Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# written by Ralf Biehl at the Forschungszentrum Jülich ,
# Jülich Center for Neutron Science 1 and Institute of Complex Systems 1
#    Jscatter is a program to read, analyse and plot data
#    Copyright (C) 2015-2024  Ralf Biehl
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module contains the scattering functions.


from collections import defaultdict
import numbers
import multiprocessing as mp

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import scipy
from scipy import constants as co
from scipy.special import sph_harm as Ylm
from scipy.special import spherical_jn as Jl

import MDAnalysis

from ..dataarray import dataArray as dA
from ..dataarray import dataList as dL
from . import mda
from .. import data
from .. import formel

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    from ..libs import fscatter
    useFortran = True
except ImportError:
    ImportWarning('bio module needs a Fortran compiler to work. '
                  'Reinstall Jscatter with Fortran Compiler')
    useFortran = False

__all__ = ['prepScatGroups', 'scatIntUniv', 'xscatIntUniv', 'nscatIntUniv', 'scatIntUnivYlm',
           'diffusionTRUnivTensor', 'diffusionTRUnivYlm',
           'intScatFuncYlm', 'intScatFuncPMode', 'intScatFuncOU']

pi = np.pi
identity3x3 = np.identity(3)
zero3x3 = np.zeros((3, 3))

#: H2O configuration in nm
h2o = 0.1 * np.array([[0, 0, 0],  # oxygen
                      [0.95908, -0.02691, 0.03231],  # hydrogen
                      [-0.28004, -0.58767, 0.70556]])  # hydrogen

def getfanH2O(d2ofraction):
    Molecular fomrfactor H2O from atomic coordinates including atom delocalisation as approximation.

    Accounting for OHH, OHD, ODD composition as mixing the corresponding fractions of (1-x) of H2O and x of D2O
    (1-x)**2, x*(1-x), x**2 with 1=(1-x)**2+x*(1-x)+x**2

    d2ofraction : float
        D2O fraction i solvent
    delta : float= 0.05
        Average atomic displacemnt

    Masured tabulated formfactors are described in [1]_


    # neutrons with delocalization _fi
    _ffn = np.c_[QLIST, np.ones_like(QLIST)].T
    _sldH = data.Nscatlength['h'][0]
    _sldD = data.Nscatlength['d'][0]

    _fan0_OHH = [data.Nscatlength['o'][0], _sldH, _sldH]
    _fan0_OHD = [data.Nscatlength['o'][0], _sldH, _sldD]
    _fan0_ODD = [data.Nscatlength['o'][0], _sldD, _sldD]

    _fanOHH =,
                                              h2o - h2o.mean(axis=0),  # positions
                                              _fan0_OHH,  # fan for atoms
                                              [1, 1, 1],  # all same constant formfactor row 1
                                              _ffn,  # normalized formfactor
                                              1)  # ncpu parallel execution
    _fanOHD =,
                                              h2o - h2o.mean(axis=0),  # positions
                                              _fan0_OHD,  # fan for atoms
                                              [1, 1, 1],  # all same constant formfactor row 1
                                              _ffn,  # normalized formfactor
                                              1)  # ncpu parallel execution
    _fanODD =,
                                              h2o - h2o.mean(axis=0),  # positions
                                              _fan0_ODD,  # fan for atoms
                                              [1, 1, 1],  # all same constant formfactor row 1
                                              _ffn,  # normalized formfactor
                                              1)  # ncpu parallel execution

    fanH2O = _fanOHH.copy()
    x = d2ofraction
    fanH2O[1] = ((1-x)**2 * _fanOHH[1] + 2*(1-x)*x * _fanOHD[1] + x**2 * _fanODD[1])
    fanH2O[1] = (fanH2O[1] / fanH2O[1, 0]) ** 0.5

    return fanH2O

def getfaxH2O(delta=0.04545, aa=0.33):
    Molecular fomrfactor H2O from atomic coordinates including atom delocalisation as approximation.

    Masured tabulated formfactors are described in [1]_

    Using values from atom delocalisation as described by [2]_

    .. [1]  Molecular Form Factors and Photon Coherent Scattering Cross Sections of Water
            L. R. M. Morin
            Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 11, 1091 (1982);

    .. [2] Sorenson et al J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9149 (2000);

    # xray with delocalization and redistribution of charge

    fi = (1 + aa * np.exp(-QLIST**2 * delta**2 /2))/(1 + aa)
    ffx = np.c_[QLIST, data.getxrayFFatomic('O').Y/data.getxrayFFatomic('O').Y[0] * fi,
                        data.getxrayFFatomic('H').Y/data.getxrayFFatomic('H').Y[0] * fi,
                        data.getxrayFFatomic('H').Y/data.getxrayFFatomic('H').Y[0] * fi].T
    fax0_OHH = [data.getxrayFFatomic('O').Y[0],

    faxH2O =,
                                          h2o - h2o.mean(axis=0),  # positions
                                          fax0_OHH,  # fan for atoms
                                          [1, 2, 3],
                                          ffx,  # normalized formfactor
                                          1)  # ncpu parallel execution
    faxH2O[1] = (faxH2O[1] / faxH2O[1, 0]) ** 0.5

    return faxH2O

def coarseGraining(uni, position, ff, ffi2, nm=None, cubesize=1):
    internal, output same as input

    Uses the return of prepScatGroups to do a coarse graining for speeding up some computations.

    The coordinates will be used on a cubic grid to average in respective cubes and use the grid as a coarse grained
    model of the input data.

    Using the geometric mean position instead of cube center improves the approximation for partial filled
    cubes at the border of a protein.

    formfactor amplitudes are approximated by root of Debye function which is valid only at small Q
    where position interferences in a single grain are negligible.
    Anyway a coarse graining is only useful in small Q SANS region.

    Because the formfactors ff reflect the contrast(q) the sign of the average contrast needs to be recovered
    which is lost in Debye equation .

    cubesize : float cube size in units of position
    uni : universe
    position : Nx3 array of positions
    ff : formfactor amplitudes at positions
    ffi2 : incoherent scattering, q dependent
    nm : nxNx3 array as e.g. n normal mode displacements
         the average is done on the N dimension

        averaged position, ff, ffi2, nm=None

    if not useFortran:
        UserWarning('No Fortran , No coarse graining')

    if cubesize is None:
        return position, ff, ffi2, nm

    pos = position - np.min(position, axis=0)
    # fm = pos.max()/f
    # generate keys describing a cubic grid
    keys = np.floor(pos / cubesize).astype(int).astype('U5')
    keys = np.char.add(np.char.add(keys[:, 0], keys[:, 1]), keys[:, 2])
    # keys for occupied cubes
    ukeys = np.unique(keys)

    # some comments
    if len(ukeys) < 10:
        print('Less than 10 grains in coarse graining. Original values are used.')
        return position, ff, ffi2, nm
    elif len(ukeys) > 0.5 * position.shape[0]:
        print('More than 50% of original points. Coarse graining not useful.')

    # prepare return arrays
    npos = np.zeros([ukeys.shape[0], 3])
    nff = np.zeros([ukeys.shape[0], ff.shape[1]])
    nffi2 = np.zeros([ukeys.shape[0], ffi2.shape[1]])
    if nm is not None:
        nshape = list(nm.shape)
        nshape[-2] = ukeys.shape[0]
        nnm = np.zeros(nshape)
        nnm = nm
    # do averages for occupied cubes
    for i, key in enumerate(ukeys):
        select = (keys == key)
        # mean position => partial filled cubes get mean atom and not center cube
        npos[i] = position[select].mean(axis=0)
        # get scattering amplitude of atoms
        nffi =, position[select] - npos[i], ff[select], ncpu=4)[1] ** 0.5
        # recover sign of contrast
        nff[i] = np.sign(ff[select][:, 0].sum()) * nffi
        # incoherent scattering
        nffi2[i] = ffi2[select].sum(axis=0)
    if nm is not None:
        # same for modes if present
        for i, key in enumerate(ukeys):
            nnm[..., i, :] = nm[..., select, :].mean(axis=-2)

