbeam = , bxw=0.01, dIW=1.) # # Kratky camera with explicit given beamprofile parameters describing trapezoidal beam profile tbeam ='trapez', a=mbeam.a, b=mbeam.b, bxw=0.01, dIW=1) # # different SANS detector distances, see prepareBeamProfile for default parameters Sbeam1 ='SANS', detDist=2000,wavelength=0.4,wavespread=0.1,sampleAperture=5) Sbeam2 ='SANS', detDist=20000,wavelength=0.4,wavespread=0.1,sampleAperture=5) # # Using an explicit given resolution width in column 3 # here q and resolution width (column 3) must have units 1/nm i70=js.dL(js.examples.datapath+'/polymer.dat')[0] Gbeam =,explicit=3) # # Using a single width e.g. for point collimation SAXS data # the width corresponds to Gaussian width from attenuated empty beam measurement fbeam = # smear data data = sphere(q,R=25,bgr=1000) datasm =,beamProfile=mbeam) datast =,beamProfile=tbeam) datasS1 =,beamProfile=Sbeam1) datasS2 =,beamProfile=Sbeam2) datasG =,beamProfile=Gbeam) datasf =,beamProfile=fbeam) p=js.grace() p.title('resolution smearing in small angle scattering') p.plot(data,li=[1,2,-1],sy=0,le='unsmeared') for dat in [datasm,datast,datasS1,datasS2,datasG,datasf]: p.plot(dat,li=[1,2,-1],sy=0,le=dat.beamProfile.beamProfType) p.yaxis(scale='l') p.xaxis(scale='l') p.legend(x=1,y=1e8) p.text(r'Kratky camera \nline collimation' , x=0.02,y=2e7) p.text('point collimation' , x=0.2,y=8e8) p.xaxis(label=r'Q / nm\S-1') p.yaxis(label=r'I(Q) / a.u.')'/smearingexamples.png') .. image:: ../../examples/images/smearingexamples.png :width: 70 % :align: center :alt: smearingexamples """ if beamProfile is None: raise TypeError('beamProfile not defined. Only use keyword arguments by calling smear.') if unsmeared is None or formel._getFuncCode(unsmeared): # smear is used as a decorator for a model function and we wrap with smearing # in case it was not a preparedBeamProfile ( # prepareBeamProfile returns unchanged profiles if it was a beamprofile beamProfile = prepareBeamProfile(beamProfile, **smkwargs) def _smeared(model): # arguments of model function usarg = model.usarg = inspect.getfullargspec(model) # get attribute starting with q or Q qarg = model.qarg = next((v for i, v in enumerate(usarg.args) if v[0] in 'qQ'), None) # functools.wraps presents arguments and doc of model to the outside # the original function is in __wrapped__ @functools.wraps(model) def _smearer(*args, **kwargs): # check if explicit beamProfile is in kwargs, otherwise use from decorator if 'beamProfile' in kwargs and hasattr(kwargs['beamProfile'], 'isBeamProfile'): _beamProfile = kwargs['beamProfile'] else: _beamProfile = beamProfile if _beamProfile.beamProfType[0] == 'S': # SANS like (2 pinholes) # update beamProfileAttr if attr are in kwargs _beamProfileAttr = _beamProfile.resFunctAttr # remove one needless attribute _ = _beamProfileAttr.pop('extrapolfunc', None) # update beamProfileAttr by current kwargs for _k in dict(_beamProfileAttr): if _k in kwargs: _beamProfileAttr.update({_k: kwargs[_k]}) if None in _beamProfileAttr.values(): # None in beamProfileAttr bypasses smearing return model(*args, **kwargs) # get dict with model call arguments sig = inspect.signature(model) callargs = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) callargs.apply_defaults() # get qarg values, get frame and extend range, then update _q = callargs.arguments[qarg] _xexl, _xexh = _estimateFrame(_q, **_beamProfileAttr) _lqh = np.r_[_xexl, _q, _xexh] callargs.arguments.update({qarg: _lqh}) # calc model values in extended range _data = model(*callargs.args, **callargs.kwargs) # smear it with additional frame _dataa = resFunct(_data, extrapolfunc='NO', **_beamProfileAttr) _dataa.setColumnIndex(iey=None) _dataa.beamProfile = _beamProfile # return with original size return _dataa[:, len(_xexl):-len(_xexh)] elif _beamProfile.beamProfType[0] == 'e': # explicit given sigma _nn = 8 # get dict with model call arguments sig = inspect.signature(model) callargs = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) callargs.apply_defaults() # get qarg values, get frame and increase q range, then update _q = callargs.arguments[qarg] _xexl = loglist(max(0, _q.min() - 3 * _beamProfile.Y.min()), _q.min(), 3 * _nn)[:-1] # low q _xexh = loglist(_q.max(), _q.max() + 3 * _beamProfile.Y.max(), 3 * _nn)[:-1] # high q _lqh = np.r_[_xexl, _q, _xexh] callargs.arguments.update({qarg: _lqh}) # calc model values in extended range _data = model(*callargs.args, **callargs.kwargs) # smear it with borders _dataa = resFunctExplicit(_data, _beamProfile, extrapolfunc='NO') _dataa.setColumnIndex(iey=None) _dataa.beamProfile = _beamProfile # return with original size return _dataa[:, len(_xexl):-len(_xexh)] else: # trapz (Kratky Camera) # get dict with model call arguments sig = inspect.signature(model) callargs = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) callargs.apply_defaults() # calc model values in extended range _dataa = model(*callargs.args, **callargs.kwargs) _dataa.tckUnsm = interpolate.splrep(_dataa.X, _dataa.Y, s=0) _dataa.beamProfile = _beamProfile _dataa.Y = _smear(_dataa.X, _dataa) return _dataa return _smearer if unsmeared is None: # called as decorator return _smeared else: # called as function return _smeared(unsmeared) else: # its just data and we smear it dataa = copy.copy(unsmeared) dataa.beamProfile = prepareBeamProfile(beamProfile, **smkwargs) # smear data if dataa.beamProfile.beamProfType[0] == 'S': # calculate parameters for cubic spline representation of the data dataa.tckUnsm = interpolate.splrep(dataa.X, dataa.Y, s=0) dataa = resFunct(dataa, **beamProfile.resFunctAttr) elif dataa.beamProfile.beamProfType[0] == 'e': # explicit given sigma dataa = resFunctExplicit(dataa, beamProfile) else: # calculate parameters for cubic spline representation of the data dataa.tckUnsm = interpolate.splrep(dataa.X, dataa.Y, s=0) dataa.Y = _smear(dataa.X, dataa) dataa.setColumnIndex(iey=None) return dataa
[docs] def desmear(Ios, beamProfile, NIterations=-25, windowsize=4, qmax=4, output=True, **kwargs): r""" Desmearing of measured data according to Lake algorithm with possibility to stop recursion at best desmearing. For negative NIterations the iterations are stopped if a convergence criterion reaches a minimum as described by Vad [2]_. In each step a smoothing based on the ratio desmeared/observed as described in [2]_ is used (point average with windowsize). Parameters ---------- Ios : dataArray Original smeared data beamProfile : dataArray Beam profile as prepared with prepareBeamProfile NIterations : int, default=-15 (<0 automatic mode) Number of iterations to stop. *automatic mode*: NIterations<0: stops when convergence criterion increases again (as described by Vad [2]_) and abs(NIterations) is maximum number of iterations. qmax : float, default=4 Maximum in scattering vector q up to where the convergence criterion is evaluated. This reduces the influence of the noise at larger a. windowsize : odd int , default=4 Window size for smoothing in each step of desmearing (running average). output : bool Print output. Returns ------- dataArray Notes ----- The Lake algorithm approximates the unsmeared scattering cross section iteratively (n>0, with :math:`u_0(q)=I_{observed}(q)`) as .. math:: u_n(q) = \frac{I_{observed}(q)u_{n-1}(q)}{\int_{q`}u_{n-1}(q`)R(q,q`)dq`} The iterative method converges if [2]_ .. math:: \gamma_n(q) = \frac{I_{observed}(q)}{\int_{q`}u_{n-1}(q`)R(q,q`)dq`} \to 1 The convergence criterion is .. math:: |<\gamma_n(q)>-1| = minimum which means that the iterative algorithm is stopped if :math:`<\gamma_n(q)>` increases again because amplified noise leads to increasing :math:`<\gamma_n(q)>`. Here :math:`<>` is the average over all :math:`q` and :math:`R(...)` is the resolution function smearing the measurement. Examples -------- See :ref:`Smearing and desmearing of SAX and SANS data` References ---------- .. [1] Lake, J. A. (1967). Acta Cryst. 