Source code for jscatter.libs.HullRad

Version 7 (Python 3 edition)
Calculates hydrodynamic coefficients for a biomolecular structure.
AUTHOR: Patrick Fleming

Release Notes:
Version 5 (The program as described in Fleming and Fleming, BJ, 2018)
    Nucleic Acids
Version 6 (2019)
    Includes many saccharides for glycosylation
    Rg is calculated from all atom model, not reduced model as in version 5
    Includes option to use numpy and scipy
    Asphericity is calculated from gyration tensor (requires numpy)
    Option to use either qconvex from qhull or ConvexHull from scipy
        (Many thanks to Chad Brautigam for implementation)
Version 7 (2020)
    Ported to Python 3 (See, this edition is Python 2)
    Addition of chain ID
    Includes several detergents for analysis of protein/detergent micelles.
        (See DT_data below for list.)

If you publish work that uses this code please cite:
Fleming, PJ and Fleming, KG "HullRad: Fast Calculations of Folded and Disordered
Protein and Nucleic Acid Hydrogynamic Properties", Biophysical Journal, 2018,
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.01.002

The author would like to acknowledge the work of Jose Garcia de la Torre who led
the way in development of algorithms for calculating macromolecular
hydrodynamic properties.

Output looks like:

  #Amino Acids    :          124
  #Nucleotides    :            0
  #Saccharides    :            0
  #Detergents     :            0
  M               :        13692     g/mol
  v_bar           :        0.710     mL/g
  R(Anhydrous)    :        15.68     Angstroms
  Axial Ratio     :         1.31
  f/fo            :         1.21
  Dt              :       1.13e-06   cm^2/s
  R(Translation)  :        18.99     Angstroms
  s               :       1.84e-13   sec
  [eta]           :         3.16     cm^3/g
  Dr              :       1.91e+07   s^-1
  R(Rotation)     :        20.36     Angstroms
  tauC            :         8.84     ns (from R_rotation)

To write out the unified side chain pseudo-atom model uncomment the two lines
near the bottom labeled, # Write out model (~line 529)

Requires python version2.7

Uses PDB file format as input.

If your python2.7 installation includes numpy and scipy YOU DON'T NEED ANYTHING ELSE.
This is the preferred way to go.

If you don't have numpy and scipy installed, you will need a separate program to 
    calculate the convex hull - called qconvex. 
This is a program in the qhull suite of programs.

Qhull may be downloaded from
    For UNIX download "Qhull_2015.2 for Unix"
    tar xzvf qhull-2015-src-7.2.0.tgz
    cd qhull-2015.2/
    sudo make install
    and the path for qconvex will be /usr/local/bin/qconvex

OS X qhull binaries are available from MacPorts package manager. 
    type "sudo port install qhull".
    and the path for qconvex will be /opt/local/bin/qconvex

OS X binaries are also available from Fink package manager.

The default in this script is the UNIX path (/usr/local/bin/qconvex) but you may 
have to change it if you are using OS X.

After installing qhull go to: ### Edit the path to qconvex ### below (~line 476) and
change /usr/local/bin/qconvex to /opt/local/bin/qconvex if that is where qconvex is.

If you are using OS X but are familiar with UNIX and have gcc installed, the UNIX
instructions above work fine on a Mac.

There are precompiled versions of the qhull programs available for Windows 7 and up
Unpack qhull in a directory of choice and ### Edit the path to qconvex ### below (~line 330)
to include the path where your executable was unpacked. 

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any

In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.


For more information, please refer to <>

RB 2021
CHANGES of the original version 7.
- scipy, numpy required, removed according 2.7 code
- removed python3 conversion code to be only python3 compatible (python2.7 is not maintained anymore)
- changes to use it in
- removed some not needed (confusing) comments above


import math
import os
import string
import sys
import io

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import MDAnalysis

# Hack for 2to3 conversion
for attr in ['capitalize', 'count', 'find', 'index', 'lower', 'replace', 'rstrip', 'split', 'strip', 'upper', 'zfill']:
    setattr(string, attr, getattr(str, attr))
string.letters = string.ascii_letters
string.lowercase = string.ascii_lowercase
string.join = lambda words, sep=' ': sep.join(words)
string.atoi = int