    return npos, nff, nffi2, nnm

# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs] def prepScatGroups(objekt, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare the objekt for calculations. Exchanged hydrogen, calc contrasts, volumes and position vectors. It is **NOT** necessary/intended to call this function. It is called automatically in the module functions before each computation with respective parameters. It can be called for inspection directly. Parameters ---------- objekt : atomgroup mode : 'n', 'x', 'nvac','xvac','nshape','xshape' Mode describing the type of scattering for neutron and xrays. - 'n','x' -> neutron or xray scattering embedded in a solvent resulting in contrast, - 'nshape','xshape' -> the shape filled with solvent (no surface layer) - 'nvac','xvac' -> scattering in vacuum without solvent surfdensity : float, optional Surface layer density relative to bulk solvent if it is equal for all atoms on surface. - 1, None no change, no layer included - >< 1 lower or higher density The universe attribute surfdensity can be set for individual atoms/residues for specific settings as e.g. according to hydrophobicity or charge. See :py:func:`` . getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box' Volume calculation. See :py:class:`` selectSolvent : string, default='(not type H) and not (protein or nucleic) and (not around 6 (protein or nucleic))' Selection string for solvent to determine density for contrast calculation. Only if getVolume=='box'. The default select all molecules (no H) in a distance larger 6 A around proteins or nucelic acids. The solvent number density is determined as n=1/mean_solvent_volume. The mean_solvent_volume is determined by alculating the Voronoi cell volume for all given atoms (except H) and taking the mean volume of all selected solvent atoms as: :: n=universe.select_atoms(selectsolvent).oVolume.mean() point_density : int, default 5 Point density on surface for SES and SAS calculation See getSurfaceVolumePoints Returns ------- list of :[ positions : positions relative to center of geometry, unit nm, shape Nx3 formfactor : formfactor amplitudes, unit nm, shape Nxm, for q values in u.qlist I0 : forward scattering, unit nm²/particle inc : incoherent scattering squared, unit nm², q dependent, shape Nxm, for q values in u.qlist contrast : neutron scattering length density [1/nm²] or electron density [e/nm³] sld solvent : neutron sld [1/nm²] or electron density [e/nm³] ] m : length qlist N : number of atoms or residues in objekt Notes ----- **Surface layer density according to hydrophobicity** :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np'3pgk') for res in uni.residues: try: name = res.resname.lower() # 10% change scaled according to Kyte J, Doolittle RF. J Mol Biol. 1982 May 5;157(1):105-32. res.atoms.surfdensity = 1 + 0.1 *[name][0]/4.5 except: res.atoms.surfdensity = 1 # calculate scattering,mode='x') """ # our universe # TODO check if objekt is universe u = objekt.universe # get parameters and defaults point_density = kwargs.pop('point_density', 5) # mode for type of contrast mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'n').lower() sd = kwargs.pop('surfdensity', None) if sd: u.atoms.surfdensity = sd getVolume = kwargs.pop('getVolume', 'once') selectsolvent = kwargs.pop('selectSolvent', '(not type H) and not (protein or nucleic) and (not around 6 (protein or nucleic))') output = kwargs.pop('output', True) suppressSurface = kwargs.pop('suppressSurface', False) if objekt.n_atoms == objekt.n_residues: # is a Ca atom model u.iscalphamodel = True vdw = defaultdict(lambda: u.calphaCoarseGrainRadius) # defaults for Ca model else: # default atomic behaviour with default vdWradii (None) u.iscalphamodel = False vdw = None # get the correct volume for dummy solvent to get correct absolute scattering if getVolume == 'box': # use universe box including solvent atoms volume = u.boxVolume / 1000 u.SESVolume = u.SASVolume = volume if output: print(f'use box volume {volume:.1f} nm³') # calc Voronoi volumes in nm³ if len(objekt) == objekt.n_residues: # residues or e.g. calpha objekt.atoms.oVolume = 0 objekt.residues.oVolume = mda.occupiedVolume(objekt) / 1000 bv = objekt.residues.oVolume solvent = objekt.atoms.select_atoms(selectsolvent) solventvolume = solvent.residues.oVolume.mean() # this excludes hydrogens with no ovolume # solvent = solvent.select_atoms('oVolume 1e-8 - 10') if isinstance(objekt, MDAnalysis.core.groups.ResidueGroup): solvent = solvent.residues else: # atoms without H objekt.atoms.oVolume = 0 noth = objekt.select_atoms('not type H') noth.oVolume = mda.occupiedVolume(noth) / 1000 solvent = objekt.select_atoms(selectsolvent) solventvolume = solvent.oVolume.mean() # solvent = solvent.select_atoms('oVolume 1e-8 - 10') for a in noth: # distribute to bonded h bondedh = a.bonded_atoms.select_atoms('type H') ov = a.oVolume/(1+bondedh.n_atoms) bondedh.oVolume = ov a.oVolume = ov bv = objekt.atoms.oVolume # set solvent density according to solvent name determined density assert len(solvent) > 0, 'No solvent molecules found. Please specify selectSolvent different or add solvent.' solventnumdensity = 1 / solventvolume u.setSolvent(numDensity=solventnumdensity) else: # no box, just like a pdb structure # get SASVolume and SESVolume of obj in u with surfdata atomAttributes if getVolume != 'once' or not hasattr(u, 'SESVolume'): mda.getSurfaceVolumePoints(objekt, point_density, u.probe_radius, '1', vdw, u.shellThickness) volume = u.SESVolume if output: print(f'use SES volume {volume:.1f} nm³') # distribute bv according to vdW volumes # distribute occupied volume according to vdW volume accounting for overlap Vfraction = volume / (4 / 3 * pi * np.sum(objekt.vdWradiinm ** 3)) objekt.oVolume = Vfraction * 4 / 3 * pi * objekt.vdWradiinm ** 3 # object occupied volume bv = objekt.oVolume # volume occupied by a single water molecule solventvolume = 1/sum(formel.scatteringLengthDensityCalc(u.solvent, T=u.temperature, mode='num')) if output: print(f'solvent number density [1/nm³] : {1/solventvolume:.2f}') withSLayer = False # check if surfdensity !=1 # surface atoms try: surfatoms = objekt.select_atoms('surface 1') # surface atoms except AttributeError: # we have residue objekt surfatoms = objekt.atoms.select_atoms('surface 1').residues if np.any(surfatoms.surfdensity != 1) and not suppressSurface: withSLayer = True if output: if withSLayer: print(f'Use surface layer with {surfatoms.n_atoms} of total {objekt.atoms.n_atoms} atoms') else: print('No surface layer') mode = mode.lower() if mode[0] == 'x': # xray scattering contrast bve = bv * u.edensitySol # bv is excluded volume xsldensity = objekt.fax0().sum() / volume # average scattering length density edensity = xsldensity / data.felectron # average electron density edensityExclSolvent = bve.sum() / volume # average electron density solvent _faxH2O = getfaxH2O(u.solventDelocalisation) # get solvent formfactor faxH2O = np.interp(np.r_[u.qlist], _faxH2O[0], _faxH2O[1]) * data.felectron # interpolate ff if mode == 'xshape': # xray excluded volume scattering withSLayer = False formfactor = faxH2O * bve[:, None] I0 = bve.sum() * data.felectron ffinc2 = 0 # incoherent scattering surfdensity = 1 elif mode == 'xvac': # xray in vacuum withSLayer = False formfactor = objekt.faxs if objekt.n_atoms == formfactor.shape[0]: # this only if we have atoms and not residue or something else hatoms = objekt.atoms.types == 'H' formfactor[~hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.xDelocalisation**2 / 2) formfactor[hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.hDelocalisation**2 / 2) I0 = objekt.fax0().sum() ffinc2 = objekt.fi2xs surfdensity = surfatoms.surfdensity else: # mode == 'xray': # xray with contrast to solvent formfactor = objekt.faxs if objekt.n_atoms == formfactor.shape[0]: # this only if we have atoms and not residue or something else hatoms = objekt.atoms.types == 'H' formfactor[~hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.xDelocalisation**2 / 2) formfactor[hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.hDelocalisation**2 / 2) formfactor -= faxH2O * bve[:, None] I0 = (objekt.fax0() - bve * data.felectron).sum() ffinc2 = objekt.fi2xs surfdensity = (surfatoms.surfdensity - 1) if withSLayer: # add surface layer atoms with xray h2o formfactor h2ofax = u.edensitySol * faxH2O shellVolume = surfatoms.surfdata[:, 2] faxs_surf = (shellVolume * surfdensity * h2ofax[:, None]).T # sum up fi2n over (solvent density deviation) # fi2xs_surf = data.getxrayFFatomicdummy('h2o').interp(u.qlist, col=2) * \ # (shellVolume * surfdensity / solventvolume)[:, None] formfactor = np.vstack([formfactor, faxs_surf]) I0 = (I0 + (shellVolume * surfdensity).sum() * u.edensitySol * data.felectron) ** 2 ffinc2 = np.vstack([ffinc2, np.zeros((shellVolume.shape[0], u.qlist.shape[0]))]) # add position in surface positions = np.vstack([objekt.posnm, + surfatoms.surfdata[:, 3:6]]) else: I0 = I0 ** 2 # TODO check of posnm improves by using sld weight for coarse graining positions = objekt.posnm return positions - positions.mean(axis=0), formfactor, I0, ffinc2, edensity, edensityExclSolvent else: # neutron scattering contrast bvb = bv * u.bcDensitySol sld = objekt.fan0().sum() / volume # scattering length density sldDensityExclSolvent = bvb.sum() / volume _fanH2O = getfanH2O(u.d2oFract) fanH2O = np.interp(np.r_[u.qlist], _fanH2O[0], _fanH2O[1]) * np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.solventDelocalisation**2/2) if mode == 'nvac': # neutron coherent in vacuum withSLayer = False formfactor = if objekt.n_atoms == formfactor.shape[0]: # this only if we have atoms and not residue or something else hatoms = objekt.atoms.types == 'H' formfactor[~hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.xDelocalisation**2 / 2) formfactor[hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.hDelocalisation**2 / 2) I0 = objekt.fan0().sum() ffinc2 = objekt.fi2ns surfdensity = surfatoms.surfdensity elif mode == 'nshape': withSLayer = False formfactor = bvb[:, None] * fanH2O I0 = bvb.sum() ffinc2 = formfactor[:, 0] else: # contrast # neutron with contrast to solvent formfactor = if objekt.n_atoms == formfactor.shape[0]: hatoms = objekt.atoms.types == 'H' formfactor[~hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.xDelocalisation**2 / 2) formfactor[hatoms] *= np.exp(-u.qlist**2 * u.hDelocalisation**2 / 2) formfactor -= bvb[:, None] * fanH2O I0 = (objekt.fan0() - bvb).sum() ffinc2 = objekt.fi2ns surfdensity = (surfatoms.surfdensity - 1) if withSLayer: # fan for each atom with 2*probeRadius = bcdensity*volume*2 * (solvent density deviation) * formfactor h2ofan = u.bcDensitySol * fanH2O shellVolume = surfatoms.surfdata[:, 2] fans_surf = (shellVolume * surfdensity * h2ofan[:, None]).T formfactor = np.vstack([formfactor, fans_surf]) I0 = (I0 + (shellVolume * surfdensity * u.bcDensitySol).sum()) ** 2 ffinc2 = np.r_[ffinc2, np.zeros_like(shellVolume)] # add position in surface positions = np.vstack([objekt.posnm, + surfatoms.surfdata[:, 3:6]]) else: I0 = I0 ** 2 positions = objekt.posnm ffinc2 = np.ones_like(u.qlist) * ffinc2[:, None] return positions - positions.mean(axis=0), formfactor, I0, ffinc2, sld, sldDensityExclSolvent
# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs] def scatIntUniv(objekt, qlist=None, **kwargs): r""" Neutron/Xray scattering of an atomgroup as protein/DNA with contrast to solvent. Explicit spherical average based on atomic positions or center of mass position of residues. Scattering amplitudes for grains are calculated if not precalculated as for residues. Scattering amplitudes of residues are averages of several hundreds of configurations with highest resolution. Needed parameters are taken from universe. Parameters ---------- objekt : atom group in MDA universe Atomgroup for calculation as atomgroup or residuegroup. qlist : array Scattering vectors in unit 1/nm. If None or not given uni.qlist is used. mode : 'n', 'x', 'nvac','xvac','nshape','xshape', default 'n' Mode describing the type of scattering for neutron and xrays. - 'n','x' -> neutron or xray scattering embedded in a solvent resulting in contrast, - 'nshape','xshape' -> the shape filled with solvent (no surface layer) - 'nvac','xvac' -> scattering in vacuum (no surface layer) getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box', default 'once' Determines volume calculation for scattering contrast. - 'always' : For each calculation the SES/SAS volume is determined/updated using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. - 'once' : Only for first call SES/SAS volume is determined using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. Some computations are speedup due to this. - 'box' : Use universe dimension to get box volume (*mda.lib.mdamath.box_volume(u.dimensions)*). If the box size does not change this is constant. SESVolume and SASVolume are set to the box volume. To avoid seeing the box formfactor the solvent density in some distance of the protein/nucleic needs to be determined. See :py:func:`selectSolvent`. selectSolvent : string, default='(not type H) and not (protein or nucleic) and (not around 6 (protein or nucleic))' Selection string for solvent to determine density in a box for contrast calculation. Only if getVolume=='box'. E.g. solvent oxygen is selected. The default selects all molecules (no H) in a distance larger 6 A around proteins or nucelic acids assuming water oxygen atoms. The solvent number density is determined as n=1/solvent.oVolume.mean() . The mean solvent volume is determined by alculating the Voronoi cell volume for all given atoms (except H) This can also be used to calculate solvent density in a range. The mean volume of all selected solvent atoms is taken as: :: # solvent 6 A awway from protein selectSolvent = '(not type H) and not protein and (not around 6 protein )' n=universe.select_atoms(selectsolvent).oVolume.mean() cubesize : float, default None Cube length (in units nm) for coarse graining, None means no coarse graining. For larger proteins the computation takes some time. Cubesize defines the size of a cubic grid in which atomic data as positions, formfactor and normal modes are averaged in cubes to realize a coarse graining and speedup the computation. The size should be adjusted to the protein size. This works for residue and atomic models. output: True,False write more output or no output error : int - int Number of Fibonacci points in sphereAverage. - 0 Debye function is used Returns ------- S(q) : dataArray with columns [q; P_coh; beta; P_inc] - P =<|F(Q)|²> formfactor in unit nm²/particle - beta = |<F(Q)>|²/<|F(Q)|²> asymmetry factor according to Kotlarchyk [1]_ for structure factor correction. - P_inc = incoherent scattering for neutron scattering and xray scattering (Compton scattering) in unit nm²/particle. Result contains parameter of universe: - .RgPos Rg calculated from positions as mean(r**2) - .I0 forward scattering q=0 - .RgInt Rg calculated from Intensity as `Rg(q)=sqrt(-log(S.Y/S.S0)/S.X**2*3.)` and `Rgs[result.X<1/Rg[0]].mean()` - .RgInt_err standard deviation from above - .surfdensityAverage average surfdensity Notes ----- We calculate in vacuum for an atomgroup or residuegroup the single particle formfactor .. math:: F(Q) = \Big \langle \sum_{j,k}f_j(Q)f_k(Q)e^{-Q(r_j-r_k)} \Big \rangle with the atomic/residue scattering amplitudes :math:`f_j(Q)`. Atoms in the hydration layer may (virtually) be included. In a solvent, according to Babinet's principle, we subtract the excluded volume scattering of the solvent filled with dummy atoms .. math:: f_j(Q) = f_{j,atom}(Q) - f_{j,dummy}(Q) The accumulated scattering of the dummy atoms corresponds to the excluded volume scattering of the displaced volume. Dummy atom formfactor amplitude :math:`f_{dummy}` are calculated for liquid water using the Debye formula with addition of atom delocalisation from water positions :math:`r_i`. .. math:: f^2_{dummy}(Q) = \sum_{i,j=H,O,H} f^{\prime}_i(Q)f^{\prime}_j(Q)\frac{sin(Qr_{ij})}{Qr_{ij}} :math:`f^{\prime}_i(Q)` are delocalisation corrected atomic formfactors :math:`f_i(Q)` - For neutrons we add Debye-Waller like delocalisation with :math:`\delta=0.045 nm` .. math:: f^{\prime}_i(Q) = exp(-Q^2\delta^2/2)]f_i(Q) - For Xrays according to Sorensen [5]_ with :math:`\delta=0.045 nm` (:math:`\alpha=0.33`). .. math:: f^{\prime}_i(Q) = [1+(\alpha-1)exp(-Q^2\delta^2/2)]f_i(Q) / (1+\alpha) Delocalisation :math:`\delta` for heavy atoms, H atoms (We use explicit included hydrogen atoms) and solvent can be set individually using (values are defaults [5]_, [6]_, [7]_): - `universe.xDelocalisation=0.045` - `universe.hDelocalisation=0.045` - `universe.solventDelocalisation=0.045` . Classically, Gaussian atomic formfactors are used (e.g. CRYSOL [2]_, PEPSI-SAX [9]_ ) representing the displaced atomic volume as a Gaussian sphere based on empirical atomic volumes [8]. These volumes are adjusted during fitting of formfactors [2]_ [9]_. Above delocalisation replaces these experimental atomic volumes as displacements are the physical reason to adjust these volumes (as e.g. CRYSOL or PEPSI-Sax). In particular for neutron atomic formfactor amplitudes, which are Q independent, delocalisation is the major reason to assume Gaussian atomic formfactor amplitudes. Delocalisation values described as root-mean-square displacements (rmsd) can be compared to atomic B factors or direct measured mean square displacements (from QENS). Above default values are based on experimental values from [5]_, [6]_, [7]_ . To account for the protein hydration layer [3]_ the **surface layer** is calculated (if surfacedensity≠1) by a rolling ball algorithm (Shrake & Rupley see :py:func:``) using 0.3 nm as thickness of the layer. A dummy atom is added for each surface atom in the center of the surface layer with respective atomic surface layer volume. The atomic attribute ``.surfacedensity`` determines respective additional scattering and allows surface density changes with atomic resolution. The direct calculation on atomic positions using an explicit spherical average has the advantage of being accurate even on larger Q. Limitations depend on the used water structure volume in the surrounding. The Method of CRYSON (spherical harmonics) is limited to smaller Q dependent on lmax and does not include positions of hydrogen's. - Conversion to 1/cm see js.formfactor - CRYSON [2]_ output is in units cm^2/mol (not Crysol) `cm²/mol=f*nm² ==> f= 1E-14 * 6.023*10^23=6.023*10^9` Examples -------- **Influence of the hydration layer** The hydration layer density for proteins is reported to be 1% to 18% higher than bulk water density [3]_. E.g. for Ribonuclease A the density is 3.2% above bulk density [4]_. The surface layer contribution can make a large contribution to the absolute scattering. Because of the different contrast of the surface layer in SAXS and SANS the total scattering shifts in different direction. Also, the radius of gyration changes, which is different for SAXS and SANS. The changes can be used for determination of the surface layer density as explained in [3]_ by doing a combined fit of SAXS and SANS data. THe opposite effects can be demonstrated here : :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np uni ='3rn3') protein = uni.select_atoms('protein') # set attributes uni.qlist=js.loglist(0.1,10,150) uni.setSolvent(['1D2O1','0H2O1']) p=js.grace() p.title('Influence of the surface layer density') p.yaxis(scale='l',label=r'I(Q) / nm\S2\N/particle') p.xaxis(scale='l',label='Q / nm\S-1') for c, sld in enumerate(np.r_[1:1.16:0.04],1): uni.atoms.surfdensity = sld Sx = Sn = p.plot(Sx,sy=0,li=[1,2,c],le=f'surfdensity={sld:.2f} R\\sgn\\N={Sn.RgInt:.2f} R\\sgx\\N={Sx.RgInt:.2f}') p.plot(Sn.X, Sn.Y*0.5,sy=0,li=[3,2,c] ) p.legend(x=0.12,y=5e-7) p.subtitle('Ribonuclease A with surface layer; neutron shifted by 0.5') p.text('neutron',x=0.2,y=5e-6) p.text('X-ray',x=1,y=4e-5)'/hydrationlayerdensity.jpg') .. image:: ../../examples/images/hydrationlayerdensity.jpg :align: center :width: 50 % :alt: hydrationlayerdensity **Accuracy test spherical average**. Change number of points on Fibonacci lattice for spherical average. For larger proteins Debye gets much slower (order N²), here factor 2 for error=100. :: import jscatter as js uni ='3RN3') # set attributes uni.qlist=js.loglist(0.1,10,340) uni.setSolvent(['1D2O1','0H2O1']) u = uni.select_atoms("protein") p=js.grace() p.title('Spherical average accuracy') for ii in [300,200,100,50]: uni.error=ii,mode='xray') p.plot(S,sy=[-1,0.1,-1],le='error=%.3g' %(ii)) uni.error=0,mode='xray') p.plot(S,sy=0,li=[1,1,5],le='Debye -> exact spherical average') p.yaxis(scale='l',label=r'I(Q) / nm\S2\N/particle',min =5e-8,max=5e-5) p.xaxis(scale='l',label='Q / nm\S-1') p.legend(x=0.15,y=1e-6) #'/accuracytestsphericalaverage.jpg') .. image:: ../../examples/images/accuracytestsphericalaverage.jpg :align: center :width: 50 % :alt: accuracytestsphericalaverage References ---------- .. [1] M. Kotlarchyk and S.-H. Chen, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 2461 (1983). .. [2] CRYSOL– a Program to Evaluate X-ray Solution Scattering of Biological Macromolecules D. Svergun, C. Barberato and M. H. J. Koch J. Appl. Cryst. (1995). 28, 768–773 .. [3] Protein hydration in solution: Experimental observation by x-ray and neutron scattering D. I. SVERGUN, S. RICHARD, M.H.J.KOCH, Z. SAYERS, S. KUPRIN, AND G. ZACCAI Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 95, pp. 2267–2272 .. [4] Structure and Dynamics of Ribonuclease A during Thermal Unfolding: The Failure of the Zimm Model J. Fischer, A. Radulescu, P. Falus, D. Richter, R. Biehl The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2021, 125, 3, 780-788, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c09476 .. [5] What can x-ray scattering tell us about the radial distributionfunctions of water? Sorenson et al, J. Chem. Phys., 113, 9149, (2000), .. [6] How large B-factors can be in protein crystal structures. Carugo et al BMC Bioinformatics 19, 61 (2018). .. [7] Hydrogen atoms in proteins: Positions and dynamics Engler, Ostermann, Niimura, Parak PNAS 100, 10243 (2003) .. [8] An Improved Method for Calculating the Contribution of Solvent to the X-ray Diffraction Pattern of Biological Molecules R.D.B. Fraser, T.P. MacRae and E. Suzuki J. Appl. Cryst. (1978). 