23, 191–194. .. [2] Comparison of iterative desmearing procedures for one-dimensional small-angle scattering data Vad and Sager, J. Appl. Cryst. (2011) 44,32-42 """ beamProfile = prepareBeamProfile(beamProfile, **kwargs) # lists of desmeared data start from os (original smeared) for iterations Idesmeared = dL(Ios.copy()) Idesmeared[-1].convergence = 1 Idesmeared[-1].decreasing = True Idesmeared[-1].chi2 = 1 # Iterations of Lake desmearing if output: print('Steps, current meangamma, minimal meangamma') while True: # append new dataArray, content will be overwritten Idesmeared.append(Idesmeared[-1].copy()) # smear previous Ismeared = smear(unsmeared=Idesmeared[-2], beamProfile=beamProfile) # generate convergence criterion gamman = Idesmeared[0].Y / Ismeared.Y # iteration with smoothing stored to last Idesmeared[-1].Y = Idesmeared[0].Y * \ smooth(Idesmeared[-2].Y / Idesmeared[0].Y, windowsize) * gamman # calc convergence criterion meangamma = np.abs(gamman[Idesmeared[0].X < qmax].mean() - 1) # chi**2 distance Idesmeared[-1].chi2 = ((Ismeared.Y - Idesmeared[0].Y) ** 2).mean() # does convergence increase again then we finish and stop Idesmeared[-1].decreasing = (meangamma <= Idesmeared.convergence.array.min()) # store convergence criterion close to zero Idesmeared[-1].convergence = meangamma if output: print('{0:3} {1:8.5g} {2:8.5g} '.format(len(Idesmeared), meangamma, Idesmeared.convergence.array.min(), ), Idesmeared[-1].decreasing) if len(Idesmeared) >= abs(NIterations): if output: print('len(Idesmeared) = NIterations', len(Idesmeared)) return Idesmeared[-1] if (NIterations < 0) and (not Idesmeared[-1].decreasing and not Idesmeared[-2].decreasing): return Idesmeared[Idesmeared.convergence.array.argmin()] return 'Error' # this is never reached by design
# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs] def prepareBeamProfile(data=None, **kwargs): r""" Prepare beamProfile from beam profile measurement or according to given parameters. Parameters ---------- data : dataArray,'trapez','SANS', float Contains measured beam profile, explicit Gaussian width list or type 'SANS', 'trapz'. - dataArray: Beam profile measurement for **line collimation** as measured during adjusting of a Kratky camera. The beam profile looks like a trapez. The measured beam profile will be smoothed and made symmetric. - dataArray + keyword 'explicit': Explicit given **Gaussian width for each Q* value (see below). Missing values will be interpolated. The explicit given width should have same units as scattering vector q in the data. Needs additional parameter *explicit* set. E.g. all data from KWS2@MLZ have this in 4th column of data. - float : A beam profile (similar to 'explicit') with a **single Gaussian width** will be used. The explicit given width should have same units as scattering vector q in the data. This can be used for explicit measured beam profile from the attenuated primary beam in SAXS/SANS if it looks Gaussian. - 'trapez' : **Line collimation** with trapezoidal parameters Needs: a, b, bxw, dIW. - 'SANS' : **Smearing a la Pedersen**; see resFunct for parameters - Needs: collDist, collAperture, detDist, sampleAperture, wavelength, wavespread, dpixelWidth, dringwidth, extrapolfunc - This can also be used for SAXS with appropriate values for wavespread and aperture sizes. collDist,collAperture,detDist,sampleAperture : float Parameters as described in resFunct for SANS. These are determined from the experimental setup. wavelength,wavespread,dpixelWidth,dringwidth,extrapolfunc : float Parameters as described in resFunct for SANS. These are determined from the experimental setup. explicit : int For explicit given Gaussian width the index of the column with the width. For merged dataFiles of KWS2@MLZ this is the forth column with index 3. The width should have same units as q. a : float Larger full length of trapezoidal profile in detector q units. Ignored for measured profile. b : float Shorter full length of trapezoidal profile in detector q units If a=b ==> a=a*(1+1e-7), b=b*(1-1e-7) Ignored for measured profile. bxw : float,dataArray Beam width profile. Use getBeamWidth to cut the primary beam and fit a Gaussian. A float describes the beam half-width at half maximum (hwhm of Gaussian). If bxw is the profile prepared by getBeamWidth the experimental profile is used. dIW : float Detector slit width in detector q units. Length on detector to integrate parallel to beam length for line collimation. On my SAXSpace this is 1.332 as given in the header of the file (20 mm in real coordinates). wavelength : float, Wavelength in nm default 0.155418 nm for SAXS 0.5 nm for SANS detDist : float, default 305.3558 Detector distance in units mm Default is detector distance of SAXSpace Returns ------- beamProfile as dataArray Notes ----- - For measured beam profiles in line collimation parameters a,b are determined from the flanks for trapezoidal profile. - Detector q units are equivalent to the pixel distance as expressed in a corrected measurement. - For 'explicit' Gaussian width a SANS measurement as on KWS2 can be used which has sigma as 4th column. Missing values are interpolated. - Be careful with *merged data sets*. If merged data sets with different resolutions are used a part of the q values might be smeared with wrong resolution width. It is meanwhile a common **BAD practice**. At least there should be no overlap in q range showing consecutive q with alternating resolution. The option 'explicit' should work correctly if for all q values the corresponding beamProfile contains a respective width. If these are missing the interpolation of missing values will fail and alternate between next neighbour resolution. **The best practice is to use non merged data sets**. Examples -------- :: # use as # a single width for all e.g. primary beam measurement fbeam= # prepare measured beamprofile for line collimation mbeam =, bxw=0.01, dIW=1.) # prepare profile with trapezoidal shape (a,b are fitted above) tbeam ='trapz', a=mbeam.a, b=mbeam.b, bxw=0.01, dIW=1) # prepare profile SANS (missing parameters get defaults) Sbeam ='SANS', detDist=2000,wavelength=0.4,wavespread=0.15) # prepare profile with explicit given Gaussian width in column 3 as e.g. KWS2@MLZ Gbeam =,explicit=3) """ if hasattr(data, 'isBeamProfile'): # fast return if it is already beamprofile return data elif hasattr(data, '_isdataArray') and 'explicit' in kwargs: # a column in data contains explicit sigma values for all q beam = data[np.r_[0, kwargs['explicit']]] beam.beamProfType = 'explicit' elif hasattr(data, '_isdataArray'): # data is line collimation measurement of beam profile beam = data[:2].prune(number=100) # cut 3rd column as it contains NANs for SAXSpace beam.beamProfType = 'measured' elif isinstance(data, numbers.Number): # a single width is given beam = dA(np.c_[[0.1, 1], [data, data]].T) beam.beamProfType = 'explicit' else: # an empty array, data ist string 'SANS' or 'trapz' beam = zeros((2, 6)) beam.beamProfType = data for attr in ['collDist', 'collAperture', 'detDist', 'sampleAperture', 'wavespread', 'dpixelWidth', 'dringwidth', 'extrapolfunc', 'wavelength', 'a', 'b', 'dIW', 'bxw']: if attr in kwargs: setattr(beam, attr, kwargs[attr]) if beam.beamProfType == 'measured': # make it symmetric as it was measured line collimation if not hasattr(beam, 'wavelength'): beam.wavelength = 0.155418 # Cu K_alpha in nm as default if not hasattr(beam, 'detDist'): beam.detDist = 305.3558 # distance for SAXSpace in mm if not hasattr(beam, 'dIW'): beam.dIW = 0 if not hasattr(beam, 'bxw'): beam.bxw = 0 beam.qscale = 2 * np.pi / beam.wavelength / beam.detDist # factor for q units beam.Y = beam.Y - beam.Y.min() center = beam.X[beam.Y > (beam.Y.max() * 0.8)].mean() beam.X -= center ml = min((beam.X < 0).sum(), (beam.X > 0).sum()) if (beam.X < 0).sum() > (beam.X > 0).sum(): beam.Y[-2 * ml:] = (beam.Y[-2 * ml:] + beam.Y[-2 * ml:][::-1]) / 2. else: beam.Y[:2 * ml] = (beam.Y[:2 * ml] + beam.Y[:2 * ml][::-1]) / 2. # normalize to integral=1 beam.Y = beam.Y / np.trapz(beam.Y, beam.X) highflanc = beam.where(lambda a: (a.Y < beam.Y.max() * 0.9) & (a.X > 0)) top = beam.where(lambda a: (a.Y > beam.Y.max() * 0.9)) topmean = top.where(lambda a: abs(a.X) < abs(a.X).max() * 0.9).Y.mean() pf = np.polyfit(highflanc.X, highflanc.Y, 1) beam.a = -2 * pf[1] / pf[0] beam.b = 2 * (topmean - pf[1]) / pf[0] elif beam.beamProfType == 'trapez': # For trapezoidal beam profile, make sure that a > b if not hasattr(beam, 'wavelength'): beam.wavelength = 0.155418 # K_alpha in nm as default if not hasattr(beam, 'detDist'): beam.detDist = 305.3558 # distance for SAXSpace in mm if not hasattr(beam, 'dIW'): beam.dIW = 0 if not hasattr(beam, 'bxw'): beam.bxw = 0 elif hasattr(beam.bxw, '_isdataArray'): # use the extracted parameter from measured data beam.bxw = beam.bxw.hwhm beam.qscale = 2 * np.pi / beam.wavelength / beam.detDist # factor for q units if beam.a == beam.b: beam.a *= 1 + 1e-7 beam.b *= 1 - 1e-7 if beam.a < beam.b: beam.a, beam.b = beam.b, beam.a beam.X = [-beam.a, -beam.a / 2., -beam.b / 2., beam.b / 2., beam.a / 2., beam.a] beam.Y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] beam.Y = beam.Y /np.trapz(beam.Y, beam.X) elif beam.beamProfType == 'SANS': # SANS with Pedersen smearing, only parameters needed beam.resFunctAttr = dict() for attr in ['collDist', 'collAperture', 'detDist', 'sampleAperture', 'wavelength', 'wavespread', 'dpixelWidth', 'dringwidth', 'extrapolfunc']: if attr in kwargs: beam.resFunctAttr[attr] = kwargs[attr] elif beam.beamProfType == 'explicit': pass else: raise TypeError('beam profile type not recognized!') beam.isBeamProfile = True return beam
[docs] def getBeamWidth(empty, minmax='auto', show=False): """ Extract primary beam of empty cell or buffer measurement for semitransparent beam stops. Used for Kratky camera. The primary beam is searched and cut between the next minima found, then normalized. Additionally a Gaussian fit is done and hwhm is included in result profile. Parameters ---------- empty : dataArray Empty cell measurement with the transmitted beam included. minmax : 'auto',[float,float] Automatic or interval for search of primary beam. E.g. [-0.03,0.03] allow for explicitly setting the interval. show : bool Show the fit result Returns ------- dataArray with beam width profile .sigma sigma of fit with Gaussian .hwhm half width half maximum """ if minmax[0] == 'a': # auto # for normal empty cell or buffer measurement the primary beam is the maximum imax = imin = empty.Y.argmax() while empty.Y[imax + 1] < empty.Y[imax]: imax += 1 while empty.Y[imin - 1] < empty.Y[imin]: imin -= 1 xmax = empty.X[imax] xmin = empty.X[imin] else: xmin = minmax[0] xmax = minmax[1] primarybeam = empty.prune(lower=xmin, upper=xmax) primarybeam.Y -= primarybeam.Y.min() norm = scipy.integrate.simps(primarybeam.Y, primarybeam.X) primarybeam.Y = primarybeam.Y / norm try: primarybeam.eY = primarybeam.eY / norm except AttributeError: pass # estimate for width and A width = 0.015 A = (primarybeam.Y.max() - primarybeam.Y.min()) * width * 2, {'mean': 0, 'sigma': width, 'bgr': empty.Y.min(), 'A': A}, {}, {'x': 'X'}, output=show) primarybeam.hwhm = primarybeam.sigma * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) primarybeam.peakmax = primarybeam.modelValues(x=primarybeam.mean).Y[0] if show: primarybeam.showlastErrPlot() return primarybeam
[docs] def plotBeamProfile(beam, p=None): """ Plots beam profile and weight function according to parameters in beam. Used for Kratky camera. Parameters ---------- beam beam with parameters p : GracePlot instance Reuse the given plot """ wY = _wBLength(beam) wX = _wBWidth(beam) if p is None: p = grace() p.multi(2, 1) p[0].plot(wY, li=[1, 3, 1], sy=0, legend='Y profile a=%.3g b=%.3g ' % (beam.a, beam.b)) p[0].plot(wX[0], wX[1] / (wX[1].max()), li=[1, 3, 2], sy=0, legend='X profile hw=%.4g max %.3g ' % (beam.bxw, wX[1].max())) p[1].plot(beam, li=[1, 3, 2], sy=0, legend='weight function ') p[0].yaxis(label='weight') p[0].xaxis(label='x,y') p[1].yaxis(label='profile') p[1].xaxis(label='x,y') p[0].title("Beam Length Profile and Weighting Function") p[0].legend(x=1, y=0.9) p[1].legend(x=4, y=beam.Y.max()) return p
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs] def AgBeReference(q, wavelength, n=np.r_[1:10], ampn=None, domainsize=100, udw=0.1, asym=0, lg=1): """ The scattering intensity expected from AgBe as a reference for wavelength calibration. The intensities assume a d-spacing of 5.8378 nm and a reduction of the intensity as q**-2. The domain size determines the width according to Scherrer equation [2]_. The first peak is at 1.076 1/nm. The result needs to be convoluted with the instrument resolution by resFunct or smear. Here only the main planes of AgBe are taken into account. See example. Parameters ---------- q : array Wavevector in units 1/nm. wavelength : float Wavelength, units nm. n : array of int Order of the peaks to calculate. ampn : list of float Amplitudes of the peaks. domainsize : float Domainsize of AgBe crystals in nm. default 100 nm as is given in [1]_. udw : float Displacement u in Debye Waller factor exp(-u**2*q**2/3) in units nm. asym : float Factor asymmetry in Voigt function describing the peaks. lg : float Lorenzian/gaussian fraction of both FWHM, describes the contributions of gaussian and lorenzian shape. See Voigt for details. Returns ------- dataArray Examples -------- Xray AgBe measurement The simplified plane model is good enough for peak determination while the crystallographic model gets the high order peaks intensities better. :: import numpy as np import jscatter as js # # Look at raw calibration measurement calibration ='/calibration.tiff') calibration.mask4Polygon([bc[0]+8,bc[1]],[bc[0]-8,bc[1]],[bc[0]-8+60,0],[bc[0]+8+60,0]) # mask center calibration.maskCircle(, 18) # mask outside shadow calibration.maskCircle([500,320], 280,invert=True) #'pixel',scale='log') cal=calibration.radialAverage() # lattice from crystallographic data in cif file. agbe=js.sf.latticeFromCIF(js.examples.datapath + '/1507774.cif',size=[0,0,0]) sfagbe=js.sf.latticeStructureFactor(cal.X, lattice=agbe, domainsize=50, rmsd=0.001, lg=1, hklmax=17,wavelength=0.15406) # simplified model of planes ag =, wavelength=0.13414, n=np.r_[1:14], domainsize=50) p=js.grace() p.plot(cal, le='measured AgBe powder') # add scaling and background (because of unscaled raw data) p.plot(sfagbe.X,190*sfagbe.Y+1.9,sy=0,li=[1,3,4],legend='from cif data') p.plot(ag.X, ag.Y*3+1.9, sy=0, li=[1,3,5],le='plane structure') p.yaxis(scale='log',label='I(q) / counts/pixel') p.xaxis(scale='log',label='q / nm|S-1',min=0.7,max=20) p.title('AgBe reference measurements') p.legend(x=4,y=500) #'/AgBeplanes.jpg') .. image:: ../../examples/images/AgBeplanes.jpg :align: center :width: 50 % :alt: AgBeplanes References ---------- .. [1] T. C. Huang, H. Toraya, T. N. Blanton and Y. Wu X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Silver Behenate, a Possible Low-Angle Diffraction Standard J. Appl.Cryst.(1993).26,180-184 .. [2] Patterson, A. The Scherrer Formula for X-Ray Particle Size Determination Phys. Rev. 56 (10): 978–982 (1939) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.56.978. """ if ampn is None: ampn = np.ones_like(n) if np.any(q/4/np.pi*wavelength > 1): raise ValueError('Some q values are to large for this wavelength.') dspacing = 5.8378 # nm theta2 = n * wavelength / 2. / dspacing # as 2*Theta theta2= theta2[theta2<=1] # filter too large orders braggAngle = 2 * np.arcsin(theta2) theta = lambda q: 2 * np.arcsin(q / 4 / np.pi * wavelength) # Scherer equation for broadening due to finite size beta = 0.9 * wavelength / (domainsize * np.cos(braggAngle)) # beta is FWHM in rad # the peaks are described as Gaussians in theta peaks = np.c_[[voigt(theta(q), center=m, lg=lg, fwhm=fw, asym=asym).Y * a for m, fw, a in zip(braggAngle, beta, ampn)]].sum(axis=0) / q ** 2 * np.exp(-q ** 2 * udw ** 2 / 3.) result = dA(np.c_[q, peaks].T) result.setColumnIndex(iey=None) result.columnname = 'wavevector; intensity' result.rf_modelname = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name return result