# Amino Acid mass, volumes,partial specific volumes and unified side chain sphere radius
# Mass is minus water (from SEDNTERP database)
# Volumes from Cohn and Edsall (1943) as corrected by Perkins_EJB_1986 
# vbar is 0.60224(V/M)
#          Mass        Volume       vbar        Radius of equiv. sphere of side chain volume
AA_data = {
    'ALA': (71.0939, 87.2, 0.74, 1.852),
    'ARG': (156.203, 188.2, 0.73, 3.123),
    'ASN': (114.119, 120.1, 0.63, 2.422),
    'ASP': (115.104, 115.4, 0.60, 2.356),
    'CYS': (103.16, 106.7, 0.62, 2.224),
    'GLN': (128.16, 145.1, 0.68, 2.722),
    'GLU': (129.131, 140.9, 0.66, 2.676),
    'GLY': (57.0669, 60.6, 0.64, 0.000),
    'HIS': (137.157, 152.4, 0.67, 2.798),
    'HSE': (137.157, 152.4, 0.67, 2.798),  # CHARMM:neutral His, proton on NE2
    'HSP': (137.157, 152.4, 0.67, 2.798),  # CHARMM:Protonated His
    'HSD': (137.157, 152.4, 0.67, 2.798),  # CHARMM:neutral HIS, proton on ND1
    'ILE': (113.175, 168.9, 0.90, 2.957),
    'LEU': (113.175, 168.9, 0.90, 2.957),
    'LYS': (128.19, 174.3, 0.82, 3.005),
    'MET': (131.215, 163.1, 0.75, 2.903),
    'MSE': (178.125, 163.1, 0.75, 2.903),
    'PHE': (147.192, 187.9, 0.77, 3.121),
    'PRO': (97.132, 122.4, 0.76, 2.453),
    'SER': (87.093, 91.0, 0.63, 1.936),
    'THR': (101.12, 117.4, 0.70, 2.385),
    'TRP': (186.229, 228.5, 0.74, 3.422),
    'TYR': (163.192, 192.1, 0.71, 3.155),
    'VAL': (99.148, 141.4, 0.86, 2.682)

# From voss_jmb_2005.pdf and nadassy_nar_2001.pdf
# Data for nucleoside, = nucleotide - 79.95 for PO3H
# Phosphate for na lacking terminal phosphates
# vbar is 0.60224(V/M)
#          Mass         Volume   vbar      ND
NA_data = {
    '  A': (267.25, 272.3, 0.614, 0.00),  # Adenosine
    '1MA': (281.25, 299.3, 0.641, 0.00),  # 6-HYDRO-1-METHYLADENOSINE
    'MIA': (383.45, 385.1, 0.605, 0.00),  # 2-METHYLTHIO-N6-ISOPENTENYL-ADENOSINE
    '  C': (243.22, 248.1, 0.614, 0.00),  # Cytidine
    '5MC': (257.22, 275.1, 0.644, 0.00),  # 5-METHYLCYTIDINE
    'OMC': (257.22, 275.1, 0.644, 0.00),  # O2'-METHYLYCYTIDINE
    '  G': (283.24, 279.0, 0.593, 0.00),  # Guanosine
    '2MG': (297.27, 306.0, 0.620, 0.00),  # 2N-METHYLGUANOSINE
    '7MG': (299.27, 306.0, 0.620, 0.00),  # 7N-METHYL-8-HYDROGUANOSINE
    'M2G': (311.27, 333.0, 0.644, 0.00),  # N2-DIMETHYLGUANOSINE
    'OMG': (297.27, 306.0, 0.620, 0.00),  # O2'-METHYLGUANOSINE
    'YYG': (508.54, 500.0, 0.593, 0.00),  # MODIFIED GUANOSINE
    ' YG': (428.55, 427.1, 0.600, 0.00),  # WYBUTOSINE
    '  U': (244.20, 243.9, 0.602, 0.00),  # Uracil
    '5MU': (258.20, 270.9, 0.632, 0.00),  # 5-METHYLURIDINE
    '4SU': (260.35, 270.5, 0.626, 0.00),  # 4-THIOURIDINE
    'H2U': (246.20, 243.9, 0.602, 0.00),  # 5,6-DIHYDROURIDINE
    'PSU': (244.20, 243.9, 0.602, 0.00),  # PSEUDOURIDINE
    '  I': (268.23, 273.0, 0.613, 0.00),  # Inosine
    ' DA': (251.25, 271.0, 0.650, 0.00),  # 2'-DEOXYADENOSINE
    ' DC': (227.22, 246.8, 0.654, 0.00),  # 2'-DEOXYCYTIDINE
    ' DG': (267.25, 277.7, 0.626, 0.00),  # 2'-DEOXYGUANOSINE
    ' DT': (242.23, 264.4, 0.657, 0.00),  # 2'-DEOXYTHYMIDINE
    ' DI': (252.22, 271.7, 0.649, 0.00),  # 2'-DEOXYINOSINE
    'PO2': (62.97, 52.4, 0.501, 0.00)

# RB: a bug in MDAnalysis pdb files ignores th spaces in front, we include these here
for k in list(NA_data.keys()):
    if k[0] == ' ':
        NA_data.update({k[1:]+' ': NA_data[k]})
    elif k[:2] == '  ':
        NA_data.update({k[2]+'  ': NA_data[k]})