11, 693-694 .. [9] Pepsi-SAXS: an adaptive method for rapid and accurate computation of small-angle X-ray scattering profiles S. Grudinin, M. Garkavenkod and A. Kazennov Acta Cryst. (2017). D73, 449–464, """ if not useFortran: UserWarning('No Fortran , No scattering universe') return # our universe u = objekt.universe mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'neutron contrast') ncpu = kwargs.pop('ncpu', 0 if mp.current_process().name == 'MainProcess' else 1) output = kwargs.pop('output', True) surfdensity = kwargs.pop('surfdensity', None) getVolume = kwargs.pop('getVolume', 'once') u.qlist = u.qlist if qlist is None else qlist u.error = kwargs.pop('error', u.error) cubesize = kwargs.pop('cubesize', None) rms = kwargs.pop('rms', 0) # undocumented if output: print('mode is ', mode) positions, formfactors, I0, ffinc2, sld, sldExclSolvent = \ prepScatGroups(objekt, mode=mode, surfdensity=surfdensity, getVolume=getVolume, output=output, **kwargs) if cubesize is not None: # do a coarse graining to reduce computing time # average positions and formfactors according to cube grid positions, formfactors, ffinc2, _ = \ coarseGraining(u, positions, formfactors, ffinc2, cubesize=cubesize) if output: print('unit is nm^2/particle') cubetxt = f'in {formfactors.shape[0]:.0f} cubes ' if cubesize is not None else '' if u.iscalphamodel: print(f'start integrating with {len(objekt):.0f} residues ' + cubetxt) else: print(f'start integrating with {len(objekt):.0f} atoms ' + cubetxt) print('') if u.error == 0 or u.error == 'debye': # for N>1000 slower than spherical average Slist =, positions, formfactors, ncpu=ncpu) columnname = 'q; P_coh; P_inc' else: assert isinstance(u.error, int) assert rms >= 0 # call Fortran with parallel do loop and shared memory # this returns a list of [q,P(q)=F**2, F(q)] Slist =, positions, formfactors, u.error, rms, ncpu=ncpu) Slist = Slist.T # the third row is F(Q) but will be parameter beta according to Chen # which is beta=|<F(Q)>|²/<|F(Q)|²> and scattering amplitude F(Q) and P(Q)=<|F(Q)|²> Slist[2] = (Slist[2] ** 2) / Slist[1] columnname = 'q; P_coh; beta; P_inc' result = dA(Slist, dtype=float) # add incoherent result = result.addColumn(1, ffinc2.sum(axis=0)) result.columnname = columnname result.setColumnIndex(iey=None) mda.copyUnivProp(u, result) result.mode = mode result.I0 = I0 result.sld = sld result.sldExclSolvent = sldExclSolvent result.contrast = sld - sldExclSolvent # positional Rg com = objekt.center_of_geometry() / 10 # in nm result.RgPos = (la.norm(objekt.posnm - com, axis=1) ** 2).mean() ** 0.5 # some aminoacids have increasing Y because of contrast # the sign makes a proper Rg no = result.X > 0 # avoid zero Rgs = np.sqrt(-np.log((result.Y[no] / I0) ** np.sign(1 - result.Y[no] / I0)) / result.X[no] ** 2 * 3.) result.RgInt = Rgs[result.X[no] < 1 / result.RgPos].mean() # mean only for R < Rg in Guinier range result.RgInt_err = Rgs[result.X[no] < 1 / result.RgPos].std() result.surfdensityAverage = objekt.atoms.surfdensity.mean() result.mass = objekt.atoms.total_mass() result.massdensity = result.mass / co.N_A / (result.SESVolume / 1e7 ** 3) return result
[docs] def xscatIntUniv(objekt, qlist=None, **kwargs): """ Xray scattering intensity with contrast to solvent. See See :py:func:`scatIntUniv` with mode='x' for details. """ kwargs.update(mode='xray contrast') return scatIntUniv(objekt, qlist=qlist, **kwargs)
[docs] def nscatIntUniv(objekt, qlist=None, **kwargs): """ Neutron scattering intensity with contrast to solvent. See :py:func:`scatIntUniv` with mode='n' for details. """ kwargs.update(mode='neutron contrast') return scatIntUniv(objekt, qlist=qlist, **kwargs)
def _getjfylm(u, r, p, t, lmax=15): jl_q = [] for iq, q in enumerate(u.qlist): # jl_q.append(transpose(map(lambda ra:np.array(Jl(lmax,ra*qlist[q])[0],float), r))) jl_q.append(np.r_[[Jl(range(lmax + 1), ra * q) for ra in r]].T) ylm = [] for l in range(0, lmax + 1): ylm.append([]) for m in range(0, 2 * l + 1): # m-l ist die liste m= -l,.0...,l # ylm[l].append(map(lambda p,t:Ylm(m-l,l,p,t).conj(), np.array(p),np.array(t)) ) ylm[l].append(np.r_[[Ylm(m - l, l, pp, tt).conj() for pp, tt in zip(p, t)]]) return jl_q, ylm
[docs] def scatIntUnivYlm(objekt, qlist=None, lmax=15, **kwargs): r""" Neutron/Xray scattering intensity based on the Rayleigh expansion (Ylm). Similar to CRYSOL/CRYSON (see [1]_) except that we use here resolution of the atomgroup (atomic or residue). Surface layer if desired. See scatIntUniv for additional parameters and details. Parameters ---------- objekt : MDAnalysis universe Atomgroup or universe. qlist : array Scattering vectors in unit 1/nm. If None or not given uni.qlist is used. lmax : int 15 Maximum order of spherical bessel function. For larger Q this needs to be increased. See CRYSON for a estimate what is needed. output : 'partialAmplitudes', default 'normal' Coefficients of partial waves appended as result.partialAmplitude_lm mode : 'n', 'x', 'nvac','xvac','nshape','xshape' Mode describing the type of scattering for neutron and xrays. - 'n','x' -> neutron or xray scattering embedded in a solvent resulting in contrast, - 'nshape','xshape' -> the shape filled with solvent (no surface layer) - 'nvac','xvac' -> scattering in vacuum without solvent getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box', default 'once' Determines volume calculation for scattering contrast. - 'always' : For each calculation the SES/SAS volume is determined/updated using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. - 'once' : Only for first call SES/SAS volume is determined using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. Some computations are speedup due to this. - 'box' : Use universe dimension to get box volume (*mda.lib.mdamath.box_volume(u.dimensions)*). If the box size does not change this is constant. SESVolume and SASVolume are set to the box volume. To avoid seeing the box formfactor the solvent density in some distance of the protein/nucleic needs to be determined. See :py:func:`selectSolvent`. cubesize : float, default None Cube length (in units nm) for coarse graining, None means no coarse graining. For larger proteins the computation takes some time. Cubesize defines the size of a cubic grid in which atomic data as positions, formfactor and normal modes are averaged to realize a coarse graining and speedup the computation. The size should be adjusted to the protein size. This works for residue and atomic modes. Returns ------- dataArray [q, Fq] unit is nm^2/particle Notes ----- An extensive description can be found in [1]_. The scattering intensity is .. math:: I(Q) = \langle | A_a(Q) -\rho_0A_c(Q) +\delta\rho A_b(Q) |^2 \rangle_\Omega with :math:`A_a(Q)` as particle scattering amplitude, :math:`A_c(Q)` scattering amplitude of excluded solvent and :math:`A_b(Q)` of the border hydration layer with densities :math:`\rho` and excess hydration layer density :math:`\delta \rho` . Brackets indicate orientational averaging over orientational angle :math:`\Omega`. The scattering amplitudes for atoms j with atomic scattering amplitude :math:`f_j(Q)` can be expressed as .. math:: A(Q) = \sum_{j=1}^N f_j(Q)exp(iQR_j) and after multipole expansion .. math:: A(Q) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty}\sum_{m=-l}^{l} A_{lm}(Q)Y_{lm}(\Omega) .. math:: A_{lm}(Q) = 4\pi i^l \sum_{j=1}^N f_j(Q)j_l(Qr_j)Y_{lm}^{*}(\Omega_j) with spherical Bessel function :math:`j_l(Qr_j)` and spherical harmonics :math:`Y_{lm}(\Omega_j)` . Coordinates are spherical coordinates :math:`r_j = (r_j,\theta_j,\phi_j) = (r_j, \Omega_j)` . The border hydration layer is here (different from (CRYSOL/CRYSON) depicted by dummy atoms placed at the center of the layer representing the layer volume. The dummy atoms of the excluded volume inside of the protein represent the excluded solvent at same positions as the real atoms. Inside and hydration layer dummy atoms have scattering amplitudes as described in [1]_ (equ 12 + 13) using atomic van der Waals volume scaled to equal the SES volume or layer volume. Examples -------- :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np'3pgk') uni.setSolvent('1d2o1') uni.qlist=np.r_[0.01,0.1:2:0.2] Sq = References ---------- .. [1] Svergun J.Appl.Cryst 28,768-773 (1995) """ u = objekt.universe if isinstance(objekt, mda.scatteringUniverse): objekt = u.atoms mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'n') ncpu = kwargs.pop('ncpu', 0 if mp.current_process().name == 'MainProcess' else 1) output = kwargs.pop('output', True) surfdensity = kwargs.pop('surfdensity', None) getVolume = kwargs.pop('getVolume', 'once') u.qlist = u.qlist if qlist is None else qlist u.error = kwargs.pop('error', u.error) cubesize = kwargs.pop('cubesize', None) positions, formfactors, I0, ffinc2, sld, sldExclSolvent = \ prepScatGroups(objekt, mode=mode, surfdensity=surfdensity, getVolume=getVolume, output=output, **kwargs) if cubesize is not None: # do a coarse graining to reduce computing time # average positions and formfactors according to cube grid positions, formfactors, ffinc2, _ = \ coarseGraining(u, positions, formfactors, ffinc2, cubesize=cubesize) # prepare single 1dim arrays from all universe objects in single 1dim arrays -> faster # spherical coordinates r, p, t = formel.xyz2rphitheta(positions).T # partial amplitudes jl_q, ylm = _getjfylm(u, r, p, t, lmax) rI = [] partialAmplitude_lm = [] for iq, q in enumerate(u.qlist): b = formfactors[:, iq] I = 0. partialAmplitude_lm.append([]) for l in range(0, lmax + 1): Sll = 0 for m in range(0, 2 * l + 1): # m-l ist die liste m= -l,.0...,l Amp = np.add.reduce(b * ylm[l][m] * jl_q[iq][l]) I = I + 4. * pi * abs(1.j ** l * Amp) ** 2 Sll += abs(1.j ** l * Amp) ** 2 partialAmplitude_lm[-1].append(Sll) rI.append(I) result = dA(np.array([u.qlist, rI])) if isinstance(output, str) and output.startswith('par'): result.partialAmplitude_lm = np.r_[partialAmplitude_lm] result.partialAmplitude_lm_q = u.qlist mda.copyUnivProp(u, result) result.columnname = 'q; Fq' result.lmax = lmax result.setColumnIndex(iey=None) return result
[docs] def diffusionTRUnivTensor(objekt, DTT=None, DRR=None, DTR=None, DRT=None, Dtrans=0., **kwargs): r""" Effective diffusion from 6x6 diffusion tensor. Calculate the effective diffusion of a rigid protein with 6x6 diffusion matrix D as measured in the initial slope of Neutron Spinecho Spectroscopy, Backscattering or TOF. Needed parameters as temperature or viscosity are taken from universe. Parameters ---------- objekt : universe or atomgroup Atomgroup in a solvent. DTT : float, 3x3 array, 3x3 matrices of translation diffusion tensor in nm^2/ps. If float DTT = 𝟙 * value DRR : float, 3x3 array 3x3 matrices of rotation diffusion tensor in 1/ps. If float DRR = 𝟙 * value DRT : 3x3 array 3x3 matrices r-t coupling in nm/ps. DTR : 3x3 array 3x3 matrices t-r coupling in nm/ps. Dtrans : float, default =0 Translational diffusion in nm²/ps. - If *float* DTT and DRR are calculated based on Dtrans: - DTT= identity3x3*Dtrans ( trace=Dtrans) - DRR= identity3x3*Drot for same hydrodynamic radius as Dtrans - DRT=DTR=0 - If Dtrans<0 the hydrodynamic radius (in nm) is calculated as a equivalent sphere with :math:`R_h=(\frac{3V_{SES}}{4\pi})^{1/3} + 0.3` as a rough estimate. In general the shape anisotropy needs to be accounted using :py:func:`~.libs.HullRad.hullRad`. getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box', default 'once' Determines volume calculation for scattering contrast. - 'always' : For each calculation the SES/SAS volume is determined/updated using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. - 'once' : Only for first call SES/SAS volume is determined using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. Some computations are speedup due to this. - 'box' : Use universe dimension to get box volume (*mda.lib.mdamath.box_volume(u.dimensions)*). If the box size does not change this is constant. SESVolume and SASVolume are set to the box volume. To avoid seeing the box formfactor