def _estimateFrame(X, collDist=8000., collAperture=10, detDist=8000., sampleAperture=10, wavelength=0.5, wavespread=0.2, dpixelWidth=10, dringwidth=1, nn=8): """ Estimate width of resolution function of q independent contributions and additional values at edges for convolution. Parameters ---------- X : array Original q values nn : int Additional points per sigma collDist, collAperture, detDist, sampleAperture, dpixelWidth, dringwidth, wavelength : float See resFunct Returns : xexl, xexh with xexl : extended x values lower X xexh : extended x values higher X """ if detDist == 0 or collDist == 0: return [], [] L = collDist r1 = collAperture l = detDist r2 = sampleAperture dq = dpixelWidth * dringwidth / l # wave vector of incomming neutrons k0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength # maximum angles of aperture edge a1 = r1 / (L + l) a2 = r2 / l # dbeta estimate at low q for extrapolation to low q if a1 >= a2: dbeta = 2 * r1 / L else: dbeta = 2 * r2 * (1 / L + 1 / l) # for extrapolation at edges we need an estimate of sigma # sigma squared width from q independent part at low q + maximum wavespread # + finite collimation + detector resolution dq sigma = (((k0 * dbeta) ** 2 + (k0 * dq) ** 2) / 8 / math.log(2) + (X.max() * wavespread) ** 2 / ( 8 * math.log(2))) ** 0.5 # extent by 3 sigma to low and high q xexl = loglist(max(0, X.min() - 3 * sigma), X.min(), 3 * nn)[:-1] # low q xexh = loglist(X.max(), X.max() + 3 * sigma, 3 * nn)[:-1] # high q return xexl, xexh def _extrapolateY(S, xexl, xexh, extrapolfunc=None): """ Extrapolate data for given values. Returns new Y values """ if isinstance(extrapolfunc, type('')): # no extrapolation return S.Y # extrapolate the Y values in xexl region if extrapolfunc is None or extrapolfunc == 0: extrapolfunc = [None, None] if isinstance(extrapolfunc, numbers.Number): extrapolfunc = [extrapolfunc, extrapolfunc] if len(xexl) == 0: pass elif extrapolfunc[0] is None or extrapolfunc[0] == 0: # this uses smallest value to extrapolate Y = np.r_[np.interp(xexl, S.X, S.Y), S.Y] elif isinstance(extrapolfunc[0], numbers.Number): q = extrapolfunc[0] # apply inverse power and reverse it after polyfit Y = np.r_[S.prune(upper=S.X.min() * 3).polyfit(xexl, 1, lambda yy: yy ** (1 / q)).Y ** q, S.Y] else: # Guinier like after log it should be quadratic Y = np.r_[np.exp(S.prune(upper=S.X.min() * 3).polyfit(xexl, 2, np.log).Y), S.Y] # extrapolate the Y values in xexh region if len(xexh) == 0: pass elif extrapolfunc[1] is None: # this uses largest value to extrapolate Y = np.r_[Y, np.interp(xexh, S.X, S.Y)] elif isinstance(extrapolfunc[1], numbers.Number): q = extrapolfunc[1] # apply inverse power and reverse it after polyfit Y = np.r_[Y, S.prune(lower=S.X.max() - sigma).polyfit(xexh, 1, lambda yy: yy ** (1 / q)).Y ** q] return Y
[docs] def resFunct(S, collDist=8000., collAperture=10, detDist=8000., sampleAperture=10, wavelength=0.5, wavespread=0.2, dpixelWidth=10, dringwidth=1, extrapolfunc=None): r""" Resolution smearing of small angle scattering for SANS/SAXS according to Pedersen for radial averaged data. :math:`I(q_0)= \int R(q,q_0)S(q)dq` with Kernel :math:`R(q,q0)` of equ. 33 in [1]_ including wavelength spread, finite collimation and detector resolution. Default parameters are typical for a SANS machine like KWS2@JCNS with rectangular apertures. To smear model functions (also for fitting) please use *smear* directly, which handles extrapolation at edges automatically. **If explicit data are smeared (not a model) edges can be extrapolated as power law, Guinier like or constant.** Best practice is to calculate the used model for extended Q range, smear it and prune to the needed data range. This is demonstrated in example 2. Parameters ---------- S : array like Model scattering function as dataArray with X. and .Y **q in units 1/nm** .Y can be arbitrary unit. collDist : float, default 8000 Collimation distance in mm. If 0 unsmeared data are returned. collAperture : float, default 10 Collimation aperture rectangular size in mm detDist : float, default 8000 Detector distance in mm. If 0 unsmeared data are returned. sampleAperture : float, default 10 Sample aperture rectangular size in mm wavelength : float, default 0.5 Wavelength in nm wavespread : float, default 0.1 FWHM wavelengthspread dlambda/lambda dpixelWidth : float, default 10 Detector pixel width in mm dringwidth : integer, default 1 Number of pixel for averaging extrapolfunc : list , default None Type of extrapolation at low and high X edges as list for [low edge,high edge]. If a singe value is given this is used for both. - '' : no interpolation - Low edge towards zero - float : Power law extrapolation - None : A constant value as Y(X.min()). - anything else : Low X data are log scaled, then X**2 extrapolated as Guinier like extrapolation. - High edge towards infinity - float : Power law extrapolation of low X e.g. a=-4 for q**a for Porod scaling. - None : A constant value as Y(X.max()). Returns ------- dataArray ['wavevector; smeared scattering; unsmeared scattering; half width smearing function'] Notes ----- - HalfWidthSmearingFunction is the FWHM the Gaussian used for smearing including all effects. - The resolution is assumed to be equal in direction parallel and perpendicular to q on a 2D detector as described in chap. 2.5 in [1]_. - We neglect additional smearing due to radial averaging (last paragraph in chap 2.5 of [1]_). - Defaults correspond to a typical medium resolution measurement. - extrapolfunc allows extrapolation at both edges to reduce edge effects. The best values depends on the measured signal shape at the edge. The optimal way is to calculate the used model for the whole Q range, smear it and prune to the needed range. This is demonstrated in example 2. If at low *q* only a power law is observed use the corresponding extrapolation. Same for high *q*. - An example for SANS fitting with resFunc is given in Examples -------- Reproducing Table 1 of [1]_ :: import jscatter as js q=js.loglist(0.1,10,500) S=js.ff.sphere(q,6) # this is the direct call of resFunc, use smear instead as shown in next example, collDist=2000.0, collAperture=20, detDist=2000.0, sampleAperture=10, wavelength=0.5, wavespread=0.2,dpixelWidth=0,dringwidth=0) # plot it p=js.grace() p.plot( S,sy=[1,0.3],li=1,legend='sphere') p.plot( Sr,sy=[2,0.3,2],li=2,legend='smeared sphere') p.plot(Sr.X,Sr[-1],li=4,sy=0,legend='FWHM in nm\S-1 ') p.yaxis(min=1e-3,scale='l',charsize=1.5,label='I(q) / a.u.',tick=[10,9]) p.yaxis(min=1e-1,tick=[10,9]) p.xaxis(scale='l',charsize=1.5,label='q / nm\S-1',tick=[10,9]) p.legend(x=0.8,y=5e5) Example 2: Smear model over full range and interpolate to needed data. This is a way to smear a model for fitting, but is not possible for desmearing of measured data. *smear* extends the q range according to the width and does proper integration without interpolation. *smear* the preferred method. :: meas=js.dA('measureddata.dat') # load data # define profile resol2m ='SANS', detDist=2000,collDist=2000.,wavelength=0.4,wavespread=0.15) q=np.r_[0.01:5:0.01] # or extend q range as np.r_[0:meas.X.min():0.01,meas.X,meas.X.max():meas.X.max()*2:0.1] # calc model temp=js.ff.ellipsoid(q,2,3) # smear it,resol2m).interpolate(X=meas.X) References ---------- .. [1] Analytical Treatment of the Resolution Function for Small-Angle Scattering JAN SKOV PEDERSEN, DORTHE POSSELTAND KELL MORTENSEN J. Appl. Cryst. (1990). 