# For default saccharides use average vbar = 0.63
# Schuster, TM & Laue, TM, Eds, Modern Analytical UC, Springer, 2012
# or if found in, use
# Schuck, P. Zhao, H. Brautigam, C.A. and Ghirlando, R.
# Basic Principles of Analytical Ultracentrifugation
# CRC Press, 2016
# V = (vbar*M)/0.60224
#          Mass         Volume   vbar      ND
GL_data = {
    'NG6': (301.27, 315.2, 0.630, 0.00),  # N-ACETYL-D-GALACTOSAMINE 6-SULFATE
    'NAG': (221.21, 231.4, 0.630, 0.00),  # N-ACETYL-D-GLUCOSAMINE
    'BM3': (221.21, 231.4, 0.630, 0.00),  # 2-(ACETYLAMINO)-2-DEOXY-ALPHA-D-MANNOPYRANOSE
    'NGA': (221.21, 231.4, 0.684, 0.00),  # N-ACETYL-D-GALACTOSAMINE
    'GCU': (194.14, 203.1, 0.630, 0.00),  # D-GLUCURONIC ACID
    'IDR': (194.14, 203.1, 0.630, 0.00),  # L-IDURONIC ACID
    'BMA': (180.16, 188.4, 0.607, 0.00),  # BETA-D-MANNOSE
    'MAN': (180.16, 188.4, 0.607, 0.00),  # ALPHA-D-MANNOSE
    'GAL': (180.16, 188.4, 0.622, 0.00),  # BETA-D-GALACTOSE
    'GLA': (180.16, 188.4, 0.622, 0.00),  # ALPHA D-GALACTOSE
    'GLC': (180.16, 188.4, 0.622, 0.00),  # ALPHA-D-GLUCOSE
    'BGC': (180.16, 188.4, 0.622, 0.00),  # BETA-D-GLUCOSE
    'AOS': (180.16, 188.4, 0.630, 0.00),  # D-ALLOSE
    'GCS': (179.17, 187.4, 0.630, 0.00),  # Glucosamine
    'RAM': (164.16, 171.7, 0.630, 0.00),  # ALPHA-L-RHAMNOSE
    'FUC': (164.16, 171.7, 0.671, 0.00),  # ALPHA-L-FUCOSE
    'SIA': (309.27, 299.9, 0.584, 0.00)  # O-SIALIC ACID

# Detergents
# From Schuck, P. Zhao, H. Brautigam, C.A. and Ghirlando, R.
# Basic Principles of Analytical Ultracentrifugation
# CRC Press, 2016
# DOC from Durschlag, H.
# Specific Volumes of Biological Macromolecules and Some Other
#   Molecules of Biological Interest.
# in Thermodynamic Data for Biochemistry and Biotechnology, ed. H-J Hinz
# Springer-Verlag, 1986
# LMT from Suarez et al.
# JBC 259:13791, 1984
# FOS (DPC) from Kochendoerfer, et al
# Biochemistry 38:11905, 1999
#  But see Lauterwin, BBA 556:244, 1979 for vbar = 0.937
# V = (vbar*M)/0.60224
#          Mass         Volume   vbar      ND
DT_data = {
    'SB3': (335.50, 533.9, 0.957, 0.00),  # n-Dodecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate
    'LMT': (510.62, 691.0, 0.820, 0.00),  # DODECYL-BETA-D-MALTOSIDE
    'BOG': (417.02, 594.8, 0.859, 0.00),  # B-OCTYLGLUCOSIDE
    'LDA': (229.40, 429.7, 1.128, 0.00),  # LAURYL DIMETHYLAMINE-N-OXIDE
    'SDS': (266.40, 384.8, 0.880, 0.00),  # DODECYL SULFATE
    'DXC': (392.47, 507.0, 0.778, 0.00),  # DEOXYCHOLATE
    'FOS': (351.46, 548.6, 0.940, 0.00)  # DODECYLPHOSPHOCHOLINE

def distance(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz):
    # Euclidean distance between two atoms
    return math.sqrt((ax - bx) ** 2.0 + (ay - by) ** 2.0 + (az - bz) ** 2.0)

def get_coords(model_array):
    # Get x,y,z coords of CA and CB atoms
    coords = []
    for row in range(len(model_array)):
        coords.append((float(model_array[row][5]), float(model_array[row][6]), float(model_array[row][7])))
    return np.array(coords)

def model_from_pdb(file):
    # Makes a reduced atom  model of the pdb file
    # This is the model used to make the convex hull
    # For proteins the CB is displaced along the CA-CB vector a distance 
    #   equal to the radius of a sphere equal to the volume of the side chain
    # For nucleic acids only the phosphate, oxygen and nitrogen atoms are used 
    # For saccharides only the phosphate, oxygen and nitrogen atoms are used
    # For detergents only the oxygen and nitrogen atoms are used

    # Read the PDB file
    if isinstance(file, str):
        with open(file, 'r') as f:
            data = f.readlines()
        # list of lines from pdb readlines
        data = file

    if not data:
        raise TypeError('No data read from file.')