the solvent density in some distance of the protein/nucleic needs to be determined. See :py:func:`selectSolvent`. cubesize : float, default None Cube length (in units nm) for coarse graining, None means no coarse graining. For larger proteins the computation takes some time. Cubesize defines the size of a cubic grid in which atomic data as positions, formfactor and normal modes are averaged to realize a coarse graining and speedup the computation. The size should be adjusted to the protein size. This works for residue and atomic modes. Returns ------- dataArray with columns [q, D_coh, S_coh ,D_incoh, S_incoh, D_pol I_pol, D_int I_int, ...errors for each in same order ] - .DTTtrace is trace/3 = Dtrans - .DRRtrace is trace/3 = Drot - _pol is NSE measurement with polarised beam for larger Q where a coh/inc mixture is observed. - _int is unpolarised beam as for conventional BS or TOF. Notes ----- The effective diffusion D0 of a rigid protein/DNA in a dilute limit is a combination of translational and rotational diffusion including coupling between both for non isotropic objects [1]_: .. math:: D_0(Q) = \frac{1}{Q^2F(Q)} \sum_{j,k} \langle b_je^{-iQr_j} \begin{pmatrix} Q \\ r_j \times Q \end{pmatrix} D_{6x6} \begin{pmatrix} Q \\ r_j \times Q \end{pmatrix} b_ke^{-iQr_k} \rangle with :math:`F(Q)=<\sum_{j,k}b_jb_ke^{-Q(r_j-r_k)}>` and :math:`D_{6x6} = \begin{pmatrix} D_{TT} D_{TR} \\ D_{TR} D_{RR} \end{pmatrix}` For incoherent scattering the summation in D(Q) and F(Q) is only over indices :math:`j=k` with incoherent scattering length :math:`b_{i,inc}` DTT is the 3x3 translational diffusion matrix with :math:`D_{0,trans} = trace(D^{3x3}_{TT})/3` DRR is the 3x3 rotational diffusion matrix with :math:`D_{0,rot} = trace(D^{3x3}_{RR})/3` **Mixture of coherent and incoherent**: At low Q in the SANS regime it is assumed that the incoherent is negligible and D_coh,D_incoh can be used dependent on the used instrument. For larger Q we have: - Polarisation analysis (e.g. NSE = Neutron Spinecho Spectroscopy) with incoherent spin flip in cases where mixtures of coherent and incoherent are observed as for larger Q. .. math:: D_{pol}(Q)=\frac{D_{coh}(Q) F_{coh}(Q) - 1/3 D_{inc}(Q)F_{inc}(Q)} {F_{coh}(Q) - 1/3 F_{inc}(Q)} - Intensity is measured (eg backscattering or TOF) no polarisation .. math:: D_{int}(Q) = \frac{D_{coh}(Q) F_{coh}(Q) + D_{inc}(Q)F_{inc}(Q)} {F_{coh}(Q) +F_{inc}(Q)} Units : - S same as cohScatUniv = nm^2/particle - q in nm^-1, time in ps - DTT in nm^2/ps - DRT,DTR in nm/ps - DRR in 1/ps Examples -------- :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np adh ='4w6z.pdb1') # the 2 dimers in are in model 1 and 2 and need to be merged into one. adhmerged = p = js.grace() for pdb in ['3rn3','3pgk', adhmerged]: uni =, vdwradii={'M': 1.73,'Z':1.7},addHydrogen='pdb2pqr') uni.setSolvent('1d2o1') uni.qlist=np.r_[0.01,0.1:3:0.06] D_hr = Dt = D_hr['Dt'] * 1e2 Dr = D_hr['Dr'] * 1e-12 Dq =, DTT=Dt, DRR=Dr) p.plot(Dq.X,Dq.Y/Dq.DTTtrace, le=pdb) p.xaxis(label='Q / nm\S-1', min=0, max=3) p.yaxis(label='D(Q)/D(0)',min=0.98,max=1.4) p.legend(x=1.5,y=1.35)'/bioeffDiffusion.jpg', size=(2, 2)) .. image:: ../../examples/images/bioeffDiffusion.jpg :align: center :width: 50 % :alt: bioeffDiffusion References ---------- .. [1] Exploring internal protein dynamics by neutron spin echo spectroscopy R. Biehl, M. Monkenbusch and D. Richter Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 1299–1307; DOI: 10.1039/c0sm00683a """ assert isinstance(Dtrans, numbers.Real), f'Dtrans should be real number but is {type(Dtrans)}.' u = objekt.universe if isinstance(objekt, mda.scatteringUniverse): objekt = u.atoms mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'n') ncpu = kwargs.pop('ncpu', 0 if mp.current_process().name == 'MainProcess' else 1) output = kwargs.pop('output', True) surfdensity = kwargs.pop('surfdensity', None) getVolume = kwargs.pop('getVolume', 'once') u.qlist = kwargs.pop('qlist', u.qlist) u.error = kwargs.pop('error', u.error) cubesize = kwargs.pop('cubesize', None) if isinstance(DTT, dict) and 'DTT' in DTT: DRR = DTT['DRR'] DTR = DTT['DTR'] DRT = DTT['DRT'] DTT = DTT['DTT'] if isinstance(DTT, numbers.Real): DTT = identity3x3 * DTT if isinstance(DRR, numbers.Real): DRR = identity3x3 * DRR if DTR is None: DTR = zero3x3 if DRT is None: DRT = DTR.T positions, formfactors, I0, ffinc2, sld, sldExclSolvent = \ prepScatGroups(objekt, mode=mode, surfdensity=surfdensity, getVolume=getVolume, output=output, **kwargs) if cubesize is not None: # do a coarse graining to reduce computing time # average positions and formfactors according to cube grid positions, formfactors, ffinc2, _ = \ coarseGraining(u, positions, formfactors, ffinc2, cubesize=cubesize) # calc viscosity of water in Pa*s = kg/m/s visc = (formel.viscosity(mat='d2o', T=u.temperature) * u.d2oFract + formel.viscosity(mat='h2o', T=u.temperature) * (1 - u.d2oFract)) # Diffusion coefficients in nm^2/ps = 1e5 A^2/ns # calculate diagonal matrix if Dtrans and Drot >0 if Dtrans != 0. or DTT is None: if Dtrans <= 0: # sphere with same Volume unit nm Rhydro = (3. * u.SESVolume / 4 / pi) ** (1. / 3.) + 0.3 else: # in nm, ps units Rhydro = co.k * u.temperature / (6. * pi * visc * 1e-18 * Dtrans * 1e3) DTeff = co.k * u.temperature / (6. * pi * visc * 1e-18 * Rhydro) * 1e-3 DTT = identity3x3 * DTeff DReff = co.k * u.temperature / (8. * pi * visc * 1e-18 * Rhydro ** 3) / 1e3 DRR = identity3x3 * DReff # recalc Rhydro Rhydro = co.k * u.temperature / (6. * pi * visc * 1e-18 * np.trace(DTT) / 3 * 1e3) if output: print("start integrating") columnname = 'q; D_eff; S; Dinc_eff; Sinc; D_eff_spin; S_spin; D_eff_int; S_int' if output: print(columnname) results = [] D66 = np.vstack([np.hstack([DTT, DTR]), np.hstack([DRT, DRR])]) # create shared memory positions_sh, positions_id = formel.shared_create(positions) formfactors_sh, formfactors_id = formel.shared_create(formfactors) ffinc2_sh, ffinc2_id = formel.shared_create(ffinc2) for iq, q in enumerate(u.qlist): # integrate over sphere res = formel.sphereAverage(_deffDiffusionTensor, u.error/5, r=positions_id, bc=formfactors_id, binc2=ffinc2_id, q=q, iq=iq, D66=D66) # calc D(q)= DqqSq/S/q**2 # spin flip mixing from polarisation analysis NSE res[5] = (res[1] - 1 / 3. * res[3]) res[4] = (res[0] - 1 / 3. * res[2]) / res[5] / q ** 2 # intensity added without polarisation analysis TOF or backscattering res[7] = (res[1] + res[3]) res[6] = (res[0] + res[2]) / res[7] / q ** 2 # separate coh inc, low Q approximation res[0] = res[0] / res[1] / q ** 2 res[2] = res[2] / res[3] / q ** 2 results.append(np.r_[q, res]) if output: with np.printoptions(precision=2, threshold=7): print(f'{q:.3f}', res.real[:6], '...') # cleanup shared formel.shared_close(positions_sh) formel.shared_close(formfactors_sh) formel.shared_close(ffinc2_sh) result = dA(np.array(results).T, dtype=float) mda.copyUnivProp(u, result) result.columnname = columnname result.setColumnIndex(iey=None) result.DTTtrace = np.trace(DTT) / 3 result.DRRtrace = np.trace(DRR) / 3 result.Rh = Rhydro return result
def _deffDiffusionTensor(point, r, bc, binc2, q, iq, D66): """ effective diffusion for direction point on sphere with length q for objects with positions r and contrast bc and diffusion 6x6 matrix (4 times 3x3 ) DTT,DRT,DTR,DRR calculates [D(q)*q*q*S(q) , S(Q)] + incoherent Parameters ---------- point : array 1 x 3 point on unit sphere as direction of q r: array N x 3 positions for N atoms q : float scattering vector length bc : array N x 1 contrast or scattering length b2inc : array N x 1 incoherent scattering length squared D66 : array 6x6 6x6 diffusion tensor with DTT,DRT,DTR,DRR as 3x3 arrays for translational, rotational diffusion and cross terms between transrot and rottrans Notes ----- needs further calculation for error and final diffusion value res[2]=res[2]/res[1]/q**2+res[3]*res[0]/res[1]**2/q**2 res[0]=res[0]/res[1]/q**2 see Equation 1 Exploring internal protein dynamics by neutron spin echo spectroscopy R. Biehl, M. Monkenbusch and D. Richter Soft Matter, 2011, 7 (4), 1299 - 1307 """ # recover shared_memory r_sh, r = formel.shared_recover(r) bc_sh, bc = formel.shared_recover(bc) b2inc_sh, b2inc = formel.shared_recover(binc2) ############################################### qx = q * point # 3d q vector eiqr = np.exp(np.sum((qx * r) * 1j, axis=1)) # 169µs beiqr = bc[:, iq] * eiqr # 4µs Nqx = np.tile(qx, (r.shape[0], 1)) # 11µs qxr = np.cross(r, qx) # 60µs qqxr = np.hstack([Nqx, qxr]) # 23µs # main calculation # coherent qqxrDqqxr = np.einsum('ij,jl', qqxr, np.einsum('jk,lk', D66, qqxr)) # 17ms DqqSq = np.einsum('i,il,l', beiqr, qqxrDqqxr, beiqr.conj()) # 15ms Sq = np.abs(np.einsum('i->', beiqr)) ** 2 # 7µs # incoherent DqqSq_inc = np.einsum('i,ij,jk,ik', b2inc[:, iq], qqxr, D66, qqxr) # 530µs Sq_inc = np.sum(b2inc) # close shared r_sh.close() bc_sh.close() b2inc_sh.close() return DqqSq.real, Sq.real, DqqSq_inc.real, Sq_inc.real
[docs] def diffusionTRUnivYlm(objekt, Dtrans=0., Drot=0., Rhydro=0., **kwargs): r""" Effective diffusion *Deff* of a rigid particle based on the Rayleigh expansion (Ylm). Mixed contribution from translational and rotational diffusion in the initial slope. Only SCALAR diffusion coefficients. See [1]_. Parameters ---------- objekt : atomgroup Objects immersed in medium. qlist : array, list of float Scattering vectors in units 1/nm. Dtrans : float, default = 0 Translational diffusion coefficient in nm^2/ps = 1e5 A^2/ns. If 0 calculated as :math:`D_{trans} = kT / (6\pi \eta R_{hydro})` . Drot : float , default = 0 Rotational diffusion coefficient in 1/ps. If 0, calculated as :math:`D_{rot} = kT/ (8\pi\eta R_{hydro}^3)`. Rhydro : float, default = 0 Hydrodynamic radius in nm. If negative, Rhydro is calculated from the SESVolume as equivalent sphere with :math:`R_h=(\frac{3V_{SES}}{4\pi})^{1/3} + 0.3` as a rough estimate. In general the shape anisotropy needs to be accounted using :py:func:`~.libs.HullRad.hullRad`. lmax : int; default=15 Maximum order spherical harmonics. For larger Q this needs to be increased. getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box', default 'once' Determines volume calculation for scattering contrast. - 'always' : For each calculation the SES/SAS volume is determined/updated using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. - 'once' : Only for first call SES/SAS volume is determined using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. Some computations are speedup due to this. - 'box' : Use universe dimension to get box volume (*mda.lib.mdamath.box_volume(u.dimensions)*). If the box size does not change this is constant. SESVolume and SASVolume are set to the box volume. To avoid seeing the box formfactor the solvent density in some distance of the protein/nucleic needs to be determined. See :py:func:`selectSolvent`. cubesize : float, default None Cube length (in units nm) for coarse graining, None means no coarse graining. For larger proteins the computation takes some time. Cubesize defines the size of a cubic grid in which atomic data as positions, formfactor and normal modes are averaged to realize a coarse graining and speedup the computation. The size should be adjusted to the protein size. This works for residue and atomic modes. Returns ------- dataArray [q, Deff] Notes ----- According to [2]_ the field autocorrelation function (as measured by NSE) of a single particle :math:`I_1(Q,t)` (see :py:func:`` for details) is .. math:: I_1(Q,t) = e^{-D_{trans}Q^2t}\sum_l