23, 321-333 """ if detDist == 0 or collDist == 0: result = dA(np.c_[S.X, S.Y, S.Y, S.X * 0].T) result.setattr(S) return result L = collDist r1 = collAperture l = detDist r2 = sampleAperture dq = dpixelWidth * dringwidth / l # wave vector of incomming neutrons k0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength # maximum angles of aperture edge a1 = r1 / (L + l) a2 = r2 / l if isinstance(extrapolfunc, type('')): # no extrapolation xexl, xexh = [], [] Y = S.Y else: # for extrapolation at edges we need an estimate of sigma and additional x values at lower and higher edges xexl, xexh = _estimateFrame(S.X, L, r1, l, r2, wavelength, wavespread, dpixelWidth, dringwidth) # do the extrapolation Y = _extrapolateY(S, xexl, xexh, extrapolfunc) # make this 2dim for later XT = np.r_[xexl, S.X, xexh][:, None] # calc th full width of the resolution function # now the full dbeta 1+2 # 8*math.log(2) scales as FWHM**2= 8*math.log(2) * sigma**2 # 2*theta theta2 = 2 * np.arcsin(S.X / (2 * k0)) cos2theta = np.cos(theta2) # dbeta if a1 >= a2: dbeta1 = 2 * r1 / L - 0.5 * r2 * r2 / (r1 * l * l * L) * cos2theta ** 4 * (L + l / cos2theta ** 2) ** 2 # dbeta2 = 2 * r1 / L - 0.5 * r2 * r2 / (r1 * l * l * L) * cos2theta ** 2 * (L + l / cos2theta) ** 2 else: dbeta1 = 2 * r2 * (1 / L + cos2theta ** 2 / l) - 0.5 * r1 * r1 / r2 * l / L / ( cos2theta ** 2 * (L + l / cos2theta ** 2)) # dbeta2 = 2 * r2 * (1 / L + cos2theta / l) - 0.5 * r1 * r1 / r2 * l / L / (cos2theta * (L + l / cos2theta)) # sigmas finite collimation sigma2c1 = k0 ** 2 * np.cos(theta2 / 2) ** 2 * dbeta1 ** 2 / (8 * math.log(2)) # sigma2c2=k0**2*dbeta2**2/(8*math.log(2)) # sigmas detector resolution sigma2d1 = k0 ** 2 * np.cos(theta2 / 2) ** 2 * cos2theta ** 2 * dq ** 2 / (8 * math.log(2)) # sigma2d2=k0**2*cos2theta**2*dq**2/(8*math.log(2)) # wavelength dependent part of sigma**2 + collimation part + detector resolution sigma2 = (S.X * wavespread) ** 2 / (8 * math.log(2)) + sigma2c1 + sigma2d1 # R is Kernel for convolution as 2D matrix # equation 33 in [1]_ for all q # with axis=1 for q_average and axis=0 for the q integration over gaussian resolution with width sigma # modified Bessel function of first kind zeroth order =>>> scipy.special.i0e exp scaled # np.abs(XT*S.X/sigma2) is related to rescale the exp scaled bessel func R = (XT / sigma2) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((XT ** 2 + S.X ** 2) / sigma2) + np.abs(XT * S.X / sigma2)) * \ special.i0e(XT * S.X / sigma2) # this consumes the main computing time 385 ms of 410ms # width dx between Q values for integration; # first and last are taken full as kind of extrapolation with value of border dx = XT * 0 dx[1:-1] = ((XT[2:] - XT[:-2]) / 2.) dx[0] = (XT[1] - XT[0]) / 2 # above zero dx[-1] = XT[-1] - XT[-2] # assume extend to inf # integrate over kernel dx*R*Y and normalize integral dx*R SR = (dx * R * Y[:, None]).sum(axis=0) / (R * dx).sum(axis=0) result = dA(np.c_[S.X, SR, S.Y, 2 * (2 * math.log(2)) ** 0.5 * sigma2 ** 0.5].T) result.setattr(S) result.setColumnIndex(iey=None) result.columnname = 'wavevector; smeared scattering; unsmeared scattering; half width smearing function' result.rf_collDist = collDist result.rf_collAperture = collAperture result.rf_detDist = detDist result.rf_sampleAperture = sampleAperture result.rf_detectorResolution = dq result.rf_modelname = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name result.rf_extrapolX = XT.T[0] result.rf_extrapolY = Y result.rf_wavelength = wavelength result.rf_wavespread = wavespread result.rf_extrapolfunc = str(extrapolfunc) return result
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs] def resFunctExplicit(S, beamprofile, extrapolfunc=None): r""" Resolution smearing of small angle scattering for SANS/SAXS according to explict given Gaussian width in unit 1/nm. Used in smear. :math:`I(q_0)= \int R(q,q_0)S(q)dq` with Gaussian kernel :math:`R(q,q0)` in equ. 33 in [1]_. E.g. for merged dataFiles of KWS2@MLZ the explicit width is given in the 4th column. To smear model functions (also for fitting) please use *smear* directly, which handles extrapolation at edges automatically. Parameters ---------- S : array like Scattering function (model) as dataArray with X. and .Y **q in units 1/nm**, .Y can be arbitrary unit beamprofile : beamProfile prepared by 'explicit' or float Beam profile as prepared from prepareBeamProfile with 'explicit' given values for all q or with a single width for all q. See prepareBeamProfile. extrapolfunc : list , default None Type of extrapolation at low and high X edges for handling of the border as list for [low edge,high edge]. If a singe value is given this is used for both. - '' : no interpolation - Low edge - float : Power law extrapolation of low X e.g. a=-4 for q**a for Porod scaling. - None : A constant value as Y(X.min()). - anything else : Low X data are log scaled, then X**2 extrapolated as Guinier like extrapolation. - High edge - float : Power law extrapolation of low X e.g. a=-4 for q**a for Porod scaling. - None : A constant value as Y(X.max()). Returns ------- dataArray columns ['wavevector; smeared scattering; unsmeared scattering; half width smearing function'] Notes ----- - HalfWidthSmearingFunction is the FWHM the Gaussian used for smearing including all effects. """ # number of points to extrapolate per sigma nn = 8 if isinstance(extrapolfunc, type('')): # no extrapolation xexl, xexh = [], [] Y = S.Y else: # extent by 3 sigma to low and high q xexl = loglist(max(0, S.X.min() - 3 * beamprofile.Y.min()), S.X.min(), 3 * nn)[:-1] # low q xexh = loglist(S.X.max(), S.X.max() + 3 * beamprofile.Y.max(), 3 * nn)[:-1] # high q # do the extrapolation Y = _extrapolateY(S, xexl, xexh, extrapolfunc) # make this 2dim for later XT = np.r_[xexl, S.X, xexh][:, None] # R is Kernel for convolution as 2D matrix # with axis=1 for q_average and axis=0 for the q integration over gaussian resolution with width sigma sigma = beamprofile.interp(S.X) R = np.exp(-0.5 * ((XT - S.X) ** 2 / sigma ** 2)) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma) # consumes the main computing time # width dx between Q values for integration; first and # last are taken full as kind of extrapolation with value of border dx = XT * 0 dx[1:-1] = ((XT[2:] - XT[:-2]) / 2.) dx[0] = (XT[1] - XT[0]) / 2 # above zero dx[-1] = XT[-1] - XT[-2] # assume extend to inf # integrate over kernel dx*R*Y and normalize integral dx*R SR = (dx * R * Y[:, None]).sum(axis=0) / (R * dx).sum(axis=0) result = dA(np.c_[S.X, SR, S.Y, sigma].T) result.setattr(S) result.setColumnIndex(iey=None) result.columnname = 'wavevector; smeared scattering; unsmeared scattering; sigma smearing function' result.rf_modelname = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name result.rf_extrapolX = XT.T[0] result.rf_extrapolY = Y result.rf_extrapolfunc = str(extrapolfunc) return result
# noinspection PyAugmentAssignment
[docs] def waterXrayScattering(composition='h2o1', T=293, units='mol'): r""" Absolute scattering of water with components (salt, buffer) at Q=0 as reference for X-ray. According to [1]_ a buffer of water with components might be used. Ions need to be given separatly as ['55.51h2o1','0.15Na1','0.15Cl1'] for 0.15 M NaCl solution. It is accounted for the temperature dependence of water density and compressibility. Parameters ---------- composition : string Buffer composition as in scatteringLengthDensityCalc give dissociated ions separatly as ['1Na','1Cl'] with concentration in mol prepended the additional scattering as ionic liquid of the ions in water is taken into account see [1]_ . mass in g; 1000g water are 55.508 mol T : float Temperature in °K units : 'mol' Anything except 'mol' prepended unit is mass fraction. 