    # Initialize all relevant atom record array
    # Used for Rg
    all_atm_rec = []
    # Initial protein atoms from PDB file
    prot_rec = []
    # Initial nucleic acid atoms from PDB file
    na_rec = []
    # Initial saccharide atoms from PDB file
    gl_rec = []
    # Initial detergent atoms from PDB file
    dt_rec = []
    # Reduced list of atoms
    atom_rec = []
    struc_name = ' '
    num_MG = 0
    num_MN = 0

    # Get all relevant atoms even if in wrong order
    for line in data:
        # Get name of structure
        if line[:6] == 'HEADER':
            struc_name = line.strip()

        elif line[:4] == 'ATOM':
            resname = line[17:20]
            if resname != 'TIP':
                if resname in AA_data and (line[13:15] == 'N ' or
                                           line[13:15] == 'CA' or
                                           line[13:15] == 'C ' or
                                           line[13:15] == 'O ' or
                                           line[13:16] == 'OT1' or
                                           line[13:15] == 'CB') and \
                        (line[16] != 'B') and \
                        (line[:3] != 'END'):
                # Nucleic acids
                elif resname in NA_data and (line[13:14] == 'N' or
                                             line[13:14] == 'O' or line[13:14] == 'P'):
                # Saccharides
                elif resname in GL_data and (line[13:14] == 'N' or
                                             line[13:14] == 'O' or line[13:14] == 'P'):
                # Detergents
                elif resname in DT_data and (line[13:14] == 'N' or
                                             line[13:14] == 'O' or line[14:15] == 'O'):

        elif line[:6] == 'HETATM':
            resname = line[17:20]
            if resname != 'TIP':
                for rec in NA_data.items():
                    if resname == rec[0]:
                for rec in GL_data.items():
                    if resname == rec[0]:
                for rec in DT_data.items():
                    if resname == rec[0]:
                if line[12:14] == 'MG':
                    num_MG += 1
                elif line[12:14] == 'MN':
                    num_MN += 1
                # Some nucleic acids are in HETATM (!)
                elif resname in NA_data and (line[13:14] == 'N' or
                                             line[13:14] == 'O' or line[13:14] == 'P'):
                # Some glycosylations are in HETATM (!)
                elif resname in GL_data and (line[13:14] == 'N' or
                                             line[13:14] == 'O' or line[13:14] == 'P'):
                # Some detergents are in HETATM (!)
                elif resname in DT_data and (line[13:14] == 'N' or
                                             line[13:14] == 'O'):

    # Get only the CB atoms from the protein
    cb_rec = []
    for line in prot_rec:
        if (line[13:15] == 'CB') and \
                (line[0:3] != 'END'):

    # Count the CB atoms and add to atom list in correct order
    num_cb = len(cb_rec)
    line_counter = 0
    cb_counter = 0
    for line in prot_rec:
        if (line[13:15] == 'N ' or
                line[13:15] == 'CA' or
                line[13:15] == 'C ' or
                line[13:15] == 'O ' or
                line[13:16] == 'OT1'):
            line_counter += 1
            if (math.fmod(line_counter, 4) == 0 and line[17:20] != 'GLY'
                    and cb_counter < num_cb):
                cb_counter += 1
            elif (math.fmod(line_counter, 4) == 0 and line[17:20] != 'GLY'
                  and cb_counter >= num_cb):
                print(' Found non-gly residue with no CB atom')

    # Put atom info into model array
    num_atoms = len(atom_rec)
    model_array = [[' X' for j in range(8)] for i in range(num_atoms)]
    for row in range(len(model_array)):
        model_array[row][0] = row
        model_array[row][1] = (atom_rec[row][11:16])
        model_array[row][2] = (atom_rec[row][17:20])
        if atom_rec[row][20:22] == '  ':
            model_array[row][3] = ' X'
            model_array[row][3] = (atom_rec[row][20:22])
        model_array[row][4] = (atom_rec[row][22:26])
        model_array[row][5] = (atom_rec[row][30:38])
        model_array[row][6] = (atom_rec[row][38:46])
        model_array[row][7] = (atom_rec[row][46:54])

    #   for line in range(len(model_array)):
    #       print model_array[line]

    # Make unified side chain as CB
    for row in range(len(model_array)):
        if model_array[row][1] == '  CA ' and model_array[row][2] != 'GLY':
            rnam = model_array[row][2]
            # CA coords
            ca_x = float(model_array[row][5])
            ca_y = float(model_array[row][6])
            ca_z = float(model_array[row][7])
            # CB coords (third next coord: C,O,CB)
            cb_x = float(model_array[row + 3][5])
            cb_y = float(model_array[row + 3][6])
            cb_z = float(model_array[row + 3][7])
            # CA-CB distance
            dx = cb_x - ca_x
            dy = cb_y - ca_y
            dz = cb_z - ca_z
            ca_cb_dist = distance(ca_x, ca_y, ca_z, cb_x, cb_y, cb_z)
            # Extend CB outward along CA-CB vector
            aa_mass, vol_aa, vbar_aa, sc_rad_aa = AA_data[rnam]
            new_cb_x = ca_x + (sc_rad_aa * dx / ca_cb_dist)
            new_cb_y = ca_y + (sc_rad_aa * dy / ca_cb_dist)
            new_cb_z = ca_z + (sc_rad_aa * dz / ca_cb_dist)
            model_array[row + 3][5] = str(new_cb_x)
            model_array[row + 3][6] = str(new_cb_y)
            model_array[row + 3][7] = str(new_cb_z)