S_l(Q)e^{-l(l+1)D_{rot}t} Accordingly in the initial slope defined as :math:`\Gamma = Q^2D = -\lim_{t \to 0 } \bigg[\frac{d}{dt} ln(\frac{I(Q,t)}{I(Q,0)})\bigg]` the effective diffusion Deff is [1]_ .. math:: D_{eff} = D_{trans} + \frac{\sum_l S_l(Q) l(l+1)D_{rot}}{Q^2 \sum_l S_l(Q) } :math:`S_l(Q)` as defined in :py:func:``. Examples -------- Comparison using an equivalent sphere model :math:`R_h=(\frac{3V_{SES}}{4\pi})^{1/3} + 0.3` from SESVolume with an improved calculation taking the protein shape anisotropy from the pdb structure into account. Trans/rot diffusion is calculated using :py:func:`~.libs.HullRad.hullRad`. In general the shape anisotropy needs to be accounted. :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np p=js.grace() p.multi(1,2,hgap=0) for i,pdb in enumerate(['3pgk', '4f5s']): bioassembly =, biounit=True) uni = uni.setSolvent('1d2o1') uni.qlist = np.r_[0.01,0.1:2:0.1,2:5:0.3] # Dtrans determined as sphere with SESVolume Dq = # using hullRad which takes shape int account res ='protein')) # Dtrans/rot with conversion to nm²/ps and 1/ps Dtrans = res['Dt'] * 1e2 # nm²/ps Drot = res['Dr'] * 1e-12 # 1/ps Dq_hr =,Dtrans=Dtrans,Drot=Drot) p[i].plot(Dq,le='equivalent sphere') p[i].plot(Dq_hr, le='accounting shape ') p[i].xaxis(label='q / nm\S-1') p[i].legend(x=0.25,y=13e-5) p[0].yaxis(min=5e-5,max=14e-5,formula='$t*1e4',label=r'D\seff\N / 10\S-4\Nnm\S2\N/ps') p[1].yaxis(min=5e-5,max=14e-5,label='',ticklabel=False) p.title(' '*30+'Comparison equivalent sphere with shape anisotropy',size=1.4) p[0].subtitle('phosphoglycerate kinase') p[1].subtitle('bovine serum albumin') #'/DqYlm.jpg') .. image:: ../../examples/images/DqYlm.jpg :align: center :width: 50 % :alt: DqYlm References ---------- .. [1] Exploring internal protein dynamics by neutron spin echo spectroscopy R. Biehl, M. Monkenbusch and D. Richter Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 1299–1307, DOI:10.1039/c0sm00683a .. [2] Effect of rotational diffusion on quasielastic light scattering from fractal colloid aggregates Lindsay H. Klein, R. Weitz, D. Lin, M. Meakin, Physical Review A 1988 vol: 38 (5) pp: 2614-2626 """ u = objekt.universe if isinstance(objekt, mda.scatteringUniverse): objekt = u.atoms mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'n') output = kwargs.pop('output', 'True') surfdensity = kwargs.pop('surfdensity', None) getVolume = kwargs.pop('getVolume', 'once') u.qlist = kwargs.pop('qlist', u.qlist) u.error = kwargs.pop('error', u.error) lmax = kwargs.pop('lmax', 15) cubesize = kwargs.pop('cubesize', None) positions, formfactors, I0, ffinc2, sld, sldExclSolvent = \ prepScatGroups(objekt, mode=mode, surfdensity=surfdensity, getVolume=getVolume, output=output, **kwargs) if cubesize is not None: # do a coarse graining to reduce computing time # average positions and formfactors according to cube grid positions, formfactors, ffinc2, _ = \ coarseGraining(u, positions, formfactors, ffinc2, cubesize=cubesize) if Rhydro <= 0.: # sphere with same volume Rhydro = (3. * u.SESVolume / 4 / pi) ** (1. / 3.) + 0.3 visc = (formel.viscosity(mat='d2o', T=u.temperature) * u.d2oFract + formel.viscosity(mat='h2o', T=u.temperature) * (1 - u.d2oFract)) # Diffusion coefficients in nm^2/ps = 1e5 A^2/ns if Dtrans > 0.: Rhydro = co.k * u.temperature / (6. * pi * visc * 1e-18 * Dtrans * 1e3) DTeff = co.k * u.temperature / (6. * pi * visc * 1e-18 * Rhydro) * 1e-3 if Drot <= 0.: DReff = co.k * u.temperature / (8. * pi * visc * 1e-18 * Rhydro ** 3) / 1e3 else: DReff = Drot # spherical coordinates r, p, t = formel.xyz2rphitheta(positions).T # partial amplitudes jl_q, ylm = _getjfylm(u, r, p, t, lmax) # sum up partial amplitudes rGamma1 = [] partialAmplitude_lm = [] for iq, q in enumerate(u.qlist): b = formfactors[:, iq] partialAmplitude_lm.append([]) for l in range(0, lmax + 1): Sll = 0. for m in range(0, 2 * l + 1): # m-l ist die liste m= -l,.0...,l AProt = np.add.reduce(b * np.array(ylm[l][m], complex) * jl_q[iq][l]) Sll += abs(AProt) ** 2 partialAmplitude_lm[-1].append(Sll) Gamma1tr = 0. # 1. Cumulant trans +rot Gamma1d = 0. # S(q) divisor for l in range(0, lmax + 1): Gamma1tr += partialAmplitude_lm[-1][l] * (l * (l + 1) * DReff) Gamma1d += partialAmplitude_lm[-1][l] Gamma1 = (Gamma1tr / Gamma1d) rGamma1.append(DTeff + Gamma1 / q ** 2) # result = dA(np.c_[u.qlist, rGamma1].T) mda.copyUnivProp(u, result) result.Rh = Rhydro result.Dtrans = DTeff result.Drot = DReff result.viscosity = visc result.lmax = lmax result.columnname = 'q; Deff' result.setColumnIndex(iey=None) if output.startswith('par'): # here we add partial amplitudes for later usage in other functions result.partialAmplitude_lm = np.r_[partialAmplitude_lm] result.partialAmplitude_lm_q = u.qlist return result
[docs] def intScatFuncYlm(objekt, Dtrans=0., Drot=0., Rhydro=0., **kwargs): r""" ISF based on the Rayleigh expansion for diffusing rigid particles with **scalar** Dtrans/Drot . I(q,t)/I(q,0) based on the Rayleigh expansion for **scalar** translational and rotational diffusion as described in [2]_ and used in [1]_ . Parameters ---------- objekt : universe Atomgroup universe tlist : array, default = 10 values between 100ps to 100ns Time points in ps units. If None it is taken from objekt.universe.tlist. qlist : array, list of float Scattering vectors in units 1/nm. Dtrans : float, default = 0 Translational diffusion coefficient in nm^2/ps = 1e5 A^2/ns. If 0 calculated from Rhydro. Drot : float , default = 0 Rotational diffusion coefficient in 1/ps If 0 calculated from Rhydro Rhydro : float, default = 0 Hydrodynamic radius in nm. If negative, Rhydro is calculated from the SESVolume as equivalent sphere with :math:`R_h=(\frac{3V_{SES}}{4\pi})^{1/3} + 0.3` as a rough estimate. In general the shape anisotropy needs to be accounted using :py:func:`~.libs.HullRad.hullRad`. lmax : int; default=15 Maximum order spherical harmonics.For karger Q this needs to be increased. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments are passed to diffusionTRUnivYlm getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box', default 'once' Determines volume calculation for scattering contrast. - 'always' : For each calculation the SES/SAS volume is determined/updated using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. - 'once' : Only for first call SES/SAS volume is determined using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. Some computations are speedup due to this. - 'box' : Use universe dimension to get box volume (*mda.lib.mdamath.box_volume(u.dimensions)*). If the box size does not change this is constant. SESVolume and SASVolume are set to the box volume. To avoid seeing the box formfactor the solvent density in some distance of the protein/nucleic needs to be determined. See :py:func:`selectSolvent`. cubesize : float, default None Cube length (in units nm) for coarse graining, None means no coarse graining. For larger proteins the computation takes some time. Cubesize defines the size of a cubic grid in which atomic data as positions, formfactor and normal modes are averaged to realize a coarse graining and speedup the computation. The size should be adjusted to the protein size. This works for residue and atomic modes. Returns ------- dataList with a dataArray for each q in qlist to get only I(q,t) as Y values use cohIntScaIntUnivYlm(....)[0].Y Notes ----- We use equ 24 in [2]_ to calculate the field autocorrelation function of a single particle :math:`I_1(Q,t)` .. math:: I_1(Q,t) = e^{-D_{trans}Q^2t}\sum_l S_l(Q)e^{-l(l+1)D_{rot}t} where NSE measures :math:`I_1(Q,t)/I_1(Q,t=0)` as described in [1]_. The partial scattering amplitudes :math:`S_l(Q)` are defined as .. math:: S_l(Q) = \sum_m \bigg| \sum_j b_j(Q)j_l(Qr_j) Y_{lm}(\Omega_j) \bigg|^2 where :math:`j_l` are the spherical Bessel functions, :math:`Y_{lm}` are spherical harmonics and :math:`\Omega_{j}` denotes the orientation of the position vector of the atom at position :math:`r_j` with scattering amplitude :math:`b_j`. For larger Q a larger lmax is needed as it defines the resolution of the calculation. Examples -------- :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np uni ='3pgk') uni.qlist = np.r_[0.01,0.1:2:0.2] uni.tlist = np.r_[1,10:1e4:50] uni.setSolvent('1d2o1') # Without arguments Dtrans/Drot correspond to sphere volume of SESVolume Iqt = p = js.grace() p.plot(Iqt) p.yaxis(label=r'I(Q,t)/I(Q,0)') p.xaxis(label=r'\xt\f{} / ps') p.title('ISF for translational/rotational diffusion')'/iqttranrot.jpg') .. image:: ../../examples/images/iqttranrot.jpg :align: center :width: 50 % :alt: hydrationlayerdensity References ---------- .. [1] Exploring internal protein dynamics by neutron spin echo spectroscopy R. Biehl, M. Monkenbusch and D. Richter Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 1299–1307, DOI:10.1039/c0sm00683a .. [2] Effect of rotational diffusion on quasielastic light scattering from fractal colloid aggregates Lindsay H Klein R Weitz D Lin M Meakin P Physical Review A 1988 vol: 38 (5) pp: 2614-2626 """ # no preparation here as it is done if necessary in later Dylm=diffusionTRUnivYlm u = objekt.universe if isinstance(objekt, mda.scatteringUniverse): objekt = u.atoms u.qlist = kwargs.pop('qlist', u.qlist) u.error = kwargs.pop('error', u.error) u.tlist = kwargs.pop('tlist', u.tlist) Dylm = diffusionTRUnivYlm(objekt, Dtrans=Dtrans, Drot=Drot, Rhydro=Rhydro, output='par', **kwargs) palm = Dylm.partialAmplitude_lm palm_q = Dylm.partialAmplitude_lm_q cohIntScaFunc = dL() for q in u.qlist: Sqt = 0 Sqq = 0 # interpolate Scattering amplitudes works on arrays palmi = [np.interp(q, palm_q, palm_l) for palm_l in palm.T] for l1 in range(len(palmi)): Sqt += palmi[l1] * np.exp(-l1 * (l1 + 1) * Dylm.Drot * u.tlist) Sqq += palmi[l1] Sqt = np.c_[u.tlist, Sqt / Sqq * np.exp(-q ** 2 * Dylm.Dtrans * u.tlist)].T cohIntScaFunc.append(Sqt) mda.copyUnivProp(u, cohIntScaFunc[-1]) cohIntScaFunc[-1].q = q cohIntScaFunc[-1].Sq = Sqq cohIntScaFunc[-1].lmax = Dylm.lmax cohIntScaFunc[-1].Drot = Dylm.Drot cohIntScaFunc[-1].Dtrans = Dylm.Dtrans cohIntScaFunc[-1].Deff = Dylm.interp(q)[0] cohIntScaFunc[-1].Rh = Dylm.Rh cohIntScaFunc[-1].viscosity = Dylm.viscosity cohIntScaFunc[-1].columnname = 'time; Sqt; Sqt0' cohIntScaFunc[-1].setColumnIndex(iey=None) return cohIntScaFunc