'mol' prepended units is mol and mass fraction is calculated as :math:`mass=[mol] mass_{molecule}` e.g. 1l Water with 123 mmol NaCl ['55.508H2O1','0.123Na1','0.123Cl1'] Returns ------- float: absolute scattering length in Units 1/cm. References ---------- .. [1] A high sensitivity pinhole camera for soft condensed matter T. Zemb, O. Tache, F. Né, and O. Spalla, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 36, 800 (2003). .. [2] SAXS experiments on absolute scale with Kratky systems using water as a secondary standard Doris Orthaber et al. J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 218±225 Notes ----- :math:`I(0)=(\sigma_{water}^2f_e^2 n_{ew}^2 k_B T \chi + \sum_{ci} n_i N_A 1000 n_{ei}^2 f_e^2 )/100` with - :math:`\sigma_{water}` water density - :math:`\chi` compressibility - :math:`n_{ew}` number of electrons per water molecule - :math:`f_e` cross section of electron in nm - :math:`k_B` Boltzmann constant - :math:`n_i` concentration component i - :math:`n_{ei}` number of electrons per molecule component i in Mol - :math:`\sum_{ci}` is done for all ions separately if given For references regarding :py:func:`~.formel.physics.waterdensity` and :py:func:`~.formel.watercompressibility` see respective functions in formel. Examples -------- :: # pure H2O['55.5h2o1']) # 0.0164 1/cm # phosphate buffer['55.5h2o1','0.2na2h1P1O4','0.2na1H1p1o4','0.1h1']) # 0.0965 1/cm # 1M NaCl buffer['55.5h2o1','1na1','1cl1']) # 0.0360 1/cm # 100mM NaCl buffer['55.5h2o1','0.1na1','0.1cl1']) # 0.0183 1/cm """ # Units is MMTK # k_MMTK=0.00831447086363271 # in kJ/mol/K k = 1.3806488e-23 # J/K I0 = 0 ch2o = 0 cd2o = 0 if isinstance(composition, str): composition = [composition] for compo in composition: compo = compo.lower() # decompose in numbers and characters decomp = re.findall(r'\d+\.\d+|\d+|\D+', compo) if not re.match(r'\d+\.\d+|\d+', decomp[-1]): raise KeyError(r'last %s Element missing following number ' % decomp[-1]) if not re.match(r'\d', decomp[0]): # add a 1 as concentration in front if not there decomp = [1] + decomp mass = np.sum([Elements[ele][1] * float(num) for ele, num in zip(decomp[1:][::2], decomp[1:][1::2])]) # number of electrons for component i nei = np.sum([Elements[ele][0] * float(num) for ele, num in zip(decomp[1:][::2], decomp[1:][1::2])]) if units.lower() == 'mol': ci = float(decomp[0]) # concentration in mol/l else: # if units!=mol we convert here from mass to mol fraction ci = float(decomp[0]) / mass if ''.join(decomp[1:]) == 'h2o1': ch2o += ci elif ''.join(decomp[1:]) == 'd2o1': cd2o += ci else: # sum ions up # in mol/m**3... I0 += ci * constants.N_A * 1000 * (felectron * 1e-9) ** 2 * nei ** 2 print(compo,mass,nei) # water density and average molecular weight for h2o/d2o mixture dhfraction = cd2o / (ch2o + cd2o) if ch2o + cd2o != 0 else 0 mw = 18.01528 + dhfraction * (20.0272-18.01528) water_density = waterdensity(['%.4f' % (1 - dhfraction) + 'h2o1', '%.4f' % dhfraction + 'd2o1'], T=T) water_density *= 1e6 / mw * constants.N_A # from g/ml to m**-3 chi = watercompressibility(d2ofract=dhfraction, T=T, units='bar') * 1e-5 # in 1/Pa I0 += water_density ** 2 * (felectron * 1e-9 * 10) ** 2 * k * T * chi return I0 / 100. # in 1/cm
def _find_peak(beam, edge): # search for peaks around zero in Q scale imax = imin = beam.Y[beam.X < edge].argmax() # search for minima around transmission peak while beam.Y[imax + 1] < beam.Y[imax]: imax += 1 while beam.Y[imin - 1] < beam.Y[imin]: imin -= 1 temp = beam[:, imin:imax] centerTransmissionPeak = (temp.X * temp.Y).sum() / temp.Y.sum() # this is more robust than looking around the center transmission = np.sort(temp.Y)[-4:].mean() return centerTransmissionPeak, transmission
[docs] def transmissionCorrection(data, dark=None, emptybeam=None, edge=0.03, exposure=None, transmission=None, Izero=None): r""" Subtract dark current, find primary beam, get transmission count and normalize by transmission and exposure time. IN PLACE. For measurements including the primary beam (no beamstop or from semitransparent beamstop) or with explicit given parameters. The maximum of the primary beam peak after dark subtraction determines transmission counts for the first. Parameters ---------- data : dataArray A raw measurement - From a SAXSpace instrument read by js.dA('filename.pdh',lines2parameter=[2,3,4]) including primary beam. - From a SAXSpace measurement read as sasImage and averaged using image.lineAverage including primary beam and background subtracted (use dark = None). - Ganesha radial averaged data with additional parameters. - For other data the missing parameters need to be given explicitly. dark : dataArray, None Dark current measurement :math:`I_{dark}`. - None,0: Dark is already subtracted. - dataArray: A dark measurements including dead pixel. (these are corrected doing the subtraction). - float: Dark as counts/pixel/s. E.g. a value <0.1/3600s for Dectris detectors as noted in the datasheet. emptybeam : dataArray, float, default=None Empty beam measurement :math:`I_b` to subtract from measurement. - If it is a raw measurement (not transmission corrected) first *transmissionCorrection* is applied. emptybeam.transmission==1 and .primarypeakmean is given in units (counts/s). - If float (in units counts/s) this value is used as emptybeam.primarypeakmean for calculation of the actual sample transmission. edge : float, default 0.03 Wavevector value below beam stop edge. Also the primary beam is searched below this value. exposure : optional, float, default None Exposure time :math:`t_{exposure}` in unit 's'. If not given explicit it is extracted from the data : - For SAXSpace data the xml description at the end of the file is examined. - For Ganesha data from ``.exposure_time[0]`` transmission : optional, float, str, None Transmission T of the data measurement. - float: explicitly given transmission T. - 'edge': detect as average below edge. - If primary beam is included (SAXSpace) from the peak height. - From Ganesha data from entry ``.transmission_factor[0]`` Izero : float, None Intensity primary beam :math:`I_0` for normalisation if different detector distances are used. - For Ganesha measurements taken from ``.Izero[0]`` (units counts/s). - Ignored for SAXSpace Izero=1. Returns ------- None, IN PLACE - Adds attributes *.centerTransmissionPeak*, *.centerTransmissionPeakMax* and *.transmission* as relative transmission to primary beam for samples for SAXSSpace. - If emptybeam is NOT given the transmission value is the maximum peak value in counts/s. The same is for evaluating the emptybeam measurement itself. To compare the treated emptybeam multiply with this maximum peak value. Notes ----- After using ``transmissionCorrection`` the data contain (also in given emptybeam) :math:`I' = \big(\frac{I-I_{dark}}{T}-I_{b}T\big) /I_0/t_{exposure}` **Correction** Brulet at al [1]_ describe the data correction for SANS, which is in principle also valid for SAXS, if incoherent contributions are neglected. The difference is, that SAXS has typical transmission around ~0.3 for 1mm water sample in quartz cell due to absorption, while in SANS typical values are around ~0.9 for D2O. Larger volume fractions in the sample play a more important rule for SANS as hydrogenated ingredients reduce the transmission significantly, while in SAXS still the water and the cell (quartz) dominate. One finds for a sample inside of a container with thicknesses (:math:`z`) for sample, buffer (solvent), empty cell and empty beam measurement (omitting the overall q dependence): .. math:: I_s = \frac{1}{z_S}\big((\frac{I_S-I_{dark}}{T_S}-I_{b}T_S\big) - \big(\frac{I_{EC}-I_{dark}}{T_{EC}}-I_{b}T_{EC})\big) - \frac{1}{z_B}\big((\frac{I_B-I_{dark}}{T_B}-I_{b}T_B\big) - \big(\frac{I_{EC}-I_{dark}}{T_{EC}}-I_{b}T_{EC})\big) where - :math:`I_s` is the interesting species - :math:`I_S` is the sample of species in solvent (buffer) - :math:`I_B` is the pure solvent (describing a constant background) - :math:`I_{dark}` is the dark current measurement - :math:`I_b` is the empty beam measurement - :math:`I_{EC}` is the empty cell measurement - :math:`z_x` corresponding sample thickness - :math:`T_x` corresponding transmission as primary beam intensity ratio :math:`T_x=I_x(0)/I_b(0)` The recurring pattern :math:`\big((\frac{I-I_{dark}}{T}-I_{b}T\big)` shows that the primary beam (not absorbed by the beam stop) is attenuated by the corresponding sample contributing unscattered intensity. For equal sample thickness :math:`z` the empty beam is included in subtraction of :math:`I_B`: .. math:: I_s = \frac{1}{z} \big((\frac{I_S-I_{dark}}{T_S}-I_{b}T_S) - (\frac{I_B-I_{dark}}{T_B}-I_{b}T_B)\big) **The simple case** If the transmissions are nearly equal as for e.g. protein samples with low concentration (:math:`T_S \approx T_B`) we only need to subtract the transmission and dark current corrected buffer measurement from the sample. .. math:: I_s = \frac{1}{z} \big((\frac{I_S-I_{dark}}{T_S}) - (\frac{I_B-I_{dark}}{T_B}\big) **Higher accuracy for large volume fractions** For larger volume fractions :math:`\Phi` the transmission might be different and we have to take into account that only :math:`1-\Phi` of solvent contributes to :math:`I_S`. We may incorporate this in the sense of an optical density changing the effective thickness :math:`\frac{1}{z_B}\rightarrow\frac{1-\Phi}{z_B}` resulting in different thicknesses :math:`z_S \neq z_B` **Transmission** The transmission is measured as the ratio :math:`T=\frac{I(q=0)_{sample}}{I(q=0)_{emptybeam}}` with :math:`I(q=0)` as the primary beam intensity. If the primary beam tail is neglected in the above equation :math:`I(q=0)_{emptybeam}` only gives a common scaling factor and can be omitted if arbitrary units are used. Alternatively one can scale to the EC transmission with :math:`T_{EC}=1` For absolute calibration the same needs to be done. One finds :math:`T_{sample in cell}=T_{empty cell}T_{sample without cell}`. References ---------- .. [1] Improvement of data treatment in small-angle neutron scattering Brûlet et al.Journal of Applied Crystallography 40, 165-177 (2007) """ if hasattr(data, 'transmission'): print('data has .transmission. It was already corrected and is not changed.') return # treat emptybeam to get transmission if emptybeam is None: EBprimarypeakmean = 1. elif isinstance(emptybeam, numbers.Number): EBprimarypeakmean = emptybeam emptybeam = None elif hasattr(emptybeam, 'primarypeakmean'): EBprimarypeakmean = emptybeam.primarypeakmean else: # is untreated emptybeam, so treat it if isinstance(transmission, str): # primary below edge transmissionCorrection(emptybeam, dark, emptybeam=None, edge=edge, exposure=None, transmission=transmission) else: # negative q transmissionCorrection(emptybeam, dark, emptybeam=None, edge=edge, exposure=None, transmission=None) emptybeam.Y *= emptybeam.transmission # recover .Y of EB to be only normalized by Exposure*Izero emptybeam.transmission = 1 EBprimarypeakmean = emptybeam.primarypeakmean # get exposure time if isinstance(exposure, numbers.Number): data.Exposure = [exposure, 's'] elif hasattr(data, 'exposure_time'): data.Exposure = [data.exposure_time[0], 's'] elif hasattr(data, 'Exposure'): pass else: # SAXSpace from xml appended data addXMLParameter(data) if not hasattr(data, 'Exposure'): raise Exception('No exposure time found or given.') # dark subtraction if hasattr(data, 'darksubtracted') and data.darksubtracted: print('data already dark corrected.') else: if dark is None: raise ValueError('Data need to be dark corrected. Give dark measurement or dark value to subtract.') else: if isinstance(dark, numbers.Number): # float e.g for Dectris with 0.1 counts/3600s according to datasheet. data.Y -= dark * data.Exposure[0] else: # given data in dataArray # this mainly does detects exposure and normalizes by it transmissionCorrection(dark, dark=0, emptybeam=None, transmission=1, Izero=1) # remove dark data.Y -= dark.Y * data.Exposure[0] try: data.eY = (data.eY ** 2 + dark.eY ** 2) ** 0.5 except AttributeError: pass data.darksubtracted = 1 # determine transmission if isinstance(transmission, numbers.Number): # explicit given data.transmission = abs(transmission) data.primarypeakmean = 1 elif isinstance(transmission, str): # no beamstop => try to get transmission and peak from primary beam data.primarypeakmean = data.Y[data.X < abs(edge)].mean() / data.Exposure[0] data.transmission = data.primarypeakmean / EBprimarypeakmean elif hasattr(data, 'transmission_factor'): # predefined transmission data.transmission = data.transmission_factor[0] data.primarypeakmean = 1 elif data.X.min() < 0: # semitransparent beamstop (e.g. SAXSpace) => we have negative x # try to get transmission and peak from primary beam, centerTransmissionPeak, primarypeakmean = _find_peak(data, edge) data.centerTransmissionPeak = centerTransmissionPeak data.primarypeakmean = primarypeakmean / data.Exposure[0] data.transmission = data.primarypeakmean / EBprimarypeakmean else: raise Exception('It was not possible to get a transmission. Maybe give explicit?') if isinstance(Izero, numbers.Number): pass elif hasattr(data, 'Izero'): # Ganesha images Izero = data.Izero if isinstance(data.Izero, numbers.Number) else data.Izero[0] elif hasattr(data, 'centerTransmissionPeak'): # data without Izero Izero = 1 else: print('No Izero found in Image (or empty beam). We use 1. Set explicit like data.Izero = 1234 ') Izero = 1 # normalize by exposure and transmission data.Y = data.Y / data.Exposure[0] / data.transmission / Izero data.eY = data.eY / data.Exposure[0] / data.transmission / Izero if emptybeam is not None: # scale and subtract emptybeam if given data.Y = data.Y - data.transmission * emptybeam.Y data.eY = (data.eY ** 2 + (data.transmission * emptybeam.eY) ** 2) ** 0.5
def _w2f(word): """converts string word if possible to float""" try: return float(word) except (ValueError, TypeError): return word
[docs] def autoscaleYinoverlapX(dataa, key=None, keep='lowest'): """ Scales elements of data to have same mean .Y value in the overlap region of .X . Parameters ---------- dataa : dataList Data to scale key : string Data are grouped into unique values of attribute key before scaling. E.g. to do it for a series of concentrations for each concentration individually. keep : default 'l' If 'l' the lowest X are kept and higher X are scaled successively to next lower X. Anything else highest X are kept and other are scaled to next higher. Returns ------- dataList new scaled dataList Notes ----- First data are sorted along .X.mean() scaling value is stored in .autoscalefactor """ result = dL() if key is not None and hasattr(dataa, key): values = np.unique(getattr(dataa, key)) else: values = [None] for uniquevalues in values: if uniquevalues is not None: data = dataa.filter(lambda a: getattr(a, key) == uniquevalues).copy() else: data = dataa.copy() data.sort(key=lambda ee: ee.X.mean()) if keep[0] in ('l', 0): d = -1 for i in range(len(data) - 1, 0, -1): meani0 = data[i].where(lambda a: a.X < data[i + d].X.max()).Y.mean() meani1 = data[i + d].where(lambda a: a.X > data[i].X.min()).Y.mean() data[i + d][1] *= meani0 / meani1 data[i + d].autoscalefactor = meani0 / meani1 data[-1].autoscalefactor = 1 else: d = 1 for i in range(len(data) - 1): meani0 = data[i].where(lambda a: a.X > data[i + d].X.min()).Y.mean() meani1 = data[i + d].where(lambda a: a.X < data[i].X.max()).Y.mean() data[i + d][1] *= meani0 / meani1 data[i + d].autoscalefactor = meani0 / meani1 data[0].autoscalefactor = 1 result.append(data) return result