    # Put nucleic acid atoms into initial array
    num_atoms = len(na_rec)
    na_array = [['X' for j in range(8)] for i in range(num_atoms)]
    for row in range(len(na_array)):
        na_array[row][0] = row
        na_array[row][1] = (na_rec[row][11:16])
        na_array[row][2] = (na_rec[row][17:20])
        na_array[row][3] = (na_rec[row][20:22])
        na_array[row][4] = (na_rec[row][22:26])
        na_array[row][5] = (na_rec[row][30:38])
        na_array[row][6] = (na_rec[row][38:46])
        na_array[row][7] = (na_rec[row][46:54])

    # Add nucleic acid atoms to model array
    for row in range(len(na_array)):

    # Put saccharide atoms into initial array
    num_atoms = len(gl_rec)
    gl_array = [['X' for j in range(8)] for i in range(num_atoms)]
    for row in range(len(gl_array)):
        gl_array[row][0] = row
        gl_array[row][1] = (gl_rec[row][11:16])
        gl_array[row][2] = (gl_rec[row][17:20])
        gl_array[row][3] = (gl_rec[row][20:22])
        gl_array[row][4] = (gl_rec[row][22:26])
        gl_array[row][5] = (gl_rec[row][30:38])
        gl_array[row][6] = (gl_rec[row][38:46])
        gl_array[row][7] = (gl_rec[row][46:54])

    # Add saccharide atoms into model array
    for row in range(len(gl_array)):

    # Put detergent atoms into initial array
    num_atoms = len(dt_rec)
    dt_array = [['X' for j in range(8)] for i in range(num_atoms)]
    for row in range(len(dt_array)):
        dt_array[row][0] = row
        dt_array[row][1] = (dt_rec[row][11:16])
        dt_array[row][2] = (dt_rec[row][17:20])
        dt_array[row][3] = (dt_rec[row][20:22])
        dt_array[row][4] = (dt_rec[row][22:26])
        dt_array[row][5] = (dt_rec[row][30:38])
        dt_array[row][6] = (dt_rec[row][38:46])
        dt_array[row][7] = (dt_rec[row][46:54])

    # Add detergent atoms into model array
    for row in range(len(dt_array)):

    return all_atm_rec, num_MG, num_MN, model_array

def write_pdb(model_array, filename):
    # Write out reduced atom model in PDB format for display

    # pdb format string
    pdbfmt = 'ATOM  %5d%3s %3s%2s%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f  0.00  0.00\n'

    with open(filename, 'w') as ff:
        for i in range(len(model_array)):
            a = model_array[i]
            ff.write(pdbfmt % (int(a[0]), a[1], a[2], a[3], int(a[4]), float(a[5]), float(a[6]), float(a[7])))

def Sved(all_atm_rec, num_MG, num_MN, model_array):
    # Main function: Does most things and calls HullVolume
    # Use Cohn-Edsall eq. to calc protein specific volume
    # vbar_prot = sum(ni*Mi*vbar_aa) / (ni*Mi) where n is number, M is mass
    prot_mol_mass = 0.0
    numerator = 0.0
    AA = 0
    NA = 0
    GL = 0
    DT = 0

    # Radius of Gyration
    # Calc center of mass
    X = 0.0
    Y = 0.0
    Z = 0.0
    tot = 0.0
    for row in range(len(all_atm_rec)):
        X = X + (float(all_atm_rec[row][30:38]))
        Y = Y + (float(all_atm_rec[row][38:46]))
        Z = Z + (float(all_atm_rec[row][46:54]))
        tot += 1

    com_x = (X / tot)
    com_y = (Y / tot)
    com_z = (Z / tot)

    Rg2 = 0.0
    for row in range(len(all_atm_rec)):
        Rg2 += ((distance(com_x, com_y, com_z, float(all_atm_rec[row][30:38]),
                          float(all_atm_rec[row][38:46]), float(all_atm_rec[row][46:54]))) ** 2)
    Rg = math.sqrt(Rg2 / tot)

    # Asphericity
    # 0 for sphere, 1 for rod
    Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for row in range(len(all_atm_rec)):
        Ixx += ((float(all_atm_rec[row][30:38])) - com_x) * ((float(all_atm_rec[row][30:38])) - com_x)
        Ixy += ((float(all_atm_rec[row][30:38])) - com_x) * ((float(all_atm_rec[row][38:46])) - com_y)
        Ixz += ((float(all_atm_rec[row][30:38])) - com_x) * ((float(all_atm_rec[row][46:54])) - com_z)
        Iyy += ((float(all_atm_rec[row][38:46])) - com_y) * ((float(all_atm_rec[row][38:46])) - com_y)
        Iyz += ((float(all_atm_rec[row][38:46])) - com_y) * ((float(all_atm_rec[row][46:54])) - com_z)
        Izz += ((float(all_atm_rec[row][46:54])) - com_z) * ((float(all_atm_rec[row][46:54])) - com_z)