[docs] def intScatFuncPMode(modes, n, **kwargs): r""" Dynamic mode form factor P_n(q) to calculate ISF of normal mode displacements in small displacement approximation. Mode *n* contribution to ISF :math:`I(Q,t)/I(Q,0) = e^{-\lambda t}\hat{P}(Q)` or additional contribution to the diffusion coefficient in initial slope :math:`\Delta D_{eff}(Q)` . Parameters ---------- modes : normal mode objekt Normal modes. n : int Index of normal mode. getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box', default 'once' Determines volume calculation for scattering contrast. - 'always' : For each calculation the SES/SAS volume is determined/updated using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. - 'once' : Only for first call SES/SAS volume is determined using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. Some computations are speedup due to this. - 'box' : Use universe dimension to get box volume (*mda.lib.mdamath.box_volume(u.dimensions)*). If the box size does not change this is constant. SESVolume and SASVolume are set to the box volume. To avoid seeing the box formfactor the solvent density in some distance of the protein/nucleic needs to be determined. See :py:func:`selectSolvent`. cubesize : float, default None Cube length (in units nm) for coarse graining, None means no coarse graining. For larger proteins the computation takes some time. Cubesize defines the size of a cubic grid in which atomic data as positions, formfactor and normal modes are averaged to realize a coarse graining and speedup the computation. The size should be adjusted to the protein size. This works for residue and atomic modes but needs enough atoms in a cube. used from modes or universe: - modes.u.qlist : scattering vector q from mode universe in units 1/nm - modes.u.temperature : temperature of the mode universe - scattering mode as 'n' or 'x' is allowed. For neutron scattering the result corresponds to NSE while for 'x' the results corresponds to X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS). - displacements from kTdisplacements are used. See the corresponding mode type. Returns ------- dataArray [q, Pn, Fq, Pninc] - q scattering vector, units 1/nm - Pn coherent dynamic formfactor of mode :math:`\alpha`, unit nm² - Pninc incoherent dynamic formfactor of mode :math:`\alpha`, unit nm² - Fq coherent formfactor, unit nm² - Pn and Pninc relate to *mode(i).kTdisplacement* = :math:`\vec{d}_{\alpha}=\sqrt{\frac{kT}{k_{\alpha}}}\hat{v}` in thermal equilibrium. A scalar scaling factor scales accordingly the force constants used for normal mode calculation. Notes ----- The formfactor is .. math:: F(Q) = \Big \langle \sum_{k,l} b_kb_l e^{iQ(r_k-r_l)} \Big \rangle for atoms *k,l* with respective scattering length *b*. For small displacements along normal modes assuming that the modes are overdamped instead of oscillating the mode amplitudes should approximately not change but the oscillation needs to be replaced by a relaxation. F(Q,t) may be obtained in analogy to a 1-phonon approximation of the cross section (or elastic normal modes) for displacements along normal mode *α* as [1]_ (for incoherent only k=l): .. math:: F(Q,t) = F(Q) + \sum_{\alpha} e^{-\lambda_{\alpha} t} P_{\alpha}(Q) with .. math:: P_{\alpha}(Q) = \Big \langle \sum_{k,l} b_kb_l e^{iQ(r_k-r_l)} (\vec{Q}*\vec{d}_{\alpha,k}) (\vec{Q}*\vec{d}_{\alpha,l}) \Big \rangle with normal mode displacements :math:`\vec{d}_{\alpha,l} = a_{l,\alpha} \hat{v}_{\alpha,l}` of weighted orthogonal eigenvectors :math:`\hat{v}_{\alpha,l}`. For elastic modes in thermal equilibrium the mode amplitude :math:`a` is related to the (effective) elastic mode force constant :math:`k_{\alpha}=m\omega^2_{\alpha}` (and eigenfrequency) by :math:`a_{l,\alpha} =\sqrt{\frac{kT}{k_{\alpha}}} = \sqrt{\frac{kT}{m_l\omega^2_{\alpha}}}` We yield for the ISF of multiple modes [2]_: .. math:: I(Q,t)/I(Q,0) &= \frac{F(Q) + \sum_{\alpha} e^{-\lambda_{\alpha} t} P_{\alpha}(Q)}{[F(Q) + \sum_{\alpha} P_{\alpha}(Q)]} \\ &= (1-A(Q)) + A(Q) e^{-\lambda t} with with commmon relaxation rate :math:`\lambda` and :math:`A(Q) = \frac{\sum_{\alpha} P_{\alpha}(Q)}{[F(Q) + \sum_{\alpha} P_{\alpha}(Q)]}` We use here `.kTdisplacements` :math:`\vec{d}_{\alpha,l} = a_{l,\alpha} \hat{v}_{\alpha,l}` of given normal modes that the amplitudes correspond to displacements in thermal equillibrium and are already weighted by the eigenvalues. A common relaxation time or use independent relaxation times can be used. It should be mentioned that the eigenvalues depend on geometry and atomic force constants and therefore are to some extent vague. The additional contribution to the effective diffusion coefficient of a single mode in initial slope is [1]_: .. math:: \Delta D_{eff}(Q) = \frac{\lambda_{\alpha} a_{\alpha}^2 P_{\alpha}(Q)}{Q^2[F(Q)+a_{\alpha}^2 P_{\alpha}(Q)]} with the inverse relaxation time :math:`\lambda_{\alpha}` and a mode amplitude scaling factor :math:`a_{\alpha}`. The amplitude scaling factor can be used for fitting dummy surface atoms are ignored. Examples -------- Alcohol dehydrogenase is a tetramer with 4 clefts where the active center is located. The PDB structure presents a structure with 2 clefts in a closed configuration with bound cofactor NADH and in 2 clefts an open configuration without cofactor. The following normal mode analysis identifies modes with large domain movements similar to [1]_. In [1]_ a configuration of 4 open clefts and 4 closed clefts is compared. :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np import matplotlib.image as mpimg adh ='4w6z.pdb1') # the 2 dimers in are in model 1 and 2 and need to be merged into one. adhmerged = uni.qlist=np.r_[0.01,0.1:2:0.1] uni.setSolvent(['1D2O1','0H2O1']) # includes density 1.105 g/cm³ # do normal mode analysis without cofactors but 2 clefts still closed nm ='protein').residues) p = js.mplot() a=1500 for NN in [6,7,8,9,10,11,12]: Ph =, NN) p.Plot(Ph.X, a**2 * Ph._Pn / (Ph._Fq+a**2*Ph._Pn) / Ph.X**2, le=f'mode {NN} rmsd={Ph.kTrmsd*a:.2f} A') p.Yaxis(label=r'$\Delta D(Q)/\lambda \;/\; nm^2 $',min=0,max=0.4) p[0].Xaxis(label=r'$Q / nm^{-1}$') p[0].Legend() p.Text(string='domain motion modes',x=1.11,y=0.3) p.Text(string='more local modes',x=1,y=0.01) p.Title('ADH domain motions') p[0].set_title('kT displacements of modes') # add image adhimg = mpimg.imread(js.examples.imagepath+'/adh.png') axin = p[0].inset_axes([0.,0.05,0.5,0.6]) axin.imshow(adhimg) axin.axis('off') # p.Save(js.examples.imagepath+'/biodeltaDeff.jpg') .. image:: ../../examples/images/biodeltaDeff.jpg :align: center :width: 50 % :alt: biodeltaDeff References ---------- .. [1] Direct Observation of Correlated Interdomain Motion in Alcohol Dehydrogenase Biehl R et al.Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 138102 (2008) .. [2] Large Domain Fluctuations on 50-ns Timescale Enable Catalytic Activity in Phosphoglycerate Kinase R. Inoue, R. Biehl, T. Rosenkranz, J. Fitter, M. Monkenbusch, A. Radulescu, B. Farago, and D. Richter Biophysical Journal 99, 2309–2317 (2010), doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2010.08.017 """ u = modes.u objekt = mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'n') ncpu = kwargs.pop('ncpu', 0 if mp.current_process().name == 'MainProcess' else 1) output = kwargs.pop('output', False) surfdensity = kwargs.pop('surfdensity', None) getVolume = kwargs.pop('getVolume', 'once') u.qlist = kwargs.pop('qlist', u.qlist) u.error = kwargs.pop('error', u.error) u.tlist = kwargs.pop('tlist', u.tlist) cubesize = kwargs.pop('cubesize', None) positions, formfactors, I0, ffinc2, sld, sldExclSolvent = \ prepScatGroups(objekt, mode=mode, surfdensity=surfdensity, getVolume=getVolume, output=output, suppressSurface=True, **kwargs) columnname = 'q; Pn; Fq; Pninc' if output: print("start integrating ") print(columnname) # get mode in nm units moden = modes.kTdisplacementNM(n) if cubesize is not None: # do a coarse graining to reduce computing time # average positions and formfactors according to cube grid positions, formfactors, ffinc2, moden = \ coarseGraining(u, positions, formfactors, ffinc2, nm=moden, cubesize=cubesize) result = formel.doForList(intScatFuncPMode_qlist, [(q, i) for i, q in enumerate(u.qlist)], formfactors=formfactors, ffinc2=ffinc2, positions=positions, moden=moden, error=u.error, loopover=['q', 'iq'], ncpu=ncpu, output=output) result = dA(np.array(result).T, dtype=float) result.isort() mda.copyUnivProp(u, result) result.modeNumber = n result.modeEigenvalue = modes[n].eigenvalue result.kTrmsd = modes[n].kTrmsd result.kTrmsdNM = modes[n].kTrmsdNM result.columnname = columnname result.setColumnIndex(iey=4) return result
def intScatFuncPMode_qlist(q, formfactors, ffinc2, error, positions, moden, iq): # TODO add mode displacement for dummy surface in positions b = formfactors[:, iq] binc2 = ffinc2[:, iq] res = formel.sphereAverage(intScatFuncPMode_q, error, positions, moden, b, binc2, q=q) # print(f'{q:.2f} ' + ''.join([f'{a:7.3g} ' for a in res[:3]])) return np.r_[q, res[:3]] def intScatFuncPMode_q(point, r, mode, bcminusv, b2inc, q): """ coherent dynamic form factor of normal mode Mode may be obtained in analogy to a 1 phonon approximation of the cross section, which in fact is an expansion of the cross section with respect to small displacements. Parameters ---------- point : array 3 x 1 point on sphere as direction of q q : float scattering vector length r : array N x 3 vector of atom positions mode : array N x 3 atomic displacements along normal mode bcminusv : array N x x1 contrast or scattering length for q b2inc : array N x 1 incoherent scattering length squared Notes ----- see P_alpha(Q) of Equation 3 in Exploring internal protein dynamics by neutron spin echo spectroscopy R. Biehl, M. Monkenbusch and D. Richter Soft Matter, 2011, 7 (4), 1299 - 1307 """ # TODO -> use Fortran qx = q * point eiqr = np.exp(np.sum((qx * r) * 1j, axis=1)) # 1.15 ms qxMode = np.einsum('j,ij', qx, mode) # 32.4 µs beiqr = eiqr * bcminusv # square of sum includes all mixed terms in sum of squared Sq = np.abs(np.einsum('i->', beiqr)) ** 2 # 18 µs beiqrNM = eiqr * qxMode * bcminusv # 23 µs SqNM = np.abs(np.einsum('i->', beiqrNM)) ** 2 # 17.9 µs beiqrNMinc = eiqr * qxMode * b2inc SqNMinc = np.einsum('i,i', beiqrNMinc, beiqrNMinc.conj()) # 16µs return SqNM.real, Sq.real, SqNMinc.real
[docs] def intScatFuncOU(brownianmodes, nm, **kwargs): r""" ISF I(q,t) for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process of normal mode domain motions in a harmonic potential with friction. Displacements along normal modes in harmonic potential with additional internal friction leading to overdamped motions along Brownian Modes. The theory is described in [1]_ and [2]_ and applied to an immunoglobulin in [3]_. The model relates internal friction and force constants to amplitudes and relaxation times Parameters ---------- brownianmodes : brownianMode object Brownian normal modes => the force constant matrix normalized to friction Friction and forceconstants are defined in mode object. nm : list of int Indices of the modes starting with 6 for first nontrivial mode. getVolume : 'always', 'once', 'box', default 'once' Determines volume calculation for scattering contrast. - 'always' : For each calculation the SES/SAS volume is determined/updated using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. - 'once' : Only for first call SES/SAS volume is determined using a rolling ball algorithm by :py:func:``. Some computations are speedup due to this. - 'box' : Use universe dimension to get box volume (*mda.lib.mdamath.box_volume(u.dimensions)*). If the box size does not change this is constant. SESVolume and SASVolume are set to the box volume. To avoid seeing the box formfactor the solvent density in some distance of the protein/nucleic needs to be determined. See :py:func:`selectSolvent`. cubesize : float, default None Cube length (in units nm) for coarse graining, None means no coarse graining. For larger proteins the computation takes some time. Cubesize defines the size of a cubic grid in which atomic data as positions, formfactor and normal modes are averaged to realize a coarse graining and speedup the computation. The size should be adjusted to the protein size. This works for residue and atomic modes. used from modes or universe: - relaxationtime in units ps - u.tlist : time points from universe in ps - u.qlist : scattering vector q from universe - u.temperature : u.temperature from universe - scattering mode as 'n' or 'x' is allowed. For neutron scattering the result corresponds to NSE while for 'x' the results corresponds to