[docs] def removeSpikesMinmaxMethod(dataa, order=7, sigma=2, nrepeat=1, removePoints=None): """ Takes a dataset and removes single spikes from data by substitution with spline. Find minima and maxima of data including double point spikes; no 3 point spikes scipy.signal.argrelextrema with np.greater and np.less are used to find extrema Parameters ---------- dataa : dataArray Dataset with eY data. order : int Number of points see scipy.signal.argrelextrema. Distance between extrema. sigma : float Deviation factor from std dev; from eY. If datapoint -spline> sigma*std its a spike. nrepeat : int Repeat the procedure nrepeat times. removePoints : list of integer Instrument related points to remove because of dead pixels. 'JCNS' results in a list for SAXSPACE at JCNS Jülich. Returns ------- data with spikes removed """ SAXSPACE = [0, 1, 134, 135, 530, 539, 540, 1011, 1012, 1091, 1092, 1287, 1312, 1451, 1452, 1502, 1503, 1606, 1607, 1810, 1811, 1893, 1912, 1913, 1933, 1934] if removePoints == 'JCNS': removePoints = SAXSPACE elif not isinstance(removePoints, list): removePoints = [] # make copy data = dataa.copy() takepoints = np.array([i not in removePoints for i in range(len(data.Y))]) data = data[:, takepoints] def getpeaklist(data, order=7): """ find minima and maxima of data including double spikes no 3 point spikes """ # find minima and maxima llgreater = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(data.Y, np.greater, order=order, mode='wrap')[0] llless = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(data.Y, np.less, order=order, mode='wrap')[0] doubles = [] # list of neighbouring pixel # check in between llgreater intervals if edges are also spikes for i, j in zip(llgreater[:-1], llgreater[1:]): intervalmax = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(data.Y[i + 1:j], np.greater, order=order, mode='wrap')[0] if len(intervalmax) > 0: # if an max is found check edges if min(intervalmax) == 0: doubles.append(min(intervalmax) + i + 1) if max(intervalmax) == len(data.Y[i + 1:j]): doubles.append(max(intervalmax) + i + 1) for i, j in zip(llless[:-1], llless[1:]): intervalmax = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(data.Y[i + 1:j], np.less, order=order, mode='wrap')[0] if len(intervalmax) > 0: if min(intervalmax) == 0: doubles.append(min(intervalmax) + i + 1) if max(intervalmax) == len(data.Y[i + 1:j]): doubles.append(max(intervalmax) + i + 1) return np.r_[llgreater, llless, np.array(doubles)] def reldif2(data, spline, sigma=1): # check if distance is larger than sigma return abs((data.Y - spline(data.X)) / data.eY) > sigma while nrepeat > 0: peaklist = getpeaklist(data, order=order) # which point is peak peaks = np.array([i in peaklist for i in range(len(data.Y))]) # spline without the peaks '~' is 'not' spline = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(data.X[~peaks], data.Y[~peaks], s=0) # remove the spikes and substitute with spline of surrounding if peak and > sigma # removeSpikes=lambda data,n,sigma:np.where(reldif2(data,spline,n,sigma=sigma) & # peaks,meansurrounding(data,n),data.Y) removespikes = lambda data, sigma: np.where(reldif2(data, spline, sigma=sigma) & peaks, spline(data.X), data.Y) data.Y = removespikes(data, sigma=sigma) nrepeat -= 1 return data
[docs] def removeSpikes(dataa, xmin=None, xmax=None, medwindow=5, SGwindow=None, sigma=0.2, SGorder=2): """ Takes a dataset and removes single spikes. A median filter is used to find single spikes. If abs(data.Y-medianY)/data.eY>sigma then the medianY value is used. If SGwindow!=None Savitzky-Golay filtered values are used. If sigma is 0 then new values (median or Savitzky-Golay filtered) are used everywhere. Parameters ---------- xmin,xmax : float Minimum and maximum X values dataa : dataArray Dataset with eY data medwindow : odd integer window size of scipy.signal.medfilt SGwindow : odd int, None Savitzky-Golay filter see scipy.signal.savgol_filter without the spikes; window should be smaller than instrument resolution SGorder : int Polynomial order of scipy.signal.savgol_filter needs to be smaller than SGwindow sigma : float Relative deviation from eY If datapoint-median> sigma*eY its a spike Returns ------- Filtered and smoothed dataArray """ # make copy data = copy.deepcopy(dataa) if not isinstance(sigma, numbers.Number): sigma = 0. if xmin is None: xmin = min(data.X) if xmax is None: xmax = max(data.X) if SGwindow == 0: SGwindow = None # median filter to remove spikes Ynew = scipy.signal.medfilt(data.Y, medwindow) # decide where a spike is found --> if difference is larger than sigma spikesat = abs(data.Y - Ynew) / data.eY > sigma # logical limits limits = np.logical_and(data.X > xmin, data.X < xmax) if isinstance(SGwindow, numbers.Integral): # Savgol as smoothed signal # window smaller than resolution Ynew = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(np.where(spikesat, Ynew, data.Y), SGwindow, order) else: # remove only the spikes and substitute with Ynew Ynew = np.where(spikesat, Ynew, data.Y) # data.Y=np.where(np.logical_and(spikesat,limits),Ynew,data.Y) data.Y = np.where(limits, Ynew, data.Y) data.smoothed_SGwindow = SGwindow data.smoothed_sigma = sigma data.smoothed_medwindow = medwindow data.smoothed_SGorder = SGorder return data
[docs] def addXMLParameter(data): """ Adds the parameters stored in xml part of a .pdh file as eg. in SAXSPACE .pdh files. Parameters ---------- data : dataArray Already read pdh file. XML content is found in comments of the read files and starts with '<'. """ if hasattr(data, '_isdataArray'): datalist = [data] elif hasattr(dataa, '_isdataList'): datalist = data else: raise Exception(data, ' is not dataArray or dataList') for dat in datalist: lines = [c for c in dat.comment if c.startswith('<')] try: root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstringlist(lines) for par in root.iter('parameter'): setattr(dat, par[2].text, [_w2f(par[ii].text) for ii in (3, 1)]) except: raise Warning('No xml data found. Go on.')
[docs] def locateFiles(pattern, root=os.curdir): """ Locate all files matching supplied filename pattern in and below supplied root directory. Parameters ---------- pattern : file pattern Pattern used in fnmatch.filter root : directory, default is os.curdir Directory where to start Returns ------- File list """ matchfiles = [] for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root)): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern): matchfiles.append(os.path.join(path, filename)) return matchfiles
[docs] def copyFiles(pattern, root=os.curdir, destination='copy', link=False): """ Copies all files matching pattern in tree below root to destination directory Parameters ---------- pattern : file pattern Pattern used in fnmatch.filter root : directory, default is os.curdir Directory where to start destination : dirname Destination link : bool If True links are created. """ files = locateFiles(pattern, root=root) if not os.path.exists(destination): os.mkdir(destination) for ff in files: newname = os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename(ff)) print(newname) if not link: shutil.copy2(ff, newname) else: os.symlink(ff, newname) return
[docs] def moveSAXSPACE(pattern, root='./', destination='./despiked', medwindow=5, SGwindow=5, sigma=0.2, order=2): """ Read SAXSPACE .pdh files and removes spikes by removeSpikes. This is mainly for use at JCNS SAXSPACE with CCD camera as detector :-)))) Parameters ---------- pattern : string Search pattern for filenames root : string Root path destination : string Where to save the files medwindow : odd integer Window size of scipy.signal.medfilt SGwindow : odd int, None Savitzky-Golay filter see scipy.signal.savgol_filter order : int Polynominal order of scipy.signal.savgol_filter sigma : float Deviation factor of eY If datapoint-median> sigma*std its a spike Notes ----- Default values are adjusted to typical SAXSPACE measurement. """ files = locateFiles(pattern, root=root) if not os.path.exists(destination): os.mkdir(destination) for file1 in files: if 'BeamProfile' in file1: continue newname = os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename(file1)) print(file1, '->', newname) f = open(file1, 'rU') filecontent = f.readlines() f.close() header = filecontent[:2 + 3] nlines = int(header[2].split()[0]) numbers = filecontent[2 + 3:2 + 3 + nlines] footer = filecontent[2 + 3 + nlines:] data = dA(numbers) datanew = removeSpikes(data, xmin=None, medwindow=medwindow, SGwindow=SGwindow, sigma=sigma, SGorder=order) f = open(newname, 'w') f.writelines(header) np.savetxt(f, datanew.T, delimiter=' ', fmt='%10.6E') f.writelines(footer) f.close() return