    Ixx = Ixx / row
    Iyy = Iyy / row
    Izz = Izz / row
    Ixy = Ixy / row
    Ixz = Ixz / row
    Iyz = Iyz / row

    gyration_tensor = [[Ixx, Ixy, Ixz], [Ixy, Iyy, Iyz], [Ixz, Iyz, Izz]]
    evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(gyration_tensor)
    L1 = evals[0]
    L2 = evals[1]
    L3 = evals[2]

    asphr = ((L1 - L2) ** 2 + (L2 - L3) ** 2 + (L1 - L3) ** 2) / (2.0 * ((L1 + L2 + L3) ** 2))

    # Calc masses for all
    last_rnum = 99999
    for row in range(len(model_array)):
        if model_array[row][1] == '  CA ':
            rnam = model_array[row][2]
            aa_mass, vol_aa, vbar_aa, sc_rad_aa = AA_data[rnam]
            numerator += (aa_mass * vbar_aa)
            prot_mol_mass += aa_mass
            AA = AA + 1

        # DNA, RNA, Saccharides, Detergents
            rnam = model_array[row][2]
            chid = model_array[row][3]
            rnum = model_array[row][4]
            if rnum != last_rnum:
                for rec in NA_data.items():
                    if rnam == rec[0]:
                        aa_mass, vol_aa, vbar_aa, sc_rad_aa = NA_data[rnam]
                        numerator += (aa_mass * vbar_aa)
                        prot_mol_mass += aa_mass
                        last_rnum = rnum
                        NA = NA + 1
                        # Check for nucleotide instead of nucleoside
                        if model_array[row][1] == "  P  ":
                            numerator += (62.97 * 0.501)
                            prot_mol_mass += 62.97
                for rec in GL_data.items():
                    if rnam == rec[0]:
                        aa_mass, vol_aa, vbar_aa, sc_rad_aa = GL_data[rnam]
                        numerator += (aa_mass * vbar_aa)
                        prot_mol_mass += aa_mass
                        last_rnum = rnum
                        GL = GL + 1
                for rec in DT_data.items():
                    if rnam == rec[0]:
                        aa_mass, vol_aa, vbar_aa, sc_rad_aa = DT_data[rnam]
                        numerator += (aa_mass * vbar_aa)
                        prot_mol_mass += aa_mass
                        last_rnum = rnum
                        DT = DT + 1

    # Add weight of water for N-term and C-term of protein
    if AA > 0:
        prot_mol_mass += 18.0
    # If nucleic acid add weight of MG and MN
    if NA > 0:
        ion_mass = (num_MG * 24.305) + (num_MN * 54.938)
        prot_mol_mass += ion_mass

    # Correct by -0.0025 because above volumes were measured at 25 deg C and want 20 deg C
    #  as per Svedberg, The Ultracentrifuge, 1940, Oxford Univ. Press
    vbar_prot = (numerator / prot_mol_mass) - 0.0025

    # Get convex hull area and volume 
    coords = get_coords(model_array)
    area_hull, vol_hull, Dmax = HullVolume(coords)

    # Calculate shell volume from variable of shell thickness
    # Hydration shell thickness is empirically determined to be optimal 
    # This expands each hull plane by hydration thickness
    vol_shell_wat = area_hull * 2.8

    # Calculate total volume of hydrated convex hull (including shell waters)
    vol_hyd_hull = vol_hull + vol_shell_wat

    # Estimate axial ratio 
    # Minus 3 Ang because DNA duplex a should be rod length, not diagonal
    #   of hull end vertices (Also necessary to make apoferritin axial ratio = 1)
    a = (Dmax / 2.0) - 3.0
    b = math.sqrt((3.0 * vol_hull) / (4.0 * math.pi * a))

    # But some very spherical structures may not have the diagonal a full 3 Ang longer.
    # Can't have a < b.
    if a > b:
        # Translational Shape Factor
        numerator = math.sqrt(1.0 - (b / a) ** 2)
        denominator = ((b / a) ** 0.66666667) * math.log((1 + math.sqrt(1.0 - (b / a) ** 2)) / (b / a))
        Ft = numerator / denominator
        a = b
        Ft = 1.0

    # Weight shape factor
    # Empirically found to work better with expanded volume
    #  (Many combinations tried)
    Ft = math.sqrt(Ft)

    # Axial ratio of prolate ellipsoid of same volume as convex hull
    a_b_ratio = a / b

    # Find radius of sphere of same volume as hydrated convex hull
    factor = 3.0 / (4.0 * math.pi)
    Rht = (factor * vol_hyd_hull) ** 0.333333
    # Include Shape factor to give effective hydrodynamic translational radius
    Rht = Rht * Ft
    # Rht comes as Angstrom
    # need meters in equation below
    Rh_trans = Rht * 1e-8