X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS). Returns ------- dataList : list of dataArray - .X : time points - .Y : Fqt(t)/Fqt(t=0) coherent, equ 11+41+49+79 with 81 in [1]_ - .q scattering vector unit 1/nm - .relaxationtimes - .frictionPerMode effectiveFriction of modes see NMmode - .forceconstantFromFriction effectiveForceConstant of modes - .Sqt0 amplitude for t=0 equ 11+41+79 with 81 in [1]_ with error - .Sqtinf_DW amplitude t=inf , equ 11+41+49 in [1]_ Debye-Waller factor with error in [1] - .Sqt00 amplitude t=0 , equ 11+41+50 in [1]_ with error in [1] - .Sq_amp0 sum_i_j[bi*bj] = no displacements = normal formfactor without DW - .elasticplateau Sqtinf_DW[0]/Sqt0 ; (1-elasticplateau) is the NSE amplitude - .frictionPerMode friction mode weighted by mode vectors = b*frict*b - .brownianModeRMSD mode RMSD Notes ----- The dynamics of a protein can be described under the assumption of dynamic decoupling [3]_ by a combination .. math:: F(Q,t) = F_{trans}(Q,t) \cdot F_{rot}(Q,t) \cdot F_{int}(Q,t) The intermediate scattering function :math:`F_{int}(Q,t)` of atoms or subunits *k* with scattering length :math:`b_k` at positions :math:`R_k` describing our internal dynamics can be written as .. math:: F(Q,t) = \Big \langle \sum_{k,l} b_kb_l e^{iQR_k(t)}e^{iQR_l(0)} \Big \rangle With displacements :math:`u_k` from equilibrium position :math:`R_k^{eq}` we can use :math:`R_k=R_k^{eq} + u_k(t)` resulting in .. math:: F(Q,t) = \Big \langle \sum_{k,l} b_kb_l e^{iqR_k^{eq}}e^{iqR_l^{eq}} f_{kl}(Q,\infty) f_{kl}^{\prime}(Q,t) \Big \rangle The constant term is related to the 3N vibrational modes *j* and only dependent on the harmonic potential as .. math:: f_{kl}(Q,\infty) = exp \Big(-\sum_{j=1..3N} \frac{1}{2} ((d_{jk}\cdot Q)^2 + (d_{jl} \cdot Q)^2) \Big) with vibrational displacements :math:`d_{jk} = \sqrt{kT/(m_k\omega_j^2)}\hat{v}_{jk}` for elastic normal mode :math:`\hat{v}_j` that correspond to the width in a Gaussian distribution around the equilibrium configuration in a potential with mean force constant :math:`k_j=m_j^{eff}\omega_j^2` (effective mass :math:`m_j^{eff}`). See :py:func:`` for elastic modes. With increasing :math:`\omega` the mode amplitudes become smaller. In the high friction limit the time dependent part within Smoluchowski dynamics (friction dominated) is described by .. math:: f_{kl}^{\prime}(Q,0) = exp \Big(\sum_{j=1..3N} (e_{jk}Q)(e_{jl}Q)e^{-\lambda_jt} \Big) with displacements :math:`e_{jk} = \sqrt{kT/(\lambda_j\Gamma_j)}\hat{b}_{jk}` for Brownian mode :math:`\hat{b}_j`, mode friction :math:`\Gamma_j = \hat{b}^T\gamma\hat{b}` and inverse mode relaxation time :math:`\lambda_j`. The displacement :math:`e_{jk}` corresponds to the displacement within relaxation time :math:`1/\lambda_j`. See :py:func:`` for Brownian modes and the definition of the friction matrix :math:`\gamma` that defines the mode with the force constant matrix. Taylor expansion of the Smoluchowsky dynamics leads to a description for small displacements (or low Q) [1]_ that results in a description as found in :py:func:`intScatFuncPMode` - Friction related to translational diffusion can be estimated from :math:`f=kT/D`. - Equipartition determine force constant from msd :math:`f<x^2>/2 = 0.5kT ==> f= kT/<x^2>` - dummy surface atoms are ignored. Examples -------- The small protein calmodulin as example. Domain motions might be quite fast as here for demonstration the internal friction is choosen low. This is a synthetic example without experimental proof just as demonstration. See [3]_ for experimental result using antibodies. :: import jscatter as js import numpy as np'3CLN') uni.qlist=np.r_[0.01,0.1:2:0.3] uni.tlist = np.r_[1:2000:20j,2000:10000:20j] uni.setSolvent('1d2o1') # rigid protein trans/rot diffusion hR = Dtrans = hR['Dt'] * 1e2 # in nm²/ps Drot = hR['Dr'] * 1e-12 # in 1/ps Iqt =, Dtrans=Dtrans, Drot=Drot) # internal domain motions bnm =,k_b=70, f_d=5) OU =, [6,7,8]) # combine diffusion and internal dynamics IqtOU = Iqt.copy() for i, iqtou in enumerate(IqtOU): ou = OU.filter(q=iqtou.q)[0] # combining in this case its just multiplication in time domain iqtou.Y = iqtou.Y * ou.Y # show the result comparing the contributions p=js.grace(2,0.8) p.multi(1, 3, hgap=0) p[0].plot(Iqt,li=-1) p[1].plot(OU,li=-1) p[2].plot(IqtOU,sy=[1,0.3,-1],li=-1) for i in [0,1,2]: p[i].xaxis(label=r'\xt\f{} / ps',min=0,max=4999,charsize=1.5) p[i].yaxis(scale='log',min=0.4,max=1) p[0].yaxis(label='I(Q,t)/I(Q,0)',charsize=1.5) p[0].subtitle('trans/rot diffusion',size=1.5) p[1].subtitle('internal dynamics',size=1.5) p[2].subtitle('trans/rot diffusion + internal dynamics',size=1.5) p[1].title('friction dominated internal dynamics in harmonic potential',size=2)'/iqtOrnsteinUhlenbeck.jpg',size=(1000,400)) .. image:: ../../examples/images/iqtOrnsteinUhlenbeck.jpg :align: center :width: 90 % :alt: iqtOrnsteinUhlenbeck References ---------- .. [1] Inelastic neutron scattering from damped collective vibrations of macromolecules Gerald R. Kneller Chemical Physics 261, 1-24, (2000) .. [2] Harmonicity in slow protein dynamics Hinsen K. et al. Chemical Physics 261, 25, (2000) .. [3] Fast antibody fragment motion: flexible linkers act as entropic spring Laura R. Stingaciu, Oxana Ivanova, Michael Ohl, Ralf Biehl & Dieter Richter Scientific Reports 6, 22148 (2016) doi:10.1038/srep22148 """ u = brownianmodes.u mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'n') ncpu = kwargs.pop('ncpu', 0 if mp.current_process().name == 'MainProcess' else 1) output = kwargs.pop('output', True) surfdensity = kwargs.pop('surfdensity', None) getVolume = kwargs.pop('getVolume', 'once') u.qlist = kwargs.pop('qlist', u.qlist) u.error = kwargs.pop('error', u.error) u.tlist = kwargs.pop('tlist', u.tlist) cubesize = kwargs.pop('cubesize', None) positions, formfactors, I0, ffinc2, sld, sldExclSolvent = \ prepScatGroups(, mode=mode, getVolume=getVolume, surfdensity=surfdensity, output=output, suppressSurface=True, **kwargs) # get relaxation times from normal mode bm = brownianmodes[nm] irt = [m.invRelaxTime for m in bm] # Mode has same shape as r for all modes in one object bDisplacements = np.empty((len(irt),, 3)) for i, j in enumerate(nm): # displacement as nm*sqrt(kT/(irt[i]*bm.eF(i)) in units nm bDisplacements[i, :, :] = brownianmodes.kTdisplacementNM(j) # same for vibrational modes # In case no vibrational mode is provided we use the brownian mode with appropriate relaxation time # for real displacement NM vectors the masses are not in these equations if all is diagonal # currently no vib modes as for diagonal friction both are th same # maybe in a future version we have a non diagonal friction matrix columnname = 't; Sqt' if output: print("start integrating") print('q = Sqt(tmin) ... Sqt(tmax)') if cubesize is not None: # do a coarse graining to reduce computing time # average positions and formfactors according to cube grid positions, formfactors, ffinc2, bDisplacements = \ coarseGraining(u, positions, formfactors, ffinc2, nm=bDisplacements, cubesize=cubesize) if useFortran: resu =, r=positions, bdisplace=bDisplacements, vdisplace=bDisplacements, formfactors=formfactors, b2inc=ffinc2, tlist=u.tlist, irt=irt, nfib=u.error, ncpu=ncpu) Slist = np.c_[u.qlist, resu] else: # for documentation of a pure python version resu = formel.doForList(formel.sphereAverage, u.qlist, intScatFuncOU_q, r=positions, bdisplace=bDisplacements, vdisplace=bDisplacements, formfactors=formfactors, b2inc=ffinc2, tlist=u.tlist, qlist=u.qlist, irt=irt, relError=u.error, loopover='q', ncpu=ncpu) # add q and remove errors at end of resu Slist = np.c_[u.qlist, resu][:, :u.tlist.shape[0] + 3 + 1] for q, res in zip(Slist[:, 0], Slist[:, 1:]): if output: print(f'{q:.3f} = {res[0]:.4g} ... {res[-1]:.4g}') try: result.append(dA(np.c_[u.tlist, res[2:-1].T].T)) except NameError: result = dL(np.c_[u.tlist, res[2:-1].T].T) result[-1].columnname = columnname result[-1].setColumnIndex(iey=None) result[-1].Sqt0 = res[0] result[-1].Sqt00 = res[1] result[-1][1] = result[-1][1] / result[-1].Sqt0 result[-1].Sqtinf_DW = res[-1] result[-1].temperature = u.temperature result[-1].relaxationtimes = [1 / rt for rt in irt] result[-1].frictionPerMode = [m.effectiveFriction for m in bm] result[-1].forceconstanFromFriction = [m.effectiveForceConstant for m in bm] result[-1].brownianModeRMSDNM = np.mean([m.kTrmsdNM ** 2 for m in bm]) ** 0.5 result[-1].elasticplateau = result[-1].Sqtinf_DW / result[-1].Sqt0 mda.copyUnivProp(u, result[-1]) result[-1].q = q result[-1].Sq_amp0 = I0 return result
def intScatFuncOU_q(point, r, bdisplace, vdisplace, formfactors, b2inc, q, tlist, qlist, irt): """ Calculates the coherent intermediate scattering function I(q,t) for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process The Fortran function mda_parallel_cohinterscat_ou is much faster. based on displacements along normal modes in harmonic potential as eigenvectors of friction-weighted force constant matrix relaxation by Brownian normal modes as overdamped relaxation Parameters ---------- formfactors point : array 1 x 3 Point on sphere as direction of q r: array N x 3 Positions for N atoms bdisplace : array m x N x 3 Brownian modes displacements m mode vectors in unweighted coordinates as full displacement NOT normalized to 1 vdisplace : array m x N x 3 Vibrational mode displacements m mode vectors in unweighted coordinates as full displacement q : float Scattering vector length tlist : array Timepoints in ns qlist : array Wavevectors in 1/nm b2inc : array N x 1 incoherent scattering length squared irt : array ndim N inverse relaxation time for modes is the eigenvalue of the modes Returns ------- Sqt=0, Sqt[...], Sqt=inf References ---------- .. [1] Inelastic neutron scattering from damped collective vibrations of macromolecules Gerald R. Kneller Chemical Physics 261, 1-24, (2000) """ iq = np.searchsorted(qlist, q) qx = q * point # point on sphere iqr = np.einsum('i,ji', qx, r) * 1j beiqr = formfactors[:, iq] * np.exp(iqr) # reciprocal density qbmodes = np.einsum('i,jli->jl', qx, bdisplace) # displacement projection for brownian modes qvmodes = np.einsum('i,jli->jl', qx, vdisplace) # same for vibrational modes qvmodes2 = qvmodes ** 2 # square of above elambdat = np.exp(-1. * (irt * tlist[:, np.newaxis])) # tlist is ft[:,i] relaxation of mode i qmqmexplabdat = np.einsum('ij,il,mi->jlm', qbmodes, qbmodes, elambdat) # brownian amplitude relaxation qmqmexplabdat0 = np.einsum('ij,il->jl', qbmodes, qbmodes) # amplitude t=0 # abdQinf = np.zeros((len(qvmodes2[0]), len(qvmodes2[0])), float) abdQ0 = np.zeros((len(qvmodes2[0]), len(qvmodes2[0])), float) for i in range(len(qvmodes2[:, 0])): abdQinf += (qvmodes2[i] + qvmodes2[i][:, None]) # t=inf abdQ0 += (qvmodes[i] - qvmodes[i][:, None]) ** 2 # t=0 fab_q_inf = np.exp(-0.5 * abdQinf) fab_q_00 = np.exp(-0.5 * abdQ0) fab_q_t = np.exp(qmqmexplabdat) fab_q_0 = np.exp(qmqmexplabdat0) # sum over particles # full relaxation for all t, equ 79 with 81 in [1]_ Sqt = np.einsum('i,j,ij,ijm->m', beiqr, beiqr.conj(), fab_q_inf, fab_q_t) # amplitude at t=0, equ 79 with 81 in [1]_ Sqt0 = np.einsum('i,j,ij,ij->', beiqr, beiqr.conj(), fab_q_inf, fab_q_0) # amplitude at t=0 , equ 50 in [1]_ Sqt00 = np.einsum('i,j,ij->', beiqr, beiqr.conj(), fab_q_00) # amplitude at t=infinity , equ 49 in [1]_ Sqtinf = np.einsum('i,j,ij->', beiqr, beiqr.conj(), fab_q_inf) # we need to return a single array of float return np.r_[Sqt0.real, Sqt00.real, Sqt.real, Sqtinf.real]