    # Calculate Svedberg coeff.
    eta = 0.0100194  # poise
    rho = 0.998234  # g/ml water density
    fT = 6.0 * math.pi * eta * Rh_trans
    s = prot_mol_mass * (1.0 - (vbar_prot * rho)) / (6.02214e23 * fT)

    # Calculate translational diffusion coeff.
    # R = 8.314e7
    kB = 1.381e-16
    T = 293.15
    Dt = kB * T / fT

    # Calculate fT/fo
    # Vbar is in ml/g, need A^3/Dalton
    vol_prot = prot_mol_mass * vbar_prot / 0.60224
    Ro = ((3.0 * vol_prot) / (4.0 * math.pi)) ** 0.333333
    ffo_hyd_P = Rht / Ro

    # Calculate rotational diffusion coeff.
    # Rotation more strongly affected by hydration, Halle & Davidovic, 2003
    # So increase hydration shell thickness
    # Hydration shell thickness empirically found to be optimal
    vol_shell_wat_rot = area_hull * 4.3
    vol_hyd_hull_rot = vol_hull + vol_shell_wat_rot
    Rhr = (factor * vol_hyd_hull_rot) ** 0.333333

    # Include empirical correction for shape factor to give effective 
    #  hydrodynamic rotational radius
    # This obtained by fitting to DNA duplexes
    Fr = Ft ** 4.0
    Rhr = Rhr * Fr
    # Rhr comes as Angstrom
    # need meters in equation below
    Rh_rot = Rhr * 1e-8
    fR = 8.0 * math.pi * eta * (Rh_rot ** 3.0)
    Dr = kB * T / fR
    tauC = (4.0 * math.pi * eta * (Rh_rot ** 3.0)) / (3.0 * kB * T)
    tauC = tauC * 1e9

    # Calculate intrinsic viscosity
    # From Einstein viscosity equation,
    # [n] = (2.5*6.02214e23*(4*pi*Rht^3)/3)/prot_mol_mass
    # rearrange to
    # int_vis = (10.0 * math.pi * 0.602214 * ((Rht)**3.0)) / (3.0 * prot_mol_mass)
    # Deleted.
    # The above equation is valid only for spherical particles.
    # Intrinsic viscosity is very sensitive to axial ratio and whether the molecule approximates
    # a prolate or oblate ellipsoid.
    # Decided that int_vis was beyond the scope of HullRad.
    # Leaving this here for future development.
    int_vis = 0.0

    return s, Dt, Dr, vbar_prot, Rht, ffo_hyd_P, prot_mol_mass, Ro, Rhr, int_vis, a_b_ratio, \
           Ft, Rg, Dmax, tauC, asphr, AA, NA, GL, DT

def HullVolume(coords):
    Uses qconvex to calculate convex hull

    coords are coords of reduced atom model.
    # Call scipy's ConvexHull using coords
    # This will be an object with attributes that we want
    convex_hull = ConvexHull(coords)

    # Area of convex hull; this is a float
    area_hull = convex_hull.area

    # Volume of convex hull; this is a float
    vol_hull = convex_hull.volume

    # Find max distance between vertices for Dmax calculation
    # Necessary for length of corresponding prolate ellipsoid of revolution
    # Note that the "vertices" from ConvexHull are indices, i.e. pointers to
    # the coordinates in "coords" that serve as the vertices.
    vertices = convex_hull.vertices
    Dmax = 0.0
    for r1 in vertices:
        for r2 in vertices:
            dist = math.sqrt((coords[r1][0] - coords[r2][0]) ** 2.0 +
                             (coords[r1][1] - coords[r2][1]) ** 2.0 +
                             (coords[r1][2] - coords[r2][2]) ** 2.0)
            if dist > Dmax:
                Dmax = dist

    return area_hull, vol_hull, Dmax

[docs] def hullRad(pdb, output=True): r""" Dtrans, Drot, S and more from PDB structure using HullRad for H2O at T=20 C. From the abstract of [1]_ : ... to accurately predict the hydrodynamic properties of molecular structures. This method uses a convex hull model to estimate the hydrodynamic volume of the molecule and is orders of magnitude faster than common methods. It works well for both folded proteins and ensembles of conformationally heterogeneous proteins and for nucleic acids. Because of its simplicity and speed, the method should be useful for the modification of computer-generated, intrinsically disordered protein ensembles and ensembles of flexible, but folded, molecules in which rapid calculation of experimental parameters is needed. Quality of the data is comparable to HYDROPRO [2]_ but only scalar values are calculated. For calculation of the 6x6 diffusion tensor see :py:func:`` Parameters ---------- pdb : string or IOString from MDA PDBWriter. Protein or DNA Returns ------- result : dict Notes ----- All values are calculated for H2O at T=20 degree Celsius (see [1]_) Coefficients keys, meaning and units (see [1]_ for detailed explanation) :: 'Dt' Dt cm^2/s; translational diffusion coefficient 'Rht' Rh from Dt Angstroms 'Dr' Dr s^-1; rotational diffusion coefficient 'Rhr' Rh from Dr Angstroms 'AA' number Amino Acids 'NA' number Nucleotides 'GL' number Saccharides 'DT' number Detergents 'M' mass g/mol 'vbar_prot' v_bar specific volume mL/g 'Ro' Ro(Anhydrous) Angstroms 'Rg' Rg(Anhydrous) Angstroms 'Dmax' Dmax Angstroms 'a_b_ratio' axial Ratio equivalent prolate ellipsoid axial ratio 'ffo_hyd_P' f/fo Perrin friction factor 's' s sec 'tauC' tauC (from Rhr) ns; isotropic rotational correlation time (NMR) 'asphr' Asphericity from Gyration Tensor **Biological unit** Use a biological unit for calculation. The crystal structure is not always the biological unit but these can be retrieved from PDB servers as e.g. . See below examples and :py:func:`` . Examples -------- Based on pdb file :: import jscatter as js # give existing filename res ='3pgk.pdb') For a universe from MDAnalysis. hullRad strips non protein atoms. :: import jscatter as js uni ='3pgk') res ='protein')) # Dtrans/Drot with conversion to nm²/ps and 1/ps Dtrans = res['Dt'] * 1e2 Drot = res['Dr'] * 1e-12 Build biological unit for a tetramer using :py:func:`` from downloaded biological assembly :: import jscatter as js # first get and create the biological unit ('.pdb1') of alcohol dehydrogenase (tetramer, 144 kDa) adh ='4w6z.pdb1') # the 2 dimers in are in model 1 and 2 and need to be merged into one. adhmerged = uni = res ='protein')) # Dtrans/Drot with conversion to nm/ps and 1/ps Dtrans = res['Dt'] * 1e2 Drot = res['Dr'] * 1e-12 Dq =,Dtrans=Dtrans,Drot=Drot) References ---------- .. [1] HullRad: Fast Calculations of Folded and Disordered Protein and Nucleic Acid Hydrogynamic Properties Fleming, PJ and Fleming, KG "", Biophysical Journal, 2018, 114:856-869, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.01.002 .. [2] Calculation of hydrodynamic properties of globular proteins from their atomic-level structure Garcıa De La Torre, J., M. L. Huertas, and B. Carrasco. Biophys. J. 78:719–730, (2000) """ if not isinstance(pdb, str): # stringIO is a bit faster and needs no file temp = io.StringIO() with MDAnalysis.coordinates.PDB.PDBWriter(temp, n_atoms=pdb.atoms.n_atoms, multiframe=False, bonds=None) as W: # write pdb without hydrogens W.write(pdb.select_atoms('not name H*')) pdblines= [t.strip() for t in temp.readlines()] all_atm_rec, num_MG, num_MN, model_array = model_from_pdb(pdblines) else: # Make the reduced atom model all_atm_rec, num_MG, num_MN, model_array = model_from_pdb(pdb) # Call the main function names = ['s', 'Dt', 'Dr', 'vbar_prot', 'Rht', 'ffo_hyd_P', 'M', 'Ro', 'Rhr', 'int_vis', 'a_b_ratio', 'Ft', 'Rg', 'Dmax', 'tauC', 'asphr', 'AA', 'NA', 'GL', 'DT' ] val = Sved(all_atm_rec, num_MG, num_MN, model_array) # create dict for output res = { k: v for k, v in zip(names, val)} if output: # print coefficients print(' #Amino Acids : %9.0f' % res['AA']) print(' #Nucleotides : %9.0f' % res['NA']) print(' #Saccharides : %9.0f' % res['GL']) print(' #Detergents : %9.0f' % res['DT']) print(' M : %6.0f g/mol' % res['M']) print(' v_bar : %6.3f mL/g' % res['vbar_prot']) print(' Ro(Anhydrous) : %6.2f Angstroms' % res['Ro']) print(' Rg(Anhydrous) : %6.2f Angstroms' % res['Rg']) print(' Dmax : %6.2f Angstroms' % res['Dmax']) print(' Axial Ratio : %6.2f' % res['a_b_ratio']) print(' f/fo : %6.2f' % res['ffo_hyd_P']) print(' Dt : %6.2e cm^2/s' % res['Dt']) print(' R(Translation) : %6.2f Angstroms' % res['Rht']) print(' s : %6.2e sec' % res['s']) if res['a_b_ratio'] > 2.63: print(' ') print(' Caution. Axial ratio too large for accurate prediction') print(' of following rotational properties by HullRad.') print(' Dr : %6.2e s^-1' % res['Dr']) print(' R(Rotation) : %6.2f Angstroms' % res['Rhr']) print(' tauC : %6.2f ns (from R_rotation)' % res['tauC']) print(' Asphericity : %6.2f (from Gyration Tensor)' % res['asphr']) return res